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Thread: Mego-vernighter

  1. #51
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    Gremlins have been tucked away and are asleep for now. LoL

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    2011 GU8 ST 3.0 CRD, ARB Bullbar with IPF spotties, scrub bars and side steps, Snorkel, Dual Battery system, Waeco fridge, Turbo Timer, ARB Roof Rack with 5 IPF spotties across the front, Custom full Leather Bucket seats, DPchip, 3" Taipan exhaust, ARE Intercooler & scoop, Autron EGT/Boost and dual volt gauges, ARB front locker.

  2. #52
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    We’re coming tonight.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2011 GU8 ST 3.0 CRD, ARB Bullbar with IPF spotties, scrub bars and side steps, Snorkel, Dual Battery system, Waeco fridge, Turbo Timer, ARB Roof Rack with 5 IPF spotties across the front, Custom full Leather Bucket seats, DPchip, 3" Taipan exhaust, ARE Intercooler & scoop, Autron EGT/Boost and dual volt gauges, ARB front locker.

  3. #53
    Administrator AB's Avatar
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    How did the trip go gents?

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  4. #54
    The master farter mudski's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AB View Post
    How did the trip go gents?

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    What a fucking cracker of a weekend. Sooo much fun! I’ll let Mego tell the story that you would never even dream of.
    Fun was had by all, plenty of laughs that’s for sure. A much needed break that’s for sure. Our drive yesterday ended us in a quaint place called Enoch’s Point. My first thought that came to mind when entering this place was the movie Deliverance with the inbred kid on the deck with his Banjo. A place in the absolute middle of nowhere. Cool place none the less.

    It was so good to see Mego again and sit around a camp fire just just talk absolute shit.

    Loved it!

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    Last edited by mudski; 2nd April 2023 at 06:17 PM.

  5. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to mudski For This Useful Post:

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  6. #55
    Legendary jay see's Avatar
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    I think we agreed that it was a much needed break from the day to day life short yes, but a great weekend.

    Unloaded, cleaned, eaten and a little time with the wife..

    Thanks gents for another great little trip. Well see if we can do another one later this year..

    Sent from my CPH1921 using Tapatalk
    12/97 GEE YOU
    4.5lt Gas blower. Lots of mods to come.....all in good time.

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  8. #56
    Legendary jay see's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mudski View Post
    I have one of those ovens. It will be interesting to see how it comes out.
    Bloody beautiful mate.

    Sent from my CPH1921 using Tapatalk
    12/97 GEE YOU
    4.5lt Gas blower. Lots of mods to come.....all in good time.

  9. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to jay see For This Useful Post:

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  10. #57
    Daily Lurker rusty_nail's Avatar
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    Ripper weekend fellas. As always it was a pleasure spend some rest and relaxation with some great blokes. It was great to see Mick again and Hayden is welcome at my fire anytime, what a top bloke. Definitely looking forward to the next one.20230401_115055.jpg20230401_133616.jpg20230401_133641.jpg20230401_205955.jpg20230402_110456.jpg20230402_110314.jpg20230402_072404.jpg20230402_071343.jpg20230402_165236.jpg20230401_141658.jpg20230401_134113.jpg

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    I got red dust in my veins.

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    Pizza at AB's - 2012 Knockwood - 2013 Krissos Place Australia Day - 2015 Pizza at AB's - March 2015 Pizza at AB's - May 2015 Dargo - 2015 Newnes - 2016

    WARNING: Towballs used for recoveries can, and do kill people and damage property.

  11. The Following 11 Users Say Thank You to rusty_nail For This Useful Post:

    AB (3rd April 2023), BrazilianY60 (3rd April 2023), Cremulator (2nd April 2023), Cuppa (3rd April 2023), jack (2nd April 2023), jay see (2nd April 2023), mudnut (2nd April 2023), MudRunnerTD (5th April 2023), mudski (2nd April 2023), Rossco (2nd April 2023), Stropp (4th April 2023)

  12. #58
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    Thx everyone for the weekend.
    It will be truly one I will NEVER forget.
    We left Friday night about 8 o’clock.
    Firstly, my boost gremlin came back half way there.
    Only when revs got high enough like 3000rpm would I get some boost but would only peak at 5 psi.
    Second, I must have missed big river turn off and didn’t see gps change route.
    And told me to turn at a track.
    This changed our night.
    Got to the bottom of the gully and a giant tree across the road with multiple big branches strewn across the road.
    Did a u turn to get out.
    But without low down boost, I couldn’t climb an anthill.
    With only 1.6km left on this track and 2.7km to camp, I did another u-turn and went back to the tree. To see if there was any way over.
    No chain saw. No axe.
    Spent the next hour trying to move as much as we can by hand and by winch.
    But the big tree trunk would only spring back and couldn’t move the main body of the tree off the road.
    This is now midnight cold and heavy drizzle.

    I managed to build some tree branch bridges on both sides of the giant tree trunk.

    Did a double line pull over the tree, with no boost and no help from the car.

    Now we’re over the tree and it’s now 1 AM.
    Now to get out of the gully.
    Got to the first climb with some momentum and got about 3/4 up and that was it.
    No the winching started and again no boost pressure winch was doing all the work.
    Winch to the next hump.
    Drive up a more and winch to the next hump.
    And again and again and again and again.
    Winching 8-9 times till we got all the way out and got to camp at 2:30am.

    We set up swags and camp had a drink and dinner at 4am.
    All that was day one.
    With all the fuss that was happening
    I failed to SMS Natalie (my wife) that I had made it safe and at the camp site.

    Next morning we all got up, had brekkie and hit the tracks about 10am.
    No body had reception at camp.
    When we got to the top of our first climb, everyone’s phones started beeping with multiple missed calls and message.
    Nick was first to get notifications from Natalie to call her urgently, so he did.
    He jumps out of the car and comes running to me and Mark ( as I was in his car) and says Natalie is on the phone hurry up come to the phone.

    From 2:30 in the morning Natalie has been calling everyone’s number that I gave her.
    I had the police trying to contact everyone there.
    The police were forming a search party for me and the SES were called to come and find me.
    All from the Benalla police precinct which was the only one with officers taking calls.
    We’ll it turns out a Heart was found for my transplant.
    And the police and SES were out to find me , while Benalla police trying to organise the copper chopper or ambulance chopper to come and get me to take me to the Alfred hospital. But by 10:30 the heart was passed onto the next person, so Natalie had called off the search. She was so good with everything she had tried. But at the same time so worked up having constant panic attacks and super high anxiety which she cannot cope with.

    Which has now put a very very somber mood to everyone there.
    Which I had total support from all that were there, in which I was thankful.
    Thank god Mudski has a motor mouth and constantly trying to have a conversation with me. Cos I wasn’t in a really good way.

    We kept going through the tracks and the waterfall at Enoch point and back to camp.
    6 hrs and 70km later.
    Towards to end of the last hard bit of the tracks , I watched Mudski take it out of 4Low and come to the realisation that I had not been in 4 Low the entire night before.
    With low range I may have got more revs earlier to achieve some boost to climb the hills.
    Hindsight’s a bitch.

    Hayden then cooked me a delicious dinner
    With a gourmet Venison leg and loin fillets for all to try with portobello mushrooms and garlic and onions.
    The venison was caught the week before.

    To finish off, thank you to Nick for all he had done and our hours of conversation regarding our dud hearts.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2011 GU8 ST 3.0 CRD, ARB Bullbar with IPF spotties, scrub bars and side steps, Snorkel, Dual Battery system, Waeco fridge, Turbo Timer, ARB Roof Rack with 5 IPF spotties across the front, Custom full Leather Bucket seats, DPchip, 3" Taipan exhaust, ARE Intercooler & scoop, Autron EGT/Boost and dual volt gauges, ARB front locker.

  13. The Following 12 Users Say Thank You to MEGOMONSTER For This Useful Post:

    AB (4th April 2023), BrazilianY60 (3rd April 2023), Cremulator (4th April 2023), Hodge (4th April 2023), jack (4th April 2023), jay see (3rd April 2023), mudnut (3rd April 2023), mudski (3rd April 2023), Plasnart (4th April 2023), Rossco (6th April 2023), rusty_nail (3rd April 2023), Stropp (4th April 2023)

  14. #59
    Patrol Freak BrazilianY60's Avatar
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    Hi Mego!
    Do you know when you looking to buy a specific model/configuration used car, and you look around too much and end buying something but not "the one" you were expecting to find? And a week later or so, your are no longer searching classifieds or anything and then that perfect one you were looking for just pops-up right in front of you?

    Maybe this was one of those random things of life. Maybe you have been stranded home looking for that donor letting other life events pass by. All it took was one night out for a donor to appear! So, if that makes any sense (probably not), take more nights out! Live more, enjoy family and friends more and when your are no longer thinking about this, another donor will show up when least expected.
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  15. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to BrazilianY60 For This Useful Post:

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  16. #60
    Moderator MudRunnerTD's Avatar
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    Sorry I missed it Mego, Looks like a great weekend away. I ahve a bit going on at the moment but am keen to catch up again in the near future bud.
    Its a Nissan! =====> Its a Keeper!! ....... Got a TD42 in it BONUS!! ....... I'm a lucky bugger! I've got 2 of em!
    Check out my Toy --> MudRunnerTD's GQ From the Ground Up

    Quote Originally Posted by Rogue Dung Beetle View Post
    Wish it was Nissan though, Toyotas just can't keep up with the Pootrol pace.
    The only good thing about an 80 series is..... the front end?? Wrong!!, the Engine?? Wrong!! the Full Time 4WD system?? Wrong!! Its the NissanPatrol.com.au stubby holder fitted over the transfer lever.
    WARNING: Towballs used for recoveries can, and do kill people and damage property.

  17. The Following User Says Thank You to MudRunnerTD For This Useful Post:

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