Hi my name is Jayden. always surfing through here finding helpful and relatable content. ive pulled the rd28 out of my gu and am currently rebuilding it. wish me luck. Cheers
Hi my name is Jayden. always surfing through here finding helpful and relatable content. ive pulled the rd28 out of my gu and am currently rebuilding it. wish me luck. Cheers
Touses (2nd January 2025)
Welcome. A few things to keep an eye on, https://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/foru...hings-to-check
My advice is: not to follow my advice.
jaydenflorea (3rd January 2025)
jaydenflorea (3rd January 2025)
Welcome to the forum mate.
In the words of a Dhuck "QUACK".
jaydenflorea (3rd January 2025)
Thanks for that mate. I checked that out before purchasing my rd hahahaha.
Congrats 🎈