BigRAWesty (4th January 2016), mudski (3rd January 2016)
yeah I'm keen to see what the difference will be.
The master cylinder took a whole 5 minutes to remove and refit, the front brake line took about an hour, becoause of the little room, and, the flare nut was rounded off. So out came the dremel and i cut the line close to the flare nut and then i could remove the entire front flexi line and remove the flare nut with ease. Now all i have to do is bleed the brakes.
Then i might remove the rear calipers and rebuild them. Not sure if i should do them or not though. But they have never been serviced...
I still need to get a 80w or so panel and fit this to the roof rack and carpet my rear drawers, all before the end of the week.
Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk
BigRAWesty (4th January 2016)
BigRAWesty (4th January 2016)
Rears are now rebuilt as one was seized...
BigRAWesty (5th January 2016), jay see (5th January 2016), jff45 (5th January 2016), Rossco (5th January 2016)
And my new plates arrived....
Last edited by mudski; 5th January 2016 at 04:20 PM.
BigRAWesty (5th January 2016), jay see (5th January 2016), juzzs8 (28th November 2019), Winnie (5th January 2016)
mudski (5th January 2016)
Last edited by mudski; 5th January 2016 at 04:53 PM.
BigRAWesty (5th January 2016)
mudski (5th January 2016)
I saw Arthur today. Well I heard it first on Bell st. Love that tone !
2005 TD42TI
mudski (6th January 2016)
So I've had a few days to allow the brakes to wear in. I must say its really good to have brakes that work. No more nose diving under brakes... The GU pulls up really nice now.