Back when I was in Scouts, we used to have Patrol Camps. The older Scouts were usually Patrol Leaders. The Scout Leaders usually weren't around. This one camp we had some new Scouts that had just come up from Cubs. Well they wer to be iniated, and I was told by a Patrol Leader to go tell the younger scouts to lights and out bunk down. I knew what was being planned and was told not to say anything about it. Back then the PL (patrol leader) was to be listened to when no ScoutLeader was around. Well the iniations happened which (I later found out) consisting of toothpaste being rubbed on there balls. As you could imagine these young fellas wen't home telling of what happened. Therefore going to the Scout Leader. The next Scout Meeting Night, all participants of the initiating party were asked to fess up. Well that all wentas best the Scout Leader could hope for, except I missed out on the punishment. Which turned out to be all of them had to scrub the wooden floor of the Scout Den with toothbrushes. My relief was short lived as I was asked did I participate. So, I said no, I did as I was ordered, by a PL. This was good enough to end up as one of them scrubbing the floor with a toothbrush! I apparently knew what the plan was so I was supposed to refuse to do as I was ordered by a PL. Now I can see the funny side of it. And I might add I'm glad I joined Scouts and didn't come up from Cubs.