Well, time for an update.

The best thing in my life right now is a little jetboil stove I bought for camping and hiking, but closely followed behind that is this set of cup holders. I still cannot believe there was a time before cup holders. At $40, I'd recommend them to anyone.


I've been having a bit of fun too, getting it dirty for the first time this weekend past just up near Myall Lakes. The awning certainly got a workout with all the rain we had. The most exciting part, however, turned out to be the drive home. I had a tyre near explode and spew it's tread out down the highway. There was a bit of fishtailing across lanes until I managed to slow down, it was just lucky that no one else was too close when it happened. End result was a quick change and on my merry way with a broken rear light courtesy of the tread pattern whipping around like a maniac.

This incident has greatly accelerated my plans for new tyres. I was hoping to wait until February, but the current Duelers are from 2006 and I just don't trust them, so i'll be looking at changing it up real soon. The plan is 33 inchers, but I may have to just pick up some used 31's in the interim.

Here's a pic from the side of the road back on sunday.


In other news, the 2 inch lift went in last night. It took around 2 and a half hours, mostly me doing very little while I got in the way of a mate doing all the work, so it went quite well. I forgot to take measurements before we got started, but the difference is fairly self evident. I took note of a suggestion in AB's build thread to try GU springs in the GQ for a little more height, which (I think) has worked out quite well.

Here are the photos, the first one is the same photo from a few weeks back and the second photo is as it stands the morning after. I'll try and get one in a month or so to see how it has settled down (not too far I hope!)


Note the sparey on the back. And one more just for good measure.
