Indeed it is... Upon arriving at work Friday I thought I could smell coolant as I hopped out (There goes the weekend get away AGAIN). Had a quick squizz under the bonnet, could smell it but couldn't see anything leaking/dripping. Arrived home Friday night, same smell... Well, Sat morning looked under the front and unless a cat that takes multivitamins had just peed, I figured I had a coolant leak!
Can't see any leaks or dried coolant from above the motor on any hoses, expansion tank etc. So had a bit of a lay down under the front with a torch, could see where coolant had run down the front of the block & dripped off the sump and diff. So... I'm thinking the water pump has given up the ghost or is about to and now that I think about it, there has been a vague grinding noise evident (difficult to tell with the tyre noise).
I cannot get to the water pump to see if it is leaking without dismantling half the front end, would this be the likely source of the leak? Is it a difficult job to replace as I have limited mechanical experience/tools etc. What's a mechanic going to charge? I see on Patrol Parts the pump/viscous hub assembly is $285 for genuine Nissan one.
Anyone in Perth game to tackle it one weekend for a couple of slabs of amber stuff? (Really can't afford a mechanic bill)
Oh, it's a '03 3.0ltr GU Patrol (Auto)
Any advice/assist would be greatly appreciated