I have recommenced a 12 month contract at a minesite in remote MW QLD and the phone coverage at the accom village where I am located - furtherest from the tower has a bouncing signal strength between 1-2 bars at best on my phone, mostly 0 - 1 bar strength. I tried using the phone as a hotspot however simply cannot connect and when I do, it drops out. What would be a recommended solution(s) to explore for better internet coverage in this fringe zone? We have strong 3G in the central village area, however I am a further 500m away and its basically dead. Telstra recommended using the phone, however I have going to re-activate a 4G USB modem however they claimed my model would not work well with a windows 10 platform.

The floods in Northern QLD have closed all the supply roads and about 100 people are being flown out early from site to go home until maybe mid to late Feb, so I have some time to resolve this.