I installed a 78Ltr belly tank out of a TB42 that was gifted to my by my nephew. The installation was difficult to say the least - bum in a bucket fitment. What I noticed last night after crawling under the vehicle were 3 witness marks on the ear driveshaft where it has been rubbing on the tank. The worst is right on a tank weld and has actually worn the protruding weld down about 1mm. I am not concerned from a structural perspective, however am thinking this is something to do with the wheel articulation offraod? Do others, @AB, @Rossco, have similar marks on the tailshaft? What is also weird is that I have approx 10mm clearance from tank body to the tailshaft and the rub marks are in spots, like the tailshaft is bending or whipping locally - I can't see this happening but if the tank is 1m long, measured from the front, wear marks are at 200mm, 350mm and 750mm. Intersted to hear what you find or have found.