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    Angry ANZMI false and misleading Assertions

    If any of you spineless turds had any guts you would have contacted me with your questions, instead you failed to ring me or PM, instead you cowardly attacked me behind my back after not researching all of the facts.

    ANZMI false and misleading Assertions

    ANZMI QUESTION: McTernan is a Welfare Officer and a DVA Advocate!

    McTernan’s response once again THIS IS TOTALLY THIS IS FALSE! ANSWER: I am an RSL Pensions officer and Veterans Advocate! I have never worked as a welfare officer, nor have I ever worked for DVA as an Advocate.

    ANZMI QUESTION: McTernan has made claims to have had prior service as a Trooper with 2 Commando Company in the Rhodesian Light Infantry. Claims which he supported in his application to join the Woolgoolga RSL Sub Branch. Here is his application!

    McTernan’s response once again THIS IS TOTALLY THIS IS FALSE! ANSWER: I have never severed in either the Rhodesian SAS or Rhodesian 2 Commando Company. Nor did I ever serve in the Australian SASR. The document is a fraud. I have spoken to and sent a letter to NSW RSL Anzac House requesting a copy of my RSL application form that was filled out by and signed by Woolgoolga RSL Sub-Branch secretary Mr Allan Crouch and President Graham Geyson in 2009. The hand writing is not mine; my date of birth is 17/1/1961 and not 1960 as alleged. I Joined the Australian Army in 1981 and not 1980 as alleged in this bogus document. Note they have even altered the date to state I joined the Woolgoolga RSL in 2008. This is in possible I was in Tasmania in March/April/May 2008. I joined the Woolgoolga RSL sub-branch in April 2009.

    I have been issued with the Australian Defence Force Medal and I have never worn it and I will never were any medals in my life and that is my choice. You will never ever see a photo of me wearing any military attire or medals at Anzac day. I only attend the dawn service pay my respects to the fallen and those that served then go home. I have never marched or attended any military reunions. That is my choice.

    ANZMI QUESTION: Interestingly, on McTernan’s application to join the RSL, he claimed to have been deployed to Somalia under the UN sanctioned United Task Force (UNITAF). This US led operation was conducted in 1992 – nine years AFTER McTernan discharged from the Australian Army. To make sure it was beyond reasonable doubt a search of the Nominal Roll for all Australian Defence personnel who deployed to Somalia concluded that no one by the name of McTernan was ever deployed to Somalia.

    McTernan’s response once again THIS IS TOTALLY THIS IS FALSE! ANSWER: I have never served in Somalia! To allege this is a totally disgrace, I have many good mates that did serve with 1 RAR and they have expressed their disgust with ANZMI’s false claims.

    ANZMI QUESTION: This photo is not the original photo that McTernan had posted on his Facebook page. He has since removed it when questions arose about its authenticity. The caption he had attached to the photo was “on patrol with Rhodesian army 3 commando operation repulse 1979”. He never said it was him in the photo, but he ‘inferred’ it was him.

    McTernan’s response once again THIS IS TOTALLY THIS IS FALSE! ANSWER: over the last 5 months I have posted hundreds of various military photos on various Facebook pages. If I am personally in any photos that I post up; I always state which photos I am in. It is ANZMI who are doing all the false and misleading inferring!!!!!!!!!!

    ANZMI QUESTION: They are anonymous cowards who make unsubstantiated allegations". When ANZMI quizzed McTernan about the statement he had made, he asked where that statement had come from. We couldn’t direct McTernan to the location of the quote, because he had deleted it from his Facebook page.

    McTernan’s response once again THIS IS TOTALLY FALSE! ANSWER: What a load of fucking crap! This demonstrates that ANZMI’s creditability is totally flawed; they make unsubstantiated statements, however they cannot provide the proof. This is hypocrisy at its best.

    ANZMI QUESTION: The vehicle in the photograph is a modified Unimog used by the SASR at that time (1980’s – 1990’s). Once again, McTernan is INFERRING he had a relationship with SASR, but never confirms or denies it.

    McTernan’s response once again THIS IS TOTALLY FALSE! ANSWER: The photo was of me in the passenger’s front seat, Simon Efford in the driver’s seat and Wayne Withers is standing at the rear. We were members of the Defence Plt from H/Coy a specialised Infantry unit to provide a security detail for Brigadier General Blake and not the SASR as ANZMI are INFERRING! The photo was taken over in Karratha /Western Australia in 1983 during exercise K83 by Steve Burgees. Steve is a good mate of mine and who is still serving in the Army after 37 years. He is also a member of the Veterans Motor cycle group in Wollongong NSW. He has accused those attacking me for the bullshit they have posted up. Thanks Steve!

    Furthermore I told ANZMI investigator PAUL FAGAN the following when asked; “Paul McTernan: Not a problem XXXX, I was just a baggy arse infantryman in the Australian Regular Army and proud of it. I had nothing to do with the Australian or Rhodesian SAS. Kind regards” Now ANZMI must have the IQ of a turd, they even posted up my response and yet they are the very fuck-sticks doing all the inferring. Lol

    ANZMI QUESTION: In this photograph McTernan is holding a Heckler and Koch MP5 9mm sub-machine gun. This weapon is primarily used by police and Special Forces personnel world-wide. McTernan is also sporting a blue polo shirt embossed with “Australian Defence Training Academy”. Again, McTernan is inferring he has a relationship with Special Forces or Special Operations of some kind. He is not, and never has been, involved in Special Forces or Special Operations, either military or civilian, whatsoever.

    McTernan’s response once again THIS IS TOTALLY FALSE! ANSWER: For start the weapon is an MP5K 9mm sub-machine gun which we used for close personal protection training. I was part of a security training company set up by Peter Kilfoyle who was ex-SAS soldier and good friend Garry Fiegner who was ex- SOG Victorian Police member during the 1990’s. After I left the army I went to the US in 1988 and trained with both Smith and Wesson firearms and Heckler and Koch. We specialised in close personal protection, firearms training, defensive tactics, ASP baton, T/Baton and handcuff training and so on! I am totally pissed off with ANZMI’s scurrilous accusations as Garry took his own life late in 1990’s.

    QUESTION: As for McTernan’s post nominals ‘JP’. ANZMI was able to learn that McTernan is not an authorised JP in NSW. McTernan first became a JP in QLD. However, he is currently suspended due to his failure to re-register within the required timeframe. Anyone who has had documents signed by McTernan should seek legal advice to determine whether the documents submitted to the respective authority are still considered to be legally acceptable.

    McTernan’s response once again THIS IS TOTALLY FALSE! ANSWER: Yes I was a JP in Queensland and No, I have never been a JP in NSW, I was not suspended as falsely claimed by ANZMI. I notified Queensland Justice of peace association in 2004 when I moved to Tasmania. That is a legal requirement to notify any legal entity of your movement. I have always used a qualified certified NSW JP to sign any legal documents that required signing whilst conducting legal affairs in NSW.

    Folks, I find the following ANZMI statement hilarious;

    “To begin, ANZMI would like to make it clear that we have no interest whatsoever in the antics between McTernan, the Woolgoolga RSL Sub Branch or the Save the Woolgoolga WW1 Memorial Group. Our focus is on McTernan’s false claims to have served in the Rhodesian Army and other relevant information connected with this case.”

    What a load of crap ANZMI, it is you doing all the lies and betrayals in the veteran community. Your Mr Buick, Mr Tennant and Mr Fagan are fiends with both Woolgoolga’s Vice President Mr Greg Jackson and Coffs Harbour President. Or shit I have exposed the names of some of your RATS!!!!!!!

    Furthermore, you bullshit to the public about my alleged military application form, what a load of crap!!!!!!! I have never seen that form before. However, I do note that the false hand writing is quite similar to the bogus RSL membership form. PROVE IT! Let’s go to court and demonstrate to the Australian public who is telling the truth shall we!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No that will not happen will it, because it is that are you are the ones telling all the lies!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Folk’s the two cowards names who ANZMI deleted were the first turd was PAUL FAGAN an ANZMI investigator, I have never met this turd or ever spoken with this dick-brain. The only communication was on the “Save the Woolgoolga WW1 memorial” Facebook page where he asked me the following;, FAGAN: On patrol with Rhodesian special air service 1979? Photo

    Paul McTernan: I was never on patrol with the Rhodesian Special Air Service in 1979. The only thing I posted up was photos of the Rhodesian Army!

    FAGAN: Ok I accept that, I read it wrong it said on patrol with Rhodesian army 3 commando operation repulse 1979. Some of my close friends asked me as well, not the ones who argued with you.

    FAGAN: I shall get back to you, but when you did all your recruiting for site you also asked some of my friends who served in SAS, they asked me if I knew you.

    Paul McTernan: Who did you serve with Paul and did you serve with the SAS? Why are you and your so call friends attacking the “Save Woolgoolga Memorial project”?

    FAGAN: I did not serve in SAS,I taught them on SAS patrol medic courses. You will also find one of my friends up until recently was high in the RSL retiring as a Colonel. That is why I asked if you had taken it further, with RSL

    Paul McTernan: Not a problem Paul Fagan, I was just a baggy arse infantryman in the Australian Regular Army and proud of it. I had nothing to do with the Australian or Rhodesian SAS. Kind regards

    Folks, note that ANZMI love to edit all information to suit their hidden agenda, this is how dishonest this nest of criminal turds act, “do as I say, not as I do” philosophy. Furthermore FAGAN and his ANZMI accomplices continued to white ant this very important project, which at the time we could not understand why.

    What we did know at the time, that he and Keith Tennant were friends with the Woolgoolga RSL Sub-branch Vice President Greg Jackson who also served in Artillery in Vietnam with Tennant. Also that Bob Buick is friends with Coffs Harbour RSL president Bob Payne another ANZMI member who also is friends with both Woolgoolga RSL Vice presidents Greg Jackson and Allan Crouch.

    The second turd who perjured himself by writing the unlawful statutory declaration document is ALLAN CROUCH the Woolgoolga RSL Vice President.

    Folks over the last 10 years there have been numerous allegations by members of the Woolgoolga public and sub-branch members to why the sub-branch executive committee got rid of the original WW1 memorial. Furthermore at last year’s Club Limited AGM the clubs board of directors ( including board vice president Greg Jackson) announced that the club suffered a financial loss of $285,000. Folks, how can a club loose that amount of money in 12 months, the town has only a population of five thousand citizens.

    I and many others have had concerns about the operations of both the sub-branch and club limited executive committee and have reported these matters to the various authorities and the local media. As a result I have been attacked. However I did not know they were friends with ANZMI.

    Finally, ANZMI state the following;

    “it has also been revealed that, on McTernan’s Facebook page, he claims that between 1994 and 1997 he obtained a Diploma in Social Science Justice from Swinburne University of Technology in Victoria. According to the Admin staff at Swinburne Uni, no one with the surname McTernan has ever studied there, either on campus or by distance education. Another ‘McPorkie’ maybe?”

    McTernan’s response once again THIS IS UNTERLY FALSE! ANSWER my Diploma certificate number is 11181 Issued on 1ST May 1998.

    Folks, I always had time for ANZMI especially exposing those idiots wearing uniforms with false medals that never served in the military and those that wore medals that they were not entitled too. However, I do not agree with unlawful false and misleading material being used to attack innocent people that do not agree with unlawful actions carried out by crooked Vietnam veterans.

    This was posted out on Facebook in September 2015
    __________________________________________________ _________________________

    I am staggered that ANZMI has failed to carry out properly due diligence when conducting its initial investigations, as a former licenced investigator, Victorian Licence No 1A19257F they have failed the basic test of assessing the relevant factors when in assessing complaints. The task of a competent investigator is to prove or disprove, if possible, any matter or matters of fact raised by a complaint. The investigator does this by gathering evidence. In an investigation, the main sources of evidence are:
    • oral evidence (recollections from all parties concerned);
    • face to face evidence (speaking to the alleged complainant)
    • documentary evidence (records and interviews);
    • expert evidence (technical advice); and most important;
    • witness statements

    A diligent investigator will at all times assess whether the complaint is not trivial, frivolous or vexatious. He/she will ascertain if the party or parties making the initial complaint has anything to gain by the subsequent inquiry.

    All investigations must be conducted without bias, in an impartial and objective manner. No-one with an actual or perceived conflict of interest should be appointed or remain the investigator. An Investigator must at all times ensure that you provide the person being investigated with lawful procedural fairness.

    I am really upset that people have sought to make judgment against me before I was given the proper opportunity to defend myself. I have spent 6 years of my life conducting pensions and looking after both current and ex-serving members. I have recently taken on over 15 pension’s claims from Facebook alone on behalf of Infantry lads that have been duded by both poor pensions officers and DVA unfair decisions.

    After I finalise these claims I will be permanently retiring from helping anymore Defence Force Personal in 2016. Once bitten twice shy!

    However if anyone amongst you are a qualified pensions officer please feel free to take over my claims now, I look forward to spending quality time with my family, I am done with looking after Veterans and helping others.

    PS, uneducated fools listen, read and believe in false and misleading material, educated peoples research all the relevant facts before making any judgement, which are you?

    Regards Paul McTernan
    The halls been rented the bands been paid, time to see you dance!

  2. #2
    The 747 Winnie's Avatar
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    Thanks for the reply Paul. I just have one question for you though.
    Did you ever serve in the Rhodesian army? Or the Rhodesian Light Infantry?

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    Travelling Podologist Cuppa's Avatar
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    Paul regardless of what you deny, or who you attack there are folk here on this forum know you have lied to them. Denials in the pre-prepared (& previously used) post above only serve to prove that. It really doesn't matter how strenuously you deny having said things, people KNOW what you told them.

    It is pointless getting into any debate about what you said or didn't say, what you did or didn't do. That is your game & one you are well versed in.

    How about growing a pair & apologising to all those here you have deceived?
    Last edited by Cuppa; 10th March 2016 at 09:46 PM.

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    Patrol God taslucas's Avatar
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    Wow so do I understand that the anzmi have manufactured evidence and pursued you personally over a period of time because you showed concern in the management of a single sub branch over an amount of $285,000?

    >>>tappin from tassie
    Hello from Under Down Under!

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    ANZMI false and misleading Assertions

    Thanks for the reply

    Did you serve in the RLI?

    If not why did you post on this forum that you did?

    Sent from my iPhone using My thumbs
    Last edited by growler2058; 11th March 2016 at 04:57 AM.



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    Enjoying the trips macca's Avatar
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    Too much smoke in the room and mirrors on the walls.

    I never attacked you, I was simply gutted and felt odd.
    Quote Originally Posted by macca View Post
    Bloody hell you could knock me over, feel gutted and a bit odd about all this.
    To be branded a "spineless turd", your call Paul.
    Quote Originally Posted by PMC View Post
    If any of you spineless turds had any guts you would have contacted me with your questions, instead you failed to ring me or PM, instead you cowardly attacked me behind my back after not researching all of the facts.
    I couldn't say we were or are mates, so I wasn't going to reach out to you about this, if that is cowardly, who knows.
    What I do know is I don't need other peoples crap in my life any more than I need wind blown up my freckle.
    AND I simply can not be bothered to become an "educated peoples" so I must be an "uneducated fool", fair go you certainly are good at getting a bloke off side!
    Quote Originally Posted by PMC View Post
    PS, uneducated fools listen, read and believe in false and misleading material, educated peoples research all the relevant facts before making any judgement, which are you?
    If you are being slandered by ANZMI take them to task and clear your name.
    Last edited by macca; 11th March 2016 at 07:02 AM.

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  12. #7
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    hey pmc go buy a toyota we dont need your habitual lies and ranting on here its a family forum
    and needs to be treated with respect to all members and their families
    if you dont like it fade into the distance and join another forum
    surely they will listen to your many tall stories and form thier own oppinion of you
    2007 GU 6 /ST-L / MYO8 / DIESEL/AUTO /MOONSTONE /pro vent 200

  13. #8
    SUCH IS LIFE Maxhead's Avatar
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    This is very interesting

    Quote Originally Posted by PMC View Post
    ANZMI QUESTION: McTernan has made claims to have had prior service as a Trooper with 2 Commando Company in the Rhodesian Light Infantry. Claims which he supported in his application to join the Woolgoolga RSL Sub Branch. Here is his application!

    McTernan’s response once again THIS IS TOTALLY THIS IS FALSE! ANSWER: I have never severed in either the Rhodesian SAS or Rhodesian 2 Commando Company. Nor did I ever serve in the Australian SASR. The document is a fraud. I have spoken to and sent a letter to NSW RSL Anzac House requesting a copy of my RSL application form that was filled out by and signed by Woolgoolga RSL Sub-Branch secretary Mr Allan Crouch and President Graham Geyson in 2009. The hand writing is not mine; my date of birth is 17/1/1961 and not 1960 as alleged. I Joined the Australian Army in 1981 and not 1980 as alleged in this bogus document. Note they have even altered the date to state I joined the Woolgoolga RSL in 2008. This is in possible I was in Tasmania in March/April/May 2008. I joined the Woolgoolga RSL sub-branch in April 2009.

    Regards Paul McTernan
    Quote Originally Posted by PMC View Post
    Your nickname and how you got it!

    G'day folks,

    RLI (Rhodesian Light Infantry) i served with the unit during the Bush war in Africa in 1979


    Quote Originally Posted by PMC View Post
    I Joined the Australian Army in 1981 and not 1980 as alleged in this bogus document
    ______ 2017 D-Max _______

    I don't have a short temper. I just have a quick reaction to bullshit

    WARNING: Towballs used for recoveries can, and do kill people and damage property.

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    Patrol Guru Irish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nisshead View Post
    This is very interesting

    "Your nickname and how you got it!

    G'day folks,

    RLI (Rhodesian Light Infantry) i served with the unit during the Bush war in Africa in 1979


    If thats a true quote it's pretty damning.

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