Hey Guys,

Can any of you guys with HR license advise me about the possibility of getting it the first time for a bloke
with no prior "non synchromesh" experience?

At this stage I am not considering LR or MR 'cos I think(I believe) the money's better spend on HR 'cos there is not much difference in cost, and the HR is more usable.

I've driven up to three tonne single axle trucks without issues, including backing up, so I'm pretty ok with that, including manual gears.

Armstrong fellas in Thomastown kinda 'pushing' for "synchormesh" telling me it's hard to pass "non-synchromesh" or trying to discourage me from going for non-synchro.

What is your opinion on that?!! Considering the cost of it, I am thinking it's better to go with the highest possible non restricted license, but...

Do I need some prior experience with a non-synchromesh truck with a mate or something before going in for the course with folks like Armstrong or similar accredited providers?
I roughly understand non-synchromesh means 'double clutching' and as many gears as 18. When combined with other aspects of passing a big truck road test, I guess it is challenging, but with practice during a two day course, it should be ok or should it not??!!!!

Any tips, tricks, advice and warnings would be great.
