2005 GU IV ST 3.0. Snorkel. Roof rack. Awning. Spots. Welded I/C. Dual batteries & VSR. UHF. Barn door hinge extension. Roof top spot lights. Rear drawers. 2" lift. NADS. EGT and boost gauges. Trans temp and water temp gauges. Provent 200 catch can. Rear ladder
And crawling on the planet's face, some insects called the human race. Lost in time. And lost in space... and meaning.
Onkey (27th May 2015)
Someone's got motivated.
2011 GU8 ST 3.0 CRD, ARB Bullbar with IPF spotties, scrub bars and side steps, Snorkel, Dual Battery system, Waeco fridge, Turbo Timer, ARB Roof Rack with 5 IPF spotties across the front, Custom full Leather Bucket seats, DPchip, 3" Taipan exhaust, ARE Intercooler & scoop, Autron EGT/Boost and dual volt gauges, ARB front locker.
4bye4 (26th May 2015)
4bye4 (26th May 2015)
I took this one of my brothers chooks. The one at the back looks like he's say " I hope you didn't start without me"
Woof (9th June 2015)
Bush Ranger (5th August 2015), Patrol-Guy (27th May 2015), Woof (9th June 2015)
2011 GU8 ST 3.0 CRD, ARB Bullbar with IPF spotties, scrub bars and side steps, Snorkel, Dual Battery system, Waeco fridge, Turbo Timer, ARB Roof Rack with 5 IPF spotties across the front, Custom full Leather Bucket seats, DPchip, 3" Taipan exhaust, ARE Intercooler & scoop, Autron EGT/Boost and dual volt gauges, ARB front locker.
i love the red buoy in the background.
2011 GU8 ST 3.0 CRD, ARB Bullbar with IPF spotties, scrub bars and side steps, Snorkel, Dual Battery system, Waeco fridge, Turbo Timer, ARB Roof Rack with 5 IPF spotties across the front, Custom full Leather Bucket seats, DPchip, 3" Taipan exhaust, ARE Intercooler & scoop, Autron EGT/Boost and dual volt gauges, ARB front locker.
Onkey (28th May 2015), Patrol-Guy (27th May 2015), threedogs (28th May 2015)
Onkey (28th May 2015), Patrol-Guy (31st May 2015), Woof (9th June 2015)
4bye4 (28th May 2015), MEGOMONSTER (27th May 2015), Onkey (28th May 2015), Patrol-Guy (28th May 2015), Woof (9th June 2015)
4bye4 (28th May 2015), MEGOMONSTER (28th May 2015), Onkey (28th May 2015), threedogs (28th May 2015), Wine_maker (1st February 2016), Woof (9th June 2015)