JackCollo (17th June 2017)
Its Grolsch o'clock
Tapping on the Tab via MC
Enjoying a fire a few good beers with my brother, wishing we were out on the tracks. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1370691449.841349.jpg
Mrs Possum (10th November 2014)
2 shifts left then 4 weeks of rdo and not training a oxygen theif tonight
Spent the day with family and friends doing some difficult tracks around Enfield/Scarsdale. Wet and muddy and needed to be winched. First time a couple of the grandkids have been out from the big smoke and into the bush. Great day except for one issue -see what has made you angry today.
Last edited by jack; 8th June 2013 at 11:01 PM.
2024 Isuzu MUX
Formerly 2012 Simpson 50th Anniversary Edition.
WARNING: Towballs used for recoveries can, and do kill people and damage property.
JackCollo (17th June 2017)
Got my custom made water tank installed today
GU PATROL 2011 Ti, with goodies...
My sister in laws brother is touring America and he sent me this picture had to have a laugh its down near Florida somewhere
Guns don't kill people, people with mustachios kill people
I live in Australia, have plenty of shelter and food, kids are healthy and safe!
1999 GU 4500 dual fuel
Il dado è tratto
AB (9th June 2013), Avo (11th June 2013), Hodge (24th July 2013), lorrieandjas (11th June 2013), taslucas (9th June 2013)
I have woken up, the fire is still going and I'm about to head off to Rubicon for a day of Patrolling!!!!!
Love it!!!!