They say pride always comes before a fall...

I remember reading all the threads here a couple of weeks ago about the poor souls who had filled their diesels engines up with petrol... not going to happen to me I said.
Alas, boss lady calls me up yesterday and tells me the car won't start. She had filled up the tanks to the brim with petrol and driven 5km to the local supermarket, where it then refused to start (Me: 'you did WHAT??'). It was her birthday too!

So now all the confusion starts.
1. I recheck all the threads here - plan is to drop the petrol out, replace the filters and go on my merry way
2. I call Nissan and they confirm the plan as above, in fact, they did this to a Patrol with same issue just this morning
3. I talk to my 4WD club mechanics and they all agree with point 1 & 2
4. I talk to my local diesel specialist 4WD crew (who seem to be generally well respected around these parts) and they say... ball park $10k, you've probably destroyed the injectors and pump. Could be more damage cause you drove it but we won't know till we start pulling it apart. Apparently they 'see this all the time'
5. So, I ring insurance company and they say, 'yep, we'll cover that for you' - basic excess is $650.

So now I have the conundrum. Do I drop out the fuel and change filters myself and take the risk that there could other issues (injectors, pump etc)? Or go for the insurance option for the repair?

If I go insurance it will definitely cost me $650 or I could do it myself for free (already have a filter) but don't want to do it and find that other things are stuffed and not have the insurance option. I'm leaning towards the insurance option as I'm well and truly spooked now! What do you reckon?