A while ago I had a an odd issue with the car (2011 CRD gu7 ) . I drove it to the shops , was there for about an hour , then went to drive home . the car started ok but when I tried to drive off it would not accelerate until the accelerator had been pushed down about 20mm . I stopped the car and revved it whilst not under load and it seemed fine , I then continued on home and it played up the hole way . Even when at crusing speed I had to hold the accelorator down about 20mm further than normal. The next time I drove it ,it was back to normal. I told the nissan guys when it went in for its first service , they said they could not fault it and the computer had not logged any codes . It was all good for a while but it played up again a couple of days ago ,but this time I only had to push the pedal down about 5-10mm more than normal ( plays havic judging gear changes). the next time I drove it - all good . I was thinking about this today and realised that when I started the car I'm sure that I used some throttle ( a hangover from my old commodore ) . I was wondering whether this would upset the cars computer reading of the throttle position sensor . When I get the chance I will try to induce it deliberately to see if this is what is actually happening .In the meantime if anyone could shed some light on this little mistery I would much appreciatel it .