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7th July 2017, 10:48 PM
Drum Roll...................

Please have a look the new blog & let me know if it works ok at your end & on what platform. It should format differently on pc’s, tablets & phones (fingers crossed).
It’s taken a huge amount of learning, head scratching & cursing to get to this early stage, but I *think* I’ve just about sussed the basic concepts. The ’self hosted’ blog is very different to the online versions in how it is all put together, but I wanted to be able to write & format offline during periods whilst out of range of the net, plus not have to rely on some third party company who might one day decide to pull the plug on their service.

Not a huge amount in the way of content there yet, what is there has been more about creating something just to get the thing up & running. Hopefully it will grow regularly once we leave home. Might be worth you bookmarking it? ;)

A Nomadic Life (http://www.cuppa500.com/Blog)

Gentle suggestions welcome, but no promises that I’ll know how to implement them!

7th July 2017, 11:05 PM
Kinda makes me think about my own situation and future plans Cuppa , that was brilliant .

7th July 2017, 11:38 PM
A great read Cuppa even before you start your journey.
I look forward to following this, I got a lot out of your Big Trip blog and your Paradise Found entry was the reason I included Dampier Peninsula to our Kimberley trip and it was a big highlight.
I am sure I will again follow in your footsteps as you uncover some more marvelous places this country has to offer.

I had a look on my laptop, Samsung S5 phone and Samsung Tablet and shows up good on all, like the format.

8th July 2017, 08:45 AM
Nice one Cuppa! Great read so will be watching for updates[emoji106][emoji106]
Rendered nicely on iPhone and Samsung tablet no issue

................on the road

8th July 2017, 09:33 AM
Well done Cuppa, have bookmarked your site & look forward to following your travels.

If you can it might be worthwhile adding a follow button on your blog so other Wordpress users will get your posts in their feed as I`m sure others will be interested in your adventure. I have a follow via email button on my blog as well for those who don`t use Wordpress, you get an email link for new posts.

Site looks good on my laptop using Google Chrome.

8th July 2017, 09:43 AM
Looks Good Cuppa and appears fine on a Surface pro 4 Tablet using Chrome. I am very envious and would love to undertake a similar change in life, perhaps in a few more years for the missus and myself.

8th July 2017, 09:52 AM
Nice work Cuppa

8th July 2017, 10:22 AM
Looking good Cuppa,

I'm jealous.......

Oh and btw

plus not have to rely on some third party company who might one day decide to pull the plug on their service.

Unless you own and run a server yourself which I doubt, your still relying on a third party company :)

8th July 2017, 11:08 AM
Looks great on my Samsung tablet Cuppa. Far out to say I'm jealous is an understatement! Best wishes to you and Mrs Tea mate.

8th July 2017, 01:24 PM
Looking forward to it cuppa - formatted well on my iPhone via safari

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

8th July 2017, 01:41 PM
Nah, doesn't work for me, because of a severe case of jealousy. Looks good on my PC, Cuppa.

Sir Roofy
8th July 2017, 04:51 PM
Nice work mate looking forward to your future entrys

8th July 2017, 07:39 PM
G'day Cuppa. I envy and respect what you're doing.
One of our family friends setup one of them Iveco 4x4 trucks and they done a 2 year nomad stint aroudn Aus.
Unlike you though they chose to take minimal notes and photos along the way (funny buggers....) instead they simply "enjoyed the trip" as they said without much technology... I can only imagine how much "blogging" theyd have done if they documented everything along the way.
Your site looks good and promising. Well done. Take my hat off to ya.

8th July 2017, 08:39 PM
Nice one mate! I read the entire blog with envy. What you are doing is only a pipe dream for me, so keep up the great work and I will be following for sure.

9th July 2017, 03:36 PM
Well done Cuppa. Looks great on my iPad. It's a great read - you have a knack for writing mate!
Very jealous of your trip with no defined end!

9th July 2017, 04:29 PM
Looks good on my Samsung mobile phone.
I like the idea VK2MFIA suggested, a follow via email function.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

9th July 2017, 04:51 PM
I like the idea VK2MFIA suggested, a follow via email function.

Yep I did take notice of that suggestion, the posts page now has the follow by email option on it, notifications are sent out automatically whenever I make a new post. Tested it last night. Also added 'like' buttons as several people told me they use them as a means of remembering what they have read & not read. When learning this stuff from scratch it's very time consuming, just getting those two things up & working properly took me several hours! Makes me wonder if I should have gone with Wordpress.com rather than Wordpress.org. Would have been far easier, but I was stubborn & wanted it on my own domain. I want to have it set up as best I can whilst we still have the luxury of NBN bandwidth. When we leave we'll be on Boost's 5Gb+4Gb per month...... probably less as we definitely wont be heading to town at weekends just to get online. :)

9th July 2017, 08:23 PM
Congratulations Cuppa and of course Mrs Tee, looking forward to your travel documentary.
May you enjoy safe, but exciting travels, may even catch up on the road, some where ,some place, some time.

Everything is working fine this end.Well done bloke.

10th July 2017, 09:32 AM
Great stuff Cuppa! Looking forward to reading of your adventures and velly jelly of same!:D

11th July 2017, 04:53 PM
Great job guys, looks great on 10 inch netbook using firefox.

Love how you have a pic of yourself on your about us page. (its a lovely pic too)

It would be great to have a header pic of the Tvan and patrol pop up the same when you click on the transport section, i know you do have pics of transport, but it took me a while to work out what the hell a Tvan was, or looked even like looked like from outside.

can never have too many pics :tongue:

Bush Ranger
11th July 2017, 06:28 PM
Onya Mister Cuppa and Cuppette, not a bad read.

11th July 2017, 07:58 PM
Great job guys, looks great on 10 inch netbook using firefox.

Love how you have a pic of yourself on your about us page. (its a lovely pic too)

It would be great to have a header pic of the Tvan and patrol pop up the same when you click on the transport section, i know you do have pics of transport, but it took me a while to work out what the hell a Tvan was, or looked even like looked like from outside.

can never have too many pics :tongue:

Ta. There is a header pic of the Tvan & Patrol when you click on the ‘transport section’. ;) You have to click on ‘Our Mode of Travel’, rather than on one of the sub-headings which appear when you hover over the “our mode of travel’ menu item ...... if you get what I mean.


There will be plenty more pics of the outfit once we get ‘out there’ though. 7 days & counting.

11th July 2017, 09:17 PM
Good one Cuppa, I'll be following your journeys with much interest and will be waiting with that cold beer and map when you finally come to NQ.

Quick question, but have you got plans to carry firewood if needed? Looking at your setup I couldn't work out where you'd put it if you had to.

And re your note about when the Mozzies etc. are going ballistic, I've used one of those mesh type gazebo's with great success. Shady Camp in the NT was possibly the worst I've ever experienced and the mesh gave us that area of sanity.

12th July 2017, 01:03 PM
Ta. There is a header pic of the Tvan & Patrol when you click on the ‘transport section’. ;) You have to click on ‘Our Mode of Travel’, rather than on one of the sub-headings which appear when you hover over the “our mode of travel’ menu item ...... if you get what I mean.


There will be plenty more pics of the outfit once we get ‘out there’ though. 7 days & counting.

Cool, and you carry a park bench around with you as well ? (lol) :D

That awning/sail thing is awesome, is it custom made or comes with Tvan standard ?

How long from pull up, to set up, like in the pic above ?

Im excited for ya :smiley_thumbs_up:

12th July 2017, 01:55 PM
That awning/sail thing is awesome, is it custom made or comes with Tvan standard ?

How long from pull up, to set up, like in the pic above ?

The sail awning comes with the Tvan. We also have a 'main' awning & the zip on shower 'ensuite'.
Setting up as in the pic is about 10 minutes. Tent only is 5 minutes.
We aren't going to take the full awning or the ensuite this time, just the sail awning & the awning we have for the Patrol.
Expecting our overnight default to be no tent, no awning, just the fly mesh which fits around the rear of the van - set up is about 30 seconds. Lift up door, attach flt mesh & you're done. Door can stay open, or be shut if weather is rough.
I don't have any pics with the ensuite or fly mesh only set up. But this is the main awning (can be fully enclosed, but we dont have all the canvas to do that). We've only ever put it up twice & took around 30 minutes, but this process would become a fair bit quicker with familiarity. Ensuite zips onto the other side of the tent.


12th July 2017, 02:06 PM
Good one Cuppa, I'll be following your journeys with much interest and will be waiting with that cold beer and map when you finally come to NQ.

Quick question, but have you got plans to carry firewood if needed? Looking at your setup I couldn't work out where you'd put it if you had to.

Looking forward to it!

There is a fold down firewood shelf on the Tvan's door. Not especially 'beefy' but enough to carry a night or two's wood, maybe more if carried vertically & tied onto the door. Potentially the two Redback wheel bags could be utilised too.

13th July 2017, 10:56 PM
Not the most exciting of tasks but it had to be done.


14th July 2017, 09:22 AM
Not the most exciting of tasks but it had to be done.


I am just compiling a list of all the essential things you have forgotten, its a really big list so I hope you can fit them in. ;)

14th July 2017, 09:39 AM
I am just compiling a list of all the essential things you have forgotten, its a really big list so I hope you can fit them in. ;)

No TPC he can't fit you and your alcohol in .

14th July 2017, 10:20 AM
wow cuppa thats a lot of stuff....

15th July 2017, 09:50 AM
Safe travels to you and you lovely wife Cuppa.....

Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk

17th July 2017, 12:17 PM
Took the car to a weighbridge this morning. This time to a registered one, unlike a few years ago when I took it to a weighbridge at a scrapyard, cost $20 instead of the $5 I paid before but they gave me an ‘official’ weight recording rather than a scribbled figure on a scrap of paper.

I suppose I shouldn’t have been surprised but I was, had expected to be at least 100kgs less.

Fully packed, all tanks full & both of us on board the weight was 3740kg. Add the towball weight of the Tvan (105kg) to that it brings the max gross weight of the vehicle up to 3845kg. 55kg short of our GVM of 3900kg.

So heavier than expected but nevertheless still legal which after talking to a neighbour about it I feel is quite an achievement! He told me that he had weighed his Cruiser on the way back (really!) from a family trip up the Cape & found they were just over a tonne overweight!

17th July 2017, 04:57 PM
One more sleep Cuppa and Mrs Tea.

Enjoy the trip and take care, I've seen how you've prepared for this and am confident that it will be a total success. Very much looking forward to the blog updates and also very jealous. Make the most of it, as I know you both will.

Jack & Elsie

ps for the rest of the forum, I don't want to spam Cuppas thread so I'll post up details of the meetup we'll have at his shed as soon as he's out of internet range :p

17th July 2017, 05:19 PM
Thanks Jack, just make sure you scrape all the spew & defiled bread makers off the floor before I get back.

17th July 2017, 05:34 PM
Better not start collecting rocks and stuff as you go Cuppa !

17th July 2017, 06:48 PM
Better not start collecting rocks and stuff as you go Cuppa !

Will have to keep a close eye on MrsTea. Last time it was seashells. Couldn’t believe how many I found stashed away throughout our old bus after we got back home!

19th July 2017, 09:17 PM
First day fun! http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2017/07/19/first-day-out-a-fortuitous-mistake/ :oops:

19th July 2017, 09:49 PM
That is gold, Cuppa. If the rest of the trip is that eventful, I reckon you should write a book!

19th July 2017, 10:06 PM
Many of our trips start or end with little challenges , on the way home we were going to stay at a lake near Euston , having the patrol 33" muddies and an off road camper I reckoned the 30 mtr stretch of sand that was all down hill to the lake edge was the go .
As soon as the trailer tyres hit the sand I knew I was in trouble , locked the hubs but nah only going down not forwards , let out air down to about 17 psi and just made it to the hard stuff at the lakes edge and I can tell you 1 hour to cover 30 bloody metres downhill ain't funny when it's getting dark and you have an audience who were smart enough or knew you couldn't drive on the wretched stuff .
Big red no trouble , walkers crossing meh but this stuff was like nothing I've ever encountered before .
At least you're all fixed and heading for the hotter climes mate , hope your going up the guts it's bloody cold from Perth all the way back around into nsw I believe .
Tennant creek is where I'd be heading and there is a great bit of free camping out at Warrego if you want to go prospecting there's gold to be found but no facilities.

tassie wombat
21st July 2017, 06:50 PM
Are you coming down to Tassie mate?

Sent from my SM-G925I using Tapatalk

22nd July 2017, 04:32 PM
Are you coming down to Tassie mate?

Sent from my SM-G925I using Tapatalk

G’day mate, we certainly are...... it’ll be our first time there. We’re already booked on the ferry for early December & staying through to mid March.

22nd July 2017, 05:02 PM
Smart man , the temps should be above 15 by then maybe .

tassie wombat
22nd July 2017, 06:01 PM
G’day mate, we certainly are...... it’ll be our first time there. We’re already booked on the ferry for early December & staying through to mid March.No worries,ill pm you my details so we can maybe catch up? Plenty of room here for your camper, we had pearcy here for 5 nights last week, had a great time[emoji106][emoji106]cheers.

Sent from my SM-G925I using Tapatalk

22nd July 2017, 06:38 PM
Had a great time at the wombats. if you hit him on a week end he might take you for a spin in his, I`ll leave there but lets say TasLucas would be jealous.
And watch out lucas I`m over for a while so I`ll be dropping in.

23rd July 2017, 12:45 PM
No worries,ill pm you my details so we can maybe catch up? Plenty of room here for your camper, we had pearcy here for 5 nights last week, had a great time[emoji106][emoji106]cheers.

Sent from my SM-G925I using TapatalkPearcy didn't get you to drunk did he.....bloody drank me under the table every night...

Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk

tassie wombat
23rd July 2017, 01:14 PM
Nah mate, he was a good boy[emoji106][emoji106] he did have more grog in his caravan than the local bottle shop though [emoji6]

Sent from my SM-G925I using Tapatalk

23rd July 2017, 04:36 PM
Pooncarie & the rubber fish (http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2017/07/23/the-real-beginning/)

23rd July 2017, 05:20 PM
Great read again Cuppa, I have only stayed in Pooncarie for work and I would leave the pub while dark in the morning and return when dark in the evening so only got to see the pub.
Belated happy 60th Cuppa.

23rd July 2017, 05:35 PM
You now have made me regret not staying there .

23rd July 2017, 06:10 PM
Happy birthday young fella, and may you enjoy many more.
As TCP say`s great read looking forward to the next chapter.

2nd August 2017, 09:04 PM
4 new posts (http://www.cuppa500.com/Blog) covering Pooncarie to Wanaaring over 10 days

2nd August 2017, 10:31 PM
Cuppa,this is probably no use to you now or maybe in the future...but when we are camping in near desert country,and are atleast forwarned of rain..we do this from our camp to the fire,here's a pic of one of our wet paths to campfire,,we camped in a group of four and all did this to each camp,great idea and saving tryong to walk ski slip everywhere after a bit of rain
good to see you enjoying it all

2nd August 2017, 11:00 PM
What a great idea if planning to stay put in wet weather. A bit of work, but would make a big difference!

4th August 2017, 08:15 PM
Wanaaring to Eulo (http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2017/08/04/wanaaring-to-eulo/)

4th August 2017, 08:21 PM
Hey Cuppa, I have been reading your blogs and love them, but also am getting so frustrated seeing you out there doing the stuff I yearn to do also. Congrats to you and the wife to getting so successfully to this point in your life to be able to roam about and really absorb and enjoy this great country and people. I will continue following your journey with interest if only to lower my spirits and feel more dejected than i normally do!!! Good luck and safe travels.

4th August 2017, 08:26 PM
Echo Phil's comments above Cuppa. Super jealous mate and it's so great to see people living their long term dreams!
I have been reading your blog but it seems the subscribe via email function is not working. The only notification I get of your new posts are by your posts here on the forum.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

4th August 2017, 08:52 PM
X3 Cuppa..love ya not so work....

4th August 2017, 09:09 PM
Great stuff again Cuppa, I plan to get ideas from where you go for places to stay on my back from the Cape next year.

4th August 2017, 09:18 PM
Great read Cuppa, and you told us you were unsure you`d have time or enough to write about. Bloody hell mate I`ve worn my eyes out. Little hint. if you see a phone box out side a town, say close to town where you have had or can not get reception. Stand close to it or in it and see if you get reception. I`ve gotten reception a number of times this way.first time was by accident as the phone went off just as i walked past it, so then on have tried it and some times not always it works.
Happy and safe travels guys.

12th August 2017, 07:49 PM
THanks for the feedback folks.

Winnie, maybe try again, we tested the 'subscribe' thing & it worked ok, & I now have 70+ subscribers & no others reporting any problem. If I could fix it for you I would, but don't tink I can do anything. Sorry. Anyone else had troublwe with it?

Planning to post more updates tomorrow (Sunday). I'll post here when done.

We are now just outside Quilpie, Qld, & heading to Windorah on Monday.

12th August 2017, 07:57 PM
That's okay mate, I'll try again and if it doesn't work I'll just use your reminders here.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

tassie wombat
12th August 2017, 07:59 PM
Im pretty close to you mate, only about an inch on the map[emoji16] we're south of surfers for a fortnight [emoji322][emoji322]

Sent from my SM-G925I using Tapatalk

12th August 2017, 08:55 PM
Im pretty close to you mate, only about an inch on the map[emoji16] we're south of surfers for a fortnight [emoji322][emoji322]

It's probably gonna become like Surfers around here in the next week or two with the hoardes of Birdsville race goers crowding out the region leading up to & following the races at the beginning of September. All the hoons travelling at a rate of knots, throwing up their rocks & dust.

We are going to loop down to Birdsville & Innaminka after the Diamantina National Park, but hopefully will take enough time to arrive at Birdsville after the racegoers have all departed. Loved Birdsville last time we were there, despite temps in the mid 40's, mainly because it was so quiet with heaps of birdlife on the billabong. Not a fan of crowds.

Would've been heading down that way now, except we first want to catch up with some friends who are on their way south from Longreach, probably in Windorah or Jundah.

12th August 2017, 11:07 PM
It's probably gonna become like Surfers around here in the next week or two with the hoardes of Birdsville race goers crowding out the region leading up to & following the races at the beginning of September. All the hoons travelling at a rate of knots, throwing up their rocks & dust.

We are going to loop down to Birdsville & Innaminka after the Diamantina National Park, but hopefully will take enough time to arrive at Birdsville after the racegoers have all departed. Loved Birdsville last time we were there, despite temps in the mid 40's, mainly because it was so quiet with heaps of birdlife on the billabong. Not a fan of crowds.

Would've been heading down that way now, except we first want to catch up with some friends who are on their way south from Longreach, probably in Windorah or Jundah.

Plenty good spots around innamincka Cuppa , wish we had gone a bit further along the walkers crossing track there are some good spots on the cooper creek .

13th August 2017, 06:18 AM
Plenty good spots around innamincka Cuppa , wish we had gone a bit further along the walkers crossing track there are some good spots on the cooper creek .
Great part of the world , must have been the same lady at the Hungerford pub when we were there , we tendered the bar for her while she made our steak sangers ! http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/images/imported/2017/08/93.jpg

Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk

13th August 2017, 09:55 AM
Great part of the world , must have been the same lady at the Hungerford pub when we were there , we tendered the bar for her while she made our steak sangers !

Nah, that lady looks much more 'manly'. Ha ha.

13th August 2017, 04:27 PM
A marathon effort today - 4 new posts covering Eulo to Quilpie - gee it's a tough life - click on 'A Nomadic Life' below.

15th August 2017, 06:09 PM
Arrived at Windorah today - well almost. Just set up camp on Cooper's Creek not to far from the road bridge & 12kms east of town. Nice spot.
Anyone have an recommendations for things to see/do whilst here? We'll be here a few days with two lots of friends arriving to join us tomorrow.

Already the roads & camp spots have plenty of folk travelling to Birdsville for the races in a couple of weeks time. Most are very courteous on the road but we reckon it'll get pretty crazy over the next fortnight. We're hoping to avoid most of it, just haven't quite worked out a travel strategy to do that yet though! Not interested in going to the races, we'll go to Innamincka via Birdsville & Walkers Crossing after the races before heading across to Fraser Island sometime in September.

15th August 2017, 06:46 PM
Yeah, yeah yeah - rub it in Cuppa

15th August 2017, 07:34 PM
Hope the entrance to walkers crossing is in better shape at the Birdsville track end , long deep and slippery mud hole when we were there .
Remember the Wyandra free camp and the ownerless old dog Sally that was all but blind .
Love reading your exploits Cuppa and learning of these new spots .

15th August 2017, 10:07 PM
Arrived at Windorah today - well almost. Just set up camp on Cooper's Creek not to far from the road bridge & 12kms east of town. Nice spot.
Anyone have an recommendations for things to see/do whilst here? We'll be here a few days with two lots of friends arriving to join us tomorrow.

Already the roads & camp spots have plenty of folk travelling to Birdsville for the races in a couple of weeks time. Most are very courteous on the road but we reckon it'll get pretty crazy over the next fortnight. We're hoping to avoid most of it, just haven't quite worked out a travel strategy to do that yet though! Not interested in going to the races, we'll go to Innamincka via Birdsville & Walkers Crossing after the races before heading across to Fraser Island sometime in September.

We might see you in our travels along the way somewhere, we'll be passing through Birdsville heading East sometime around the 4th September after doing the Madigan line. Then we will be on Fraser from the 11th-16th September. Qld school holidays start on the 16th I think, so we will be leaving Fraser as the crowds arrive and heading back home via Alice/West Macs etc.

16th August 2017, 12:22 PM
We might see you in our travels along the way somewhere, we'll be passing through Birdsville heading East sometime around the 4th September after doing the Madigan line. Then we will be on Fraser from the 11th-16th September. Qld school holidays start on the 16th I think, so we will be leaving Fraser as the crowds arrive and heading back home via Alice/West Macs etc.

Fraser will be busy before school holidays as well because a lot of people go there early September to beat the crowd so they just form a big crowd anyway. The week after the holidays is still busy but after that is gets nice and quiet.

20th August 2017, 01:23 PM
Quilpie to Windorah (http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2017/08/18/quilpie-to-windorah/)

26th August 2017, 08:39 PM
Welford National Park (http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2017/08/26/welford-national-park/)

26th August 2017, 08:42 PM
Welford to Yaraka (http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2017/08/26/surprises-welford-np-to-yaraka/)

26th August 2017, 08:43 PM
Yaraka to Isisford (http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2017/08/26/yaraka-to-isisford/)

26th August 2017, 08:45 PM
Just awesome Cuppa :-)
Your ripper rig truly suits the view for sure mate!

26th August 2017, 09:10 PM
Welford to Yaraka (http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2017/08/26/surprises-welford-np-to-yaraka/)
Thank you so much Cuppa, really great reading :-) Damn those Black Ants you poor bugger :-)

26th August 2017, 09:54 PM
This is bloody awesome to read , half your luck man . We're planning on going to the Kimberly next year when we have our annual 2 mths off out of the bush for the winter , lots of planning & investigating to do before then - have to find out if it's even suitable to go over there at that time of year . Again this blog of yours is grouse reading - keep it coming .

26th August 2017, 10:00 PM
I'm copying his route and studying it for when we finally head off , thanks Cuppa .

27th August 2017, 12:12 AM
Great read yet again Cuppa, the ant story had me laughing, sorry.

27th August 2017, 09:51 AM
We're planning on going to the Kimberly next year when we have our annual 2 mths off out of the bush for the winter

Sprock, the Kimberley is my favourite part of Australia (so far).
Winter is the main tourist season up there. If you want to avoid wall to wall tourists try to be there at the beginning of the season or the end of the season. When the season begins (ie. when the roads/tracks open) depends upon the Wet. Impossible to predict, but if possible to luck it in & be there just in time for the roads opening it wont get any better. Risk is that if you are too early you'll be limited where you can go (But you'd still enjoy it). End of the season it will be hotter & drier, but more likely you'll have places to yourselves.

Our plan for next year is to get up to the Kimberley toward the end of the season, sometime in September & hopefully find some way of staying for the wet (house or station sit?). Experiencing a Kimberley Wet is high on my bucket list, as is being there waiting for the roads to re-open the following season.

IMO it'd be well worthwhile subscribing to Birgit's Kimberley guide - probably the best & most up to date source on the net. She gives regular updates throughout the year, often from first hand experience. I subscribed several years ago & still get all the updates - great value.


or the free 'pocket guide' to give you a 'taste' http://www.kimberleyaustralia.com/kimberley-travel-guide.html

Sir Roofy
27th August 2017, 01:32 PM
Well done Cuppa enjoying your blog so much thanks for taking the time to post it here

27th August 2017, 08:08 PM
Thanks for replying & with great detail , I'll look up that Birgit guide thanks again

27th August 2017, 08:19 PM
& sorry but I was laughing at the ant story too cos that'd be me - 1 ant I could squash but 2 I would've stripped naked in the middle of the rd - regardless of where I was & who was about . Last year I had a 'paper wasp' attack me in the truck - didn't know what it was until I googled it , it attacked my back under my shirt - repeatedly biting me , it felt like someone stabbing me in the back with a needle . I came up in big welts at each bite point then a hot red rash spread across my back . Wasn't nice . Anyway back to the point I pulled up & dived out of the truck peeling clothes not really knowing what was happening , then I saw this big brown bull ant looking thing with wings drop to the ground . Nasty bastards of things . Mate of mine told me they actively chase people & attack .

5th September 2017, 09:03 PM
Isisford to Lochern NP (http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2017/09/05/isisford-to-lochern-np/)

Lochern NP to Opalton (http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2017/09/05/lochern-np-to-opalton/)

Mysteries to Solve (http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2017/09/05/mysteries-to-solve/)

13th September 2017, 05:56 PM
Opalton to Winton (http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2017/09/13/opalton-to-winton-bladensburg-np/)

Winton to 'Halfway to Boulia' (http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2017/09/13/winton-to-halfway-to-boulia/)

Old Cork (http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2017/09/13/old-cork/)

14th September 2017, 08:20 PM
Old Cork to Boulia (via the Diamantina NP) (http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2017/09/14/old-cork-to-boulia-via-diamantina-np/)

19th September 2017, 03:59 PM
Boulia to Birdsville (http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2017/09/19/boulia-to-birdsville/)

We'll be leaving Birdsville tomorrow morning, intending to head to Innaminka via Walkers Crossing. If anyone knows the track & can recommend any good camp spots along the way can you let me know tonight whilst we still have net access? Ta.

26th September 2017, 08:11 PM
Birdsville to Tibooburra (http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2017/09/26/birdsville-to-tibooburra/)

26th September 2017, 08:38 PM
Ripper read again Cuppa , at least there were no sheep botherers at Tibooburra when you went past the sign .

26th September 2017, 08:55 PM
Looks like he picked the right sheep!

There was a milkmaid though!

27th September 2017, 06:34 PM
Hope you're watching the weather forecast Cuppa , big rain predicted for next week in your area .

28th September 2017, 05:53 PM
Hope you're watching the weather forecast Cuppa , big rain predicted for next week in your area .

Hiya & thanks. Now just outside Brewarrina - drove on bitumen road with white lines for first time in ages today. Fine drizzly rain on the red clay & sand roads was a concern. Kept threatening more but it didn't eventuate. Big diiference to the 42 degrees & wicked winds creating dust storms as we drove from Tiboobura to Wanaaring yesterday. Knocked a handful of red dust off the air filter this morning. Rain is just starting to dampen the ground here at Brewarrinaas I am writing this.

Have looked at forecasts for where we've been & where we're headed & can't see more than 30% to 60% chance of 1 to 5mm next week, Mon to Wed. 5mm on the roads we've been on would be bad news, but basically we're back on bitumen now :( (at least until we hit the Great Dividing Range).

2nd October 2017, 10:19 PM
Back to Civilisation (http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2017/10/02/back-to-civilisation/)

5th October 2017, 07:46 PM
Wow only just got the change to sit down with a beer or two and have a proper read through everything . Cheers guys, love it absolutely awesome we sure are the lucky country i reckon. . .

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13th October 2017, 03:15 PM
Driving up & down a few mountains (http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2017/10/13/up-down/)

13th October 2017, 11:02 PM
Great read again and pictures Cuppa, thank you :-)
Gotta love the compression of a bigger donk safely down a mountain you mention 1,300m+ steep, well safely done ;-)

21st October 2017, 03:31 PM
The Homeward Run (http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2017/10/21/the-homeward-run/)

13th November 2017, 01:01 AM
Trip Reflections & stats (http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2017/11/13/trip-reflections-statistics/)

13th November 2017, 11:21 AM
Trip Reflections & stats (http://http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2017/11/13/trip-reflections-statistics/)

Link doesn't work for me, get this.


13th November 2017, 11:29 AM
Me either.

13th November 2017, 11:39 AM
Me either from this link, but I subscribed to Cuppa's blog via email and the link there worked no probs.

13th November 2017, 11:40 AM
The link is working okay for me through Tapatalk.

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13th November 2017, 01:37 PM
[QUOTE=TPC;744982]Link doesn't work for me, get this.

Have edited the link, it should work now. :) I had two http's :)

Try this (http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2017/11/13/trip-reflections-statistics/) to save you scrolling back up to my previous post

13th November 2017, 04:54 PM
Interesting read again Cuppa, I had managed to find your post by clicking on a previous link and navigating to the latest.

What camera did you end up getting?

13th November 2017, 07:43 PM
Hi Tony,
It's a Sony A6500. Bought online & still waiting for some bits & pieces to arrive, so haven't even had a good play with it yet.

13th November 2017, 08:43 PM
Hi Tony,
It's a Sony A6500. Bought online & still waiting for some bits & pieces to arrive, so haven't even had a good play with it yet.

That is a good camera, too expensive for me. What lens have you got with it?

13th November 2017, 11:02 PM
That is a good camera, too expensive for me. What lens have you got with it?

I splurged out & bought four. Sony 35mm F1.8 prime, (for low light) Sony 10-18mm wide angle zoom (hopefully to better capture the big outback panoramas), Zeiss 16-70mm zoom (the 'daily - the lens I expect to be on the camera the most) & a Sony 55-205mm zoom (for wildlife). The focal lengths are for APS-C & are equivalent of longer 35mm full frame focal lengths. eg. the 55-205 is equivalent to 82.5 to 315 on a 35mm camera. It was a scary amount of money to spend on a camera, helped by the fact that my old one is no longer reliable, & and a small but unexpected lump sum pension for my 10 years of service in the UK's NHS.

9th December 2017, 12:23 PM
The Tassie adventure begins.


10th December 2017, 05:47 PM
Great stuff Cuppa, Top Pics Too Thank You!!
Kids Favourite within :-) :

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16th December 2017, 10:17 PM
Week 2 in Tassie

The Tarkine (http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2017/12/16/the-tarkine/)

17th December 2017, 02:48 PM
Another great read as always thanks Cuppa! Rossco , can you help identify this bloke? http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/images/imported/2017/12/85.jpg

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17th December 2017, 02:58 PM
Another great read as always thanks Cuppa! @Rossco (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/member.php?u=81) , can you help identify this bloke? http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/images/imported/2017/12/85.jpg

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkDefinitely a tiger . Don't judge it by the head colour..look at the head width, and then the rest of the body is a dead giveaway. Albeit, a lot of times theres no stripes.

In Tassie it's either a tiger or a copper head 99 per cent of time. And that is not a copperhead.

The flattened 1/4 of body behind head is another give away.

Sent from Note 5 using TapaPro

17th December 2017, 03:14 PM
Yeah looks like a tiger. Can be very variable in colour tho and in the banding, often don't have any stripes. . .

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17th December 2017, 03:48 PM
Yeah looks like a tiger. Can be very variable in colour tho and in the banding, often don't have any stripes. . .

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Definitely extremely varying in color. I spent good 3 years helping a mate snake catching around Melbourne during busy periods.
We've come across that many, you'd swear black and blue that it was a brown snake or even a red belly... NO stripe indication at all. And then it flattens out, tiger snake style, and that's when you know. I've also seen so many copperheads at Wilsons Prom, that were NOT copper heads, but were tigers.

Anyways back on topic. :)

Cuppa, great trip so far it looks like it. One day I want to go to Tassie.
Quick question. You hate being in photos mate? You seem to love being on the other side of the camera. lol

17th December 2017, 07:05 PM
Awesome blog cuppa, loving it!

17th December 2017, 10:23 PM
Quick question. You hate being in photos mate? You seem to love being on the other side of the camera. lol

There have been a couple of me somewhere I think. Trouble is MrsTea is not much of a photographer, she uses the little point & shoot now & again & occasionally flukes a photo which isn't blurred! I suggested she have a go with my new camera but she reckons it's all a bit too technical.

18th December 2017, 10:18 AM
Viewing with great interest. Excellent Cuppa

18th December 2017, 12:01 PM
Great read Cuppa, the missus and I are thinking of spending a few weeks in Tassie next year. Would love to make it longer, but work gets in the way unfortunately. I think we'd need 5 weeks minimum to head there from Perth, close to a weeks transit each way. Some great looking spots and the missus will be in tree hugger heaven!

jay see
18th December 2017, 09:32 PM
Loving the blog cuppa.
We're back over there the day after boxing day for about a week mainly over the east coast and Hobart this time. I'll be sure to keep an eye out for ya.

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28th December 2017, 08:16 AM
The West Coast (http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2017/12/28/west-coast/)

jay see - we're based in Chudleigh near Mole Creek over the new year period.

jay see
29th December 2017, 10:45 AM
The West Coast (http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2017/12/28/west-coast/)

jay see - we're based in Chudleigh near Mole Creek over the new year period.We're going to be in Hobart.

We went to the zoo in Mole Creek during feeding time for the Tasmanian devil, it was good and we feed the kangaroos as well.

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29th December 2017, 10:59 AM
We went to the zoo in Mole Creek during feeding time for the Tasmanian devil, it was good and we feed the kangaroos as well.

Will visit there in the next few days. Have been told that it's best of several places in Tassie where they have Devils in captivity.

jay see
29th December 2017, 11:04 AM
Will visit there in the next few days. Have been told that it's best of several places in Tassie where they have Devils in captivity.Yep, would have to agree.

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4th January 2018, 02:18 PM
We have enjoyed being in one place over the new year.

Chudleigh (http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2018/01/04/chudleigh/)

17th January 2018, 03:46 PM
In which we continue south, leaving the mountains to satisfy our 'inner hippy'. (http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2018/01/17/southward-to-cygnet/)

25th January 2018, 09:59 PM
The Far South (http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2018/01/25/the-far-south/) of Tassie

25th January 2018, 10:19 PM
Loving the Blog Cuppa, keep it coming.
This fishing is becoming a problem, when you get back I’ll show you the gate to the local fish hatchery. You can practice there after dark.
Just wondering if I should tell you I took the grandkids fishing the other week, Redfin first cast for the grandson.

5th February 2018, 08:33 AM
A little corner of South Bruny Island (http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2018/02/05/imagine-this/) is 'heaven on a stick'.

5th February 2018, 08:01 PM
Two things to note in this episode Cuppa:

1. Made me laugh when you said how much better Hobart is the second time around, when you know where you're going! First time I was there I couldn't wait to get out. Bloody hated the place. Now? Love the joint! Understanding the one-way street system is the secret to happiness there! Great place.

2. Damn you....damn you to hell....Cuppa.....with your write up of Bruny Island. I've still gotta work for a living in this game they call "normal life" for a few years yet mate, and the idyllic picture you painted of South Bruny, a place I've long wanted to visit, does not make my life any easier!

But thanks anyway, really enjoyed that one!

5th February 2018, 08:21 PM
2. Damn you....damn you to hell....Cuppa.....with your write up of Bruny Island. I've still gotta work for a living in this game they call "normal life" for a few years yet mate, and the idyllic picture you painted of South Bruny, a place I've long wanted to visit, does not make my life any easier!

But thanks anyway, really enjoyed that one!

I rang him up today to ask him when he’s moving there.
To say he likes the place is a mighty understatement.

19th February 2018, 03:31 PM
Three more episodes at once.




19th February 2018, 06:07 PM
Hi Cuppa, great read as usual. I've got the same "yawning rock" photo at Sleepy Bay from our trip down there a few years ago. Lovely place! Need to get back again!!

5th March 2018, 12:54 PM
We find places to love on Tassie's East Coast



25th March 2018, 04:45 PM
The Last Bit of Tasmania (http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2018/03/25/the-last-bit-of-tasmania/)

25th March 2018, 05:21 PM
Awesome read as always thankyou Cuppa mate!
6,500 clicks around Tassie is a huge effort and no doubt at least 1,500 clicks of your poor knee mate! Rest well at home for now and hit the mainland straight highways after surgery best success wishes, keep on trucking good team :-) !!

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27th April 2018, 10:50 PM
Nothing set in stone but here is our (very) rough/approximate plan for the next year or three. It'll be interesting to look back & see how much & how closely we followed it.

Planning is under way for the first leg which should see us in Broome later this year, hopefully for the Wet if it works out. It's a bit of a gamble that we'll find a suitable place to stay up there, (living in the Tvan during the Wet is not an option) but we feel our best chance of finding a place will be if we are up there. If it doesn't come off we'll head somewhere south & return to the Kimberley early the following season.

Applied for the transit permits today. Just 3 needed - 2 for the Gary junction Rd (NT & WA sections) & the Haasts Bluff back road from Glen Helen to Papunya. All going well this leg will take us up the Oodnadatta track & then on to Mt Dare, Finke, Chambers Pillar, Hugh River & the Painted Desert before reaching Alice Springs. From Alice along the Larapinta Drive to Palm Valley, Boggy Hole & Hermansberg before cutting up to Papunya & the Gary Junction Road to Gary Junction. Then south on the Gary Highway to Windy Corner were we hang a right onto the Talawana track, following it to where it crosses the Canning Stock Route at Georgia Bore, & then on to Parngurr before cutting North through Karlamilyi (Rudall River) NP, exiting to the Telfer Mine & on to Carawine Gorge & Nullagine via the interestingly named Skull Springs Rd. Somewhere around there I expect we might be ecstatic to see bitumen again to take us down to Newman & further south until we hang a right again a little below the Collier Ranges NP (which we will enquire about access there - all a bit mysterious - the only account I can fnd about the CR NP is a brief one by Ron & Viv Moon which gives little away) en route to Mt Augustus NP, Kennedy Ranges NP, Gascoyne Junction & on to the Coast around Carnarvon. After that a trundle up the highway to Broome with a few side trips to the coast & inland to Milstream Chichester NP/Marble bar etc.


Anyone interested in this sort of desert country travelling might enjoy looking at our friend's blog. They are currently limping into Newman after covering over 1000kms in their self built Canter based expedition truck, having given Karlamilyi a miss due to having broken a main rear leaf spring on the Sandy Blight Junction Rd (runs north south between Docker River on the Great Central Rd & Kintore on the Gary Junction Rd).

They are very experienced travellers as you will see. Their current trip is at the bottom of the page. http://www.epicycles.com/

27th April 2018, 11:18 PM
Don't forget to stop at Farina Cuppa ,great spot for an overnighter or just to fill up on the goodies available at the bakery .

27th April 2018, 11:21 PM
Safe upcoming travels Cuppa Family! Great inspiration Ali & Julian!!

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28th April 2018, 07:13 AM
Sooo jealous, what a great lay out Cuppa, enjoy!!!

28th April 2018, 08:07 AM
Awesome cuppa, enjoy mate. . .

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28th April 2018, 10:22 AM
Gday cuppa, looks amazing mate! How difficult is it to get permits into Arnhem Land? I thought it wasnt easy?

28th April 2018, 10:26 AM
Gday cuppa, looks amazing mate! How difficult is it to get permits into Arnhem Land? I thought it wasnt easy?

I was curious about the same thing, thought you needed a reason to go through.

28th April 2018, 06:02 PM
How difficult is it to get permits into Arnhem Land? I thought it wasnt easy?

Don't know at the moment Plassy ........... only looking at the '1st leg' of the journey at the moment, which should take us through to the end of the year. No idea when we'll reach Arnhemland, but the hope is we'll spend a good part of next year exploring the Kimberley in depth so it could well be 2020 before we reach Arnhemland. That said I believe getting tourism permits is easier than it used to be, but I think there are plenty of areas which remain out of bounds to visitors. I have the impression that it is probably easier to get permits to a number of places if you have the time to 'hang around' & fit in with whatever is going on. Probably far more difficult to sort such things out to fit around a three week (for example) holiday.

We've kicked ourselves for years for not taking up an invitation to go into Arnhemland from a bloke we met up with in Katherine back in'09 ...... reckon we could have stayed there a while with just his 'verbal' permit.

28th June 2018, 09:54 PM
After a few false starts & medical delays ............ we finally leave tomorrow..... for as long as it takes. Because we now only have 2.5 months (instead of 4 months) to get to Broome we will have to see how we go for time & adjust our route as we go. Still going across the western deserts from Alice, but may have to save some of the mid west for another time. Our wet season caretaking gig 200kms north of Broome has been confirmed today. Still not sure if we are crazy to commit to a full wet season, but that is what we've done, & we expect to remain in the Kimberley until the end of the 2019 dry season, perhaps longer if we feel like a second wet season there. New blog posts should commence in the near future.

tassie wombat
28th June 2018, 09:56 PM
Have a good trip mate [emoji106]

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28th June 2018, 09:59 PM
Have a good trip mate [emoji106]

Thanks Dave.

28th June 2018, 10:16 PM
Look forward to the updates, good luck and enjoy guys. .

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28th June 2018, 10:28 PM
Again I am so jealous!

Please keep us updated Cuppa. It was great to follow Rosscos journey and yours sounds equally jealousyiusseyses mol

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28th June 2018, 11:46 PM
With the uncertainty of your destinations, will surely provide inspiration. Watching with interest CUPPA.

29th June 2018, 12:54 PM
When I was 19, my cousin and I climbed the sheer rock face of "The Bluff" near Murchison settlement. The view from the top was magnificent. My uncle drove the back way to the top and picked us up.

We stayed with some locals and had a great time. I can't find The Bluff on any maps, though. I love that area of the world. Enjoy your trip.

1st July 2018, 10:08 AM
Who turned the heater off in SA?

1st July 2018, 11:37 AM
Who turned the heater off in SA?Nobody Cuppa.
Their power grid fell off it's feet again.

Sent from Note 5 using TapaPro

1st July 2018, 11:40 AM
Nobody Cuppa.
Their power grid fell off it's feet again.

Sent from Note 5 using TapaPro


the evil twin
1st July 2018, 11:53 AM
Who turned the heater off in SA?

Jay Weatherall

13th July 2018, 03:54 PM
Hello All,
Just adding the latest links to Cuppa’s Blog as he’s out in the desert and won’t have internet access for the next three weeks or so:



Enjoy the read.

14th July 2018, 12:23 PM
Thanks Jack, we spent last night down at Boggy Hole (great drive) & have just lobbed into Hermansberg before going to palm valley, & unexpectedly found we had reception. It's possible we *may* get reception at small communities between here & Newman, WA, but I wont hold my breath.

Since the last blog entry we camped a night alongside the Hugh River (dry) in the West Macs. It was even colder! Water pipes in the Patrol froze solid & tool trays in the under canopy compartment froze onto the aluminium & couldn't be got out for an hour or so after the sun was on the car. (Was warm enough in the Tvan though). Found the wadding from an old sleeping bag alongside a track down to boggy hole, cut it into strips & lagged the external pipes using a roll of green masking tape I had. Looks pretty awful, but it stopped the pipes freezing this morning, whilst water left out overnight in a bucket was frozen solid. Surprisingly we got to an altitude of around 630 metres a bit out of Alice which probably explains the cold.

31st July 2018, 01:09 AM
More blog posts. :)





Posting several at once whilst we have internet in Newman. Spent last night out at Kalgans Pool, just north of Newman. Will try to post video of the water crossings if youtube plays ball.

31st July 2018, 01:30 AM

31st July 2018, 02:19 AM

31st July 2018, 09:52 AM
Awesome cuppa looking forward to sitting down with a beer and having a good look. .

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10th August 2018, 08:24 PM
Mt Augustus & the Kennedy Range (http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2018/08/10/mt-augustus-kennedy-range-np/)

11th August 2018, 09:57 AM
Loved the Dawson Bee video mate, thanks for sharing!

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27th August 2018, 06:51 PM
Hi folks, it's been a while without a phone signal, so my apologies in advance for posting half a dozen new blog posts today whilst we have a connection. Hope you enjoy them.







And here's another little video MrsTea made on the phone. There's also a link to it in the Skull Springs post.


18th September 2018, 04:24 PM
Hi folks, just one post this time, but it's a longer one & lots of pics. Have been camped up at James Price Point north of Broome for the past couple of weeks.


19th September 2018, 11:37 PM
Hi folks, just one post this time, but it's a longer one & lots of pics. Have been camped up at James Price Point north of Broome for the past couple of weeks.

http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2018/09/18/on-to-broome/Beautiful spot i am led to believe

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22nd September 2018, 07:58 PM
It's not all a bed of roses!


22nd September 2018, 08:21 PM
Not sure that's a freshie Cuppa .

the evil twin
22nd September 2018, 08:42 PM
Hey Cuppa, if you are in Beagle Bay at all in the next 4 weeks keep an eye out for my young bloke.

When he isn't training (or fishing) he's in the dongas behind the Bakery (look for the Carey Training ute).
He said to tell you to stop and say g'day if your paths happen to cross.

He flies out in 4 weeks tho and anther dude takes over

22nd September 2018, 10:48 PM
If we go down there I'll definitely look him up ET.

99% certain the pics (& all the others we saw) are 'freshies' GQtdauto.

the evil twin
22nd September 2018, 11:37 PM
... if in doubt should always try the NT Arm Test.

Put your arm in the water and splash it about when the Croc disappears.
If shortly afterwards your arm disappears - Saltie
If not - Freshie

23rd September 2018, 10:06 PM
I'm told little dogs on ropes are the go over here in the north west. Not sure what the rope is for.

the evil twin
24th September 2018, 01:52 PM
I'm told little dogs on ropes are the go over here in the north west. Not sure what the rope is for.

Up there Dogs are cheap, Collars are expensive... the rope is so you can get the Collar back and also transfer Rego to the next Croc Detection Canine

4th October 2018, 07:47 PM
Another 'episode' .......... we are at Chile Creek.


27th October 2018, 05:16 PM
'Build up season' has begun & we are settling in for the long haul.


19th November 2018, 05:18 PM
Snakes, frogs & sweat rash do paradise make!


20th November 2018, 03:59 PM
Your best blog yet mate. Felt like I was there, sweating in that wet season heat. The soap box rant was well done also.

25th November 2018, 08:05 PM
New Post.
Photos & few words this time.


8th January 2019, 02:35 PM
After a brief but unexpected hiatus I am back to posting on our blog.

The Wet Season has commenced in style!


the evil twin
8th January 2019, 03:23 PM
Great read as always Cobber...

Yeah, that Cyclone should definitely brew up I reckon, given the monsoon trough location... which should also help to keep pushing it south before it curves.

Keep a bloody close eye on it tho, if it deepens earlier or further east in the Timor Sea than current prediction it could do what about 3 of them did last year and hug the coast.

Old Sailors trick, face the wind and the cyclone is over your left shoulder, if it is South of West you can start to relax a tad (less dangerous quadrant), if its North of West (most dangerous quadrant) it may well still have you in its sights... apparently cyclones only like going downhill :-)

27th January 2019, 01:55 AM
More from the Kimberley.
Rain, red water, but still no big wet.



28th January 2019, 08:35 AM
Nice read cuppa, thanks for sharing.

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7th March 2019, 10:31 PM
A new blog post. We know just how the fella below feels!



28th April 2019, 12:32 AM
Yesterday we left the Dampier Peninsula for the last time & are now living in a house (in Broome) for the first time in 11 months. Soon we'll be dragging the Tvan into the North Kimberley.


28th April 2019, 09:42 AM
Truly engaging write up. I am living vicariously for now.

28th April 2019, 10:10 AM
T I am living vicariously for now.

Yeah,but not for long! :) When do you head off?

28th April 2019, 12:36 PM
Yeah,but not for long! :) When do you head off?

Wife retires in December, then it begins.
A few more trial runs before then to nurture the desire.

29th May 2019, 12:10 PM
New blog post - We have loved Broome & are now almost re-packed & re-stocked, ready to begin living in the Tvan again.


29th May 2019, 08:11 PM
Great commentary Cuppa
I wish you continued good fortune and health on your journeys.
The pics are great as well :)

9th July 2019, 04:46 PM
A new blog post in which we set off along the Gibb River Road.


17th July 2019, 01:41 PM
North Kimberley Part 2. Mt Hart to Mt Elizabeth (via Mornington Wilderness Camp & a couple of locations we had all to ourselves). (http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2019/07/17/north-kimberley-part-2-mt-hart-to-mt-elizabeth/)

17th July 2019, 05:44 PM
Following hard on the heels of my previous post, here is the next whilst we have an internet connection. This North Kimberley Part 3 - The Munja Track is without doubt our Kimberley highlight.


For those who like moving pics without reading here is a video to show what driving the track was like. (It's included in the blog post too along with more pics). Quality isn't fantastic, but shot with a phone & stitched together inside the Tvan - it's the best I can manage.


23rd July 2019, 10:54 PM
North Kimberley Pt 4. Kalumburu to Kununurra.


10th August 2019, 12:30 AM
East Kimberley - New rear suspension & we drive from Kununurra to the Bungles via Parry Creek Rd & Wyndham, getting bogged again in the process (http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2019/08/09/east-kimberley-kununurra-to-the-bungles/).

30th August 2019, 10:06 PM
New blog post. After a year in the Kimberley we leave WA & drive our Patrol & Tvan across the NT via Kalkarindji, the Gregory National Park, Katherine, Ngukurr, & Limmen's Lost cities. ( http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2019/08/30/the-bungles-to-borroloola-via-a-bit-more-rough-stuff/)

30th August 2019, 10:16 PM
Kalkaringji also known as hookers creek,spent 6months there as mechanic back in 1996,really enjoyed it to work n no play,but it left a special memory for me that place,thanks Cuppa

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23rd October 2019, 01:38 PM
It's been a couple of months since the last post.

Here's the latest Borroloola to the Daintree (http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2019/10/23/borroloola-to-the-daintree/)

Hope you enjoy it.

26th October 2019, 03:44 PM
We are now settled into our 'jungle' house sit & are enjoying adapting to a very different environment. This blog post brings us up to date.


26th October 2019, 07:27 PM
We are now settled into our 'jungle' house sit & are enjoying adapting to a very different environment. This blog post brings us up to date.


Now how do I organise a flight on the mail plane?

5th November 2019, 04:21 PM
Bout time for a catch up I think Cuppa! Am home for a bit again at the moment. Have you done the Creb Track yet? Good weather for some lunch and a swim on the track maybe?

5th November 2019, 04:30 PM
Bout time for a catch up I think Cuppa! Am home for a bit again at the moment. Have you done the Creb Track yet? Good weather for some lunch and a swim on the track maybe?

There you go Cuppa, how you you refuse an offer like that?

5th November 2019, 08:44 PM
That or I might be drinking green tea in the jungle...

6th November 2019, 08:27 AM
G'day Ben ......... have sent you a PM. Will be good to finally meet (& to pick your brains about the Cape).

6th November 2019, 11:50 AM
Got it. Will give you a call shortly.

I have a bit of a list of places for you somewhere. Did it up a while ago but will find it and bring it up along with a map and give you some ideas.

8th December 2019, 05:15 PM
Another blog update. We are still in the rainforest.


23rd January 2020, 11:07 PM
Our time in the Daintree is coming to an end sadly, but we are looking forward to February up on Cape York.


9th March 2020, 11:24 PM
We left the Tvan & Patrol in storage & went up to Portland Roads, Cape York for 5 weeks. A taster of what is to come later in the year when we return to the Cape with the Tvan. Now back near Cairns & keen to get back up the Cape once roads re-open. Lots of pics.


3rd May 2020, 09:44 PM
Our Patrol & Tvan were packed & stocked ready to drive back up Cape York as soon as the roads dried out - but it wasn't to be.

Our Covid -19 Story.


3rd May 2020, 10:20 PM
Glad you found such a beautiful sanctuary, Cuppa.

8th August 2020, 07:19 PM
After a Covid induced hiatus we have just added a new post to our blog. We recently managed to get away for 3 weeks to drive around the back blocks of south west Cape York, well off the 'usual' routes.
It's a 'bumper edition' with lots of pics & even a few videos of river crossings & stuff. I hope you enjoy it.


8th August 2020, 07:51 PM
Good read, we were up that way this time last year. Did you check my Mitchell River crossing Youtube vid?


8th August 2020, 08:45 PM
Good read, we were up that way this time last year. Did you check my Mitchell River crossing Youtube vid?


Good video, wish I had seen it before we went! The water over the rock shelf on the far side must have been fairly shallow, but would have made it far harder to avoid all the holes than for us crossing it dry! The only vid I found was quite old I think & the crossing in it unrecognisable to what it's like now.

9th August 2020, 01:16 AM
Great pics, thanks Cuppa.

13th August 2020, 09:46 AM
After a Covid induced hiatus we have just added a new post to our blog. We recently managed to get away for 3 weeks to drive around the back blocks of south west Cape York, well off the 'usual' routes.
It's a 'bumper edition' with lots of pics & even a few videos of river crossings & stuff. I hope you enjoy it.



Just spent the past hour reading through your Blog . . . great reading and some great photos. Great to see you could get up North and follow the adventurous life style during these times . . . your the lucky one's.

I liked your comments about the rednecks as you describe them, it's these self centred 'Me' individualises/groups who scare the shit out of Me, as they pass through small communities and expose residents without a care, who may not be as well prepared health wise to fend-off COVID more then others . . . communities like my Father's.

I hope you get the chance to go exploring again soon, I enjoyed the read . . . thanks.


11th December 2020, 01:42 PM
Not a blog post this time.

I mentioned several weeks ago we were looking at buying an OKA. Things have firmed up on this now so I thought I'd copy & paste the 'announcement' I made on my facebook page this morning.
Some you will already know if you read the previous post, but all the pieces of the puzzle are now in place. The Patrol will remain with us for sometime yet though.

Excitement is building fast!
Some of you already know our news which I've tried to keep a lid on until it becomes reality, but I have to admit to not being good at keeping secrets & have 'let the cat out the bag' here & there already.
As you know we are now into our 4th year of travelling in our Nissan Patrol & Tvan , a great combination, & very capable off road.

However during that time we have often considered alternatives which would enable us to cook & eat 'indoors' in inclement weather or when the mozzies & flies become overbearing. Many possibilities have been considered but eventually discarded either on the basis of lack of mechanical simplicity (computerisation of modern vehicles in my view makes them a liability in remote areas), poor reliability (which ruled out some suitable vehicles which were becoming to 'long in the tooth & needing ongoing repairs to keep them going) , cost - there are some very nice 'expedition vehicles' around but with costs in the multi hundreds of thousands - beyond our means even if they suited our criteria, which most did not.

The most important (to us) of the criteria was that not only should the vehicle be extremely capable off road, it should also be narrow enough to fit along the commonly found tracks made or used by the common 4wd vehicle sizes like the Landcruisers & Patrols, This ruled out most off road motorhomes, as did the height of many.

We always came back to our Patrol & Tvan as the best option.

That is, until we found the vehicle which I will be collecting next Monday! It is one of those older 'long in the tooth' vehicles, except it has essentially been 're-born' having gone through a ground up rebuild using all new or fully reconditioned major components thoughout. Being an older design it will need a higher level of regular maintenance than our Patrol, but it's 're-birth' has been enough to convince us of what we hope will be it's reliability to continue to safely take us well off the beaten track.

It ticks all our boxes with one exception. Despite having a brand new, more powerful than the original, motor & a brand new gearbox as part of the overall refurbishment it was horrible to drive! The clutch was heavy, & the gearchange not only in a reverse pattern to the norm, but also very 'vague' resulting in what felt like a gearbox full of neutrals, controlling a motor with lots of 'grunt'.
Not being an out & out masochist, but recognising that this was probably the closest we had ever come to ticking all our boxes, we decided to take a punt & hope we did not end up with what potentially could become a very expensive white elephant!

This decision was made on the basis of spending more money on the vehicle post purchase. The entire driveline from gearstick back to the axles would go, to be replaced by an automatic transmission!
The best option, & one already trialled in a number of similar vehicles which have had the same motor (a Cummins 5.9 litre 6BT) is an Allison 1000 transmission - combination referred to by some as the 'holy grail' of engine & auto transmission combos! A motor with heaps of torque at very low revs combined with a transmission which provides full power 'seamless' gearchanges using an electronic push button controller. No loss of momentum on upward changes, 'instant' manual changes possible at the push of a button & no cumbersome linkages to the gearbox (the primary cause of the vagueness of the existing gearbox).

Finding someone with specific knowledge of the vehicle, the motor, the Allison auto, the electronics, the computer skills, (yes the Allison is computer controlled, but does have a good useable default 'limp mode' if something goes wrong - remains in 3rd gear) the machining skills to fit things together, & the equipment needed to manouvre heavy machinery parts around, and who has good communication skills meant looking for someone fairly unique. That combination of skillsets in one person makes for quite a rare breed.

We are in Far North Queensland. (FNQ). The vehicle is 1800kms south in Brisbane. The rare breed man, found through friends in the very active owners club of the vehicles in question is yet further south, some 2400kms from here. In the past few weeks I have been a bit of a 'jetsetter' utilising the relatively cheap flights available thanks to Covid. I have driven two vehicles each fitted with the Cummins/Allison combo & found them to be all I hoped for & more. Easy & relaxing to drive, but fun too. As I drove it really wasn't hard to imagine us swanning around this huge island in one. One belonged to a friend, the other to Rob, the rare breed man, who as well as his own has fitted out several other vehicles similarly.

So next Monday I fly to Brisbane, pay for & collect the vehicle, & then drive it south to Taree where I will leave it in Rob's hands, & return north.

And so the vehicle...... drum roll...... it is an Australian made 1995 OKA, a rare beast - only around 450 ever built, but with a legendary reputation in off road circles & an active band of loyal owners.
This one, like many began life working at a mine, & was pretty tired & in need of lots of TLC when bought by the current owner - his second OKA. As well as the total rebuild (over several years) he also built the fibreglass composite panel camper/motorhome body & fitted it out. This and most of the major components are now several years old, but with less than 60,000kms on them. The motor, imported brand new from the USA is about half that, replacing the original Perkins motor after it had been fully rebuilt. Another friend with an OKA in Adelaide now has that motor as a 'spare' for the 600,000kms one currently in his vehicle.

As you can see from the photos the camper body retains the width of the cab. Many motorhomes built onto OKAs are wider, but the size was the first thing to grab our attention. It is just 100mm wider than the canopy on our Patrol. Of course it makes things fairly 'squeezy' inside, but we take the view that most of our living with our current set up is 'outside' & we don't expect that to change much, except when required.
It's set up for remote travel with a fuel range similar to the Patrol, & water capacity similar the Patrol & Tvan combined. Ground clearance is better & not needing to tow means we will be more inclined to check out 'interesting looking' tracks, which we have often bypassed with the Tvan in tow for fear of finding insufficient room to turn around. The OKA at 6 metres long (Patrol & Tvan together are close to 10 metres long) will get us to the many hidden away little camp spots accessible only by single vehicles.

We will make a few alterations to the interior to suit us, the main things being converting the bedding arrangement to one which doesnt require setting up each time for use (I have a cunning plan) & increasing solar capacity & will fit an additional 'panoramic' window at the rear to allow us to sit at the table with a view of the ocean when it's blowing a gale! Inside as well as the bed is a 'dinette', a small kitchen with stovetop, oven & griller plus sink with hot & cold water. An 80 litre upright fridge & a 40 litre chest freezer, a shower cubicle, also containing a vacuum toilet. A diesel heater to keep things toasty in cold weather, & 240v air conditioning (which we may or may not retain - depending on whether we have to relocate the under chassis hot water unit to make space for a transmission cooler for the Allison) addition to the cab air con. There is a 'pass through from cab to 'house'. The pop top roof is electrically operated.

We expect the vehicle to be with Rob until the second half of 2021 - he has to fit it in with many other aspects of his life.
In the meantime we remain hopeful of getting up Cape York next year in the Patrol & Tvan as we had hoped to do this year before Covid put paid to that.

OKA's are generally referred to by their build number. As the number plate suggests ours is number 356 (of 450).

Regards to all,


11th December 2020, 02:53 PM
Exciting times mate.

11th December 2020, 03:48 PM

11th December 2020, 07:03 PM
Going to be interesting watching Mrs Tea drive that. Those YouTube videos are impressive, can’t wait for a firsthand experience around the local tracks.

11th December 2020, 07:39 PM
Going to be interesting watching Mrs Tea drive that. Those YouTube videos are impressive, can’t wait for a firsthand experience around the local tracks.

She might surprise you Jack, the auto makes it easier to drive than the Patrol & she's can drive that ok. I've yet to try it off road, but I believe the auto (& exhaust brake) will make this a lot easier too. Driving one is not what you'd expect from looking at it. More comfortable than the Patrol (& far less harsh & bouncy in the cab than Canters & similar) more like a tall car & being a cab-over a far better view of the terrain you are approaching, and strangely it doesn't feel big because it will do everything within the same space the Patrol uses. It is only about half a metre longer than our Patrol!

We were joking today about a friend who has a Canter based motorhome which he calls the Tardis - bigger on the inside than on the outside. The two OKA's I drove felt the opposite, bigger on the outside than on the inside ... perhaps we should call it the 'Sidrat'. :) I will look forward to giving you a drive in it.

1st March 2021, 12:32 PM
New blog post - we are back up the Cape.


2nd March 2021, 10:13 PM
Living the dream, Cuppa!!

5th March 2021, 12:06 PM
Cuppa - As always, a great read! Keep an eye out for pieces of Amber on the beach and in amongst the rocks. I have several pieces that I found years ago on that headland, some with excellent bug specimens in them that I really should get polished up one day.

6th March 2021, 09:21 AM
Cuppa - As always, a great read! Keep an eye out for pieces of Amber on the beach and in amongst the rocks. I have several pieces that I found years ago on that headland, some with excellent bug specimens in them that I really should get polished up one day.

Apparently pieces of Ambergris can turn up too - way more valuable!

24th May 2021, 11:11 AM
Two for the price of one today!

Two new posts to bring us up to date




24th May 2021, 02:25 PM
Firstly, so sorry for your loss, Cuppa.

I wonder if that bloke burns through house sitters as quick as a hot curry does your insides?

24th May 2021, 06:16 PM
Firstly, so sorry for your loss, Cuppa.

I wonder if that bloke burns through house sitters as quick as a hot curry does your insides?

Thanks Muddy, I suspect you are quite perceptive. He did mention he'd had a bad run with house sitters in the past. I expect he'll repeat that to the next ones.

24th May 2021, 07:46 PM
Love the write-up as always.
My condolences about your father.
And such a shame that owner acted like a dick... Some people have nothing better to do than to simply act ungrateful.
But you still lived in what most of us deem as "paradise" ...

Sent from my Pixel 3a XL using Tapatalk

25th May 2021, 05:01 PM
Bloody hell mate. Great write up. Condolences to you firstly, second. What a f*#kwit the owner is. You have more resilience than me to rude people thats for sure, kudos to you. Someone barks at me, I will bark back twice a hard.

15th June 2021, 04:06 PM
We have survived dragging our Tvan across the Cape's Old Coach Road. Once is enough!


15th June 2021, 04:32 PM
What an adventure! Glad you made it in one piece, Cuppa.

26th June 2021, 06:00 PM
After the Old Coach Road, we've spent the past couple of weeks chilling in a couple of rather special spots.


26th June 2021, 07:08 PM
Keep on Living and Loving the Dream you Two [emoji3590][emoji3590][emoji106][emoji106]
Best write up yet, pictures & videos Awesome, Thanks Cuppa Mates [emoji106][emoji106]
A very appreciative special thanks too for the instant and highly detailed medical touring advice kindly received prior to your last departure. My copy cat DeVilbis Blue is enroute from QLD hopefully just in time for our NT work departure soon.
I must say though, initially you forgot to privately mention the Flatulence downhill CPAP situation, I have taken a deliberate write up screenshot now for my own future camp setup needs, Super Appreciated [emoji120][emoji120][emoji23]


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11th July 2021, 09:28 AM
Here you go, a pic (& video) heavy blog from the Laura Aboriginal Dance Festival we attended last week. We loved it & reckon it's a worthy item to add to anyone's Cape York bucket list. If you fancy it you have plenty of time to plan - next one is in two years time.


24th July 2021, 11:00 AM
After going back to Mareeba to get new batteries & the split water tank repaired we returned to Laura where we have been chilling out for the past 10 days.


24th July 2021, 03:36 PM
Happy Birthday Cuppa Mate [emoji512][emoji106][emoji106]

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7th August 2021, 04:00 PM
He we go folks. We reached Coen this morning after a week in Lakefield NP & another at a friend's station half way between the PDR & Pormpuraaw.


7th August 2021, 11:28 PM
He we go folks. We reached Coen this morning after a week in Lakefield NP & another at a friend's station half way between the PDR & Pormpuraaw.

http://cuppa500.com/Blog/2021/08/07/lakefield-np-beyond/Thanks Cuppa,another good read....

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8th August 2021, 10:06 PM
Cuppa - You could possibly also think about going out to Port Stewart and South down the coast through Lama Lama land. You would come out at that 5-mile camp basically. There was a 4m+ saltie living right up the 5-mile for many years. Scared the shit out of me one year when I nearly stumbled onto it high up a bank and well away from the water. The track down is remote but I heard that it was graded a few years ago. NPWS gated it, but it is actually a gazetted stock route and they have no right to block passage. Would pay to check though. If you do go this way, there is a little secret spot called the 1-mile, just South of the Stewart River on the beach. Bit tricky with the camper trailer, but it was a favorite of mine when I was based in Coen for a while. Big barra can be caught off the beach there when the tide is right.

South of that there is another creek (I think it was called the 5-mile) and then further down is an old outstation at Running Creek which had a good donkey hot water setup for a fresh water shower and great fishing as the tide changed over the shallow sandy entrance to the creek.

You will need the OK from the Lama Lama mob still I believe. Ask in Coen for the contact out there at the Port Stewart outstation or drop in and ask the boys/girls in Blue. They'll know who is out there now.

The drive around to Cape Melville and down to Cooktown on the Wakooka Road is also worth doing. I had heard that Bathurst Bay was closed off now, but not sure. Cape Flattery has been closed off at the tunnel beneath the silica mine conveyor, but still a nice drive, albeit with a pretty big sand dune to come back up if you do go down there.

Did you ever manage to get into the Olive River off the Frenchman's Track? The Wattle Hills area?

The other area you might want to check out is the Mungkan Kandju NP, just North of Coen and out to the West. It takes a few hours but is worth the drive to the end to Archer Bends. There are several very picturesque billabongs along the way to camp on and the Lotus flower type lillies that only grow there can be found if the wild cattle haven't trampled everything. Big crocs at Archer Bends too.

Keep those Blogs coming Cuppa, we are all living it through you at the moment!

13th August 2021, 08:21 AM
Currently at Chilli Beach…. Wet & windy! Intend to go dow the Running creek track on the way south, plus the Cape Melville/ Starke Wakooka track. Missed the Archer river bends on the way up, as we had arranged to arrive where we are camped currently on a specific date. Hopefully will manage some backtracking to get there.Had our first Pfizer jabs at Coen. Probably get our second at Weipa, but here until end of August with another week house sitting on Cape Weymouth last week of the month. (Or sooner if this crap weather persists). Never received the promised directions from the folk at Wattle hills unfortunately. Posted from Chilli Beach via 1 bar 3G. (& lots of patience!)

3rd September 2021, 09:12 AM
Double Pfizered, Chili Beach wind, Rastus the loveable dog & exploring a couple of 4wd tracks & destinations north of Weipa.


3rd September 2021, 10:15 AM
Again a good read Cuppa. The Pennefather is a great spot too. Fishing the West Coast can be pretty spectacular, even from the beaches and the water life amazing.

3rd September 2021, 11:28 PM
Double Pfizered, Chili Beach wind, Rastus the loveable dog & exploring a couple of 4wd tracks & destinations north of Weipa.


Great read again Cuppa.
Have to say Chilli Beach is one of the best places I have visited, we ended up changing our plans when we were there so we could extend our stay.

19th November 2021, 10:07 PM
Having been out of range for a while & now settled in at Moreton Telegraph Station for the wet, with internet, it eas time to start catching up with the blog posts.

Here the latest published this evening.

Old Telegraph Track - Its basically a video with notes in the blog to go with it.


If you just want to watch the video & not bother with what I've read I wont mind, but the writing should add a bit to the video if you can be bothered.

Video is 35 minutes


19th November 2021, 10:57 PM
Having been out of range for a while & now settled in at Moreton Telegraph Station for the wet, with internet, it eas time to start catching up with the blog posts.

Here the latest published this evening.

Old Telegraph Track - Its basically a video with notes in the blog to go with it.


If you just want to watch the video & not bother with what I've read I wont mind, but the writing should add a bit to the video if you can be bothered.

Video is 35 minutes


Hi Cuppa
Spent a few days on Pennefather a few years ago and was stalked by a croc while fishing from the outer bank on that lagoon near the mouth. Thought it was time to leave.

Friends on mine John and Diane used to look after the Moreton Telegraph Station for the wet also a few years ago.

Keep dry over next few months


19th November 2021, 11:25 PM
Awesome Cuppa & Mrs Tea Mates [emoji106][emoji106]
Truly enjoyed thank you both, slow & steady you’ve always proven out there wins the race [emoji3590][emoji3590]

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1st January 2022, 01:08 PM
Here is the link to our latest blog post in which we explore the area known as the NPA at the very top of Cape York. Almost 80 photos included along with my usual writing. I hope you enjoy the ride.


23rd January 2022, 09:40 PM
Do you want to know what it's like to stay up on the Cape as a caretaker for the wet season?
If so this is the post for you.



24th January 2022, 12:33 AM
As always, an enjoyable read, thanks, Cuppa.

28th May 2022, 10:23 PM
Long overdue - a new blog post. We see the wet season out at Moreton Telegraph Station with an impressive last hurrah of the monsoon season, get trapped by the rivers, eventually get out & travel to the Iron Range rainforest on the east coast of Cape York, crossing the deepest water I've ever driven through on the way.
