Morning all,

My wife and I are getting back into 4wd'ing after a few years out of the game. We previously owned 2 Pajero's and we'd had our fun with them, so were looking at a 100 series or a Patrol.

Found a beautiful Patrol 2000 4.2L turbo diesel in the area, took it for a test drive and fell in love. It was my wife that found the advert for it so she claimed the victory ha ha.


It was both our first times ever in a Patrol either as driver or passenger and I was surprised at how great it drove. I drove a couple of 100's earlier in the week but the Patrol just ticked all the boxes (as well as being 9 grand cheaper).

I don't pick the car up until next Wednesday but already I'm looking at a roof rack, lift, long range fuel tank, front locker, manual hubs, top mount intercooler, new exhaust. I guess I'm just excited.

My father-in-law wants to go through the desert in winter 2014 so we're going to start collecting some things over the next 2 years for the trip, but I can already see some awesome camping trips and weekend 4wd adventures between now and then.

Anyways, off to search the forums to get some more info on my new baby, things other people have done to theirs and some awesome pics of Patrols doing incredible things. Maybe there's a Hunter Valley 4wd club on here too.

First question though.......How do I tell if the Patrol is a GU or a GUII?
