G'day guys,
I'm a newbie to this forum & to Nissan Patrol(I've been a Land Rover owner for about 15 years). Currently I have a stock standard 2012 ST Y61 3.0L Patrol. When I say stock standard I mean Nothing but the minimum, straight off the show room floor. I'm planning on doing quite a few things to it in order to make it a more capable 4WDer.

I'm planning on taking it to the centre of Australia next April/May (2016). The first half will be pretty straight forward. Townsville to Uluru via Tenant creek. The second half however, will test my pending modifications. I'll head south to the Oodnadatta track to Marree. Then head North up the Birdsville track & onto the Diamantina to Cloncurry. Then back to Townsville.

What I'm after is some ideas as to what you think I "NEED" (Wants are a bigger list) to get through the trek. A bit of info into the do's & don't of the Y61 & some cost saving tips would be greatly appreciated.

So I don't drown this thread in unwanted replies, I've already posted this in the trek thread asking for advice on my little adventure. If you have done the tracks before, please reply in my Trek post

Always grateful for your experience & expertise.
