So after very long thinking, research and a lot of back and fourth with my performance centre, I have decided to go down the path of the XR6 TURBO over the well known LS conversion.
Well for me the decision was hard but in the end the answer for me was made by the follwing.
1 BF 10/06 model XR6 TURBO engine ( from 06/06 onwards this model have the same bottom end as the typhoons with forged internals.
Its a multivalve engine with low kays
Dual VCt,
Flat in line 6 that pretty much doesnt need to be opened.
After a bit of research i have also been told that the xr6 turbo engines do not need much done to achieve decent kw and torque figures.
Given i am looking at having a reliable 4wd i dont think i will be going stuoid with it but just to give you an example,
Cooler, injectors, exhaust, up boost and a dyno will give you in excess of 300 rwkw.
The LS was quickly put aside when i realise that in order for me to get it running nicely it would have required the engine to be opened up and start playing bits n bobs so in the end opted against it.
Today i purchased my donor engine amd it basivally came with everything but the tranny, including cooler, aircon, thermo fans, start amd alternator ecu and both looms.
Basically everything i need for the conversion.
Now, from what i know i need to contact killer customs (i think thats what theyre called in qld) so that they can make me a custom loom to suit the original 4.5 litre petrol to xr6 turbo engine,
I need custom engine mounts
And bell housing.
For those of you more mechanically minded than me what else do you thik i will need to get this done?
If im missing something please let me know.
Will keep you guys posted.