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the ferret
15th November 2013, 06:18 PM
That's a hard one Darren.
I feel for ya mate.
Cheers, the ferret.

15th November 2013, 06:20 PM
That's a tought one mate. But atleast your mind can ease a little to know he is good care are being looked after.

15th November 2013, 11:45 PM
Want to rant and rave, carry on and complain.
Then I read what some of you guys are going through...
Makes things seem a little insignificant.

Hope things look up for you guys soon.
Thoughts are with you.


16th November 2013, 12:40 AM
MR, I hope all goes well with your dad mate and they can help him out, thoughts are with you.

16th November 2013, 09:03 AM
MR thoughts with you had to do the same with mum, never good.
Hope it works out the way you plan

18th November 2013, 01:02 PM
More crap news from the doctors so I'm bowing out to try and sort things out.
I've met some awesome ppl from here, just wished I could meet you all.
Thanks to AB and Co its been a hoot, Cheers,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TD

18th November 2013, 01:07 PM
Hope it all works out for you TD.

Good luck mate, the place won't be the same without you around!

18th November 2013, 01:08 PM
More crap news from the doctors so I'm bowing out to try and sort things out.
I've met some awesome ppl from here, just wished I could meet you all.
Thanks to AB and Co its been a hoot, Cheers,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TD

Shit that doesn't sound good mate, hope things start to turn around for the better for you.
All the best, Tony.

18th November 2013, 01:38 PM
TD hope everything works out ok mate, call or pm if you need to.

18th November 2013, 01:39 PM
More crap news from the doctors so I'm bowing out to try and sort things out.
I've met some awesome ppl from here, just wished I could meet you all.
Thanks to AB and Co its been a hoot, Cheers,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TD

Not good news at all.
Best of luck with the problems and I hope to catch ya on the tracks one day mate.
Get well soon..

18th November 2013, 02:06 PM
More crap news from the doctors so I'm bowing out to try and sort things out.
I've met some awesome ppl from here, just wished I could meet you all.
Thanks to AB and Co its been a hoot, Cheers,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TD

All the best mate.
Hope everything works out.


18th November 2013, 02:19 PM
All the best 3D we will light a candle for you

18th November 2013, 02:33 PM
Take care John, we will still be here when you need us mate. Hope your health sorts out and we will see you soon mate.

18th November 2013, 02:54 PM
TD, appreciated the PMs you've sent me since I've been here. Don't leave me solo to fight the knuckleheads....
Take care.

18th November 2013, 03:11 PM
All the best John. If there's anything I can do to help mate, please sing out.

18th November 2013, 03:38 PM
All the best John.
You never know they might be able to sort something out in the future and
in the meantime keep your Chin up .
Will be in touch
Maybe a Fishing trip when you feel up to it

the ferret
18th November 2013, 03:52 PM
Take it easy on ya self John, it'll be fine, you'll see.
Regards, Rod.

18th November 2013, 04:54 PM
More crap news from the doctors so I'm bowing out to try and sort things out.
I've met some awesome ppl from here, just wished I could meet you all.
Thanks to AB and Co its been a hoot, Cheers,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TD

Good! Now the rest of us can catch up with the post counts. In all seriousness John. Best of luck. I have seen the shit you're going through. You got my number. If you wanna catch up for a beer, I love beer.

18th November 2013, 09:11 PM
PM me if you want to chat or vent, 3D. I hope everything goes well and you get back here soon, where you belong.

19th November 2013, 02:51 AM
Just wondering...
Does anyone else have an extremely short fuse when the sun is up, but once it's dark, find a gaping hole they can't fill?


19th November 2013, 06:49 AM
Just wondering...
Does anyone else have an extremely short fuse when the sun is up, but once it's dark, find a gaping hole they can't fill?


Hi Evo,

You should go and speak to your doctor about that mate. Don't be shy mate your doctor will be able to point you in the right direction. Depression is a chemical imbalance and can be managed. What you describe is manageable and should be managed mate.

19th November 2013, 06:59 AM
Just wondering...
Does anyone else have an extremely short fuse when the sun is up, but once it's dark, find a gaping hole they can't fill?


I am not sure of your situation mate but do you have someone you can talk to?? is this something you have been treated for in the past or is it something you deal with on your own?

There are a great bunch of blokes on that side of the world you can talk to and even meet up with.

I think you need to reach out mate.

19th November 2013, 05:56 PM
Just wondering...
Does anyone else have an extremely short fuse when the sun is up, but once it's dark, find a gaping hole they can't fill?


Are you married or have kids mate as if you are not and you are coming home to an empty home, might be good for you to catch up with a mate and have a drink or two and just lay it all on his shoulders man. You will be surprised how much better you feel, on the other hand try to avoid falling into the coming home and sinking a few coldies every night as this will add to the hole. If you have a misses mayby do things out of the norm just take her out to dinner or go for a walk around a park or along the beach. But I would still seek medical advice.

Sent from my iPhone using Motorculture mobile app

20th November 2013, 01:03 AM
@MudRunnerTD and Bloodyaussie - Thanks guys for the advice, but it had seen my doc about this a while ago, so it is something I've been 'treated' for in the past.
Meds prescribed didn't agree with me after being on them for a couple of months, and lost my job at the time due to it.
That was almost 3 years ago.

As for family, no, no kids, my fiancé is awesome, but I don't get a lot of a chance to talk to her. I'll explain what's going on (sorry for the life story) but will make more sense.

It will be 2 years ago, end of January coming up, that I have been off work.
Basically got up one morning, went to the basin to wash my face, and lost feeling from the waist down.
Went to the doc, referred to specialist.
Have degeneration in my lumbar spine, internal spur, and a congenital defect causing improper fusion.
Puts pressure on nerves, etc...
Basically told I can't work (no lifting, bending, walking too far, sitting for too long, etc, etc)
Depressing, but it only went down from there.
Some mornings can't get out of bed, barely walk to the ensuite toilet.
Meds, appointments, treatment was adding up the $$$.
Got to the point where we went grocery shopping with $16.
Turned into a recluse, no spare money to do anything.
Sold my pride and joy to buy a 4x4 (easier to get in and out of).
Sold some things I had plus saved what I could here and there to buy what I wanted/needed for the Troll.
Just saved the money to get the lift put in (standard suspension was shot anyway) and got it all done.
Then doc says he won't give me anymore meds until I see a pain specialist.
15 minutes and $250 later, he recommends an epidural injection (had one not long after this first started, that cost $900 and was only in for half a day) with a larger and more potent dose.
Ok, no problem.
Then we find out the estimated cost of the procedure, being larger and more potent, and requiring a full day in hospital, is what I just spent on my suspension.
Plus I need to get a couple of things sorted on the Troll, but money is too scarce.
That was 2 weeks ago.
Since then, just feeling lost. Like I don't have a purpose.
My fiancée works basically all day, every day.
She's the bread winner.
Gone before I get out of bed in the morning, gets home, eats, showers, goes to bed.
We talk a little, but not enough.
What she earns pays the mortgage and fuel to get to and from work.
Whatever is left, she tries to put aside for when the bills come in and for groceries.
The more I think about it, the more I appreciate her and what she has done/is doing.
But the more I think about it, the more useless I feel.
Just don't know what to do.
I'm used to hiding it on the outside, don't open up. Fiancé thinks I'm too hard, too emotionless. That's how I've been from a young age.
Don't know what's next.


20th November 2013, 07:15 AM
Your situation is a bloody hard one and I am certainly not the one to offer advice, I wish well for you and also wish I could just click my fingers and make the pain go away.

I do think you need to make time to be around others who understand... easy for me to say this sitting thousands of miles away at my desk.

Just remember your partner is the one who is there everyday for you and she would love and want nothing more than for you to open up to her...it's not weakness mate is sharing with the one you love who is there for you and you for her!!!!

20th November 2013, 08:05 AM
Just typing it out the way you have helps....good on you mate. Our partners are the most wonderful gift we have. Hang in there mate, everything in life happens for a reason, sometimes we just don't see it.

20th November 2013, 08:41 AM
The more I think about it, the more I appreciate her and what she has done/is doing.

I'm guessing that writing that post helped strengthen that realisation?
Don't just let it (the realisation) go or it'll drift away & get lost amongst all the shit. Capitalise on it. You clearly have a woman who is doing what she can because she loves you, (& considers you worth loving). You might not be able to do a lot about your financial & health stresses at the moment, but you have to do something to make her feel that continuing to love you is worthwhile. If you don't, sooner or later you'll end up on your own, & that my friend will be a far worse place to be. You need to make a contribution, instead of feeling useless. The one major contribution you can make to your relationship is to ensure she knows how valued she is. This is not just about words, it's about your actions too. Keeping stuff bottled up inside might feel like it,s protecting her from your inner shit, but it also serves to keep her 'shut out'. She's told you so. She is working her butt off, because it's what she can do, but I bet she is also feeling useless because she can't access what she really cares about ... You! You are a lucky man to have her, help her to feel lucky to have you by sharing & making her feel wanted. Most blokes find this hard, mainly due to lack of practice. If you were to join a local Men's Shed (for example) I am sure that even just the 'change of scenery' as well as the opportunity to talk to others would make a difference in how you were then able to 'give back' to your fiancée.

These are just the thoughts off the top of my head, if they really don't fit, or if you think I've butted in where I shouldn't just know I have done so with good intent, & that you are free to ignore me.

Fwiw, I do understand how it feels to be the non working partner in a relationship. My wife works, & I have stayed home for the past 15 years. There have certainly been & still are occasions when I have felt useless & parasitic, but she too is a good woman who loves me, & if I give her the opportunity she inevitably manages to let me know how much she values me too. Recognising that I am valued makes so much difference & helps me not to feel useless.


20th November 2013, 10:05 AM
Evo mate as the others have said we are not specialists but from life experiences we do pick up things, you are not useless its just you cant do what you used to do due to health issues and you have a woman who obviously cares a great deal about you so you need to reach out to her and let her know what you feel and talk to her every day, in fact make it a point to talk to her for 10mins per day and after a while it will become normal. It does not have to be about how you feel, by all means say that too but what does she feel about things too, what sort of day she has had as no doubt she is troubled by the situation as well and it will be taking a toll on her too and the last thing you need now is for you two following the current path as its not healthy for your relationship. Again its just a suggestion of where to start and not a must do but in saying that read through the other comments picj the bits you can manage and go with that. goodluck mate and pm if you need to.

20th November 2013, 02:44 PM
Man there is no need what so ever to say sorry for the life story that is what this thread is all about.
Firstly I am sorry to hear about your situation, it must be really difficult to feel the way you do.
Have you looked into any government kick backs or some sort of pension or subsidy for your medication and condition?

Sent from my iPhone using Motorculture mobile app

20th November 2013, 03:42 PM
I really appreciate what you guys have said and suggested.
I think joining this group was well worth it, even if it was originally for information regarding my Patrol.
Just reading what each of you wrote brought a tear to my eye, and while no one has ever seen me break down, I'm not ashamed to admit that. At least to others who can relate, understand, and share so openly.
Writing all that down yesterday did seem to lighten the load a bit, and honestly, last night was the best nights sleep I have had in a long time. I was a bit worried after I had posted it thinking what have I done, but I just let it slide, said to myself I'll just see what happens.
I don't tell people things because I don't know if it's pride, or what, but I'm not one for that looks for sympathy or charity. All I ask is for from anyone, is understanding, and that's exactly what you guys have given me after reading your comments today.



20th November 2013, 03:45 PM
Man there is no need what so ever to say sorry for the life story that is what this thread is all about.
Firstly I am sorry to hear about your situation, it must be really difficult to feel the way you do.
Have you looked into any government kick backs or some sort of pension or subsidy for your medication and condition?

Thanks mate.
Have tried the government route, but apparently the missus earns too much for any kind of support, best I have is Medicare...


20th November 2013, 04:01 PM
That is absolutely disgusting hearing things like that makes my blood boil. (not that I am racist in anyway) but these illegal immigrants get more than an elderly person on a pension and still windge about it, you have paid taxes for x amount of yrs and can't get anything.
Another suggestion might be to take up drawing or painting and draw a bunch of flowers or something for the misses. Two birds one stone it will keep your mind occupied and show your misses you do appreciate her.

Sent from my iPhone using Motorculture mobile app

20th November 2013, 04:25 PM
Evo I have no idea what to say to you, all I can do is send good thoughts and hope you receive them.

It makes me feel good to read the responses to your posts from our fellow members. They may be on to something or may be not.

But what I see is you feeling a little better to see these written words, I do hope you find a path to happiness squeezing your ladies hand along the way.

20th November 2013, 04:51 PM
mate one thing i have learnt is dont let pride or your "manliness" stand in the way of your health, too many blokes have done and are still doing this and quite often the outcome is not good, this forum is just the start mate tell the missus how you are too and that will help heaps im sure. whatever you decide to do act on it and dont leave it otherwise it will come back to haunt you, im glad to hear you sounding better mate.

20th November 2013, 06:18 PM
Thanks mate.
Have tried the government route, but apparently the missus earns too much for any kind of support, best I have is Medicare...


It's a complete nonsense the rules, it impacts on those most in need. You don't have to earn too much to be considered earning too much....Medicare is better than private in some cases, private insurance is another bloody rip off! All the best mate, stay safe and keep logged on.

21st November 2013, 12:57 AM
Thanks again guys.

As for the painting flowers, I'm not very artistic.
The best I've ever managed was a smiley face, finger drawn, on the side of my patrol,after going through some mud.

It isn't fair at all regarding the help.
In order to qualify, as a couple, we have to have $800 or less as income per fortnight.
The mortgage is more than that a fortnight.
Last time I had to go to Medicare to claim back from a specialist appointment, I saw that Centrelink (in case you weren't aware, some Medicare offices have merged with Centrelink ie;Cannington) has supplied all it's staff with electronic tablet things.
That couldn't have been funded by all those missing out on help, or could they?

Thinking positive (or at least trying to) and waiting for when I can take the Troll out for a good run offroad and forget about the world, at least for a few hours. That's the thing that used to take my mind of all the things that bring me down, make me mad, and stress.


21st November 2013, 11:42 AM
evo we are trying to organise something prior to xmas so keep your eye out mate, we will get a bit of a wheel in.

21st November 2013, 06:36 PM
evo we are trying to organise something prior to xmas so keep your eye out mate, we will get a bit of a wheel in.

Sounds good.
I want to try to get my valve clearances done before I do too much driving, as I don't know when it was last checked, plus a little noisy at present.
Also, unfortunately, depends on how the back is at the time. Hopefully if I can get the procedure done, will be looking a bit better.


1st December 2013, 10:53 PM
Just when things are going really well something comes along and F#$@s it all up...............and everyone wonders why I get pissed off and angry.
Just had to get that off my chest and out of my head.

1st December 2013, 11:04 PM
I hear ya Doggy.


2nd December 2013, 12:04 AM
Just when things are going really well something comes along and F#$@s it all up...............and everyone wonders why I get pissed off and angry.
Just had to get that off my chest and out of my head.

We are all here for ya man. In a similar place ATM. Just as it looks like we are getting on top of things, have an awesome job and have just bought our house my car looks like it has done a head as it keeps over heating so I now have to chemi weld it till I can afford to drop a 4.2td in it.

Sent from my iPhone using Motorculture mobile app

2nd December 2013, 12:11 AM
Yep I hear ya doggy, same this end bloody kids take things and you for granted makes me pissed off!

2nd December 2013, 07:03 AM
Yep I hear ya doggy, same this end bloody kids take things and you for granted makes me pissed off!

But we would be hollow if they left our lives mate.....they do mature at some stage though!

2nd December 2013, 07:16 AM
have an appointment with a pysc this morning for my back, should be interesting

2nd December 2013, 07:31 AM
have an appointment with a pysc this morning for my back, should be interesting

Go with a positive outlook mate.....

2nd December 2013, 09:16 AM
have an appointment with a pysc this morning for my back, should be interesting

Good luck with it mate.

2nd December 2013, 11:51 AM
All good, appears I'm normal , what ever that means, lol
was just to see if I'm not expecting too much from this next OP,
She was a cutie too, but ticked all the boxes required .
Now waiting on insurance Co and work cover still

2nd December 2013, 01:07 PM
Well good luck 3D hopefully this gets you all sorted

3rd December 2013, 12:59 AM
Bit better today, the main problem with my depression is that I get very agro, don't want to get any stronger pills as I have increased the original ones 4 times over the last 10 years.....will have a talk to my doctor next time I see him.
Thanks for your support guys and hang in there as well, don't be afraid to seek help if you have not already done so, it is not a sign of weakness to seek help.

3rd December 2013, 01:30 AM
All good, appears I'm normal , what ever that means, lol
was just to see if I'm not expecting too much from this next OP,
She was a cutie too, but ticked all the boxes required .
Now waiting on insurance Co and work cover still

Not true unless you can back it up with pics :)

3rd December 2013, 06:38 AM
Doctor /patient confidentiality sorry,

4th December 2013, 07:31 PM
Still around guys ... just been stalking .. haven't felt like getting involved. The Housemate's Nissan I 'blew up' is not getting better, but there is not much I can do about that. My son (the only person in the world I have) has let me know he will be moving to Pt Headland in the near future (a very long way away from me).. cant do anything about that either considering I gave my mum 5 weeks notice I was moving from Adelaide to Melbourne at the age of 21 many years ago .. and I haven't been back much due to circumstances :( And another suicide in my little hometown ... this one decided not to shoot himself in a very popular camping area, but overdosed in his room at the local pub ... breaks my heart :(

4th December 2013, 08:32 PM
Still around guys ... just been stalking .. haven't felt like getting involved. The Housemate's Nissan I 'blew up' is not getting better, but there is not much I can do about that. My son (the only person in the world I have) has let me know he will be moving to Pt Headland in the near future (a very long way away from me).. cant do anything about that either considering I gave my mum 5 weeks notice I was moving from Adelaide to Melbourne at the age of 21 many years ago .. and I haven't been back much due to circumstances :( And another suicide in my little hometown ... this one decided not to shoot himself in a very popular camping area, but overdosed in his room at the local pub ... breaks my heart :(

Hey Loop, your all good mate, yes the time when my kids move on is a long time away and I am already missing them! They are 2 & 8 and I keep wanting them to slow down! Can't believe how time flies.

FL if your young fella can land on his feet in PH then he will make you proud and you should be proud of yourself for that. You helped him become the man he is becoming.

4th December 2013, 08:35 PM
Bit better today, the main problem with my depression is that I get very agro, don't want to get any stronger pills as I have increased the original ones 4 times over the last 10 years.....will have a talk to my doctor next time I see him.
Thanks for your support guys and hang in there as well, don't be afraid to seek help if you have not already done so, it is not a sign of weakness to seek help.

Hey Wayne, hang in there bud. Have you had your Meds checked mate? They have come along way in 10 years and you may well benefit from altering the Med you are on. I know this can mess with your head too mate but there is some potential for big change bud.

Hope you travel well mate.

4th December 2013, 08:40 PM
Hey Mudrunner ... I am very proud of my son and as a single mother I did well. He is only 26, but has already made a life for himself and earns a fortune driving freight trains. Also has his Metro Suburban ticket. But he wants to move on and about and at the moment just under $100,000 per year is not enough when he knows there is a lot more $$ out there. He is doing what he loves. Yes, gonna miss him heaps, that's a given.

4th December 2013, 08:44 PM
I just became a "connector" through mates in construction (mic) http://www.matesinconstruction.com.au
The suicide rate amongst construction workers in unacceptably high (mostly men)
Any of you blokes or shiehlas out there you or your families need a hand get onto this mob ay. Not just suicide related but any issues

4th December 2013, 09:44 PM
Still around guys ... just been stalking .. haven't felt like getting involved. The Housemate's Nissan I 'blew up' is not getting better, but there is not much I can do about that. My son (the only person in the world I have) has let me know he will be moving to Pt Headland in the near future (a very long way away from me).. cant do anything about that either considering I gave my mum 5 weeks notice I was moving from Adelaide to Melbourne at the age of 21 many years ago .. and I haven't been back much due to circumstances :( And another suicide in my little hometown ... this one decided not to shoot himself in a very popular camping area, but overdosed in his room at the local pub ... breaks my heart :(

Feel for you fruity, not good when someone we know commits suicide, it's an issue that's close to my heart as my daughter did this 20 yrs ago at 18 yrs of age, makes me sad to know what others go through when someone close does this. On a lighter note your son will be fine in headland and when he settles in and you head over to see him let me know and we can organise a 4wd run somewhere.

4th December 2013, 10:38 PM
Hey Mudrunner ... I am very proud of my son and as a single mother I did well. He is only 26, but has already made a life for himself and earns a fortune driving freight trains. Also has his Metro Suburban ticket. But he wants to move on and about and at the moment just under $100,000 per year is not enough when he knows there is a lot more $$ out there. He is doing what he loves. Yes, gonna miss him heaps, that's a given.

GeeZe 26, shoulda kicked him out years ago.. :D
I know what your going threw as my mum was the same. I didn't quite do Australia wide, but yorkes to my gambier. 700+ k drive, and when I was 17..
She went threw a rough patch, but keep the phone calls up.. And Skype these days, always in touch.

I didn't realise you were in Melbourne. Always thought you were overseas. Dunno who I come up with that..

Anyway, your more than welcome for a beer if you end up in Adelaide over Christmas.

5th December 2013, 02:17 PM
I have one left at home and don't want her to go, but she drives me crazy:)

5th December 2013, 03:40 PM
have had a crap week, last night shift i blew my stack and was ready to snot someone. back been on outers since with constant picnhing, hobbling etc and worse off today with lack of sleep. doing my head in

5th December 2013, 04:19 PM
have had a crap week, last night shift i blew my stack and was ready to snot someone. back been on outers since with constant picnhing, hobbling etc and worse off today with lack of sleep. doing my head in

Get to the physio or doc about your back mate. Back injuries suck big time. I'm 22 and have hurt mine 4 times the past 12 months. Physio each time and it picks me right back up again.

5th December 2013, 04:35 PM
I'm getting depressed more every day just by looking at my Patrol sitting in the driveway :(

Got the time, just not the money or garage 2 do what I want 2 do 2 it :(:(:(

5th December 2013, 04:38 PM
I'm getting depressed more every day just by looking at my Patrol sitting in the driveway :(

Got the time, just not the money or garage 2 do what I want 2 do 2 it :(:(:(

I know that feeling mate. What was going to be 6 weeks for me is now pushing 8 months.

5th December 2013, 04:43 PM
Get to the physio or doc about your back mate. Back injuries suck big time. I'm 22 and have hurt mine 4 times the past 12 months. Physio each time and it picks me right back up again.

did 2 discs when I was 24 and now 33 physio hasn't helped much, was at the quack yesterday and meds haven't helped much, chewing them like tic tacs.

makes things a bit hard to do much let alone getting the troll offroad for a wheel

5th December 2013, 05:07 PM
did 2 discs when I was 24 and now 33 physio hasn't helped much, was at the quack yesterday and meds haven't helped much, chewing them like tic tacs.

makes things a bit hard to do much let alone getting the troll offroad for a wheel

Mate have a talk to your Dr about a procedure called nerve ablation. See details here - http://www.aaos.org/news/aaosnow/jan12/clinical4.asp

I suffered crippling pain and have had NA twice now.....it gave me my life back

5th December 2013, 05:24 PM
GeeZe 26, shoulda kicked him out years ago.. :D
I know what your going threw as my mum was the same. I didn't quite do Australia wide, but yorkes to my gambier. 700+ k drive, and when I was 17..
She went threw a rough patch, but keep the phone calls up.. And Skype these days, always in touch.

I didn't realise you were in Melbourne. Always thought you were overseas. Dunno who I come up with that..

Anyway, your more than welcome for a beer if you end up in Adelaide over Christmas.

My son doesn't live at home lol .. he has been self sufficient since the age of 18 .... at the moment he is only 2 hrs away ... better than 3 states away, but yea. Gives me an excuse to get out and about more I s'pose.

6th December 2013, 05:58 PM
Just had a so called "ergonomic assessment" a workplace "therapist" from the company that lasted 15 minutes to be told there is nothing they can do with seat and to suck it up and get used to a chair that is making the back worse.

Felling like crap now and struggling to walk, glad I biught the walking stick with me to work though

6th December 2013, 06:06 PM
That's crap OD at my work place we get a work order and get the supervisor to go out and get a new chair if the old one is broken. Maybe go see a Physio as I believe they can write a note of some sort detailing what you'll need chair wise to sort your back out

6th December 2013, 06:13 PM
GP already issued a medical certificate stating an assessment needs to be carried out. He is a professor and a phd in ohs and occ health therapy. Will be going back to see him. Currently upto 300mg of tramadol for the day so far and not even taken the edge off.

I can't review this as I am ohs rep and don't want it to be seen as a conflict of interests.

Worksafe came through and PIN'd them at the start of the year and still nothing sirted even after we ran a risk assessment

6th December 2013, 06:20 PM
I'd say a Chrio over physio.
I've had a rather bad back injury in the last 12 month's and went physio.
Was temporary relief but was making no improvement as such.
Went to the chiro, straight up they sent me to x Ray. That showed I had a tilted. And slanted pelvis, and my lower disc had started to degenerate due to the time spent rooting around..
5 sessions later and IT's a huge improvement.. Not 100% by anymeans, but I can atleast move again..

Anyway, that chair issue is BS mate. See a chiro and talk it over with them, and get them to suggest something.. Take that to the employer and if they don't take it onboard drop into the workplace ombudsmen. I'm pretty sure they have to make your work station as stress free as possible.. Even if you have to come to an agreement to meet costs half way, Its a good outcome.
Put up with it is not..

6th December 2013, 06:35 PM
yup, that they do in regards to the work station. GP had already requested the assessment to be done, lasted max of 15 minutes and they left and was told "nothing they can do and to 'progress' my usage towards using the new chairs".

Back to the GP I go as he isn't very happy at the moment

6th December 2013, 09:42 PM
The gp can only recommend where the ombudsmen can push shit right to corporate and face plant em with it.
Usually you just mention your intentions of talking to the big O and your boss will start talking..

24th December 2013, 04:58 AM
It is on the cards Westy, saw the quack today and he is livid with what's (not) going on

24th December 2013, 07:09 AM
Tis the season guys... keep an eye on loved ones and mates.

Watch out for that friend or family member that seems a bit distant this year..

The rest of you call one of the many options you have and have a chat!!!!!!

24th December 2013, 04:03 PM
Well gents and ladies. Tis time I spoke up.

As some may have noticed I've pulled out from the Simpson trip and I'll try my best to explain my situation..

To put it simply, broke as a skunk.
But it's not a bad broke. I have a spending issue. Have always had money trouble. No matter what I'm doing I cant hold money, it burns holes in my pockets.

My last hobby I had to quite as my spending was uncontrollable. Credit cards maxed, mortgage sometimes got missed it got that bad.
So I sold it all. Not an Rc thing left.

Well I did well for 6 months. Things were looking good. And then I started the Patrol.
Well I've pretty much blown 3500 bucks from a redraw facility via a farking high 14% interest loan on Jack shoit.
It's still just a GQ..
And worst of all I've been hiding it all.
I'm not sure why I hid it. But the wife found out. She was pissed to say the least. As it was second time she nearly walked out..

So pretty much that's it.
I have contacted life line and our local support network for assistance with money issues.
On a side note no wonder why there are so many suicides this time of year. 3-4 week wait to see someone. Crazy.

Anyway. Yea. I won't be making the Simpson.
And now with this farking varicose vain issue that's another couple thou gone.

Once this patrol is finished I'll be going quite for a while. Westy's Accessories will probably be rested for a while, not that it's booming anyway..
And I'll be hopefully putting demons and veins to rest.

Anyway, everyone have a wonderful Christmas and New years.

24th December 2013, 04:13 PM
Crikey mate..... I actually dont know what to say??

Your situation is a bit different and I dont think at this point you need a lecture... this is all controllable and can be rained in with a bit of discipline.

This one is all up to you... try and keep whats important in sight and if there is anything left then put that towards your toys.

Hope this works out mate........ there are heaps on here you can talk to also!!!

24th December 2013, 04:50 PM
Bugger Westy, not good to hear. Hope things pick up for you.

Unfortunately after last night at work, my attendance is 50-50 as I have just been put on workers comp with the quack due to my back going out when a lift fouled up.

Bloody limping again with pain followed by pins and needles in the legs and more pain killers.

Just what I didn't need at xmas.

24th December 2013, 05:01 PM
westy and od, hope you both come through this ok as i know where both of you are coming from, i have spent way more on the patrol than i should and i know i need to stop but its so hard sometimes and im sitting here in pain with a sore back from moving heavy gear at work as i moved it last night so the shop could get recarpeted and back again today so its the old pain killers for me.

the evil twin
24th December 2013, 05:05 PM
Jeez Westy, I really feel for you, mate.
Whatever you do, tough it out for the next few weeks matey, it does get better but it is almost impossible doing it yourself.
Its a sign of the times on how busy the support networks are... I know I sure needed them

Dunno how many have noticed but this is my first time back on the Forum in 5 months.
I lost my darling navvy and handbrake of 35 years suddenly on July 10th. Mrs Evil was there in the evening and passed away during the night.

Haven't been able to focus on anything since but sucked it up and feeling good enough to log on and get back into contact with some of you guys who I have never met but would really like too.

Hope 2014 just gets better and better for you Westy, I know i am going to make it a better year for me no matter what.

24th December 2013, 05:25 PM
Jeez Westy, I really feel for you, mate.
Whatever you do, tough it out for the next few weeks matey, it does get better but it is almost impossible doing it yourself.
Its a sign of the times on how busy the support networks are... I know I sure needed them

Dunno how many have noticed but this is my first time back on the Forum in 5 months.
I lost my darling navvy and handbrake of 35 years suddenly on July 10th. Mrs Evil was there in the evening and passed away during the night.

Haven't been able to focus on anything since but sucked it up and feeling good enough to log on and get back into contact with some of you guys who I have never met but would really like too.

Hope 2014 just gets better and better for you Westy, I know i am going to make it a better year for me no matter what.

Hell mate that is a heavy one. I had noticed your non attendance and bloody hell not nice reasons.
Condolences to you from me and the Family, must be tough.
She must have been really needed buy the big fella up top.
May the memories stay strong mate.

24th December 2013, 05:54 PM
DonT know what to say but be careful with the Meds I know they joke about my meds and they are strong, but I only take as per whats on the packet
at the moment I'm taking less as I'm self weaning off them in preparation for my next OP, when ever that is. Don't drink while on heavy medication either
Stay sane talk to friends and family.

@ ET plenty here for you anytime you need to PM
condolences mate, bad time of year for some as my xmas thread suggested.

24th December 2013, 05:54 PM
good to see you back Graham, cant say anymore than i have already.

24th December 2013, 06:16 PM
Hell Westy that is not a good situation but you can turn it around, first thing is stay honest with the misses.
We all joke around here about keeping secrets from partners but honesty is definitely the best policy.
You still spending xmas in Adelaide? Happy still to meet for drinks, we can go someware that's byo or I am happy to shout you a few at the pub.
Hope you can still have a great Christmas.

24th December 2013, 07:58 PM
Your write up here Westy is a good method for reflection and healing. It's tough times mate and it's all designed to test us and our relationships. You sound like a normal young bloke and will come out the other side of this being all the better for you experiences. Spend some quality time with your wife, ask for forgiveness and her help. Our partners are part of our successes.

Evil, mate, no doubt you have many fond memories......stay strong and reflect on all the good times.

All the best guys.....

24th December 2013, 08:05 PM
Far out ET. I don't know what to say. I was only just thinking today I hadn't noticed you around after I'd seen someone with a similar avatar.......
Just don't know what to say. I can't imagine that happening to me, brings a tear to my eye just contemplating the thought. I hope the future for you is bright mate and some of the hurt passes in time. Good to see you back.

24th December 2013, 08:06 PM
Hey Kallen, it might sound a bit harsh but I’m glad your missus found you out mate. Perhaps you are too? I’m even more glad that she only nearly walked out. What you have here is an opportunity. An opportunity to do things differently. An opportunity to recognise what is important for you & to make decisions that you are happy with. I guess you are ‘on notice’ now. If she nearly walked this time, there’s a pretty good chance she will on a third occasion. Others have already recognised that being in your position must feel like crap, some blokes in your position might just feel pissed off about being caught out & have no sense of remorse, only fear of losing more because of it. My gut feeling is that posting as you have you have recognised that you have not behaved well & feel the guilt associated with this. The trick now is to hold onto that guilt & let it become your driving force without letting it overwhelm you & push you into a hole of self pity. Talking to your missus, ‘hearing’ your missus express her anger & disappointment & recognising & valuing the ‘glue’ that holds you together are all essential.
Years ago during a rough patch in my marriage it took talking to a third party to help me recognise what I really valued in my wife. Seeking out a counsellor might help your situation. Hope you don’t think I’m overstepping the mark here, but sometimes I find it hard not to momentarily slip on my old therapist hat.

ET, your post affected me & I really feel for you, especially now at Christmas. Your strength in an impossible situation shines through & you are an inspiration. I have been married for 31 years & my wife is my whole world. What you have endured is my biggest fear. I sometimes wonder not how I would cope, but if I would cope, but your statement of intent to make 2014 a better year is a wonderful example to set.

To both of you, I pay respect to the courage you have displayed in making your respective posts.

Best wishes,

24th December 2013, 08:07 PM
Yea cheers guys. She is my rock and I'm bloody lucky to have a gal like her.
As mentioned I'm seeking help to try curve my issues.
I'd love to make the middle but yea with this and my vein now it's just not possible.
Will meet ya all one day..

24th December 2013, 08:19 PM
Stay safe guys, we are only a PM away

24th December 2013, 08:21 PM
Bloody tough to put it out there but well done on fronting up and Cuppa (as always) has some wise words well worthy of consideration.
Perhaps think about how you can do more with your business and help that fund the toys.

24th December 2013, 08:43 PM
Very sorry to hear of your loss, Evil. I wish to convey my deepest sympathies to you.
Kallen, as Cuppa said, admitting you have a problem is the first and hardest step to take. It has taken a lot of courage to post like you have. It will take that courage to do what is required to keep your beautiful family intact as it should be. You can gain a lot of hope from the fact that your wife can see you have the strength of character to do just that. Best wishes for the holiday season and here's to a better year ahead. Cheers, mudnut.

25th December 2013, 01:17 AM
Well gents and ladies. Tis time I spoke up.

As some may have noticed I've pulled out from the Simpson trip and I'll try my best to explain my situation..

To put it simply, broke as a skunk.
But it's not a bad broke. I have a spending issue. Have always had money trouble. No matter what I'm doing I cant hold money, it burns holes in my pockets.

My last hobby I had to quite as my spending was uncontrollable. Credit cards maxed, mortgage sometimes got missed it got that bad.
So I sold it all. Not an Rc thing left.

Well I did well for 6 months. Things were looking good. And then I started the Patrol.
Well I've pretty much blown 3500 bucks from a redraw facility via a farking high 14% interest loan on Jack shoit.
It's still just a GQ..
And worst of all I've been hiding it all.
I'm not sure why I hid it. But the wife found out. She was pissed to say the least. As it was second time she nearly walked out..

So pretty much that's it.
I have contacted life line and our local support network for assistance with money issues.
On a side note no wonder why there are so many suicides this time of year. 3-4 week wait to see someone. Crazy.

Anyway. Yea. I won't be making the Simpson.
And now with this farking varicose vain issue that's another couple thou gone.

Once this patrol is finished I'll be going quite for a while. Westy's Accessories will probably be rested for a while, not that it's booming anyway..
And I'll be hopefully putting demons and veins to rest.

Anyway, everyone have a wonderful Christmas and New years.

Hey Kallen why not try to get the bank to renegotiate the loan mate, I managed to get my bank to drop the rate on mine by nearly 3% when I threatened to move banks! it may help you especially if you are on that sort of rate! it should only be around 7% maximum.

menace 2
25th December 2013, 03:51 AM
I was sitting up here late as it is, thinking how today I may be just having 2 minute noodles or the like while I work on the patrol today and being someone who looks for the good before the bad , it is a good day for me , especially still being above the grass …don’t get me wrong , I am not lonely , just alone today…It was a choice I made…I chose to work away sometimes for up to months at a time and lost sight of priorities .
Life is about loss but I think sometimes we as men create loss un-necessarily.
My point is Westy that it is always our choices we make as men that get us in the shit.....sometimes our partners are the butt of humour but our partners , wives , etc can be our best advisors most of the time because we can be like big kids with our needs , especially with our cars and as much as we may listen , we don’t really hear what is being said with the subtle comments or even not so subtle and we take them for granted quite alot…maybe why they at times refer to us men as dumb as dog shit…not intellectually but emotionally and not really hearing what they are saying. Marriage or relationship is a business in itself and requires negotiation and compromise and the women are better at this than us because they can be more realistic more than not …your wife obviously loves you , but it is rare that we get a third chance at it if we are wrong . We know when we are wrong because of that tight feeling in the stomach when we are doing it due to knowing the potential conscequences and you are not alone in this Westy , I am guilty of it and there wouldn’t be many blokes on here who were not guilty of taking their partners for granted in some way.
I don’t know anyone on here and I hope I haven’t overstepped my boundaries or to appear that I could tell you how it works but I am sorry to read about your situation and if you lived closer I would be happy to help you with labour and tools etc if it could ease the financial outlay with the car at all .
You have opened up to a lot of people and as much as it is a big thing to do , and to be respected , the hard bit will be to act on it and I believe you will able to do that yourself seeing as you had the nads to table what you did man.
Don’t see the need for you to go quiet on here…you seem to have good friends here and I think everyone would like to hope you are seeing the good before the bad , especially at this time of the year man .
All the best to you and your family with the problems and for xmas Westy

also sorry to hear about your loss Evil , 35 years of marraige is definately something i wish I could have achieved , if only I had , had the guts and the knowledge you and you wife must have had....good to see you are re-instating yourself back into some social parts of life...obviously a sad time of year for you so I hope you can do it the best way you can and look forward to reading more from you and Westy in the future...cheers

25th December 2013, 09:54 AM
Good words from both Menace and Cuppa............. so much thought that is directed towards the ones that need it and comfort in the fact that others care enough to help make sense of it all..

Evil I will not pretend to understand how you have been feeling mate and I know the pain will never leave you but all I can say is you have had 35 years with a person you truly love and to rejoice in the time you did have together... so much more than many others have had.

25th December 2013, 09:59 AM
My sincerest sympathies to you Evil and to your family. I think cuppa and menace sumed it up for words better than I can.

25th December 2013, 11:20 PM
I too think cuppa and menace hit the nail On the head. I knew I was pushing boundaries.
I think in my head there were 2 points pushing me, 1 to just finish the bloody thing. There is only 1 thing worse than having a crap car, and that's no car..

And 2 I wanted to make it a nice ride.
Plan was the wife take the Patrol and I get a buz box.
Anyway plan has shot to shoit. It's still gq. I have to learn to be happy with what I have And not try keep up with the Joneses..

So yea, still in contact with the respective channels, I'm not suicidal or that but what I have just been threw sure is a wake up. Now I have to act..

And wild although I have not lost a partner yet I had to carry a very close mate lost to shark attach at 17 and my grandpa at 16, 10 year's tomorrow he passed away.
So if you need to chat mate throw us a pm.

The BigFella
26th December 2013, 09:27 AM
Condolences ET, all I can offer is an ear should you ever need one mate. Personally I doubt I would be as strong as you should the tables be turned.
Stay strong mate, there is a lot of love and compassion in this forum. Use it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

The BigFella
26th December 2013, 09:30 AM
Westy, man you've got balls!
To openly post your situation takes enormous courage.
Your wife is one heck of a gal, thats for sure! You've got my mobile if you need to chat dude, please feel free to use it,,,,,

28th December 2013, 11:36 PM
Westy, sounds to me like your crap with money, to say the least.

Do you trust your partner enough to let her and only her handle the money. Dunno about over there, but people get in a real mess over here due to the ease of loans etc,etc. Our bank loan rates are usually a damned sight better than the loan companys. Go talk to the bank manager, be honest, he may be able to help you with lower interest rates and lower monthly repayments.

I got bit with it a long time ago mate and it is easy done. Nowadays, if I don`t have the spare cash, I don`t buy it, simple as that.

Is it easy? hell no, I really wanted that 4.2 shorty but didn`t have enough spare cash at the time. You can do it if your pig headed enough and stubborn enough and, importantly, your partner helps you along. She sounds like a bloody good girl mate, don`t lose her because you want new toys. What would hurt more, not having a few toys or losing her? I think I know the answer to that.

Sorry if I sound harsh, I really don`t mean to mate.

29th December 2013, 07:48 AM
I am shocking with money. No if buts or maybes.
Wife is better, still a bit forgetful but since all bills are paid weekly by direct debit Its better.
As I mentioned in the other threads I needed to stop avoiding the situation.
Am I happy the wife found out? Not really. But I am sorta glad she did.

2014 is a new year.

29th December 2013, 08:09 AM
You'll be right Kallen it wont take too long for you to turn things around.
Maybe a place like budget busters on tv can set you on the right path,
Chin up mate I have faith that you and your wife will put this behind you.
Get a day job and use your business for as extra income for family projects.
Anyway PM anytime its a whole new year soon

29th December 2013, 09:33 AM
I am shocking with money. No if buts or maybes.
Wife is better, still a bit forgetful but since all bills are paid weekly by direct debit Its better.
As I mentioned in the other threads I needed to stop avoiding the situation.
Am I happy the wife found out? Not really. But I am sorta glad she did.

2014 is a new year.Good man, now you two sort it out fella.Together, that is all that counts, she will help if you ask her.

29th December 2013, 09:35 AM
I am shocking with money. No if buts or maybes.
Wife is better, still a bit forgetful but since all bills are paid weekly by direct debit Its better.
As I mentioned in the other threads I needed to stop avoiding the situation.
Am I happy the wife found out? Not really. But I am sorta glad she did.
2014 is a new year.

Mate that last point you make about the wife , it is the dest thing thatn she knows. She sounds like one bloody good woman and she will be your closet support in this for you.

Talk to her and tell her your problems and together you will get through this mate. I have been with mine for over 20 year and in that time she has been my rock in some pretty shitty situations. Not saying it is easy or that telling someone your weaknesses is what you really want to do as I know for past experiences you feel pretty vulnerable.

You have some serious balls to openly say it here which I think is a massive credit to your commitment to address your problem and from the replies you have the mates here to also lend an ear over a beer.

Know you will beat this one with determination and am happy to chat anytime.

29th December 2013, 09:42 AM
You'll be right Kallen it wont take too long for you to turn things around.
Maybe a place like budget busters on tv can set you on the right path,
Chin up mate I have faith that you and your wife will put this behind you.
Get a day job and use your business for as extra income for family projects.
Anyway PM anytime its a whole new year soon

Had some friends go to "My Budget" a couple of years ago to get them back on track. They were very impressed and thankful for the experience. It did not cost a great deal (would be pointless if it did) and really set them up. Don't hesitate Kallen, give them a call and find out what they can do for you mate.

Good luck n 2014.

29th December 2013, 07:05 PM
Thanx for putting the xmas lights up on the page .... sliding your mouse over them smashes them all ... kept me going over the last week ... :D Next year is going to be so different .. cheers to all and chin up xx

29th December 2013, 07:34 PM
You know what depresses me.... fruitloops avatar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! blasphemy I say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

29th December 2013, 07:37 PM
You know what depresses me.... fruitloops avatar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! blasphemy I say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

X2 bwahahahahahaha

29th December 2013, 07:38 PM
Thanx for putting the xmas lights up on the page .... sliding your mouse over them smashes them all ... kept me going over the last week ... :D Next year is going to be so different .. cheers to all and chin up xx

Good to see ya back mate.

Whats more satisfying is trying to smash em all with ya eyes shut

30th December 2013, 06:15 AM
Its been a bit busy with the holiday season at our place, so I haven't had an opportunity to reply here.

ET my best wishes to you, such an awful thing to deal with. Seeing you back here is a sign you are better able to deal with it. Our condolences go out to you from us here mate.

Westy, I can only hope you can improve your precious personal relationship and be honest with yourself about the issues you described. Its an easy trap to spend what you shouldn't, I've done it too. And she still doesn't know, or as she says doesn't want to know. You have actually given me a kick in the backside... I think I'm grateful???

This thread is not what I would expect on a motoring forum, but it is here and it looks like it does some good. Some well thought out and written responses from Cuppa and others say it for most of us me included. Thanks to those people.

Good to see you back ET and Fruity too.

30th December 2013, 06:28 AM
You know what depresses me.... fruitloops avatar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! blasphemy I say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hahahaha .... was wondering how long it would take for someone to notice that .... :D

30th December 2013, 10:25 AM
@ Westy.
I think we would all be guilty of keeping some sort of secret from our partners at some stage, the longer we get away with it the easier it becomes to do as well, but the worse it makes things when they find out in most cases. I take my hat off to you for being able to publicly come out and admit your faults in such a way, it's a sign that you are willing to commit to making a change. In some cases it's not only what you have done but how you handle things after you have been found out that proves what kind of person you are. I am sure you will come out on top and hopefully your relationship is that much stronger for it.

@ E.T
I can't imagine how it would feel to lose a life long partner. My condolences go out to you. Try and surround yourself with ppl that are able to lift your mood and spirit and always remember the good times you both had together. Also remember that there is plenty of ppl on here willing to have a good ear bashing and don't hesitate to yell out if you need one to bash. May 2014 be a good year for you and everyone else on here.

30th December 2013, 09:14 PM
I also have a plan for a big trip in near future

Where to mate?

Please don't spam the forum with car loan links in your sig mate, ive removed it and deleted your post thanks

3rd January 2014, 05:00 PM
It is 10 years today on her Birthday that my loving wife Sue passed away, love her, miss her and will always be married to her...............................in a very strange mood at the moment, just hope that it does turn to crap

3rd January 2014, 05:04 PM
It is 10 years today on her Birthday that my loving wife Sue passed away, love her, miss her and will always be married to her...............................in a very strange mood at the moment, just hope that it does turn to crap

Well happy birthday to Sue.

3rd January 2014, 06:04 PM
It is 10 years today on her Birthday that my loving wife Sue passed away, love her, miss her and will always be married to her...............................in a very strange mood at the moment, just hope that it does turn to crap

You make sure you celebrate her life together with you not your loss mate!!!!

Happy Birthday!!

the evil twin
3rd January 2014, 08:33 PM
It is 10 years today on her Birthday that my loving wife Sue passed away, love her, miss her and will always be married to her...............................in a very strange mood at the moment, just hope that it does turn to crap

Hugs to ya Doggy... luv ya like a bruvva matey

6th January 2014, 09:05 PM
Well today pretty much nailed the Simpson trip to the "ya farkin dreaming" list.
After getting Off the phone to the specialist regarding my ruptured varicose vein Its pretty much blowen any chance of saving enough to Ready the Patrol and save for the trip.
I'm extremely disappointed. Was really looking forward to it.
I can't have stitches holding the vein together for much longer so it has to be done.
1 step forward, 2 back...

6th January 2014, 09:11 PM
Hang in the Westy, you are only young mate.............everything will come together for you.

7th January 2014, 11:38 AM
Not good news, Kallen. Sorry to hear, mate. After you have healed there will be other trips to look forward too.

7th January 2014, 11:56 AM
Your young well I think you are wait till you get some years on you and "stuff" just starts dropping off lol
You'll look back on all this in time and laugh I'm sure of it.

@ Doggy and ET my MOL was having a heart attack while I slept one night, 2 weeks in ICU and a few stents.
and I have her back. I was a dribbling mess and don't know how I would of coped, Strength to you both.
they are never far away, I'm sure of that

7th January 2014, 03:00 PM
Your young well I think you are wait till you get some years on you and "stuff" just starts dropping off lol
You'll look back on all this in time and laugh I'm sure of it.

@ Doggy and ET my MOL was having a heart attack while I slept one night, 2 weeks in ICU and a few stents.
and I have her back. I was a dribbling mess and don't know how I would of coped, Strength to you both.
they are never far away, I'm sure of that

Yea I'm a youngen.. Only 27. I know it'll all seem silly later, just sucks the big one atm..

7th January 2014, 04:36 PM
Yea I'm a youngen.. Only 27. I know it'll all seem silly later, just sucks the big one atm..

I was 37 before I got to the Simpson the first time but I understand how frustrating it must be to have your heart set on something and it not working out.
Cheer up, you will get other opportunities.

7th January 2014, 05:01 PM
yep its all about now kallen, give it time mate something else will come along to make this insignificant, good luck mate. my offside at work just had her viens stripped and she says its much better now :)

9th January 2014, 12:56 AM
yep its all about now kallen, give it time mate something else will come along to make this insignificant, good luck mate. my offside at work just had her viens stripped and she says its much better now :)

Yea I opted for the dissolving of them. My dad has spider veins, and mum had varicose veins. So I was screwed from day dot.. Lol
Mum had her veins stripped but came back a few years later.
This is a new technique where they inject this stuff which dissolves the vein so I'll have a full length compression tube On for 2 months while my leg rids the swelling..
Going yo be fun..

But your right. I'll meet ya all one day..

15th January 2014, 05:26 PM
It is 10 years today on her Birthday that my loving wife Sue passed away, love her, miss her and will always be married to her...............................in a very strange mood at the moment, just hope that it does turn to crap

G'day Doggy,

I am so sorry for your loss mate, one day we will all meet-up again!

Kind regards,


18th January 2014, 07:53 AM
My 3 yr old girl started terrible twos at about 1 1/2 and is still throwing fully blown female tantrums ;) apparently it's a stage

Sent by dealing with motorcrap

My 22 year old is still giving me the shites :(

18th January 2014, 07:58 AM
It is 10 years today on her Birthday that my loving wife Sue passed away, love her, miss her and will always be married to her...............................in a very strange mood at the moment, just hope that it does turn to crap

I can't even imagine what you are going through, just remember she's with you and as hard as it is smile when you remember those good times

18th January 2014, 10:35 AM
My 22 year old is still giving me the shites :(

join the club mate they are young and know it all, just have to be patient and keep at em until they see the light.

18th January 2014, 10:44 AM
My 22 year old is still giving me the shites :(

They do grow out of it..... :)

18th January 2014, 02:18 PM
Having a hard time of late with chronic pain in my neck and shoulders, which is now spreading to the rest of of my joints.............. waiting to see a specialist, so not goin to get into it right now. But fark me sideways it's doing me head in.

18th January 2014, 03:36 PM
Having a hard time of late with chronic pain in my neck and shoulders, which is now spreading to the rest of of my joints.............. waiting to see a specialist, so not goin to get into it right now. But fark me sideways it's doing me head in.

Not good to hear mate, hang in there, hopefully things will improve soon

18th January 2014, 03:47 PM
Pain is very hard to deal with and sometimes you are very short with ppl around you,
All I can suggest is hot /cold compress's on the painful area. As that's about the only thing I've found to give a little relief.
Asprin is a great anti inflammatory, take as directed.
Maybe High Lander could shed a bit more light on the subject.
Alcohol is not a medicine, it may make matters worse.
Chin up Clunk eh Bloke

18th January 2014, 03:58 PM
Having a hard time of late with chronic pain in my neck and shoulders, which is now spreading to the rest of of my joints.............. waiting to see a specialist, so not goin to get into it right now. But fark me sideways it's doing me head in.

hope things are better before aussie day mate.

18th January 2014, 04:18 PM
Having a hard time of late with chronic pain in my neck and shoulders, which is now spreading to the rest of of my joints.............. waiting to see a specialist, so not goin to get into it right now. But fark me sideways it's doing me head in.

Check ya inbox Clunk. Have pm'd you....

18th January 2014, 05:27 PM
Check ya inbox Clunk. Have pm'd you....

thanks mate

18th January 2014, 05:28 PM
I hope the specialist has some good answers for you, Clunk.

19th January 2014, 06:15 PM
Dose up on nurofen helps me when it starts to rip through the neck and shoulders....

21st January 2014, 01:39 PM
So how is everyone today??
I've been up and down a little.
Think I'm up for a struggle ahead though.
Just been taken Off shift for the foreseeable future. Was really liking that extra few hundred a week with the loading. Gave a nice safety net..

Up side is a little more shed time so will hopefully be able to smash out a few projects and bloody finish BenK's bbq plates!!! Lol
And I can car pool again. Only 1/3 the cost of running the old q everyday.

But my leg seems to be on the mend.
Had a small weap from the stitches thismorning when I adjusted the compression bandage, buy only bleed like I had moved the scab, not liters per minute sorta flow..

Anyway, still trying to find some sorta help with the spending issues.
I think I only just realized while surfing eBay that I'm board.
Living on the farm I always had stuff to do. Wash something, feed animals, repair vehicles or help out..
Now I have nothing.
I need hobbies, but can't find that one that clicks. I really miss the hockey, but my knees won't let that happen..
Miss the rc aeroplanes but family cost won't let me that one.

I've gone Off knife making already. Found it intriguing but didn't click with me.

So any suggestions of a cheap hobby.
I have always thought of archery and bow hunting. I did like the clay shooting back in the day.
I might contact the local archery club and see if the have a come and try day..

But still open to suggestions..

21st January 2014, 02:03 PM
I'm glad your legs are healing, Kallen. 2 months will fly by. Take it from me, it took nearly 10-11 months for my foot to heal, after stepping into a flaming rabbit hole. What about restoring push bikes for underprivileged kids or something along that line as a hobby?

21st January 2014, 02:07 PM
I'm glad your legs are healing, Kallen. 2 months will fly by. Take it from me, it took nearly 10-11 months for my foot to heal, after stepping into a flaming rabbit hole. What about restoring push bikes for underprivileged kids or something along that line as a hobby?
I like that idea, that is a good thought.

21st January 2014, 03:52 PM
G'day Kallen, have you ever been into home brew mate? Not that stuff in the cans at woolies but real full mash home brewing, its a bloody good hobby to have and for a handy bloke like yourself it doesn't have to cost a fortune, pretty much all the equipment can be home made so there's another hobby right there, build your own home brewery then make the beer than get pissed. Win win win.

Good luck with whatever hobbies you find mate.

21st January 2014, 08:54 PM
Haha. Both very good ideas.
I like your idea MudNut, Its clever and gives something back. Might do something like that when the girls are a little older as a family thing. I don't think they would take giving toys away to Well at their age.

And they old faithful home brew...
Tiss a win win.. But I'm trying to loose weight. Lol.
See how the wife takes it. Tis my birthday in a couple of months..

23rd January 2014, 07:46 PM
What about coaching hockey Kallen?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

23rd January 2014, 08:51 PM
What about coaching hockey Kallen?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Working shift now makes that sorta thing not possible.
But once the girls are into a sport I'll be into it.
I think we're looking at trying Sophia, nearly 3, at some sort of gymnastics.
She has excellent strength, balance and flexibility..
But I don't think I'll be stepping out in a to-too.. Lol

23rd January 2014, 08:57 PM
Get out more 4 wdriving or start fishing. Try gaming

24th January 2014, 09:22 AM
Get out more 4 wdriving or start fishing. Try gaming

Going fishing with the family for the For the first time in years on Monday.
Know a nice little beach access point along the river which is 4x4 access only, nice and shady and a gradual entry for the kids to swim in..

That's after our 5yr wedding anniversary today. Going out for dinner.
Then Sunday have a hottest 100 party, fishing Monday, an work Monday night..

24th January 2014, 09:44 AM
That's after our 5yr wedding anniversary today. Going out for dinner.

Congratulations to you and your wife.

24th January 2014, 12:29 PM
X 2 mate, have a good one

24th January 2014, 03:02 PM
Congrats Kallen. Have good weekend mate. And rest up

24th January 2014, 03:08 PM
X4 Kallen, have a great weekend bud

24th January 2014, 03:51 PM
conrats mate on 5 yrs.

24th January 2014, 04:00 PM
Cheers guys

24th January 2014, 06:19 PM
Congrats Westy on your anniversary. Have a great one.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

menace 2
28th January 2014, 03:50 AM
congrats westy...

ban looking for the sake of looking at ebay at the moment mate...you know the story ..lololololol cheers

28th January 2014, 05:12 PM
Today my mum passed away... she waited for me to arrive and passed soon after.

I had a cry but still feel some what detached ?

Waiting for my wife to get home..........

28th January 2014, 05:14 PM
never good mate thoughts with you and your family,
Be happy knowing you were with her at the end .
my mum passed away alone

28th January 2014, 05:16 PM
Jeez mate really sorry to hear. Words fail me. You take care mate we are all here if you need us.

28th January 2014, 05:25 PM
Very sorry to hear that mate, good you were there for her.

28th January 2014, 05:36 PM
sorry to here that BA, feel for you mate.

28th January 2014, 06:27 PM
Thoughts are with you and your family during this tough time BA

28th January 2014, 06:55 PM
Hey mate, really sorry to hear that. I know it was expected but that rarely makes it any easier. As Threedogs said it's a good thing you were able to get there.
All the best and if you need anything, don't get too detached.....you've got my number.

28th January 2014, 07:06 PM
Bugger Johnathon, I'm sorry to hear the news mate as expected as it was its never a good thing mate.

Let us know if me or us here can help in any way!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Motorculture mobile app

28th January 2014, 07:11 PM
Condolences on your loss BA

28th January 2014, 07:12 PM
Sorry to hear mate, just remember she will always be with you. When you least expect it something happens and it will remind you of your mum, treasure the memories.

28th January 2014, 07:18 PM
Mate, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Condolences from the all of the mud family.

28th January 2014, 07:51 PM
Condolences to you and your family BA

28th January 2014, 08:47 PM
A sad day mate. Atleast you got some precious last minutes together.
May she rest in piece and here memory live on in your hearts.

28th January 2014, 08:55 PM
ShIt Jonathon, that's crap news. Chin up buddy!

Sir Roofy
28th January 2014, 09:02 PM
today my mum passed away... She waited for me to arrive and passed soon after.

I had a cry but still feel some what detached ?

Waiting for my wife to get home..........

sorry to hear mate condolance to you and your family

29th January 2014, 12:37 AM
My condolences to you and your family Jonathon

29th January 2014, 01:13 AM
Ahh bummer mate, glad you were there for her at the end
My condolences to you guys

29th January 2014, 02:23 AM
Man I am so sorry to hear that, my condolences to out to you and you family man. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you man.

Sent from my iPhone using Motorculture mobile app

29th January 2014, 06:44 AM
I've got a great big cuddle for you next time I see you Jonathan.

29th January 2014, 08:48 AM
Thanks so much guys... I slept like a baby last night.

I need to go back to mums house and sort through some stuff today and also arrange the funeral so hope this keeps my mind busy.

It really was as though she was waiting for me to arrive there as it was only an hour after I got there that she passed, I said some things I felt needed saying and told her despite everything that has happened I love her.

I wish she had a better life... she made so many bad choices it makes me feel like a life of worry and pain is over now.

Wow I thought all the crying was over but maybe not......................

29th January 2014, 09:10 AM
You have made your peace with your Mum, and that's good.
As I said never a good time, but a part of life unfortunately

29th January 2014, 08:32 PM
Best thoughts from us mate.

29th January 2014, 09:18 PM
Hey Jonathan, my friend, my sincerest condolences and sympathies go to you and your family at this time mate. Cherish her memory and continue to make her proud every day bud, she did well.

Come down for a coffee any time mate.

Cheers Darren

29th January 2014, 11:01 PM
My sincerest condolences Jonathan.

30th January 2014, 08:43 AM
This thread has helped me a lot and the forum overall as without it I would not have a distraction or a place to bend an ear..

Yesterday was hard as I had to go through all her mail and it was so strange to me that she was still buying things online never knowing that when she ordered them by the time they arrived she would be here no more.

My sister and I spent most of the time trying to find the photo's which in the end I did, this was the most important thing to both of us.

As she had no will in place I have to now stuff around with all the legal crap and this is where my uncle has been a great help.

Today I sign the funeral papers and get a date for closure ???

I am embarrassed to have my uncle come down to Melbourne as I was right in the middle of cleaning this place up and doing some more renovations then that heat wave hit and soon after that the Brindabella trip.

I have a lot to do and all I want to do is lye in bed?????

30th January 2014, 09:33 AM
This thread has helped me a lot and the forum overall as without it I would not have a distraction or a place to bend an ear..

Yesterday was hard as I had to go through all her mail and it was so strange to me that she was still buying things online never knowing that when she ordered them by the time they arrived she would be here no more.

My sister and I spent most of the time trying to find the photo's which in the end I did, this was the most important thing to both of us.

As she had no will in place I have to now stuff around with all the legal crap and this is where my uncle has been a great help.

Today I sign the funeral papers and get a date for closure ???

I am embarrassed to have my uncle come down to Melbourne as I was right in the middle of cleaning this place up and doing some more renovations then that heat wave hit and soon after that the Brindabella trip.

I have a lot to do and all I want to do is lye in bed?????

Take care bud, dont be embarrassed, your Uncle will understand. Get the things done one at a time and lay her to rest. take care mate and come back to this thread and feel the love whenever you feel down. Cheers bud.

30th January 2014, 09:33 AM
Today my mum passed away... she waited for me to arrive and passed soon after.

I had a cry but still feel some what detached ?

Waiting for my wife to get home..........

Hi Johnathon,

I am so sorry for your loss, my condolences and deepest sympathies from my family to yours.

PS, may she rest in eternal peace.

Kind regards,

Paul & family

the ferret
30th January 2014, 10:45 AM
Hi Johnathon, just take it one day at a time mate, you WILL get there.
Take care, Rod.

30th January 2014, 05:34 PM
Just got results back from MRI, disc L2 to S1 are bulging and have 3-4mm spurs coming out and 1 disc with a narrow spinal canal. Just need to wait until March to see the Neurosurgeon :(

30th January 2014, 05:43 PM
Other than the pain you are now suffering I think your Neuro surgeon will suggest a laminectomy.
I can see great results and good long term out come. Saying this only from my over 20 years of my crap but talking to others
when ever I was in hospital, you'll be right, its just a minor scrap/trim of the disc and maybe grind off the spurs
Need to talk just PM

EDIT:: just noticed on the news tonight a break through on back pain, something about injecting the disc with something

Never heard of S1

30th January 2014, 06:15 PM
The injection is a type of steroid they put in the facet joints to help relieve pressure and relax muscles, GP is already considering it

30th January 2014, 06:36 PM
The injection is a type of steroid they put in the facet joints to help relieve pressure and relax muscles, GP is already considering it

At least now that they know what is going on, they can formulate a plan of attack. The steroid injections usually work great and last for about 3-5 months but don't have to many... I had 3 or 4 in my ankle and when it was reconstructed, the bone had died and if I had of waited any longer for the surgery, it would have led to the lop-sided highlander!

@BA- Very sorry to hear about the loss of your mum. Please accept my deepest condolences mate.

30th January 2014, 06:36 PM
This thread has helped me a lot and the forum overall as without it I would not have a distraction or a place to bend an ear..

Yesterday was hard as I had to go through all her mail and it was so strange to me that she was still buying things online never knowing that when she ordered them by the time they arrived she would be here no more.

My sister and I spent most of the time trying to find the photo's which in the end I did, this was the most important thing to both of us.

As she had no will in place I have to now stuff around with all the legal crap and this is where my uncle has been a great help.

Today I sign the funeral papers and get a date for closure ???

I am embarrassed to have my uncle come down to Melbourne as I was right in the middle of cleaning this place up and doing some more renovations then that heat wave hit and soon after that the Brindabella trip.

I have a lot to do and all I want to do is lye in bed?????

Don't be embarrassed about the house mate. You have more important things to tend to and I'm sure your uncle will understand.

But On a side not I think this should be a reminder that a Will is an important thing. Makes the procedure for our loved ones when the time comes.

Just take it one day at a time mate.
We all here for ya.

30th January 2014, 07:24 PM
Never heard of S1

your S1 starts just above your L5, L is for lumber and I believe S is for support but I could be wrong its been ages since I had to look into my back stuff as I too have bulging disks though not as bad as OD mine are 2-3mm and range from my L2-L4 and every now and then hit my Cyattic?? nerve which can get effing painful.

I had to look into back stuff to see if I could get my self sorted and return to Roof Carpentry.

Great link as well 3D

30th January 2014, 07:26 PM
Damn straight BA, we are all here for you mate and always open for a chat. Nevermind the house mate its a house with kids in the middle of a reno its going to be crap everywhere

30th January 2014, 07:36 PM
Don't be embarrassed about the house mate. You have more important things to tend to and I'm sure your uncle will understand.

But On a side not I think this should be a reminder that a Will is an important thing. Makes the procedure for our loved ones when the time comes.

Just take it one day at a time mate.
We all here for ya.

Just send him to my house first johno...lol

Your house will be a palace of health and cleanliness after seeing the AB getto...lmao

31st January 2014, 06:10 AM
have had depression myself its not good the feeling af being alone and worthless all I say is reach out to someone I know its hard I did and the helped not by being pushie but just being there and listinging

31st January 2014, 08:25 AM
Hey Jonathan, I'm just catching up on this thread. Sorry to hear the news about your mum, but like TD said, you really were lucky to have the opportunity to be there & to say what you needed to say. My mum died last September on the other side of the world. The legal crap will no doubt be a pain in the arse, but further down the track I expect that it will be largely forgotten, & importantly what will remain will be the fact that you were able to reach 'closure' with your mum.
The detached feeling you described is perfectly normal, as are a huge range of responses, everyone is different, & there is no right or wrong way to be or to feel at this time.
All the best
Cuppa & MrsTea.

31st January 2014, 08:59 AM
@ Od I've had heaps of those Facet joint injections with varying degrees of success.
three spinal taps, not good, The nerve ends burnt off, you name it I've had it minimum twice.
Originally I had a double Steffi fusion the went wrong. I'll put pic of hardware used, the bolts are just that bolts
maybe 5/16th thick and 3" long. You'll be right with the injection

31st January 2014, 10:14 PM
This week l lost my Uncle to depression at the age of 46. He had suffered with it for a long time and then it got really bad. My aunt and him were going to counselling she had him on a mental health program and he also was on medication. When he took his medication he was doing well and then when he felt better he stopped it. My Aunt had spoken to his Mental health Carer and said that she wanted him admitted into hospital as he was not doing very well they said they deemed him fit! That was on the Monday and two days later he is no longer here. All I am trying to say is when you have depression most people put up blocks so know one knows what is going on in your life except maybe your wife or vice verser. Please talk to someone or call beyond blue or any other helpline and seek your doctor for advice. In Australia there is not a lot of money to help people in our mental health system and it fails!!!
As I have gone through depression myself it is the most hardest thing l feel l have ever combated and everyday is a new day but by seeking help and the right tools you can do your best to combat it.
** All I am trying to say is speak up and find away of getting help.
Tan, KR missus

31st January 2014, 10:31 PM
Yep gotta agree mate depression is very difficult, I had it and anxiety when I first bought my business as it was very hard to keep things afloat and I had to put all my savings and sell most of my toys to keep trading but with help and perseverance I got out of the hole and even though I'm ok now I wonder where I would be now if not for the help I received. Keep moving forward Jonno and even though it takes time you will get there mate and Tan (mrs KR) my sympathy to you and the family as well.

1st February 2014, 01:19 AM
To Tan and family, my deepest sympathies for your loss.

To OD, I hope any treatment given you is effective, and that you heal quickly.

Evo, if you are lurking in the shadows, please let me know how you are fairing.

4th February 2014, 02:29 PM
Lurking in the shadows...
Must admit you aren't completely wrong there.
Just felt like stepping back for a bit.

Sorry to hear about you losses. Leaves me speechless. My thoughts are with you.


4th February 2014, 03:41 PM
Wow, good to know I'm not alone, on a lighter note, I bet Cruiser drivers are more depressed ;)

4th February 2014, 03:47 PM
Wow, I bet Cruiser drivers are more depressed ;)

lol too true

4th February 2014, 04:29 PM
Wow, good to know I'm not alone, on a lighter note, I bet Cruiser drivers are more depressed ;)

I don't know... With the list of dramas I've been having with my GU, I'm not so sure...

Although, I would still rather fix the Troll than buy a Tojo...

4th February 2014, 06:31 PM
This week l lost my Uncle to depression at the age of 46. He had suffered with it for a long time and then it got really bad. My aunt and him were going to counselling she had him on a mental health program and he also was on medication. When he took his medication he was doing well and then when he felt better he stopped it. My Aunt had spoken to his Mental health Carer and said that she wanted him admitted into hospital as he was not doing very well they said they deemed him fit! That was on the Monday and two days later he is no longer here. All I am trying to say is when you have depression most people put up blocks so know one knows what is going on in your life except maybe your wife or vice verser. Please talk to someone or call beyond blue or any other helpline and seek your doctor for advice. In Australia there is not a lot of money to help people in our mental health system and it fails!!!
As I have gone through depression myself it is the most hardest thing l feel l have ever combated and everyday is a new day but by seeking help and the right tools you can do your best to combat it.
** All I am trying to say is speak up and find away of getting help.
Tan, KR missus

My deepest condolences on the loss of your uncle. The one thing I have always said, if you need to talk, there is always someone to listen. Sadly, this type of situation is one I have had to become all too familiar with over my years and one that has led me to battle the beauracracy and stigmatism that is mental health.

4th February 2014, 06:39 PM
This week l lost my Uncle to depression at the age of 46. He had suffered with it for a long time and then it got really bad. My aunt and him were going to counselling she had him on a mental health program and he also was on medication. When he took his medication he was doing well and then when he felt better he stopped it. My Aunt had spoken to his Mental health Carer and said that she wanted him admitted into hospital as he was not doing very well they said they deemed him fit! That was on the Monday and two days later he is no longer here. All I am trying to say is when you have depression most people put up blocks so know one knows what is going on in your life except maybe your wife or vice verser. Please talk to someone or call beyond blue or any other helpline and seek your doctor for advice. In Australia there is not a lot of money to help people in our mental health system and it fails!!!
As I have gone through depression myself it is the most hardest thing l feel l have ever combated and everyday is a new day but by seeking help and the right tools you can do your best to combat it.
** All I am trying to say is speak up and find away of getting help.
Tan, KR missus

Wow mate. Deepest sympathy for you and the Family in this time.

It does help to talk.
Ill be the first to admit my issues are pretty minor, many more are worse Off than me. But opening up to the wife has opened up both our eyes..
The other day she said yes to 35" tyres!!! Not that I'm getting them but it nice to know my wife now appreciates some of my wants..

Anyway.. Were all here to chat..

4th February 2014, 08:38 PM
I feel for your mate.
And I'm really sorry about your uncle.

We are all human, we do break down at times. challenges and stresses of everyday life can
accumulate over time to depression.
As a long time sufferer of PTSD, I do know how difficult it is to cope with depression.
You couldn't be in a better place to discuss these personal demons that we all deal with onetime or more in our life.
Some of us struggle with depression, throughout our everyday life, and that is even harder.
And you couldn't have picked up a better hobby to get away from unwanted demons in life.
Getting into fourby's actually saved my life, even though my SWMBO says I take silly risks going solo most of the time. :)
There's nothing like being in the middle of a nature reserve where you can close your eyes and listen to the music of trees, birds and the wind. I do meditate on it at times.
If I've interpreted your nickname correctly, you'll do a better job at bouncing back to full spirit and joy in no time, than anybody I know, including myself.
I agree with you totally, friends(or family) don't understand most of the time. They do the best they can, I think.
Fact is that they aren't the best people to talk about your most inner personal issues at many times.
Just being close make it difficult for them to understand, simply because they already have formed a rigid picture about who you are by being close to you and have trouble stepping down of that picture to see you from distance, as a human being, not as an uncle, dad, brother, son, etc. A humanistic therapist can do a better job in that case.
I myself, talk to my cat sometime( weird thing to do), even though I know she hasn't gota clue what I'm talking about.
Dogs are even better. When there's nobody around, start talking to the bastard and see how he's staring at your and trying his best to understand you. Even though they can't understand you verbally, they can feel you better than another human being in many occasions, and I'm not kidding about it. This is why we have cats and dogs as part of our family, not monkeys. :)

If you are into reading, I would love to recommend you a book that affected me positively.

"The Power of Now" Author - Eckhart Tolle

It's about spirituality and deals a lot with 'real' cause of depression, and pretty simple book to read.
It's not a religious book. Eckhart Tolle suffered suicidal depression all his life, until he found a 'cure'.

Take care mate.

P.S. You can borrow it from library or I can send a pdf copy. I read books,magazines on my tablet(pdf format). find it lot easier.

P.S. While you having cuppa, think over and over about "Cuppa"s advice. He's more qualified than anybody to give you sound advice.

11th February 2014, 08:25 PM
Half an hour and $450 at the rheumatolist for him to confirm I have A. S. (ankylosing spondylitis). Now got to take Sulfasalazine (what ever the fork that is, some sulphur based drug) 4 times a day, for the foreseeable future as well as staying on anti inflammatories and pain killers, might just smoke weed instead. Weekly blood tests to make sure the drugs aren't forking with me liver and kidneys. Then go back and see him in 3 months time...... Happy days.

Anyway, can't grumble. Still alive and have my family, my GQ and a job.

11th February 2014, 10:27 PM
Half an hour and $450 at the rheumatolist for him to confirm I have A. S. (ankylosing spondylitis)

Sounds like some type of sexual activity!

11th February 2014, 10:33 PM
Sounds like some type of sexual activity!

Hahaha it might have been worth it if it was bud ;)

11th February 2014, 10:40 PM
i watched this video and i had an apiphany and it made me realise that i was really hurting my wife with the way i was acting recently and the i needed to change so i went back and saw my doctor and i am now in the process of coming of the anti-deppressants i was on and see how i go and may end up on another type of medication will have to wait and see, but i have come really close to getting a divorce because of the adverse affect of the medication was having on me and the way i was treating my family but i am lucky enough to have halted that train for the moment and now we have to wait a month to see if i can release myself from these drugs and get my moods and emotions back in check.

The Black Dog (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=XiCrniLQGYc)

please have a look at it, it explained me down to a T

12th February 2014, 08:51 AM
My deepest condolences on the loss of your uncle. The one thing I have always said, if you need to talk, there is always someone to listen. Sadly, this type of situation is one I have had to become all too familiar with over my years and one that has led me to battle the beauracracy and stigmatism that is mental health.




12th February 2014, 08:53 AM
How much can I fucking take....................... mum dies ... try to rebuild my car and wifes car gets stolen..... and a tonne of other shit...........fucking sick of it................. I feel I am going to snap!!!!!!!!

12th February 2014, 09:40 AM
How much can I fucking take....................... mum dies ... try to rebuild my car and wifes car gets stolen..... and a tonne of other shit...........fucking sick of it................. I feel I am going to snap!!!!!!!!

Geeze mate. That's not good. Hope they catch the ass holes.

12th February 2014, 10:07 AM
How much can I fucking take....................... mum dies ... try to rebuild my car and wifes car gets stolen..... and a tonne of other shit...........f*cking sick of it................. I feel I am going to snap!!!!!!!!

Hey Jonathan, that's f*cked mate, don't let it get you down mate, better times ahead.

12th February 2014, 10:13 AM
How much can I fucking take....................... mum dies ... try to rebuild my car and wifes car gets stolen..... and a tonne of other shit...........fucking sick of it................. I feel I am going to snap!!!!!!!!

geebus mate thats bullshite i hope things improve and that you find the wifes car quick and in good condition, mate thats a lot of crap going on! take a breath mate is the car insured? does it cover the hire of another one? lets hope it gets better.

12th February 2014, 10:15 AM
Hey Jonathan, that's fucked mate, don't let it get you down mate, better times ahead.

G'day MudRunner,

Protocols mate, please do not use the word f*cked as this is a friendly family orientated forum, you can say Farkkked or FFFFFFFarked.

PS, i do not want Bob to loose respect with you. lol



12th February 2014, 10:17 AM
Geez Jonathan, I'm really sorry to hear that. Not much I can say other than hope it all gets resolved. Certainly some low life's around, Karma will get them mate.
Take care and look after yourself.


12th February 2014, 11:00 AM
With all the life-changing things that are going on at the moment, it is easy to let it all get on top of you. Grab your family and give them a big group hug. Tell them you love them and sigh deeply. (I know,we don't do this stuff, because we are manly men!!).

12th February 2014, 03:15 PM
How much can I fucking take....................... mum dies ... try to rebuild my car and wifes car gets stolen..... and a tonne of other shit...........fucking sick of it................. I feel I am going to snap!!!!!!!!

Sorry to hear about everything mate.
Makes my blood boil when I hear of these pricks pinching other peoples gear.
Hope things get better mate.
Would like to tie the bastards to the bullbar and go driving out bush.
If you need to vent or chat, PM me bud.


12th February 2014, 03:37 PM
G'day MudRunner,

Protocols mate, please do not use the word f*cked as this is a friendly family orientated forum, you can say Farkkked or FFFFFFFarked.

PS, i do not want Bob to loose respect with you. lol



LOL. Sorry Paul,

To be honest mate i was having a very bad day myself and dont recall writing that like that?? i must have! Crazy! Will fix them all now.

Not too worried about Bob ;) , Google hates it though!

12th February 2014, 03:40 PM
i watched this video and i had an apiphany and it made me realise that i was really hurting my wife with the way i was acting recently and the i needed to change so i went back and saw my doctor and i am now in the process of coming of the anti-deppressants i was on and see how i go and may end up on another type of medication will have to wait and see, but i have come really close to getting a divorce because of the adverse affect of the medication was having on me and the way i was treating my family but i am lucky enough to have halted that train for the moment and now we have to wait a month to see if i can release myself from these drugs and get my moods and emotions back in check.

The Black Dog (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=XiCrniLQGYc)

please have a look at it, it explained me down to a T

Yes "The Black Dog" s a very powerful and enlightening video. I have shared this with my Dad and it has helped him over the last few months. He gets what the problem is, it should be compulsory viewing.

12th February 2014, 03:42 PM
I'll have to watch it I think..

12th February 2014, 03:54 PM
I'll have to watch it I think..


Don't know how I missed this...


12th February 2014, 04:06 PM
Very enlightening and makes you realise things that you try to convince yourself aren't so.
Might have to mention something to the MOF and to my doc next visit...


12th February 2014, 05:03 PM
Very well put.
I'm currently going threw work issues, have been moved off shift for standing up for my rights over Christmas, but can't do shoit as there saying Its a "rotation plan", that seems to only affect me..
Seeing that sorta stuff just drives home the fact that we shouldn't let it control us..
I did for a minute today while on the job, I slipped fell and what turned out to be a graze and swelling could have been broken bones.

I think I need to seriously look at these guys..

The only thing holding us here is this house..

12th February 2014, 06:34 PM
yeh mate you cant let em trample on you but you cant go because of the house, stuck between a rock and a hard place as the saying goes, enjoy your time on dayshift mate in fact let slip that was what you were hoping would happen and they may stick you back on nights :) as punishment.

12th February 2014, 06:39 PM
yeh mate you cant let em trample on you but you cant go because of the house, stuck between a rock and a hard place as the saying goes, enjoy your time on dayshift mate in fact let slip that was what you were hoping would happen and they may stick you back on nights :) as punishment.

Haha. Well wife is looking a a job now.. So if it doesn't happen soon then it won't be happening lol.

3rd March 2014, 06:40 PM
Half an hour and $450 at the rheumatolist for him to confirm I have A. S. (ankylosing spondylitis). Now got to take Sulfasalazine (what ever the fork that is, some sulphur based drug) 4 times a day, for the foreseeable future as well as staying on anti inflammatories and pain killers, might just smoke weed instead. Weekly blood tests to make sure the drugs aren't forking with me liver and kidneys. Then go back and see him in 3 months time...... Happy days.

Anyway, can't grumble. Still alive and have my family, my GQ and a job.

That's tough condition to deal with mate. I do agree with you, in case you're serious about weed.
There's been enough studies done with enough trials to prove weed does work in certain inflammatory pain conditions.
Do some research on "Medical Marijuana".
Mine hasn't been anywhere near that bad to get into weed, but I have to tell you, strong pain killers stuffed up my stomach, gut and perhaps my colon as well(God know what else). I got Barrett's syndrome, most likely thanks to those heavy pain killers that I've been taking to kill the pain of the shoulders, neck, back and knees. I rarely take them these days, most of the time simply put up with the pain. It is not easy, but better than killing myself slowly with the heavy pain killers. Strong pain killers can kill you long before weed can kill you, depend on how many of them you have to take every day. They are bloody addictive as well, no different than alcohol or smoking. Once you started, pretty hard to stop taking them. If I had access, Medical Marijuana, I would've gone for that. Weed is lot less addictive than alcohol or smoking as I see, but I can be wrong about that. I think it's different from person to person.
weed does far less damage to the body and mind than those concoctions of heavy pain killers, in my opinion.
But, always better to do your own research, and get few different professional opinions.

3rd March 2014, 06:47 PM
Very well put.
I'm currently going threw work issues, have been moved off shift for standing up for my rights over Christmas, but can't do shoit as there saying Its a "rotation plan", that seems to only affect me..
Seeing that sorta stuff just drives home the fact that we shouldn't let it control us..
I did for a minute today while on the job, I slipped fell and what turned out to be a graze and swelling could have been broken bones.

I think I need to seriously look at these guys..

The only thing holding us here is this house..

Those two books look like a life saver.
Where do you usually get them from, mate?

3rd March 2014, 07:32 PM
Those two books look like a life saver.
Where do you usually get them from, mate?

Got them as gifts, but any good book store should have some decent books

$53 on eBay atm

8th March 2014, 11:47 PM
Today my mum passed away... she waited for me to arrive and passed soon after.

I had a cry but still feel some what detached ?

Waiting for my wife to get home..........

I'm really really sorry to hear that mate. Give yourself enough time to heal from the loss. We all have to go through it one day.
It took me few years to really accept my mom's passing as a reality of life. I did get there in the end.
Life is good. Remember that.
My sincere apologies for the late reply.
Take care

9th May 2014, 08:15 PM
I went to a funeral for a young bloke today who committed suicide. He was only 18.
For f#cks sake if youre in that bad dark place there are so many people to speak to.
Was evident with the amount of people that were there today.
Theres hundreds of people grieving tonight for a young lad who thought no one cared

Edit: So So Sad

9th May 2014, 08:18 PM
Far to young to know what they are doing ..... so sad mate.

9th May 2014, 08:20 PM
So sad indeed mate, may the gathering be a reminder to some of his other friends that we as a community do care and they can reach out to a friend or a stranger.


9th May 2014, 09:14 PM
Terribly sad situation, hopefully he's now at peace but you're right in that there ARE so many people out there who care and who are willing to just sit & hold your hand.

My brothers candle was extinguished when he was 21 in a very similar manner to your mates boy. It's heartbreaking to think how lonely he (they) must of felt to do that so young.

I am a survivor of child sexual assault from my father. I also thought about the same end result and how to do it for many many years. Then he topped himself when it all came out .... (My brother left us a year later)

At 35-36ish my turn on that wheel had come and I just gave up on life. I too tried, the pain of life had just gotten to much - I failed obviously and was locked up in hospital ward with 24/7 watchers for about 3wks, couldn't even pee on my own.

The pain I caused my family and my children will haunt me forever - especially since it followed the suicide of my father & my brother. I think now "how the fork could I have even considered that an option - I have SO MUCH to be grateful for, to live for!!" yet at the time I was just drowning in my sorrow and untreated chronic depression.

I so dearly hope his mates who attended today's funeral service learn from this/his tragedy and don't ever feel lonely enough to take this path

Thinking of You all

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28th May 2014, 09:16 AM
Feeling a bit down with everything of late.... mainly money... car costing so much and not able to work like I should.

Every time I think I can just keep going with the business and put in a hard day I spend 3 days in pain.

Mags telling me in the last year how she loves working 4 days a week and now she has to go back full time.

I spend so much time looking at my bloody fuel gauge... lol ???

People who my mum owed money to are hassling me also.... being taken to VCAT... bullshit !!!!!!

28th May 2014, 11:00 AM
I don't really know what to say. We both know money can put a lot of pressure on families.

Chin up, you have probably gotten through it before and you will this time.

28th May 2014, 12:17 PM
Geeze mate I feel for ya. You've had a bad run for sure.
Have a look on google for money saving tips. I know a lot are simple like don't eat out as much, etc. But there are some good ones like make a meal plan for the week, and set your budget.
Try and setup direct debits and be one month ahead, this one is difficult but once going saves lots as most companies have a pay on time bonus, so cheaper bills..

And one I've really noticed for me, I've turned my hot water service down 10 degrees, from memory was 70, now 60..
Didn't notice a change at all, but knocked 1/6 off our quarterly bill..

28th May 2014, 12:43 PM
Hassling you so soon after your Mum's passing= heartless bastards. There isn't a great deal I can do to help you, mate, but know I am here if you want to PM me and get it all off your chest.

28th May 2014, 12:52 PM
Chin up BA this can only make you stronger, get advice re your mothers debts that's all I can say at this stage.
You and your family will endure this and come out the other side shining

28th May 2014, 06:57 PM
sorry to hear that mate, unfortunately there are people who want money and dont care who owes it or whats happened to them or the family. Dont know what to say except keep plugging away mate and keep your head up.

28th May 2014, 10:48 PM
Man that really sux. How can they chase you for your mums debt??? I feel your pain we have been trying to claw our way up the ladder for the last 5yrs now and every time the light appears something comes along and blows the globe, the only thing is we have started to see the light even if very briefly. You may not be able to see it anymore but you and Mags are the kind of the will make the light appear again.

Sent from me using Forum Runner

5th June 2014, 12:47 PM
G'day Trendsetters,

I am currently going through a dark period in my life due to chronic illness. (Crohns disease and Colorectal cancer i.e. polyps.) They certainly have been both emotionally and practically challenging times to say the least for my family and I.

I turned 50 three and a half years ago and my world suddenly turned up-side down. At present it has been an emotional roller coaster ride for both my family and friends.

I have found that when you hit rock bottom you need to change focus and try something else in life in an attempt to change course from bad hopefully to good times.

All I want in life is to get this farken disease into remission, so that I can have a quality of life to share with my family and friends again.

I have learned from my experience at present, that all the money and all the toys are useless to you, unless you have good health.

If any forum member has a cure for what I am currently going through (apart from a bullet) I will gladly give you my Patrol, Camper trailer, Boat and all the other toys that I have in my possession.

All I want is to be able to do normal things again. i.e., being able to play with my children, be able to go beach fishing, be able to go for a long walk, be able to ride my mountain bike, being able to work in my garden with-out being fatigued and wanting to go to sleep, be able to go to the movies, be able to catch up with forum members and have a few beers and finally being able to work on my Patrol.

As a species, we take life for granted and not give it the respect it deserves!

Kind regards,


5th June 2014, 01:03 PM
Hi Guys,

My sister went through some serious depression and suicide attempts. She actually has been published in a story in marie claire released today. If your missus reads the mag check it out, her name is Hayley Purdon.


5th June 2014, 05:55 PM
sorry to hear the problems are still persisting Paul, unfortunately as much as i would like to help i have no answers, all i can do as others here and that is lend an ear when you need one to ramble in :) good luck mate and hope things improve. Cheers Stropp

20th June 2014, 07:49 AM
Fridays are never anyones friend but today I'm am just emotional and physically drained.
Not many would know but I attended a funeral Wednesday for my wife's grandma (granny).
She was a good old duck, also happy to see you when you dropped past.
I guess age caught up with her. She had alzheimers which was quite a quick onset, she knew when something was said wrong and she corrected it after.

She has now past and is no longer in pain, and has rejoined her long past husband but being a pretty close family it has hit hard.
I hate seeing my wife like this at the best of times but this has cut me deep personally to.

I had to bury my grandpa when I was 15. I carried him to his final resting spot. Was the hardest thing I've had to do so far in my life. He was taken by cancer.. He "bet" it once and the no more than 18 months later was gone due to coming back twice as hard..

I lost a good friend when I was 14 due to shark attack in adelaide. He was in a band. His mates tried to play his favourite song, the OC theam song. They couldn't finish it and I can no longer listen to it either.

So all these things have come flooding back this past week and it's been tearing me apart inside. I gotta stay strong for the wife as she was very close, and trying to explain it to the girls, well we've tried but can't..

I'm now sitting at work on the shoitter trying to control myself..
Fark its hard.. Today is going to be hard...

20th June 2014, 08:03 AM
To morn is normal and should not be suppressed.. keep your chin up and remember it is your job to be the rock as it is your wifes turn morn.

Wish her our best mate !!!!!

20th June 2014, 08:11 AM
@Kallen look to your children for strength, see the future in their eyes.
Let it out as mourning is a natural emotion, anytime you need to yack I'm here

20th June 2014, 11:53 AM
Fridays are never anyones friend but today I'm am just emotional and physically drained.
Not many would know but I attended a funeral Wednesday for my wife's grandma (granny).
She was a good old duck, also happy to see you when you dropped past.
I guess age caught up with her. She had alzheimers which was quite a quick onset, she knew when something was said wrong and she corrected it after.

She has now past and is no longer in pain, and has rejoined her long past husband but being a pretty close family it has hit hard.
I hate seeing my wife like this at the best of times but this has cut me deep personally to.

I had to bury my grandpa when I was 15. I carried him to his final resting spot. Was the hardest thing I've had to do so far in my life. He was taken by cancer.. He "bet" it once and the no more than 18 months later was gone due to coming back twice as hard..

I lost a good friend when I was 14 due to shark attack in adelaide. He was in a band. His mates tried to play his favourite song, the OC theam song. They couldn't finish it and I can no longer listen to it either.

So all these things have come flooding back this past week and it's been tearing me apart inside. I gotta stay strong for the wife as she was very close, and trying to explain it to the girls, well we've tried but can't..

I'm now sitting at work on the shoitter trying to control myself..
Fark its hard.. Today is going to be hard...

Hey Kallen, thats not good mate, take it easy and look at the positives in your life, do not dwell on the negatives. I like you lost my best mate at a young age 17 due to a car crash and was a pall bearer, worst day of my life as he and i worked in the same office with desks next to each other, bloody hard to get over every time i looked at his desk and still over 40 yrs on i still get the sads when i get reminded about it. keep your chin up and focus on the good stuff mate.

20th June 2014, 12:20 PM
Sorry to hear of your loss, mate. As the others have said, let it all out. Give your family lots of hugs and kisses.

20th June 2014, 12:28 PM
Hi Guys,

My sister went through some serious depression and suicide attempts. She actually has been published in a story in marie claire released today. If your missus reads the mag check it out, her name is Hayley Purdon.


Furthermore to this, she recently did an interview for the Sydney Morning Herald, which is HUGE. she is also speaking at a Lived Suicide Experience Symposium next week at the Opera House. Pretty big stuff. check out her story below


20th June 2014, 04:44 PM
Furthermore to this, she recently did an interview for the Sydney Morning Herald, which is HUGE. she is also speaking at a Lived Suicide Experience Symposium next week at the Opera House. Pretty big stuff. check out her story below

Just read this, that's brilliant Nic I'll bet you and the family are so proud of her.

20th June 2014, 04:51 PM
Furthermore to this, she recently did an interview for the Sydney Morning Herald, which is HUGE. she is also speaking at a Lived Suicide Experience Symposium next week at the Opera House. Pretty big stuff. check out her story below


How could a family be any prouder, well done. Great achievement :)

20th June 2014, 05:06 PM
you have no idea guys everyone is so proud. Hayley is an amazing girl and like she said she always kept that stuff to herself but its great she has finally found the confidence to come out of her shell and confront these problems.