Quote Originally Posted by BenK View Post
I do like the sound of the manual TCC switch as an addition, plus a temp gauge.
I reckon being able to hold gears going downhill with an Auto would be how I'd want to drive it.
A manual lockup is the absolute ducks guts.
I put one on my TB42 Auto and it essentially turns the box into a manual as far as engine braking is concerned and drops the gearbox temp by heaps when towing or down the beach.
There are some circuits around with speed sensing etc etc but I kept it simple.
An "arming" toggle switch on the centre console, an old school foot dip switch on the floor by the left foot rest to engage/disengage and an LED reminder on the dash to show when it was engaged.
All up cost was less than $30

I pulled the trigger on Ebay for an Engine Guardian style dual input temp indication, warning and fan controller... $169 delivered

There are several programs on the net showing TCC lock-up in 2nd and 3rd for the guys doing a lot of towing.
They are using 60 to 70% PWM at 0 TPS ramping down to 0 PWM at 10% TPS.
IE the TCC is almost but not fully locked at 0 throttle but releases by 10%.
They are doing that not so much for engine braking but to keep the revs up for the climb up the other side of the Hill.

The main problem I have with info from America is that most Forums are orientated to using their trucks as haulers not 4WD's in our sense of the activity or fully the other way where they are using them as extreme 4WD

My only concern with the 4L8x series boxes is the Yanks and their discussions with the overrun clutch's burning out if you get too aggressive with Engine Braking IE fully locked TCC with 0% throttle...
we aren't using anything like the GVM that they are, indeed, I reckon we may be only 50% or less so the loads on teh clutch packs must be heaps less.