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1st February 2013, 08:37 AM
Today I dropped my daughter off to school and was left with an empty feeling that I thought I had shaken last year.

We thought she started back on Monday and only found out yesterday she was to go today and it started to sink in then, I already miss her and in the past was never bothered and even welcomed it for a bit of space.

Last year I went through the worst depression I had in nearly 17 years and even though I was aware of what I was going through and recognized the symptoms I could not shake it, it was like a dark cloud over me and it would not go away.

I am not sure if it is the cold weather all of a sudden plus being so run down from our trip away but I felt that cloud again and it scared me a little.

I think I am smart enough and know I have a lot going for me that I would never go through the thoughts I went through when I was young, I just find it strange that I have such an understanding of it but the cloud is still there???

Friends never really understand, they say they do but don't.... I don't want sympathy just a friend that is unwavering and truthful to the end.

I have lot of new mates thanks to this place and enjoy the company and don't want to bring people down but voice my feelings out loud so they make sense and I don't burden my wife who has enough on her plate .

Anyway I will go make myself a cuppa and see where that takes me.

Thanks for listening...

Ok guys I have been on the phone with Beyond Blue and they have stated that the are more of a referral service guiding you in what direction you may need to take to get help eg: doctor, shrink, drugs and so on.

Now for those that need to talk to someone in the moment you need to

call the Life Line on

13 11 14

I will put this info in the first thread..

This is my update on the first page.........................

Update on services to call:

Life Line is the number you need to call for immediate help on 13 11 14

Beyond Blue is more of a referral service to guide you in the right direction as far as counseling or doctors or drugs (only call if you need to take it the next step)
1300 22 4636

If you have other numbers send them to me with what they do and how they help and I will post it here on the first page

Remember to look out for the signs from a family member or friend and not be dismissive.

WA also has Crisis Care - 92231111

and Family Helpline - 92231100

1st February 2013, 08:48 AM
Admitting it is the first step to learning dealing with it mate, The biggest issue with most of us "Aussie Blokes" is we don't admit to our mates or self that we actually have an issue. Depression is something that we all suffer from even if we are not ready to admit it yet.

I think of it this way.. Depression is kind of like a tappet that rattles from time to time, you chuck in some new oil and it goes away for a bit, but until you take the rocker cover off and tighten it, the rattle will appear from time to time.

Dont be afraid of going to a doctor, and telling him what you have just told written above, they can help you....

I used to have the same issue, my GP helped me :)

keep ya chin up mate, there is light at the end of that tunnel your in ( if you want to find your way out )

1st February 2013, 08:48 AM
DONT ever be afraid to speak out
Thats the biggest reason why many throw themselves of trees, because noone bothers to listen
Sometimes you just need an ear to listen a shoulder to lean on ,and many in this day and age cant be bothered with that
If you dont want to go public with issues , shoot me a PM,ive been threw this stuff and worse many times over, wont disclose on public forums ......

1st February 2013, 08:51 AM
Bud, I have experienced a similar feeling for the last 4-5 years and the things that work for me is talk to the dog and to remember to ride the wave, these feelings come and go and if I can ride them rather than getting sucked under it becomes so much easier.

Of course online gaming distracts well too :) :)

1st February 2013, 08:55 AM
It is a sickness as I've just been diagnosed myself.
My BFF's look after me as will yours no doubt.
Have never thought of taking the cowards way out
But BA believe Me I know how you feel, for different reasons
with the same outcome, Chin up PM anytime for a dribble

1st February 2013, 08:58 AM
Aussie. You have my support in thoughts as thats what the forum limits me to.

Mojo has a good tip about your Doc, even though I suspect you are aware of that. Sounds like you have been helped brfore and that help is still there.

My wife booked me into a Doc I hadn't seen before for a check-up. Turned out she had given him a heads-up that I had not been myself.

He put a few questions to me that caught me off guard, to which I opened up and the wieght off my sholders was enormous, took a while to get back to "normal" but it did work for me.

I really hope it does for you, listening to your baby girl tell you how much fun she is having at school might be a start.

One of your forum mates,

1st February 2013, 09:09 AM
Sounds like someone needs a punch in the neck;-)

Seriously though, we are all here to listen mate.
Id try to avoid the round about of medication.
Better lock in for the easter meet up and surround yourself with some of your new best mates.
I know your smart enough to know it but, life is awesome, we live in the best part of the world. Surround yourself with the beauty of nature, the laughter of mates and the love of your family.

Punch depression in the neck:-)

DX grunt
1st February 2013, 09:21 AM
Admitting it is the first step to learning dealing with it mate, The biggest issue with most of us "Aussie Blokes" is we don't admit to our mates or self that we actually have an issue. Depression is something that we all suffer from even if we are not ready to admit it yet.

I think of it this way.. Depression is kind of like a tappet that rattles from time to time, you chuck in some new oil and it goes away for a bit, but until you take the rocker cover off and tighten it, the rattle will appear from time to time.

Dont be afraid of going to a doctor, and telling him what you have just told written above, they can help you....

I used to have the same issue, my GP helped me :)

keep ya chin up mate, there is light at the end of that tunnel your in ( if you want to find your way out )

Spot on, Mojo

G'day BA

We all have different stresses and pressures in life, and sometimes it's the smallest thing that can trigger a reaction, positive or negative.

I've seen first hand how depression can slowly take a grip and hang on to people - including myself.

Depression can start subtly without realizing it, or full on.

At my work, we have specialized people who deal with our critical incident stresses. I have put my hand up for help,
without hesitation - numerous times.

Please, seek professional help - sooner rather than later. It's amazing what/how much these professionals know and can help you.

You have a fantastic support network on this Forum, right here, to help you, too.

These links may help.



Take care out there, bro.


Sir Roofy
1st February 2013, 09:26 AM
Ba your not alone as you have just discovered you have lots of mates with and without
talk to us mate start planning our yours next trip,it was a big w/end we had im drained
as well but it was worth being up in gods country

1st February 2013, 09:39 AM
Thanks guys I do appreciate it.... I find friends dont know how to cope with it and can even be dismissive of it.

I am not in any danger of anything stupid I have way to much to live for but do find it so so strange that I know what is going on and know that I love life but the feeling is still there??????

I dont want to go to the doctors for reasons that may sound odd to many but I have a gun licence and dont want to lose it... I enjoy hunting and feral control so this may affect that??

I rang the help line 17 years ago when I did plan to top myself and it was a massive help, I spoke to the lady for more than 2 hours and after felt this great weight lifted from me.

I was in outback NSW and away from my wife and it was the darkest I had ever felt.. I had planned to ride my motorcycle to the railway crossing at 1.15am as I knew the train would be past and was all ready to go when I fell asleep.... funny heh!!

It was that morning I rang for help and it was brilliant.

I think it is as DX stated the stresses of life sometimes they mount up a bit and the normal load we can deal with day to day get too much.

I think I am a bit run down from all thats been going on and need to eat some fruit and not drink beer, he he!!!!!

DX grunt
1st February 2013, 09:48 AM
Diet and exercise play a very important role in one's health and well being. Stay hydrated too - with water.

1st February 2013, 10:45 AM
Diet and exercise play a very important role in one's health and well being. Stay hydrated too - with water.

Yeah you could try doing some beach dancing in your Speedos like rossco....



1st February 2013, 10:48 AM
The thought did cross my mind........ eerr wait I just figured it all out... it was seeing Andy in the nud 2 mornings in a row... bloody hell!!!!

1st February 2013, 11:06 AM
The thought did cross my mind........ eerr wait I just figured it all out... it was seeing Andy in the nud 2 mornings in a row... bloody hell!!!!

Well that would make any person depressed chin up mate or ill punch you in the neck I know how you feel mate when I found out I had lung cancer shit nothing felt rite still get those s##t days here and there take it easy sweet pea it's not something to ignore I'm sure you have plenty of mates on and off this site lift your chin up hi so when I see you next ill get a clean neck punch

DX grunt
1st February 2013, 11:25 AM
it was seeing Andy in the nud 2 mornings in a row... bloody hell!!!!

Words, not pictures. Words, not pictures. PML

1st February 2013, 11:59 AM
Hi BA - mate you are definitely not alone in your feelings and if you ever need an "anonymous" forum mate to have a chat to give me a bell. I've PM'd you my mobile so if you ever want to offload anything on someone please give me a bell! It sounds like you know the symptoms and understand what is happening - but mate - please go and see your doctor or call Beyond Blue or the like. I'd hate to see someone on the forum suffering and not knowing there is a whole bunch of people on here who are ready to lend a shoulder or an ear or whatever you need.


1st February 2013, 12:08 PM
It's a strange illness. Even when you know you have everything going for you it can grab you and drag you down into some dark places.

There's not too many of us that haven't experienced it to some degree. If you don't want to go see a Doc just yet, ring the help line again, have a chat and see how things are after that.

Plenty of us here are willing to help, given the responses, but we're not professionals, that I know of, and whilst we may be good listeners and supportive we probably don't know the right questions to ask or the appropriate responses to give.

At least here you can come and have a laugh and know that there are people ready and willing to help, even if it's just the offer of a cordial punch to the throat :)

Take care mate!

1st February 2013, 12:21 PM
Believe me guys this is one place I feel good 95% of the time..... the other 5% is Winnie and Healy giving me the shits!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!

Dont have a huge amount of mates anymore as I stopped working on motorcycles all of a sudden I did not have people around my house every weekend.

Got told years ago you can count on one hand if you are lucky your real close mates....... this is so true!!

1st February 2013, 12:36 PM
As others have said, chin up mate. I think we all suffer a bit these days, and I don't think its getting better..
I know I had a real bad stint when I up and move out at 17 years old. Moved nearly 800k from everything I knew into a new environment which was not for me.
Sleepless nights, nearly got sacked all because I was way under my head. No friends, just my now wife which I pushed away and did things I now regret but she stuck by my.
She seeked help for me, we got our own unit in a group of people our age (19 at this time), and basically started life again.
Now, I still don't have many friends, got work mates, but no BFF's within 400k.
But as I said, my now wife and 2 kids, got our house, and steady income, and the Nissan...
So I'm not rich, not travelling the world. Im happy to have a roof over my family's head, a running car in the driveway and if there is a little cash to splash we then its a good week.

So yea, chin up, talk about it, bounce feelings around.. and if all else fails just cuddles with the family...

We all here for each other.

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

1st February 2013, 12:59 PM
I might hang shit on ya mate but you're a decent bloke.

1st February 2013, 01:00 PM
It is a sickness as I've just been diagnosed myself.
My BFF's look after me as will yours no doubt.
Have never thought of taking the cowards way out
But BA believe Me I know how you feel, for different reasons
with the same outcome, Chin up PM anytime for a dribble

I'm always up for a coffee and dribble :)

1st February 2013, 01:00 PM
Only have 2 BFFs but know a hell of a lot of people. maybe its just a sign of the shittey nanny world we live in.
How I'd love to be able to see how my dad grew up. Car windows left down unlocked in the street, no drug problem like now
only had to worry if uncle bob drank too much,those were the days my friend,It's sad they ended.

1st February 2013, 01:06 PM
Only have 2 BFFs but know a hell of a lot of people. maybe its just a sign of the shittey nanny world we live in.
How I'd love to be able to see how my dad grew up. Car windows left down unlocked in the street, no drug problem like now
only had to worry if uncle bob drank too much,those were the days my friend,It's sad they ended.

Thus why I miss the farm so dam much. You still can leave your cars unlocked, ride bikes when your young, drive when your 10, shoot stuff for fun...

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

1st February 2013, 01:36 PM
BloodyAussie, you are not alone mate, that bloody black cloud gets around.

I worked all my professional life in mental health services, & reckon I have a pretty good insight into depression, it's causes & what folks find helpful in dealing with it ...... But this didn't help a jot when we got back from our round Oz trip a few years back. I sank into depression, thought about death a lot, although never seriously considered topping myself. I just never felt happy, never enjoyed previously enjoyable things, but smiled a lot trying to put on a 'brave face'. Even now if I don't have something to keep me occupied the negative thoughts & anxieties return. First thing in the morning between waking & getting up is usually the worst. I lay there 'catastrophising'. Getting up seems to help, as does physical exercise. I continue to look forward to the day we can set off on more permanent travel, everything else is just filling in time. Well not exactly, but that's how it feels at times when I get a bit down. At other times I recognise that we are slowly working towards making it possible, and this allows me to enjoy the present a bit more. Might sound like not much, but one of the best things where we live is the abundance & variety of bird life. It's one of the things that I generally find it easier to recognise & enjoy.
Whatever your demons are try not to let them boss you around, & whenever possible give'em a good kicking by recognising that you are enjoying something you are doing. I give myself the same advice & sometimes manage to follow it.

With regard to going to see a doctor or any other professional SHOP AROUND! Their professional discipline (background) is far less important than finding someone with whom you 'click' & can trust. Different professionals 'fit' for different people. When I worked as a therapist some folk reckoned I was the best thing since sliced bread, & others thought me a waste of space. Just depended whether or not my 'style' fitted with their world view.

Best wishes,

EDIT: I also meant to say that I really liked Mojo01's tappet analogy, & that it can take a huge amount of courage to lift the rocker cover 'cos we fear the worst about what we'll find. There is plenty of evidence in this thread already that we have a few rocker cover lifters here who summoned up the courage & didn't regret it.

1st February 2013, 01:56 PM
Great post Cuppa! I empathise with your situation, I haven't worked in the field but after a couple of go-arounds with the black dog and lots of time spent dissecting and trying to understand the illness, I thought I was fairly well insulated... but no, it got me again. :icon_bonk:

Exercise is working well for me now.

BloodyAussie, my recommendation is to avoid alcohol, it can only make things worse. Surprisingly difficult to achieve in our drinking culture, though, so maybe just a few ground rules rather than total abstinence is more feasible. Rule 1 should probably be no drinking at home by yourself.

1st February 2013, 02:35 PM
I take my hat off to you, Bloodyaussie, for bringing this to the fore.

Many years back we had lots of problems on the home front, a couple of our sons were out of control. The pressure and worry began to take its toll on both my wife & I. I began to sink into the worst state of depression, it effected my whole life, work family and friends.

By pure accident I met a man who owned a personal growth & development business. This man took me under his wing and spent a lot of time with me. It took a while for me to feel comfortable around him and the people he employed.

He taught me different ways to deal with situations and depression, and most importantly was how to recognise it, and how to get on top of it before it got to me again. IT was damm hard, but with his help and guidence I made it.

Today, I would be lying if I said I never get depressed. I do, however I am aware when it starts to happen, and are able to pull myself up and away from it.

Head up mate, as other have said, there are options available, doctors, some suburbs do have clinics that come under the health services scheme, that people can attend and often a minimal charge.

Regards and again, thanks for sharing.

1st February 2013, 03:59 PM
Nissanpatrol.com.au hats off to you.

To the 30odd people that have responded so far - thank you

BA the strongest man in the room is the man that faces his demons head on. The better man is the man who asks for help and takes it when it's offered.

The character of the man is seen in the man who offers help to a friend without obligation or reward.

On a Bloody car forum on the Internet we have such men.

Goes to the character and foundation of this forum. Nice one.

Johnathan, your a good man, your well liked here and always welcome at my campfire bud. I also make kick arse coffee at my home in Lara.

On behalf of the other 250 members that have viewed this page who likely clicked on the title because in their own place they battle that demon thanks for opening the door. The 3 pages of advice will be read by those 250 in silence and they will receive the same level of support in silence. Maybe a few of them will reach out for help silently.

Thanks for being that stronger and better man.

1st February 2013, 04:01 PM
Hi Bloodyaussie!

One of my friends is a doctor. Once he said an interesting thing:

"Life is a great thing if you take right antidepressants."

Its not important - mud racing, hunting, fishing etc until it can hurts you and your relatives, but gives you pleasure, it will save you from depression for a long time.

Be health and chin up!

1st February 2013, 04:02 PM
This should cheer anyone up West Indies all out for 70, feel the BROVE

1st February 2013, 05:08 PM
Thanks Darren......

1st February 2013, 05:09 PM
Why depressed mate. I went through it last year. family?

1st February 2013, 06:45 PM
I have been suffering for 3 years and only now getting on top of it and slowly reducing the amount of anti depressants I have been taking. It is a debilitating sickness but it is treatable. To any one who says toughen up princess in a serious(not a joking/helpful manner) don't understand. Big respect for stepping up and sharing thanks mate. And to all the other lads on here for the support being shown it means a lot to see this

Cheers boys(and ladies)

Just tap it in just tappy tappy tappy

1st February 2013, 06:54 PM
I have been suffering for 3 years and only now getting on top of it and slowly reducing the amount of anti depressants I have been taking. It is a debilitating sickness but it is treatable. To any one who says toughen up princess in a serious(not a joking/helpful manner) don't understand. Big respect for stepping up and sharing thanks mate. And to all the other lads on here for the support being shown it means a lot to see this

Cheers boys(and ladies)

Just tap it in just tappy tappy tappy

I would never say that to someone... a good mate of mine topped himself a few years ago and he was so loved by all his friends and family and he loved them but it was not enough and one day the bipolar got the better of him and he ended it..

I struggled with it for a bit as I was supposed to go round and help him out with 3 motorcycles he just bought from the auction...????????????

When thinking of charities to donate to on behalf of the forum in future this is worth considering, eg meet up or ???

1st February 2013, 07:32 PM
WOW.......... first,thanks BA for opening the door on this issue.
I was at a stage in my life where i was always grumpy yelling at my wife and kids all the time,no matter whatever i did i just did'nt feel happy.
Now i have never had thoughts of selfharm BUT often when i was driving to or from work i would find myself thinking about just driving untill i run out of fuel and see where i ended up and then go from there,i honestly thought no body would miss me.
My wife convinced me to go the doctor and i was told i have depression,nuh not me no way im a happy guy like a good laugh and shitstir ive never tought about killing myself,the doc gave me some paperwork to do and when i sat down and read it i realived that alot on that sheet was ME.
I never spoke to any mates about i thought it was consdiered weak and would often think to myself toughen up you weak prick get over it,but once it has you it won't let go.
As it is my family and and a handfull of good mates are the only ones that know.
After reading this im not alone and weak,so thanks BA

1st February 2013, 08:31 PM
Dont worry about the doc, and your gun license, talk to him/her or it ( LOL ) I never went done the medication path, turns out I was a diabetic hence and depression was a side affect of body sugar issues.. better to be safe and sorry.. its not like your gonna walk in and say hey doc " I have a gun and Im think I have depression" , if you say that you may as well swear and tell him that you own a.... cough cough PRADO ( sorry for swearing guys )

1st February 2013, 08:56 PM
dude. you will be ok. just have fun with your kids as much as possible. thats what i do. you cant forget the past but you can work on the future

1st February 2013, 09:12 PM
Sorry ba I'm on the phone and can't type much, I don't get the black cloud much because we live in Australia!!!!!!!!!

Sounds like another trip to paradise is in the making mate. We have an awesome network here, live it up son. 90% of the population envy us bud, let's get amongst it!!!!

1st February 2013, 09:28 PM
BA, though not depression I spent 2 years with anxiety tearing me apart.
The moment of realisation was taking a client to a footy match.....sitting in the stand with 70,000 others I felt like the only person watching.....so wrong.
The biggest step I took then was to speak to my GP who put me onto a councillor he knew. Best thing I ever did!
Unfortunately I have had further health issues the last 6 months that hopefully I'm almost out the other side of but I remember those years of anxiety as if it were yesterday....
Like everyone here, always here to help out if you need it.

Tap this.........

1st February 2013, 09:34 PM
Iv had 3 mates end it in the last year due to depression and currently trying to help another family member through it. It's a serious matter that I think should not be shrugged of or put to the back of list to sort out later. You first need to accept there is a problem and make sure you tell your close family and friends about it. Go to the doctors. Be proactive, get out 4wding, start a hobby, just get out of the usual routine and spice it up a bit. Remember there are many people that care about you and would do anything to make you happy again. Also you live in an awesome place with many opportunities. When you think of past friends and family remember the good times you had. Always share how you feel mate, either on this forum or peers, its good to get it off your chest instead of dwelling.

1st February 2013, 09:36 PM
Wow, I've never seen so many open up about "it". I've been diagnosed since my 1st born was a few months old, she is now nearly 2 and a half, I've probably suffered longer but never really known it. I do now and I see the signs of it almost every day. The depression for me is one thing, but the anxiety is crazy, My head just cant let go of things and it really screw me up. I've been medicated for probably 2 years now and only take a small dose (20mg) it doesn't seem much but if I miss 1 day I can really see how bad I used to be: grumpy/agitated/restless etc.

I don't have many real friends where I am now, we had to move away from Sydney because it was getting too much for me (possibly the 1st real sign that I didn't pick up on) I'm lucky in a way as my father-in-law suffers from it, and my wife had been medicated for 12 years but she beat it and got off them to have our kids. Thank you for opening up this for everyone to read/post, Sometimes its just little things like this that help out.

Recently I've found tinkering in the garage/doing something with the patrol after dinner when the kids have gone to bed is good and gives me a bit of a release that balances things a bit.

I've probably just rambled of a whole heap of garbage here, and if it makes no sense at all forgive me :)

thanks guys!

1st February 2013, 09:48 PM
If ok I would like to start an anxiety thread actually. I'm a head case anxiety sufferer and would live some feedback on others ways to deal with it...lol

DX grunt
1st February 2013, 09:51 PM
If ok I would like to start an anxiety thread actually. I'm a head case anxiety sufferer and would live some feedback on others ways to deal with it...lol

Anxiety/depression......what ever, it needs to be made a sticky, please.

Thanks in advance.

Take care out there.


1st February 2013, 09:52 PM
If ok I would like to start an anxiety thread actually. I'm a head case anxiety sufferer and would live some feedback on others ways to deal with it...lol

Good idea mate :)

1st February 2013, 10:38 PM
Good idea AB, but I reckon BA might already have beaten you to it. ;-)

2nd February 2013, 07:47 AM
ab WHEN YOU PUT THE NEW STICKY UP CAN YOU INCLUDE THE CONTACT DETAILS OF "beyond blue" in Vic not sure of other states. It's 13 11 44 or similar

2nd February 2013, 08:19 AM
Feeling better this morning... want to go shoot?????

Maybe Winnie for getting a TD42......

It's funny (not really) how many men are affected by depression, I knew it was a lot more than people admit and the aussie attitude of not showing weakness does not help.

I dont want us blokes to turn into a bunch of sooky lala's but there has to be a way in which we as a society know how to cope and help others that are affected.

It is usually the ones closest to us that dont know how to deal with it????

My kids drive me nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2nd February 2013, 08:30 AM
... want to go shoot?????

Plenty of bunnies down here. My rifle needs sighting in though, haven't hit a thing in ages, except with the shottie.


2nd February 2013, 08:54 AM
Plenty of bunnies down here. My rifle needs sighting in though, haven't hit a thing in ages, except with the shottie.


Would be happy to have a coffee and shoot some bunnies!!!!

DX grunt
2nd February 2013, 08:57 AM
Men's health issues are slowly coming 'out of the closet' more and more, and being talked about - by blokes - which, in many cases, can be quite healthy.

I used to be quite reserved about lots of things, but am slowly opening up - which is helping me, too.

Thank you to everybody who has commented on and read this thread.

My prayer is that at least one person has benefited from this thread and will seek help, if need be.

If you have any doubt about your mental health, or you, your close friends and/or family have noticed a change or changes in your well being, please, seek professional help.

There is no shame in seeking professional help. I've done it. On one occasion, my wife read the 'alarm bells', and another time, I sought my own help.

We are not bad people, but sometimes we may need a bit of help to get back on track.

Take care out there.


the godfather
2nd February 2013, 03:38 PM
Well after a long read and a lot of encouraging post I am feeling like there is a lot of support out there. Maybe we Australian men aren't as closed as they say we are. Now to BloodyAussie I want to say I do know what you are going through. I want to encourage you that there is a light at the end of deep dark tunnels. A while back I myself descended into a complete state of depression, and like you, I consider myself smart enough to read the symptom, hell, I even studies psychology and counselling at uni. Non the less I got so bad that I stood on the side of Old Mandurah Bridge in full motorcycle leathers and helmet and pondered the idea of ending it. I used to say that is weak, but when you are that depressed all logic leaves you. I had lost my business, separated from my wife, lost a public position I held for 18 years, had criminal charges against me, and 99% of my friends deserted me. I felt truly alone and could see absolutely no other answer. Yet here I am 5-6 years later with a lovely wife who loves me. So how did I get I get through? I really cant pin it to anything other than people. I discovered life is about living and being involved with people. Everything else is just a distraction. Now days I don't go through anything alone. If I was to quote or say any one thing to you it would be from my namesake "The Godfather" When a man came to seek help from Don Corleone, he ask how much it would cost. THE GODFATHER said, "only your friendship"; meaning friendship is priceless. By the sound of it and this thread, you my friend have many friends.
Many, many friends.

2nd February 2013, 04:03 PM
Wow, I've never seen so many open up about "it". I've been diagnosed since my 1st born was a few months old, she is now nearly 2 and a half, I've probably suffered longer but never really known it. I do now and I see the signs of it almost every day. The depression for me is one thing, but the anxiety is crazy, My head just cant let go of things and it really screw me up. I've been medicated for probably 2 years now and only take a small dose (20mg) it doesn't seem much but if I miss 1 day I can really see how bad I used to be: grumpy/agitated/restless etc.

I don't have many real friends where I am now, we had to move away from Sydney because it was getting too much for me (possibly the 1st real sign that I didn't pick up on) I'm lucky in a way as my father-in-law suffers from it, and my wife had been medicated for 12 years but she beat it and got off them to have our kids. Thank you for opening up this for everyone to read/post, Sometimes its just little things like this that help out.

Recently I've found tinkering in the garage/doing something with the patrol after dinner when the kids have gone to bed is good and gives me a bit of a release that balances things a bit.

I've probably just rambled of a whole heap of garbage here, and if it makes no sense at all forgive me :)

thanks guys!

G'day Eric,

Mate, there is no such thing as rambling of a whole heap of garbage! Just talking and expressing how you feel and having someone listen is always a positive step.



2nd February 2013, 04:05 PM
A while back I myself descended into a complete state of depression, and like you, I consider myself smart enough to read the symptom, Non the less I got so bad that I stood on the side of Old Mandurah Bridge in full motorcycle leathers and helmet and pondered the idea of ending it. I used to say that is weak, but when you are that depressed all logic leaves you. and 99% of my friends deserted me.
Ill tell anyone a TRUE friend never deserts their friends
If they arent there in your time of need,like a true friend should be, there just a using parasite

True freinds are there when we need them, as we are for them ,if it doesnt work that way, time for new friends
I use the word friend loosely in a one way situation, there more users ,takers

2nd February 2013, 04:26 PM
Feeling better this morning... want to go shoot?????

Maybe Winnie for getting a TD42......

It's funny (not really) how many men are affected by depression, I knew it was a lot more than people admit and the aussie attitude of not showing weakness does not help.

I dont want us blokes to turn into a bunch of sooky lala's but there has to be a way in which we as a society know how to cope and help others that are affected.

It is usually the ones closest to us that dont know how to deal with it????

My kids drive me nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's not a matter of becoming sooky lalas (nothing directed at you bloody :)) it's about what women have been doing for years, talking about it what's going on with us, going to the Drs etc.

We need to acknowledge what's happening and ask for help from friends, family, society and if you get the man up crap keep pushing back coz that's part of the problem, man up, big boys don't cry, we can't be vulnerable. Bulls droppings!!

If we as men can't push this stereotype back then we will be stuck in it and worse still our sons will too.

Rant over. :)

“The best way to cheer yourself is to cheer somebody else up.” - Albert Einstein

2nd February 2013, 08:23 PM
What many don't realise is that depression is a physical illness - it's not 'all in your head', although that's where the symptoms are manifest.

The various bits in your brain that do all the work are linked by synapses. The way these synapses work is to transmit signals via neurotransmitters, and the medium they use is chemical - when you are depressed, these chemicals are depleted, so the signals don't go through the way they should.

Seratonin and dopamine are the two main chemicals that need to be replaced, and there's two ways that work - anti-depressants, which don't 'make you feel good' as such but simply restore the levels of the chemicals, and exercise, which does much the same thing. One of the reasons depression is becoming more common is because of our sedentary lifestyles; lack of physical effort results in lower levels of these (and other) chemicals.

Quite simply, depression needs to be treated in the same way as you'd treat any other physical ailment. The only reason there is a stigma attached to depression is because it simply wasn't understood... I remember hearing of people having 'nervous breakdowns' and thinking that they just didn't have the ticker... how wrong I was.

The statistics are quite frankly staggering:



(a) Selected mood, anxiety and substance use disorders
Source: National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing: Summary of Results, 2007 (ABS cat. no. 4326.0)


2nd February 2013, 10:44 PM
BA, I tried to get the guts to say this in another thread but decided not to.....thanks for starting this thread mate.

I have been suffering from depression/anger for 12 years, that is how long I have been on anti-depression medication.
When I first started on the medication it was low dose but after 3 years I was on high dose and that was 8 years ago.

I have found that I still get agitated and angry very easy, but I decided to cut back on my dosage after all these years without speaking to my doctor and see what happened............I will just say that I failed and back on full strength as of 2 days ago and got a lecture from my doctor this morning.
The cause of my depression/anger is that I lost my wife to lymphoma 9 years ago after a 5 year battle.

PLEASE, go and see your doctor and have a talk to him BA.
If you want to talk mate just send me a pm with your number and I will give you a call.

5th February 2013, 12:04 AM
This depression has just become for me all to apparent as one my sons best mates committed suicide yesterday at the age of 24, it has absolutely devastated his family and friends and has affected me as well as my son and Matty were inseparable until the young bloke moved to Perth to live with me and get away from the trouble they were getting into! Matty was a great kid with a huge grin all the time but obviously it was a cover for the real feelings he had, it's just so bloody sad to se these kids taking there own lives as it brings back the horrible feelings I had when my own daughter took her life at age 18 about 20 yrs ago. It's so sad that they feel they have no one to talk to or lean on, we all need to be more open about these sorts of things and I think this thread is good for those that need to express how they feel.

5th February 2013, 03:04 AM
Stropp, there are no words... sorry for your loss :(

5th February 2013, 05:55 AM
So sorry to hear Stropp, can't imagine what you and your family are going through.

5th February 2013, 07:10 AM
I could not even pretend to know what it's like to go through something like that.... my wishes are with you and your son.

I think there is a need for a thread or sticky or something letting people know where they can get help and encourage it so people dont try to keep it to themselves.....

I myself try not to burden my wife but maybe this is not fair on her??

I have been feeling good since talking about this openly and have set a new plan in place to keep me insight of the important goals!!!!

5th February 2013, 10:15 AM
There have been some or lots more accurately, of open, honest and heartfelt words written in this thread.
Depression is a hidden leach sucking at the lifeblood of good people, thanks to Bloody Aussie starting this we have all had a chance to face our demons and hit that bugger of a leach with the aeroguard.
Mate thanks so much, now it is openly talked about healing processes can start to fall into place.
It is with awfull sadness I read thismorning what Stropp and his family are going through today and have also had to deal with in the past.
Time is a healer but talk as in this thread is what winds up the spring in the clock.
My best thoughts go out to you all.

5th February 2013, 10:34 AM
I can't put it any better than Macca, but Stropp, please know that MrsTea & I are thinking of you too.


5th February 2013, 11:08 AM
I'm dealing with a bloke today who is having a panic attack. Talking to him he's just told me he's tried to commit suicide. The bloke looks like he's seen a ghost he looks absolutely terrified. I've just put him onto a counselor from a group called "mates in construction" gotta go and sit with him now until his boss comes to take him to a clinic
It's f@cked me up a bit actually I

Sent from the crapper while on tappa

5th February 2013, 11:26 AM
If you need to chat growler shoot me a pm

Just tap it in just tappy tappy tappy

5th February 2013, 11:54 AM
I'll be right mate I've just never seen anyone like this I've had blokes in who have crushed their fingers off
He looked like he'd just seen the grim reaper or satan
Just a bit disturbing

Sent from the crapper while on tappa

5th February 2013, 11:59 AM
Far out that would shake anyone up a bit.

Just tap it in just tappy tappy tappy

5th February 2013, 12:08 PM
Lend an ear or shoulde rGrowler ,some just need an outlet to Vent the old spleen , They should bring back man hugs IMO
I like many probably try to laugh my way through , but I'm not fooling anyone.
I get free Meds for my back, my back makes me depressed GOV wont pay for Meds
for depression which makes me more depressed, money doesn't grow on trees like
it used to.. Over my way they say one person a week jumps off the Ted Whitten Bridge on Western ring rd
But listening to my sons Its pretty common amongst the young.

5th February 2013, 12:32 PM
This blokes eyes were moving independently of each other like a crab. It made me think of exorcist (not joking) we've put him onto professional help and taken him to the med clinic. Some of his coworkers suspect drugs could be involved but obviously that's not a call anyone but a doc can make
He had voices in his head and all sorts

Sent from the crapper while on tappa

5th February 2013, 01:14 PM
Thinking a trip down to Cuppa's for a bit of Vermin eradication, then the

My hands up, takers, anyone
MMMMMmmm Bunny done 101 ways, dribble slop dribble
all the fixings, side entree of Yabbies

5th February 2013, 01:41 PM
Not good to hear and some good wording in previous comments.

Having PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) myself from a previous job when I was injured arresting a dirt bag and also my father as well from his time in the military, I can say it is not an easy thing to deal with and very hard on family members as well. I can say that I have been through the myriad of emotions and continue to do so, meds only help "so much" but not completely. Sometime it kicks in during the day but mostly of a night time and many a number of times i have woken up suprised that my wife has still hung around and feel sorry for her as I have absolutley no idea what happens of a night when sleeping until I find out from her in the morning.

5th February 2013, 02:06 PM
I got locked in a fridge with about 8 dead people when I was 4.......?????

Do you think it had any affect on me???

I'll let you be the judge of that!!!

5th February 2013, 02:16 PM
Geez, I hope that was an accident!

5th February 2013, 02:19 PM
No accident...?

5th February 2013, 02:22 PM
That's bizarre mate, no words really, just scary.

5th February 2013, 02:41 PM
I don't know if this is any help but I developed a little thing to help give myself a lift if I ever got down for no apparent reason.

I would think about writing a reverse bucket list, so not what I want to do but what I've done and experienced so far in life. Concentrating only on the positive experiences I have had, and aspects of life we probably all take for granted. I try and start as far back as I can remember and begin listing things in my mind that make me realise how fortunate I've been.

For me it's not the memory of the actual experience, but rather the joy I feel for being lucky enough to have had the experience to remember (hope that makes sense). I'm sure there's a lot of us that have done things that very few other people have had the opportunity to do and when you sit back and say to yourself, "damn, I'm bloody lucky to have been able to do that" it really does give you a lift.

I'll probably write it all down one day but for now I just think about it for a bit and life seems a bit better.

5th February 2013, 02:57 PM
@dogman. - you learned the hard way dude. Anti depressants are never ever, never ever ever to be stopped without consultation with your GP. Good on you for sharing.

@stropp - sorry to hear no one should go through what you have.

@all - you buggers! You have brought a tear to my eye (no I'm not gay! Geez the Mrs would be upset if I was :)). To hear about what you guys have gone/are going through and more importantly shared in a public forum. Good on you all and a big thanks :)

“The best way to cheer yourself is to cheer somebody else up.” - Albert Einstein

5th February 2013, 03:03 PM
Yeah you could try doing some beach dancing in your Speedos like rossco....



Dude ! We're trying to help and not traumatise people with images like that ! :o :)

“The best way to cheer yourself is to cheer somebody else up.” - Albert Einstein

DX grunt
5th February 2013, 03:57 PM
Dude ! We're trying to help and not traumatise people with images like that ! :o :)

“The best way to cheer yourself is to cheer somebody else up.” - Albert Einstein

And I thought we were 'friends'. Gloves are off now, pal. pml

5th February 2013, 04:12 PM
And I thought we were 'friends'. Gloves are off now, pal. pml

Which ones are those ? The leather or latex MWAH ;) :) LOL

“The best way to cheer yourself is to cheer somebody else up.” - Albert Einstein

5th February 2013, 04:58 PM
This blokes eyes were moving independently of each other like a crab. It made me think of exorcist (not joking) we've put him onto professional help and taken him to the med clinic. Some of his coworkers suspect drugs could be involved but obviously that's not a call anyone but a doc can make
He had voices in his head and all sorts

Sent from the crapper while on tappa

Turns out a relative who's a natropath advised him to take saint johns wart/wort for his anxiety. Too much can affect brain function. Hopefully he'll be good to come back to work next wee

Sent from the crapper while on tappa

5th February 2013, 05:06 PM
And Winnie they are called TOGS not Speedo, Speedo is a brand. really rossco in Mental block ,mental block
that was close. better than wearing stubby shorts with no Reg Grundies, oh no lefty popped out

DX grunt
5th February 2013, 05:22 PM
And Winnie they are called TOGS

TOGS.......Only spoken about like that in Victoria. Never heard of them referred to like that in any part of the world.

Elsewhere we call them swimmers or bathers. My favourite reference is calling them 'budgies'. PML. Remember. words not pictures, words not pictures. lol

5th February 2013, 05:42 PM
TOGS.......Only spoken about like that in Victoria. Never heard of them referred to like that in any part of the world.

Elsewhere we call them swimmers or bathers. My favourite reference is calling them 'budgies'. PML. Remember. words not pictures, words not pictures. lol

They're called SLUGGOS

Sent from the crapper while on tappa

5th February 2013, 07:27 PM
That's bizarre mate, no words really, just scary.

My grandad was a funeral director and back in the 70's they had just moved to a new bussiness and my uncle was showing me around.... he gave me a tour of the whole place including the big walk in fridge.. then shut the door and turned the light out.

I was in there for about 30 seconds but enough to freak me out at 4 years of age.

I saw plenty of things a small child should not but was never bothered by most of it???

I still make my uncle feel bad for that one!!!

5th February 2013, 07:50 PM
Firstly there is some unbelievable stories in this thread, well done BA on not only starting such an awesome thread but being smart and man enough to put your hand up.

I know I would not be alive today had it not been for the supporting and understanding people I have in my life. I am just like you BA I prefer to not bother my misses about my issues as she has more than enough on her plate and stresses about things enough. Not only that she is just on the recovery from a very low place in her life.

As a teenager in high school I had a really good friend jump off a bridge with her best friend as the friend was not in a good state of mind. We still to this day dont really know why Michelle jumped with Amanda(bad state of mind) but obviously they both had there own issues/reasons for doing what they. Michelle had everything going for her really smart, tall and one hell of a stunner (model material), Not that Amanda wasnt all that as well but she had slight signs of depression where as Michelle didnt. The most amazing thing of it all was that Amanda survived with a broken ankle and obviously Michelle did not. To top things off our school threatened to at the least suspend if not expel anyone who was not at school on the day of her funeral. Well I think when they realized that 90% of her year were not going to turn up they decided not to follow threw with their threat. A few years after that three of my mates were walking home with their girlfriends and a car load of so&so's stopped and offered the girls a lift home but siad the blokes can go and get f@#$&%, obviously there was no way that was going to happend and told them to just keep driving, well before they knew it they were out the car and it was on, at that stage they didnt realize that a car full of their mates were in the car behind and they also jumped out and continued to mob the three of them, Yes that is at least ten against 3. Well needless to say they all three got their a$$%@ wooped and Lion was beaten to death. His parents received the phone call just before midnight on xmass eve.

The past five years for me have been like a bad dream that I couldnt wake up from because of the situation I was in at the beginning. The one good thing was that I had a lot of time to reflect on my life and realize what was really important to me and what I wanted in my life. I am no longer in that situation but every now and then those feelings come back and knock you for a six. The depression has always been there for a very long time, most of the time I am able to,I suppose repress it and keep the smile on my face but other times it does get pretty hard. Its wiered I have always been able to recognize it and convince myself there is no need for the down mood and so on. Which I suppose has helped me get through it, the other thing is that I am very good at seeing things for what they are. We are slowly rebuilding our lives and getting back on top things but it has been one long road. Every now and it seems that no matter how big a step you take forward there are always those two back that follow..

I also really feel for Tanya's brother at the moment as he has just left his partner with a one year old daughter as she terminated her pregnancy after 20 weeks with there second one that was most prob a boy which would have been the only grandson as we will not be having anymore and the youngest brother will not be having any at all. I have tried to have a chat to him to see how he is but he is the typical male nope nothing wrong with me bro. but that is all I better say as Tanya wont be to happy that I am saying this, so SHHHUUUU dont tell anyone. LOL!!!!

5th February 2013, 09:20 PM
Anytime you need a chat BA. I'm here bud. Gets some neck oil flowing too...

They're called SLUGGOS

and I prefer to call them, Dick Stickers!

5th February 2013, 09:44 PM
Anytime you need a chat BA. I'm here bud. Gets some neck oil flowing too...

and I prefer to call them, Dick Stickers!

Banana hammock :)

“The best way to cheer yourself is to cheer somebody else up.” - Albert Einstein

5th February 2013, 09:52 PM
Not to take away from the seriousness of this thread.
My brother wants to buy a JEEP WRANGLER!!!! That's 20 years of my life wasted...

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

5th February 2013, 10:03 PM
Not to take away from the seriousness of this thread.
My brother wants to buy a JEEP WRANGLER!!!! That's 20 years of my life wasted...

Kallen Westbrook

Depression will hit your brother hard once he realises what he's done.
Dick Stickers FTW!!!!

6th February 2013, 06:01 AM
Depression will hit your brother hard once he realises what he's done.
Dick Stickers FTW!!!!

Or depression will be the mark left on the side of his face when I see him next...

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

6th February 2013, 06:39 PM
Not to take away from the seriousness of this thread.
My brother wants to buy a JEEP WRANGLER!!!! That's 20 years of my life wasted...

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

And now my mate has bought an 80 series..

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

6th February 2013, 06:40 PM
Well it sux to be you westy ;)

Sent from the crapper while on tappa

6th February 2013, 09:35 PM
Maybe you should be keeping this stuff bottled up Kallen. This is not something I would share with others mate

Just tap it in just tappy tappy tappy

6th February 2013, 10:00 PM
Well it sux to be you westy ;)

Sent from the crapper while on tappa

Maybe you should be keeping this stuff bottled up Kallen. This is not something I would share with others mate

Just tap it in just tappy tappy tappy

It seams I'm the only sane one really.. :screwy:

Some people you just gotta let learn from their mistakes...

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

8th February 2013, 08:27 PM
I just spent an hour and a half talking to my Dad and then my Mum about depression. Thank you to all you guys as this thread was a very big help in showing them some light.

Tomorrow my Mum is taking my Dad over to Join the local Lawn Bowls club, may it save his life.

Here's hoping.

Thanks guys

9th February 2013, 07:05 AM
I really hope so mate.... I have spoken to others about it and just speaking out loud seems so simple but can make such a difference.

For most of us it is just the day to day grind that wears us down and even though we are all strong eventually it gets too much and we just need to share our thoughts......

Then there are those that have faced a life changing shock like a death and they need to be watched more closely and need to be shown that this is all normal but life will go on.

Then of course the medically unwell, my friend was like this and I never knew..? All it took was for him to stop taking his medication and he would go down hill fast..

Right now my little boy has come out from the bedroom to inform me he needs medicine as he is sick.... he is a funny little bugger and he brings a smile to my face.... the simple things hey!!!

9th February 2013, 11:47 AM
the young blokes mates funeral is on now in darwin, young bloke flew up yesterday and i know today will be very emotional for him as it is for me, sent him a couple of texts to reassure him and he has his old school mates with him so i expect it will be a very big day for all of them, just hope that they can all take a some knowledge from this tragic event and know that it is ok to talk to someone when you are down.

9th February 2013, 05:49 PM
Just made this Thread Sticky so it may assist others as it has me, knowing that you are not alone has really helped me............thanks heaps for all that have contributed to this thread, but the biggest THANKS goes to BA for bringing it out in the open for us.....WELL DONE MATE

9th February 2013, 05:56 PM
@ Hey mudrunner my dad talked mum into playing bowls, 30 odd years ago, made life long friends as a result
How proud was I when dad showed me his trophy for "COCK OF THE NORTH" tear in my eye on that one.

18th February 2013, 12:27 PM
It is slowly gaining acceptance out in the wider community...............that's a good thing.

19th February 2013, 02:16 AM
Just went back to full medication today, hope that it kicks in tomorrow or someone may cop it............got a very short fuse at the moment.

19th February 2013, 02:26 AM
if you feel the urge to vent mate this is the place plenty of ears to listen or if you wanna chat it out on the phone i can PM you my number.

19th February 2013, 06:52 AM
Well Guys I am one of the lucky ones as I don’t suffer from Depression. I have had my fair share of troubles over my lifetime but those troubles have never depressed me. (Just made me more Grumpy). Being a Computer Programmer forces you to think very Black & White which translates into your Life ie any troubles are there to be solved and not brooded upon. We have a number of Friends that suffer from Depression and unfortunately I have no idea how to help other than to offer a shoulder to lean upon and therefore if I can ever be of help to anyone please ask and I will listen and help in any way I can

19th February 2013, 07:23 AM
well Bob thats the best way to help it always feels good to talk to someone whos not in your immediate contact zone sometimes as it lets you vent out what is depressing/affecting you.

27th February 2013, 11:37 PM
Got this off twitter today interesting read on using smart phones and tablets to recognise when your heading downwards.


Just tap it in just tappy tappy tappy

8th March 2013, 10:48 AM

I'd just like to ask how everyone is going/doing today? hope all is well.

There hasn't been much comment on this thread lately and I don't want people suffering from depression to think that they are forgotten, we need to keep this discussion going.
Need to remember that it may not be you suffering from this, it could be your wife, girlfriend, partner, family member etc. please don't forget them.

Also it's International Women's Day today so don't forget to do something special for your wife, girlfriend, partner, mother, sister, daughter etc.


8th March 2013, 09:17 PM
I am struggling with pain at the moment. I have a bulged disc in my lower back and it is causing severe nerve pain in my left leg. Have been off work since Xmas and it has been an emotional roller coaster. I am booked in for surgery on Monday but over the last two weeks my pain has been increasing. It got so bad on Wednesday night I had to call an ambulance and get a morphine injection. I am constantly in panadene forte and diazepam, and today my GP gave me a morphine patch. Knowing I have surgery coming up has helped keep my spirits up. But I am at a point now that I can not do anything at home. And even after surgery I have to wait 4 weeks before I can do any more than walk and lay in bed.
My wife and I have a 10 month old baby and I can't even pick him up at the moment and won't be able to for another month. It is really taking its toll on her and even though she does not blame me I can't help but feel guilty. All I can do is lay in bed and she has to do everything. I try to tell her that I appreciate all she does for me but I wish I could do more. I can see she is burning out and I don't want that to happen.

8th March 2013, 09:31 PM
Mate I feel for you and hope the surgery does what it should... as for being laid up except it do not rush it as that could undo all the work the doctors have done..

I was laid up with a double hernia and I felt useless around the house.

As for back pain I have been going through a heap of it and last night went and got some bloody strong deep heat type stuff that would knock a horse on its arse... wife has had enough and has ordered me to go and get another opinion..

For me it is a bit up and down ... every time I think I am winning something else comes along and gives me a smack in the mouth, funny that!!!

Any way chin up!!

9th March 2013, 11:12 PM
Here's me best mate, he's a little depressed today as he had to pay a visit to the vets......... Today he suddenly developed a huge lump in his neck which wa basically the size of my 2 fists. He was fine first thing this morning, then we noticed it when we got home this arvo........ Took him straight down the vets, they obviously had to clipper his neck to see what the problem was. Could see no underlying cause but they lanced the lump an managed to drained around 500ml of fluid. He's now on some painkillers, anti inflammatories and antibiotics. Still has the hole for the fluid to drain out of, also been told that the area where the skin extended may well die, so will have to get that sorted if and when the time comes..... He's all good for now, just very quiet but fark me, it scared the bejeezus out of me.

Photos are post lancing

Don't stroke it, TAP it!!!!.....

9th March 2013, 11:17 PM
Bloody hell
He looks like mine
Mine looks depressed bit he's actually just tired

Sent from the crapper while on tappa

9th March 2013, 11:24 PM
Mine always looks depressed as soon as I try and take a photo and as soon as I put the phone or camera away, he comes out of hiding, ears pricked and happy as

Don't stroke it, TAP it!!!!.....

10th March 2013, 07:49 AM
Not long to go now , but the mighty Croozer follows me everywhere still,
not looking forward to the coming weeks

10th March 2013, 07:59 AM
My pup doesn't know the meaning of sad

My jack russell souds just like your dog Clunk, gets the sads on whenever a camera is around but once you put it away she is happy as! I hope he heals up alright mate.

How old is Croozer John?

10th March 2013, 08:11 AM
@ Dominator I to suffer from back pain I've had 16 major surgeries to fix the first one they stuffed up. to say Im bitter is an understatement.
I'v had bolts ,plates, stimulators,etc you name it, Was given very high doses of Morp to ease the pain but ended up screwing with my head.
I weaned myself off Morf as I could see the down hill trip I was on. My youngest son is 22 yrs old and I've never lifted him up ever, mind you he's
6'3" now and 120kg so thats out of the question LOL but I know what your gong through believe me. I had a trial implant OP last October and have been waiting
all this time for workcare to say OK to have it implanted. its a hard long slog. I was injured at work 18-9-91. Bitter, angry, sad you betcha suicidal no.
A few here PM to find out how I'm going and that helps more than they could imagine. Hang in there PM any time , Pic is when my back split open
and had to go to the Docs every day for 3 months until it healed, wow feel better even just typing this. Plus now I have 15 kg of woop butt in the name of Billy

11th March 2013, 07:06 PM
Depressed is a nice way to explain what I'm going through at the moment. Have been told I will not be hired back in the commercial industry anymore have looked into starting a business that can't happen insurance is an issue proberly gonna lose our house in a few months so prob have to move to the old mans with 2 kids and my wife and the room is 6x5 foot room got our second child due mid October so wife can't go get a full time job my income insurance runs out start of October. So if cancer dosnt kill you quick it sure can f##k your life rite up and docs once again can't tell me why I'm struggling to breath just want to hit the sauce but that's not gonna help is it

11th March 2013, 08:06 PM
No Healy the sauce won't help, well it might a little but only 2 you sober up.

Chin up mate

11th March 2013, 08:51 PM
No Healy the sauce won't help, well it might a little but only 2 you sober up.

Chin up mate

Nah I wouldn't get on it anyways

11th March 2013, 08:54 PM
Bloody hell mate that's no good at all
I'm a big believer in the power if positive thinking mate. The ol grey matter is an amazing thing

Sent from the crapper while on tappa

11th March 2013, 09:10 PM
You seem to not take help easy as if pride will be gone if you do so... when I spoke to you about it you seemed pissed off about it but still upbeat and not willing to let it get to you.

It is the times when it comes over you in a wave and it all seems so heavy on you that the options have all gone..??

How we deal with tough times makes us what we are in the long run.... in the long run is the important thing here!!!!!

You are an upbeat fellow Healy dont let it weigh you down and stay the course.. 2 kids that depend on a strong family!!!

You ever need help mate just ask..

11th March 2013, 09:48 PM
wife tells me tonight I need to go back to the doctors, Guess its time for my medication to go up again.... hard to say why.. Works been pretty hectic, kids been sick, 1 income etc guess it all adds up. with the stress and what not. Doesn't help that I get very anxty about things easily.

Think I'm just burning out at the moment....... Will see what the doctor says when I go to see her.

11th March 2013, 09:57 PM
Good luck mate and its good that your wife and you have the type of relationship that she can say that to you, I know my ex wasn't happy when I told her to see the doc about her mental health!

11th March 2013, 10:04 PM
You seem to not take help easy as if pride will be gone if you do so... when I spoke to you about it you seemed pissed off about it but still upbeat and not willing to let it get to you.

It is the times when it comes over you in a wave and it all seems so heavy on you that the options have all gone..??

How we deal with tough times makes us what we are in the long run.... in the long run is the important thing here!!!!!

You are an upbeat fellow Healy dont let it weigh you down and stay the course.. 2 kids that depend on a strong family!!!

You ever need help mate just ask..

I'm hearing ya johno but its not pride I've always been one to help others when needed and more than willing to receive the help. But now I've realized some things I can't fix or get help with and this I've been noticing for the last couple of months and now I feel that it has won this battle in my life and all I can think of is my family and the future for them it just feels like I'm here waiting for that final knock out punch

11th March 2013, 10:07 PM
wife tells me tonight I need to go back to the doctors, Guess its time for my medication to go up again.... hard to say why.. Works been pretty hectic, kids been sick, 1 income etc guess it all adds up. with the stress and what not. Doesn't help that I get very anxty about things easily.

Think I'm just burning out at the moment....... Will see what the doctor says when I go to see her.

Mate hope the doc sorts it out for ya mate or at least points you in to the rite direction and its good your partner can spot what's going on good luck with it all

12th March 2013, 05:45 AM
Mate hope the doc sorts it out for ya mate or at least points you in to the rite direction and its good your partner can spot what's going on good luck with it all

Yeah, I think a culmination of a lot of things at the moment are taking their toll on both of us, hopefully things settle down again soon! Cheers.

Sir Roofy
12th March 2013, 08:37 AM
Yeah, I think a culmination of a lot of things at the moment are taking their toll on both of us, hopefully things settle down again soon! Cheers.

hi mate hope it goes well for you
why not get your wife and go get some take away
go and just sit in the park or beach ,hopefully
a conversation will flow between you in a more
relaxed area and no pressure of the home around you


12th March 2013, 01:32 PM
hi mate hope it goes well for you
why not get your wife and go get some take away
go and just sit in the park or beach ,hopefully
a conversation will flow between you in a more
relaxed area and no pressure of the home around you


Yep, 100% agree. I know when things get too much for me and the wife, I pack the car up and bugger off for a couple of days. The bush/beach can be very therapeutic.

Even getting out for a couple of hours and just forgetting about the worries of life can be a big help.

12th March 2013, 01:36 PM
@ Dominator I to suffer from back pain I've had 16 major surgeries to fix the first one they stuffed up. to say Im bitter is an understatement.
I'v had bolts ,plates, stimulators,etc you name it, Was given very high doses of Morp to ease the pain but ended up screwing with my head.
I weaned myself off Morf as I could see the down hill trip I was on. My youngest son is 22 yrs old and I've never lifted him up ever, mind you he's
6'3" now and 120kg so thats out of the question LOL but I know what your gong through believe me. I had a trial implant OP last October and have been waiting
all this time for workcare to say OK to have it implanted. its a hard long slog. I was injured at work 18-9-91. Bitter, angry, sad you betcha suicidal no.
A few here PM to find out how I'm going and that helps more than they could imagine. Hang in there PM any time , Pic is when my back split open
and had to go to the Docs every day for 3 months until it healed, wow feel better even just typing this. Plus now I have 15 kg of woop butt in the name of Billy

Bloody hell that is a mess mate. I had my surgery yesterday and am feeling good today. Just have to take it real easy for the next month and hopefully won't have to come back. My son is 10 months old and 10kg and I already miss picking him up and playing with him. Can't wait till I am strong enough again. Billy is a damn cute pup! Looks like he will grow up to be a big boy. Thanks for the advice and all the best mate.

24th March 2013, 07:36 AM
Double dose of medication now for me, doctor even suggested I try doing some sport/physical activity..... Not sure where I would get the time to do that :/

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

24th March 2013, 07:59 AM
Even the smallest amount on a regular basis can help heaps?????

Mine is not the time it is getting started, for someone who use to play so much sport and boxing I am so unfit and overweight now.. I think this adds to feeling down sometimes as I get bad back pain and all my injuries are starting to really take there toll.

I ride the pushbike on the odd days and find that helps also??

the godfather
24th March 2013, 08:22 PM
Even the smallest amount on a regular basis can help heaps?????

Mine is not the time it is getting started, for someone who use to play so much sport and boxing I am so unfit and overweight now.. I think this adds to feeling down sometimes as I get bad back pain and all my injuries are starting to really take there toll.

I ride the pushbike on the odd days and find that helps also??

I can understand this. Im an ex boxer as well, and I was an avid surfer. So very active. Now overweight and ageing. I find this doesn't help me at all. So, I ride my push bike to work during the week.

24th March 2013, 08:28 PM
Hey Trekster, physical exercise can definitely help.

This might sound like a left field suggestion but theres a couple of brazilian jiujitsu clubs in the coffs area, I've used bjj as a form of exercise and stress relief for a number of years. Its kind of like judo and olympic wrestling mixed together and it's not boring like running or gym work.

24th March 2013, 09:06 PM
Hey Trekster, physical exercise can definitely help.

This might sound like a left field suggestion but theres a couple of brazilian jiujitsu clubs in the coffs area, I've used bjj as a form of exercise and stress relief for a number of years. Its kind of like judo and olympic wrestling mixed together and it's not boring like running or gym work.

Probably the best form of self defence and exercise there is. Some of the best cage fighters have background in this.

25th March 2013, 10:55 AM
I got some depressing news from the quack and the foot quack. I have torn the fasciitis ligament in my left foot. Before christmas I accidently stepped on the edge of a rabbit hole with my right foot ,and wrecked the achilles tendon. because I was favourng it, the extra wieght has caused the tear in my left foot. the right foot has started to come good. The swelling has gone down to marble size. Now I have to wear shoes with good arch supports all the time inside the house as well. Can't find any good work boots in my neck of the woods, so I have to travel to get some. GRRRRR I'm Going flamin' stir crazy!!!!!

25th March 2013, 12:49 PM
feel you pain mudnut, the achilles is a real pain pardon the pun, i had both mine go when i was doing karate, i think the old body was just not used to so much exercise, i was just getting quite fit again and i havent been back. I hope you get things sorted mate, take it easy and use tiger balm and really rub it in every day morning and night it helps the swelling reduce.

25th March 2013, 01:07 PM
Thanks, Stropp. The achilles has settled down, but it looks like anywhere up to four months for the other thing. I've been given more anti-inflammatories, calf muscle stretching exercises and have to roll the foot on a tennis ball in the morning and a plastic ice-filled bottle before bed. Over the weekend, it has helped immensly, so the time to heal, hopefully will be shortened. I would just like to thank AB, Moderators and members of the forum. You have provided me with some entertainment and help over the last couple of months. Looking forward to whats coming up next, whatever the topic is...

26th March 2013, 04:41 PM
Well, Fellas, I turned a negative into a positive. Drove the Old Trol to Mt Gambier, and checked out some boots and priced some fire fighting equipment and a lathe. also dropped in on Kallen and had a chat about the Trols winch cradle and stuff. Felt bloody good to get a breath of fresh air and have a geezer at the beautiful country down this way. Trying to organize a trip away at easter, with my son and father. Something to look forward to. It don't give me foot pain to sit in a tinny and fish, now do it? Now to work on my grumpy mood.

P.s. The trip fell through.

26th March 2013, 05:11 PM
Well, Fellas, I turned a negative into a positive. Drove the Old Trol to Mt Gambier, and checked out some boots and priced some fire fighting equipment and a lathe. also dropped in on Kallen and had a chat about the Trols winch cradle and stuff. Felt bloody good to get a breath of fresh air and have a geezer at the beautiful country down this way. Trying to organize a trip away at easter, with my son and father. Something to look forward to. It don't give me foot pain to sit in a tinny and fish, now do it? Now to work on my grumpy mood.

Good on ya mate..... the clouds pass and the sun shines!!!!!!

Did you punch Westy in the neck for me????

26th March 2013, 05:28 PM
Good on ya mate..... the clouds pass and the sun shines!!!!!!

Did you punch Westy in the neck for me????

Ay ay.. :screwy: what the...

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

26th March 2013, 05:39 PM
Good on ya mate..... the clouds pass and the sun shines!!!!!!

Did you punch Westy in the neck for me????

Sooo, is a punch in the neck how us Patrolians greet each other now?

26th March 2013, 05:44 PM
Sooo, is a punch in the neck how us Patrolians greet each other now?

yeah its like a Cuddle but Manly ;)

26th March 2013, 07:05 PM
Even the smallest amount on a regular basis can help heaps?????

Mine is not the time it is getting started, for someone who use to play so much sport and boxing I am so unfit and overweight now.. I think this adds to feeling down sometimes as I get bad back pain and all my injuries are starting to really take there toll.

I ride the pushbike on the odd days and find that helps also??

Not wrong bout the whole exercise thing, Tan(the boss) got fully abused over the phone yesterday [even the "C" bomb got dropped] over the phone by one of the installers that work for her company, so the manager went and saw him and gave him a stern warning. So this morn he rocks up at the factory to have another go, ironically it's the one day she is there in the office by herself, the P$%*! got that aggressive with the he was shaking with anger and going off completely, lukily she was able to call one of the blokes from the floor to come and get rid of the idiot. She eventually rings and tells me the whole story, well needless to say I am less than impressed, for some reason she would not give me his # or add [prob a good thing]. Anyway moral of the story is I got dinner on the go and made her come for a walk with the kids while it cooked, as we were walking back in the gate she thanked me and said how much better she felt.

27th March 2013, 01:44 AM
My partner and myself are suffering from a bit of depression lately, due to our circumstances, was a nice read here.

27th March 2013, 06:39 AM
yeah its like a Cuddle but Manly ;)

Thats right.... we may be opening up about our feelings but we still like to give each other a manly punch in the neck!!!!

27th March 2013, 06:45 AM
I can't remember the last time I had a good neck punching... Makes me depressed.

If you're happy and you know it tap a post!

28th March 2013, 10:22 PM
Well, Fellas, I turned a negative into a positive. Drove the Old Trol to Mt Gambier, and checked out some boots and priced some fire fighting equipment and a lathe. also dropped in on Kallen and had a chat about the Trols winch cradle and stuff. Felt bloody good to get a breath of fresh air and have a geezer at the beautiful country down this way. Trying to organize a trip away at easter, with my son and father. Something to look forward to. It don't give me foot pain to sit in a tinny and fish, now do it? Now to work on my grumpy mood.

P.s. The trip fell through.

So did you get your shoes sorted?

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

28th March 2013, 10:35 PM
Yes Kallen, tried Gas weld, hip pocket and boc to no avail. Ended up getting lace up red backs ( Aussie made ) from my hometown disposals.

28th March 2013, 10:38 PM
Yes Kallen, tried Gas weld, hip pocket and boc to no avail. Ended up getting lace up red backs ( Aussie made ) from my hometown disposals.

Oliver's mate best boot on the market I reckon and last a bloody long time damn I miss work issue clothes

28th March 2013, 10:39 PM
Yes Kallen, tried Gas weld, hip pocket and boc to no avail. Ended up getting lace up red backs ( Aussie made ) from my hometown disposals.

Good to hear mate.

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

30th March 2013, 02:09 PM

Thanks, that has helped me get rid of some of my pain!



8th April 2013, 11:03 AM
Just back from Melbourne, and I realize what a good wicket I am on here. This thread has raised my spirits, especially after having met other members in person. Talking about depression? We Aussie men don't do that!! Seriously our 'tough it out' attitude has cut us off from the help we need.

8th April 2013, 02:47 PM
^^ Good to hear mate... I often struggle a bit when I come back from something like this weekend as I am on such a high and am over tired when I get back I crash hard.

Had a couple have a dig at me and it made it hard to take but I will stay positive and get back on track.

8th April 2013, 03:10 PM
^^ Good to hear mate... I often struggle a bit when I come back from something like this weekend as I am on such a high and am over tired when I get back I crash hard.

Had a couple have a dig at me and it made it hard to take but I will stay positive and get back on track.

Just sit down and think of all the good stuff ya done mate and leave the negative stuff your a great bloke and that's all that matters mate

19th May 2013, 04:05 PM
Suffer myself and you have my virtual sympathies. Took me over 40 years to realise and get help.

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Motorculture mobile app

DX grunt
20th May 2013, 11:33 PM
Suffer myself and you have my virtual sympathies. Took me over 40 years to realise and get help.

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Motorculture mobile app

Thanks for telling us, bro. Took me a while to realize too.

Take care out there.


DX grunt
6th July 2013, 09:43 PM

This thread is too important to get 'lost in the system.'

Take care out there.


7th July 2013, 09:15 AM
You know what brings me down.... the boy.. he is 3 next month and his tantrums are over the top and everything seems like a battle to do the smallest things??

My wife and I are so tired all the time and really hope this is a faze ?

I hear boys are hard when young and girls are easy then it switches??

We have him in home based child care for a few days a week and we think they are not a good influence so have started looking elsewhere.. starts kinder next year.... I dont fricking know !!!

7th July 2013, 10:22 AM
My 3 yr old girl started terrible twos at about 1 1/2 and is still throwing fully blown female tantrums ;) apparently it's a stage

Sent by dealing with motorcrap

7th July 2013, 11:19 AM
You know what brings me down.... the boy.. he is 3 next month and his tantrums are over the top and everything seems like a battle to do the smallest things??

My wife and I are so tired all the time and really hope this is a faze ?

I hear boys are hard when young and girls are easy then it switches??

We have him in home based child care for a few days a week and we think they are not a good influence so have started looking elsewhere.. starts kinder next year.... I dont fricking know !!!

Don't know about the faze part BA....... my son turned 5 the other week and he is still the same, pretty much 99% of meal times he will start whining..... I don't like that...... I'm not hungry......etc

From birth we have struggled with getting him to eat :(

If it gets easier for you can we swap kids for a while??????

Yes they do say girls are easier then it switches as they get older, our daughter who turned 7 the other day is so different to our son, she still has here moments of tantrums but no where near as bad as the boy. She loves food, always has and is always willing to try something knew unlike the boy.

And yes it brings me down as well, guess its just apart of farther hood

23rd August 2013, 12:42 AM
I definitely get the winter blues I rekon, goin to wk in the dark, get home then dark.
I say 'Rain rain go away, bring back sunny days'.
I love the ocean, breathe it, smell it, watching its power is awesome, pause and time stands still.
My soul lifts and I feel I belong,im home, this is my element.
When I scuba,its surreal,my problems float away,i only think about what im doing in that moment.
I feel some anxiety, this is just adrenalin in my blood, sub conscious survival mode,
training teaches you to relax, cruise along at peace with your environment and enjoy the natural high.
How much air? how deep? my exit? that's it!
After I feel lucky to be alive ,privileged for the experience, enthused about life in general and what it can bring.
Life is not a rehersal, find your passion, live the dream I say!
Geez I miss my friend, cant wait to get wet.

23rd August 2013, 01:49 PM
I feel for anyone with depression, one of the hardest things to deal with, never any easy answers its not like you can put a band aid on it and move on

25th October 2013, 06:34 PM
WOW .. don't know what to say. When I was told to look this thread up, after last nights meltdown on here, I will be honest, I sniggered. Yea right, what do these guys know about despression .. just pass her off as a looney (or a fruitloop in my case lol) ... Last night was not about depression as such, but insecurities sustained from it ... Its not something that you can just 'take a pill' and it all goes away. Its been a few years now ... but there are still times I take a few steps back instead of forward. My ex put me thru so much hell, but I was one of those that believed it was my fault (his mind games helped a lot there). 16 years I stayed until he finally met and married the Bar Maid I put on at our Pub (the pub we bought to start afresh). He scarred me mentally and physically. He made me out to be psycho to the few friends I made. He kept telling me to crawl back into the hole I came from. This, from a person I loved with all my heart. I would have done anything for him, and I did. Many times. I hate looking in the mirror now, its only a small scar (the only one he afflicted that can be seen), but I hate it. I WAS suicidal .. but unlike others, I don't believe 'its the easy way out'. Taking your own life, for whatever reason, takes guts. A shit load of them. I couldn't do it. I tried and failed. My brother didn't. I wished him a happy birthday via text msg (he lived interstate - I was going to ring him during the evening when I had full mobile reception), I received a text back thanking me, saying he would just be hanging around for the day. I didn't get to ring him. The local Police rang me. He hung himself on his birthday. That was just over 2 years ago. I am now back to taking giant leaps forward .. and just a few backward ones. I am starting to trust again. I am a bit loopy ... ah what the hell, I am totally loopy. And thanks ... its nice to be able to do this without being judged. Cheers

25th October 2013, 06:57 PM
Hi Fruity, sorry for your problems but we are just a message away if you have issues, when it comes to this type of thing we are all in the same boat and no better off than the next person but we will listen and help where we can. I am glad to hear that you are moving forward but rest assured anyone of us will lend an ear and help where possible thats the great thing with this forum. cheers stropp

25th October 2013, 08:26 PM
pretty much says it all

25th October 2013, 08:47 PM
That take guts FL to come out with the truth.
But stropp said were always here to chat..

25th October 2013, 09:00 PM
Sinkin' beers at Tje Manikato Stakes, Moonee Valley....

25th October 2013, 09:00 PM
Somehow wound up in the wrong thread....

25th October 2013, 09:03 PM
Forkin MC......

25th October 2013, 09:06 PM
Sinkin' beers at Tje Manikato Stakes, Moonee Valley....

Nah It's the right thread old mate, that blurred photo is indeed depressing Drew!!!...lol

25th October 2013, 09:11 PM
Here here gambling is a long road to know where!!!!!!

Really Drew are you ever home!!!!

Glad this thread has worked out as I did think it was an important thing that needed to be... we would have all had experience with depression or having someone we know deal with it and lost.

There are always people in here to talk to and it can make all the difference.

Thanks for sharing Fruitloop.

25th October 2013, 09:45 PM
pretty much says it all

Ha ha at least you still have your sense of humour! ;)

25th October 2013, 09:48 PM
Small hijack. I actually got a letter from crown yesterday about my gambling balance for the year. I haven't been there for about 10 years but this is the first letter I have received.

I think crown must be obligated to now send reports to members on their gambling expense at crown.

25th October 2013, 10:22 PM
Gambling is a real problem in this country and the effects it has not only on the user but the loved ones is huge!!!

25th October 2013, 10:24 PM
I'd be use to Gambling too if I drove a GQ :tease:

25th October 2013, 11:25 PM
The voices in my head counsel me and understand me....

25th October 2013, 11:34 PM
This affliction bites the big one alright, going through another load of bollocks at the moment and don't think I will have much hair left when it's over

26th October 2013, 01:09 AM
Really Drew are you ever home!!!!.

Making the most of every moment!
No money on the donkeys, just on the piss with some old friends....

26th October 2013, 06:28 AM
This affliction bites the big one alright, going through another load of bollocks at the moment and don't think I will have much hair left when it's over

Why whats up????

26th October 2013, 07:40 AM
This affliction bites the big one alright, going through another load of bollocks at the moment and don't think I will have much hair left when it's over

Karma will never give you more than you can handle mate, hang in there.......things do get better.

26th October 2013, 09:08 AM
The voices in my head counsel me and understand me....

Just be careful Ol Mate, sometimes they get it wrong!! It's your task to see past their counsel sometimes when we are off the rails.

Someone told me about 12 years ago that I should not always listen to that voice, changed my world forever!

26th October 2013, 10:02 AM
Why whats up????

The dragon reared it's ugly head again and she is going off the rails

Sent from my iPad using Motorculture mobile app

26th October 2013, 07:42 PM
Just be careful Ol Mate, sometimes they get it wrong!! It's your task to see past their counsel sometimes when we are off the rails.

Someone told me about 12 years ago that I should not always listen to that voice, changed my world forever!

I too once believed those voices, how much better it is when you realise you don't have to. It's practice from there.

“The best way to cheer yourself is to cheer somebody else up.” - Albert Einstein

26th October 2013, 08:29 PM
Had to delete my post above, still not ready

26th October 2013, 08:32 PM
Had to delete my post above, still not ready

Mate, stay strong and when you're ready you'll know.

26th October 2013, 08:38 PM
Had to delete my post above, still not ready

Mate I read it before you deleted it and cannot pretend to know what you must be going through.. you always seemed like a hard bastard but am not surprised by your post as it is some of the biggest hardest SOB's that have the biggest crosses to bare.

You need not feel this is a weakness sharing how you feel mate and it goes along way to helping get some clarity... it's not about sympathy just someone to talk to.

I have not had to medicate but at a young age of 41 my body is broken... I laugh and carry on and most would never know but I worry every day I am falling apart (body) and this weighs heavily on me.

Doggy there are many on here who are willing to listen and talk to... ( plenty your own age of 103 years old) so make the effort you will be surprised how good you will feel just talking out loud what goes on inside your head mate.

My wife read what I wrote all those months ago and started crying... bloody hell!!!

26th October 2013, 09:09 PM
Had to delete my post above, still not ready

Hey mate,

I am fortunate to still be able to read your post, all good mate, your a Statesman here. Sometimes being a Mod means we are not always the popular one, oh well, the forum is better for it.

Mate I'm a big bloke and worked with my hands for many years, I'm a couple of years older than Jonno and can't believe the strength I have lost over the last few years. My arms are shot, my legs are shot, I have a big guts from sitting behind a desk.

But I hang here with a great bunch of blokes and thank Fark for that!!!!! These blokes are great.

I hug my kids every day and take Zach every time I go off road and treasure it.

You should be proud of your roll here mate, I am and appreciate you and the other Mods.

On a lighter note, my dad decided to take his weeks medication in one go about 3 weeks ago! 84 tabs. He was having a massive blue with Mum over my Brother and Money. He opted out. Mum thought he was just attention seeking and ignored the threat. 2 hours after doing this he decided it was not a great idea and called his chemist for advice, his chemist called an Ambulance and he was in ICU for 3 days before being transferred into a Phyc hospital.

He is living with me at the moment and is in a happier place than he was. I am still trying to get mum to understand that Suicide is permanent and there is No Attention to get when your DEAD! Go figure.

So dad is here cuddling my kids as much as he can. He is on the bottom bunk in Zach's room and Zachs loving it. The kids don't have any idea and just enjoying him being here.

Life is for living guys and girls. Live, Love, appreciate your mates.

26th October 2013, 10:26 PM
Thanks guys, but I feel worse for posting it than I did before.........really cannot explain why??????

26th October 2013, 11:49 PM
I am the same age as BA. My only contribution to this current discussion is that though I have never suffered depression, years ago I suffered from acute anxiety. My salvation was talking to someone about how I was feeling and my world changed.
Last year when diagnosed with Lymphoma, the only way I could make sense of my predicament was to talk about it. Even if the other person has no advice, sometimes just hearing yourself talk about it is enough to find a path. These days I still have highly anxious moments especially related to will it come back or won't it and if I try to ignore them it gets worse. So I talk to people about it. Sometimes my wife, sometimes a mate, sometimes even a relative stranger and my world starts to become right again......

27th October 2013, 07:39 AM
Thanks guys, but I feel worse for posting it than I did before.........really cannot explain why??????

I still think you need to talk to someone not just post up here... posting here is a start and its heads you off in the right direction but just talking out loud can make all the difference, it is best when the person you are talking to is a good listener and you need not have advice from them but just listen.

I know you may think of it as weakness mate talking about how you are feeling but it is not.... weakness is keeping it to yourself, it takes strength to reach out.

So please mate even if its to call the help line or beyond blue (this is what saved me 17 years ago from riding onto a railway crossing) talk to someone you will be amazed what a difference it can make.

There is no one on here that would think you are a woose for reaching out mate.......

27th October 2013, 01:31 PM
Maybe another WA meet up is in order for us confused souls?

27th October 2013, 01:41 PM
nothing better than nutting out the worlds problems around a Campfire with a few mates, I reckon,
saved me heaps of time .

27th October 2013, 05:36 PM
Don't know if it helped anyone that was around our fire last night. But it surely had us in stitches some of the "personal" stories told. Could be called stress relief, reckon some could be referred to when feeling down. Your on to something TD.

Recently I copped a wise ass comment for an apology I posted. That is the crap that can add to a blokes problems.
Opening up and being honest is supposed to be good for you, when your ready Doggy.
For me I didn't let it bug me as the poster must have been totally ignorant of what had caused me to apologise. My previous post had been moderated.
Another time who knows.....

27th October 2013, 07:09 PM
Some disturbing figures.....1/3 of soldiers based in Brisbane are suffering from depression or similar. That's only numbers recorded. The more we have places like here, men's sheds etc, we are heading in the right direction. As men we have been conditioned to suck it up......it's ok to talk about it and shed a tear. We'll done all of you that contribute here.

27th October 2013, 09:13 PM
Some disturbing figures.....1/3 of soldiers based in Brisbane are suffering from depression or similar. That's only numbers recorded. The more we have places like here, men's sheds etc, we are heading in the right direction. As men we have been conditioned to suck it up......it's ok to talk about it and shed a tear. We'll done all of you that contribute here.

It wouldn't surprise me if those numbers are on the low side, my father and 1 of my old school mates are both amond them. Mate even ended up putting on the green skin again so he could access support etc as there was very little in the outside world and struggled to cope. Now has a baby boy and things are picking up for him which is great news

28th October 2013, 10:58 PM
Take my hat off to ya BloodyAussie
Thanks for startin this thread and everyone else that has shared
reckon i'll go see the GP tomorrow , so much that has been said here is so familiar


28th October 2013, 11:26 PM
Take my hat off to ya BloodyAussie
Thanks for startin this thread and everyone else that has shared
reckon i'll go see the GP tomorrow , so much that has been said here is so familiar


Mate there are quite a few of us lost one's here in Perth that always keen to meet up like TD has mentioned

29th October 2013, 12:36 AM
That sounds pretty good to me , drop us a pm

29th October 2013, 01:36 AM
Hey guys.

Just been reading through this thread, and to be bluntly honest, it is F@$&ING UNBELIEVEABLE to find such courage to come out so truthfully and honestly with an issue that we (even myself) don't want to talk about because it's not the 'man' thing to do.
It is difficult, even talking to my GP wasn't easy.
Been down the meds route. Side effects weren't worth the changed mentality.
Distraction has seemed to be my major savior.
People not as much, distance myself and keep to myself a lot.
Hopefully a few outings with you lot will change that!
Once again, takes balls, and definitely applaud that mate.


29th October 2013, 01:49 AM
Evo, unfortunately it does take time. As with other's, I still go through it on a regular basis and unfortunately without meds, I would be a lot worse and also the support the minister has given when she could have bailed and not put herself through it all is a bonus.

29th October 2013, 01:32 PM
I just have to say something that has bugged me for a week or so.

I was in a real low last Sunday week and needed to talk to someone so I rang beyond blue thinking I could have a chat and instead I was given more numbers to ring and it took a fair bit of working up just to ring them I couldn't bring myself to call the other numbers. I was lucky one of my work mates saw my predicament and pulled me aside for a good chat and helped me get through the low.

Now I thought Beyond Blue was a number to call to help not to pass you onto someone else which to me was very disheartening is this the norm with them or did I just get a dud?

29th October 2013, 02:45 PM
I give 2 thumbs up to prince Harry for his work with wounded soilders , God only knows what these soldiers are/have been going through.
Even our own Roberts-Thomson the VC medal guy, love to shake their hand and say thanks. This is 2013 we shouldn't be at war but the sad reality is we are.
War ,thruth what is it good for,,,,,,,,, next verse is soooo true

My take on "Beyond Blue" was if feeling a bit down call them, maybe I was wrong, I had another number but don't call them now.
I'm a believer in "CAMPFIRE VENTING" drink as much as you want say your peace, let others dissect it for you.

29th October 2013, 07:58 PM
I give 2 thumbs up to prince Harry for his work with wounded soilders , God only knows what these soldiers are/have been going through.
Even our own Roberts-Thomson the VC medal guy, love to shake their hand and say thanks. This is 2013 we shouldn't be at war but the sad reality is we are.
War ,thruth what is it good for,,,,,,,,, next verse is soooo true

My take on "Beyond Blue" was if feeling a bit down call them, maybe I was wrong, I had another number but don't call them now.
I'm a believer in "CAMPFIRE VENTING" drink as much as you want say your peace, let others dissect it for you.

G'day threedogs,

With due respect, your referral to "Roberts-Thomson the VC medal guy" is wrong! It is Benjamin Roberts-Smith VC MG. The following is his bio;

Benjamin "Ben" Roberts-Smith VC MG (born 1 November 1978) is a former Australian soldier and a recipient of the Victoria Cross for Australia, the highest award in the Australian honours system.[1] His Victoria Cross, together with his Medal for Gallantry awarded during a tour of Afghanistan in 2006, make Roberts-Smith the most highly decorated member of the Australian Defence Force and any other Commonwealth army in recent years.

Roberts-Smith was awarded the Victoria Cross for Australia for his actions during a helicopter assault into Tizak on 11 June 2010 as part of an offensive in the Shah Wali Kot region, while serving with the Special Air Service Regiment during the War in Afghanistan.[2] He was presented with the medal by the Governor-General of Australia, Quentin Bryce, in a ceremony in Perth on 23 January 2011.[3] In 2006, Roberts-Smith was awarded the Medal for Gallantry for a previous action in Afghanistan.

PS, stop drinking alcohol with your meds, it clouds your judgement!

Kind regards,


30th October 2013, 01:23 AM
Evo, unfortunately it does take time. As with other's, I still go through it on a regular basis and unfortunately without meds, I would be a lot worse and also the support the minister has given when she could have bailed and not put herself through it all is a bonus.

I have to admit the missus has been there for me through it all.
We knew each other, but sort of got together after she pulled me back from the edge a couple of times
Especially over the last couple of years of not being able to work from back issues. She had plenty of reasons to walk, but just kept on without even blinking an eye.
I think at the moment, for me, the hours she is at work are the hard ones.
Even when she's sleeping, it makes things easier just to know the house isn't empty...

And it is very, very true. People say that they understand, they know what you are going through, but (and I know you will agree) without being there, they can't even begin to imagine how dark of a place you can be.

Finding others who can share your experiences (as I have seen on here) looks to be a better step in the right direction than many other options and recommendations out there.


30th October 2013, 01:27 AM
I just have to say something that has bugged me for a week or so.

I was in a real low last Sunday week and needed to talk to someone so I rang beyond blue thinking I could have a chat and instead I was given more numbers to ring and it took a fair bit of working up just to ring them I couldn't bring myself to call the other numbers. I was lucky one of my work mates saw my predicament and pulled me aside for a good chat and helped me get through the low.

Now I thought Beyond Blue was a number to call to help not to pass you onto someone else which to me was very disheartening is this the norm with them or did I just get a dud?

Can't say I've heard of beyond blue...
Must get out from under my rock more.
I have found that a lot of places seem to pass you on rather that try to help you themselves, regardless of what the issue is.
Has anyone else noticed that?


30th October 2013, 01:41 AM
Yup, see that regularly through work as well and not just in relation to to me, could be other staff or member's of public that we deal with and get passed over

30th October 2013, 07:02 AM
I don't believe what happened to 93patrol is what is supposed to have happened.
I would consider sending them an email outlining what has happened because that is simply not good enough. I would expect they would be shocked to hear you have had that experience.

30th October 2013, 08:32 AM
Ok guys I have been on the phone with Beyond Blue and they have stated that the are more of a referral service guiding you in what direction you may need to take to get help eg: doctor, shrink, drugs and so on.

Now for those that need to talk to someone in the moment you need to call the Life Line on 13 11 14

I will put this info in the first thread..

This is my update on the first page.........................

Update on services to call:

Life Line is the number you need to call for immediate help on 13 11 14

Beyond Blue is more of a referral service to guide you in the right direction as far as counseling or doctors or drugs (only call if you need to take it the next step)
1300 22 4636

If you have other numbers send them to me with what they do and how they help and I will post it here on the first page

Remember to look out for the signs from a family member or friend and not be dismissive.

30th October 2013, 08:55 AM
also depends on where you may live as well.

WA also has Crisis Care - 92231111 and Family Helpline - 92231100

30th October 2013, 01:09 PM
Unfortunately for me the work up to actually call someone was distressing enough but to get referred onto another number was a bit too much at that time. Would have been better to maybe have the referred numbers on their website. Or at least have the person on the other end to actually have a listen and a chat maybe

30th October 2013, 02:36 PM
Pm me if you ever need to bend an ear

30th October 2013, 02:56 PM
Thanks mate will do if I crash again

30th October 2013, 04:45 PM
Ok guys I have been on the phone with Beyond Blue and they have stated that the are more of a referral service guiding you in what direction you may need to take to get help eg: doctor, shrink, drugs and so on.

Now for those that need to talk to someone in the moment you need to

call the Life Line on

13 11 14

I will put this info in the first thread..

This is my update on the first page.........................

Update on services to call:

Life Line is the number you need to call for immediate help on 13 11 14

Beyond Blue is more of a referral service to guide you in the right direction as far as counseling or doctors or drugs (only call if you need to take it the next step)
1300 22 4636

If you have other numbers send them to me with what they do and how they help and I will post it here on the first page

Remember to look out for the signs from a family member or friend and not be dismissive.

also depends on where you may live as well.

WA also has Crisis Care - 92231111

and Family Helpline - 92231100

When I get near a computer I will embed both of those posts in the first post of this thread if you don't mind BA, sure you won't ;)

30th October 2013, 10:34 PM
Pm me if you ever need to bend an ear

Same offer from me.
That offer stands for anyone else too.
Seeing as I'm kicking around not doing much most of the time.
Could be mutually beneficial.


31st October 2013, 10:16 AM
I hope you all admire this man as I do, just shows there is a good chance someone can help


31st October 2013, 10:59 AM
I hope you all admire this man as I do, just shows there is a good chance someone can help


Hero right there.

31st October 2013, 12:06 PM
I hope you all admire this man as I do, just shows there is a good chance someone can help


Thats makes me want to cry... there are some good people out there on planet earth.

31st October 2013, 03:24 PM
I get upset when school kids die as a result of school bullies, most times their parents have no idea.

31st October 2013, 11:29 PM
I hope you all admire this man as I do, just shows there is a good chance someone can help


That is amazing.
The world wouldn't be so brutal if there were mor people like that out there.
Sickening that the pedestrians and a cyclist didn't even give her a second look and went right past...


31st October 2013, 11:50 PM
G'day threedogs,

With due respect, your referral to "Roberts-Thomson the VC medal guy" is wrong! It is Benjamin Roberts-Smith VC MG. The following is his bio;

Benjamin "Ben" Roberts-Smith VC MG (born 1 November 1978) is a former Australian soldier and a recipient of the Victoria Cross for Australia, the highest award in the Australian honours system.[1] His Victoria Cross, together with his Medal for Gallantry awarded during a tour of Afghanistan in 2006, make Roberts-Smith the most highly decorated member of the Australian Defence Force and any other Commonwealth army in recent years.

Roberts-Smith was awarded the Victoria Cross for Australia for his actions during a helicopter assault into Tizak on 11 June 2010 as part of an offensive in the Shah Wali Kot region, while serving with the Special Air Service Regiment during the War in Afghanistan.[2] He was presented with the medal by the Governor-General of Australia, Quentin Bryce, in a ceremony in Perth on 23 January 2011.[3] In 2006, Roberts-Smith was awarded the Medal for Gallantry for a previous action in Afghanistan.

PS, stop drinking alcohol with your meds, it clouds your judgement!

Kind regards,



9th November 2013, 06:56 PM
I'm so down at the moment.....

As you guys know I'm having to sell my house due to the ongoing problems with the aboriginal housing tenants next door, Yesterday we went to the mortgage broker to get a heads up on our borrowing capabilities and were dealt another blow. Since we now have 2 kids we've lost 75k of borrowing since we borrowed to purchase our current house. Totally devastated, I feel like we are being kicked in the guts. My wife is so down she just keeps crying.... My eldest daughter knows something is up as well. Its just shit that we are going to lose all we have worked for here because nobody can put the problems next door right.

My wife asked me what if we stayed here, I said I'd get to a point and crack and then I'd regret my actions for the rest of my life.... Everytime I see them now I burn so hard with anger..... But I can't keep my kids here for them to grow up in this place with that. It's not fair on them......

9th November 2013, 07:05 PM
It's a tough situation, mate. Have you thought of renting your place out and paying rent somewhere more suitable as a temporary solution.

9th November 2013, 07:07 PM
It's a tough situation, mate. Have you thought of renting your place out and paying rent somewhere more suitable as a temporary solution.

Hey, We thought about that, But then we thought of all the hassles of upkeep and insurances and the real estate etc, To us its not worth the effort. Thanks for the reply, I'm just sad of all that is happening at the moment.


9th November 2013, 07:09 PM
I hear you, mate. Are they permanent tenants next door?

9th November 2013, 07:11 PM
My son is a 26 year old train driver ... has both his Metro and Diesel Freight ticket. He loves his job with a passion. From the day he could walk and talk, he knew what he wanted to do with his life. He has already been involved in two fatal crashes ... one when a driver drove straight in front in front of them while on his mobile phone (bells were ringing), and another when someone jumped from a bridge in front of the train. The family of the deceased takes years & years to get over this. The driver of the train is scarred for life. The mother of the driver is beside herself for what it is doing to her son. These suicides are not documented in the papers .. PLEASE, PLEASE ... if you EVER feel this way, seek help. I have been there, done that. I have taken a few steps backwards in the last few weeks due to circumstances, but am now back on track.
On another note, a body was found in a popular camping ground near where I live on Thursday. He had shot himself. I wish he had had someone to talk to like we do.
Thanks again for being there xx

9th November 2013, 07:22 PM
I hear you, mate. Are they permanent tenants next door?

Unfortunately yes.

9th November 2013, 07:34 PM
Is there some sort of mediation available?

9th November 2013, 08:52 PM
Is there some sort of mediation available?

Besides a tin of petrol a match or a few bullets, No.

Nobody wants to do anything about them, rang all appropriate people, police hands are tied won't do anything, the housing body wont do anything, Hell DOCS won't even step in over the welfare issues of the children there.....


9th November 2013, 09:11 PM
Try the Human Rights Commission....trust me, they are a powerful body to lodge a complaint with.

10th November 2013, 01:04 PM
Trekster I feel for you, stuck between a rock & a hard place. Part of what makes the situation so hard is the feeling like you have no choice in what you can do because the the choices are so limited & unpalatable.
I’m gonna make a some suggestions but I don’t expect you to be enthusiastic about them, particularly the third one.

First one might help, & is probably worth a try. Although you have made previous complaints & reports about your concerns over what is going on next door, I wonder if you could support future reports with video evidence whether this might be enough to get the authorities to act. Showing kids out of control & in risky situations. However filming would need to be done without the knowledge of the next door tenants or it would likely just make things worse. No guarantees that this course of action would get the authoties to act, but at least having a thought out strategy would help you & your wife to feel that thre is something you can do, which is really important ..... & it might help. Just document events & report when you have built up a body of evidence.

Secondly (& potentially in conjunction with the first), I wonder if there may be any value in a concerned but measured & respectful approach to the local aboriginal elders in your area in the hope that if they shared your concerns that they might be able to have some influence over your tenants. I don’t know how you would go about this in your area, & it may take time. My limited experience with aboriginal folk is that time is important in establishing a trusting relationship.

Thirdly, things may get to a point where you decide that it is better to cut your losses & leave rather than to continue living in a situation which constantly drives you down. Accepting such loss would be painful, but staying in the situation feeling helpless is likely to be more painful. Once out of the situation, you would likely feel angry about the loss you had to take, but it wouldn’t be long before you were once again feeling in control of your lives, albeit having to ‘start again’. It’s not fair, but it might be your best option. Continuing to live in this situation which affects all of you clearly isn’t doing you or your family any favours, so if other strategies don’t help, then an early rather than late decision for you & your wife to do what’s best for your kids may be the best thing.

Mate I’m just thinking aloud & feeling for you. I pretty much expect that if you come back to me on this post it will be with a ‘Yes but” response, most folk would, but if I’ve sown even just the smallest seed of hope for a pathway out of this shitty situation, it’ll have been worth it even if it’s hard to recognise right now.


10th November 2013, 01:46 PM
To me all of your post sounds like a well thought out response, thanks Cuppa, you have obviously though a lot about this.

Just document events & report when you have built up a body of evidence. Cuppa.

My wife works on the fringes with people like your neighbour's (all races and backgrounds). She has said the same, document every thing you can and as accurate as possible.
Best of luck there mate.

10th November 2013, 03:02 PM
That's a great post Cuppa. I think particularly the idea about approaching local elders respectfully is a very good suggestion.

I've also been thinking about what Mudnut posted and I think the moving out and renting option would be better in the short term (if you decide to move) than selling up and buying again.
A few reasons:
1. You potentially put yourself in a better tax situation and then have the opportunity to negatively gear the property (you will have to pay tax on any capital gain though when you do finally sell).
2. At the moment in most situations by renting you can free up cash flow that would otherwise be disappearing into the mortgage but because you're negatively gearing your interest payments can become a tax deduction (you might get a start on making up the 75k the bastards at the bank are denying you or build up more equity in the house).
3. It also gives time for your neighbours to move out or for you to resolve the problem before selling your property.

I also reckon you should speak to a few different banks and particularly credit unions. We used the VTU credit union for a previous loan and they were excellent people to deal with. Very flexible, low rates and will treat you with respect......generally unlike a bank (a credit union may also take your sh!tty situation into account and assist with finding a financial solution for you)

10th November 2013, 03:09 PM
Another option to help out on the loan front is interest only loan.. It's not ideal for paying a house Off for obvious reasons but could claw back some of that lost money due to the Family changes.

10th November 2013, 04:32 PM
The more I think about it I reckon you have to change banks.
Our bank has never asked us about kids. In fact the last time I dropped into the bank with the wife was the first time anyone has asked us in my entire lending history......and that was more of a "how do you do?" than anything probing.......
I get that in theory with kids now you have less cash to service a loan but the banks actuaries should have factored that in on day one when assessing the original finance......a young couple+home loan = kids generally at some point......

10th November 2013, 05:29 PM
Thirdly, things may get to a point where you decide that it is better to cut your losses & leave rather than to continue living in a situation which constantly drives you down. Accepting such loss would be painful, but staying in the situation feeling helpless is likely to be more painful. Once out of the situation, you would likely feel angry about the loss you had to take, but it wouldn’t be long before you were once again feeling in control of your lives, albeit having to ‘start again’. It’s not fair, but it might be your best option. Continuing to live in this situation which affects all of you clearly isn’t doing you or your family any favours, so if other strategies don’t help, then an early rather than late decision for you & your wife to do what’s best for your kids may be the best thing.

This really would have to be the last option 2 take, I feel for you as I have great neighbours now, we did go through a 6 month stage when we first moved in that one of our neighbours was abusive to his dog which was hard to listen 2. Lucky for us he moved out 6 months after we go here.

Up and moving may also not solve your problems either sorry to say, there is no guarantee your new neighbours won't be neighbours from hell also.

Maybe you should move down 2 VIC and buy cuppa's place, I here its going cheap and there is no close neighbours :)

10th November 2013, 05:35 PM
This really would have to be the last option 2 take, I feel for you as I have great neighbours now, we did go through a 6 month stage when we first moved in that one of our neighbours was abusive to his dog which was hard to listen 2. Lucky for us he moved out 6 months after we go here.

Up and moving may also not solve your problems either sorry to say, there is no guarantee your new neighbours won't be neighbours from hell also.

Maybe you should move down 2 VIC and buy cuppa's place, I here its going cheap and there is no close neighbours :)

And the neighbours we do have are top shelf.

10th November 2013, 06:26 PM
If you think negative gearing is an option, get advise 1st.
You may not be able to transfer the property to an investment. Your bank might not accept the change to the type of loan, interest rates may change as well.
Also I was told you can only claim a tax deduction if the interest and outgoings exceeds the income.
It has to cost you more than you make, the principle is not in the equation.
I am in no way sure about this, but be informed before setting your mind on that type of solution.

10th November 2013, 06:34 PM
Also I was told you can only claim a tax deduction if the interest and outgoings exceeds the income.
It has to cost you more than you make, the principle is not in the equation.
I am in no way sure about this, but be informed before setting your mind on that type of solution.

That is pretty much right and absolutely, you should always get advice on such things from your accountant.
Just chucking ideas out there to show there is more than one way to skin the cat.

12th November 2013, 04:31 PM
Rang a mate today , been a while but just chatting in general and noticed his tone was different.
So said SUP bro and yes he is a plumber self employed and lately seems with all the work etc he cant see the rewards what with taxs, etc'
So I've reminded him of our previous VENT sessions up Tallarook. what we do is light a fire and vent till the esky is empty. Get it all off your chest.
Seems to work, the hangover is extra

12th November 2013, 04:50 PM
I am so sick of people.......... f%$king fed up and sometimes it is bloody hard to stay chipper when the world is full of selfish lying cheating scum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!

12th November 2013, 05:13 PM
I am so sick of people.......... f%$king fed up and sometimes it is bloody hard to stay chipper when the world is full of selfish lying cheating scum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!

You alright mate?

12th November 2013, 05:51 PM
As long as everyone gets what THEY want!!!!

Tell me people are you the type of person that steals ,cheats, parks in handicap spacers, drives up the left side and jams in in front of traffic.............. dont let people in at blocked intersections, dumps all your rubbish in that vacant block, speeds up to block someone from changing lanes, is your pal when they want something........ fark I could go on and on.. yeah I know " Harden the f$%k up".

I think I am tired???

12th November 2013, 06:03 PM
As long as everyone gets what THEY want!!!!

Tell me people are you the type of person that steals ,cheats, parks in handicap spacers, drives up the left side and jams in in front of traffic.............. dont let people in at blocked intersections, dumps all your rubbish in that vacant block, speeds up to block someone from changing lanes, is your pal when they want something........ fark I could go on and on.. yeah I know " Harden the f$%k up".

I think I am tired???

And for some reason breaking peoples legs is frowned upon by authorities

13th November 2013, 06:29 PM
Feeling so much better today!!!

Need to see the good and try to not look out for the bad... it is hard though sometimes..

13th November 2013, 06:38 PM
Just whenever you feel down, think about our next trip to the Brindies and a magical weekend you get to spend with the one and only Winnie!

13th November 2013, 06:41 PM
That is the way forward BA. Watching the news gets me down, but I have to keep telling myself that twenty million people have not made it into the news and more good than bad has been accomplished.

13th November 2013, 06:54 PM
Remember too, the next family is doing it tougher than ours, for the most part our kids are safe and happy, we live in Australia, we don't hunt rats for dinner at the local tip and medicine and health care is in reach. :)

15th November 2013, 12:15 AM
Just when things start looking up, you get knocked back down and then kicked in the guts...
Looking for that break that's been a long time coming...


15th November 2013, 06:28 AM
Just when things start looking up, you get knocked back down and then kicked in the guts...
Looking for that break that's been a long time coming...


It will come mate....

15th November 2013, 07:08 AM
I park in disabled parking.
but here I am alone in a world of weirdo's
Is that all BA sounds like you get it easy LOL

Seems we all deserve a break, this shite seems to
just go on and on and on

15th November 2013, 05:31 PM
Just when things start looking up, you get knocked back down and then kicked in the guts...
Looking for that break that's been a long time coming...

Here, here! Going flat broke at the moment. 2k in the first quarter is what I earnt. Massive!!!So many unpaid invoices and I don't have the coin to hire someone to chase them. I think I actually have to write a resume this weekend and try and find a job.

15th November 2013, 06:00 PM
Here, here! Going flat broke at the moment. 2k in the first quarter is what I earnt. Massive!!!So many unpaid invoices and I don't have the coin to hire someone to chase them. I think I actually have to write a resume this weekend and try and find a job.

bugger mate thats not good, hope things pickup for you.

15th November 2013, 06:14 PM
Took charge of me Dads metal health today. Spent the day on the phone and waiting with him now to be admitted to an age care mental health hospital for the next week to help him get back on track.