Here is a Memes thread for all the funny stuff you find in your travels. Keep it clean
Tool catalogue arrived today! Just in time for Fathers Day!!! I'm excited!
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk cause AB turned it back on!!
Here is a Memes thread for all the funny stuff you find in your travels. Keep it clean
Tool catalogue arrived today! Just in time for Fathers Day!!! I'm excited!
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk cause AB turned it back on!!
Its a Nissan! =====> Its a Keeper!! ....... Got a TD42 in it BONUS!!....... I'm a lucky bugger! I've got 2 of em!
Check out my Toy --> MudRunnerTD's GQ From the Ground Up
The only good thing about an 80 series is..... the front end?? Wrong!!, the Engine?? Wrong!! the Full Time 4WD system?? Wrong!! Its the stubby holder fitted over the transfer lever.
WARNING: Towballs used for recoveries can, and do kill people and damage property.
Is the cordless hammer for self tapping nails?
2005 GU IV ST 3.0. Snorkel. Roof rack. Awning. Spots. Welded I/C. Dual batteries & VSR. UHF. Barn door hinge extension. Roof top spot lights. Rear drawers. 2" lift. NADS. EGT and boost gauges. Trans temp and water temp gauges. Provent 200 catch can. Rear ladder
And crawling on the planet's face, some insects called the human race. Lost in time. And lost in space... and meaning.
i put in an order for the Manual Chain Saw!!! gunna change the way i go 4wding. hoping to get a bigger one with a 20" bar. no more carrying fuel.
Its a Nissan! =====> Its a Keeper!! ....... Got a TD42 in it BONUS!!....... I'm a lucky bugger! I've got 2 of em!
Check out my Toy --> MudRunnerTD's GQ From the Ground Up
The only good thing about an 80 series is..... the front end?? Wrong!!, the Engine?? Wrong!! the Full Time 4WD system?? Wrong!! Its the stubby holder fitted over the transfer lever.
WARNING: Towballs used for recoveries can, and do kill people and damage property.
The moron lamp could be very helpful around the camp fire....
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
2008 GU6 3.0 CRD AUTO | Safari Snorkel | 2" Ironman lift kit | Runva 11XP Winch | 33" MTZ's | Full Length Roof Rack | GME TX3200 | 30" LED Light Bar |
Gotta get the noise
My advice is: not to follow my advice.
93patrol (31st August 2015)
93patrol (31st August 2015), mudnut (24th August 2015), rusty_nail (24th August 2015)
Was a CRD
Interesting name choice...
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
2008 GU6 3.0 CRD AUTO | Safari Snorkel | 2" Ironman lift kit | Runva 11XP Winch | 33" MTZ's | Full Length Roof Rack | GME TX3200 | 30" LED Light Bar |
93patrol (31st August 2015)