Some relatives received some bloody good news.
Some relatives received some bloody good news.
Cremulator (10th June 2021), growler2058 (10th June 2021), MB (10th June 2021), Plasnart (9th June 2021), Touses (10th June 2021)
Mrs went shopping yesterday and walked into the local priceline to get a couple things and they were having a closing down sale she tells me, yeah right closing down for the next 6 months. No a real one. The check out chick didn't even bother scanning anything that was $2 or under.
She stocked up.
Sent from my CPH1979 using Tapatalk
12/97 GEE YOU
4.5lt Gas blower. Lots of mods to come.....all in good time.
Happy to still be here. Gangrenous appendix gone now.
Avo (21st June 2021), Hodge (20th June 2021), MB (21st June 2021), PeeBee (20th June 2021), Plasnart (20th June 2021), rusty_nail (20th June 2021), the evil twin (20th June 2021), Touses (21st June 2021), TPC (21st June 2021)
Hope the healing process goes ganbusters for ya matey...
I had a similar issue with my gall bladder a couple of years ago, went in for a quickie keyhole surgery and one night stay to remove said gall bladder.
They opened the keyhole, took one look and ended up 7 hours on the table, right side of chest opened up and over a week in hospital but all good now.
Dodged a bullet there.
Dolphins are so smart that within a few weeks of captivity, they can train people to stand on the very edge of the pool and throw them fish.
Cremulator (21st June 2021), MB (21st June 2021), mudnut (20th June 2021), Touses (21st June 2021)
It only felt like gas, but I hadn't eaten for coupla days, so Mrs mudsane ordered me to the ER. The local 'Knife' was too sick to cut me, so they sent me by meat wagon to Hamilton.
Wham bam thank you, Ma'am. Two night stay, back home this arvo. Amazing what they can do now days.
Last edited by mudnut; 21st June 2021 at 01:47 AM.
Putting my windscreen wipers on with new blades...................its the simple things
Cremulator (21st June 2021), MB (21st June 2021), mudnut (21st June 2021)
Scored a log splitter tonight, 22ton, barely been used. Dont have a decent pic, this is one from the listing. Stoked! Designed to be towed behind a ride on mower
Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk
I got red dust in my veins.
Check out My Rig here: Broken
Pics of Forum trips I've Been on:
Pizza at AB's - 2012 Knockwood - 2013 Krissos Place Australia Day - 2015 Pizza at AB's - March 2015 Pizza at AB's - May 2015 Dargo - 2015 Newnes - 2016
WARNING: Towballs used for recoveries can, and do kill people and damage property.
Cremulator (24th June 2021), jay see (23rd June 2021), MB (23rd June 2021), mudnut (23rd June 2021), Winnie (23rd June 2021)
Good Score Nico Mate
Food for thought….what’s the total length (minus wheels & axle) of the new acquisition, hopefully same or lesser than an F250 tub width with extended length A-Frame possibly?
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After I serviced the Patrol , gave the engine bay a quick wash / clean , a "rattly" noise developed several days later ... It sounded like it was a loose bolt rattling around somewhere on the engine side of the firewall. Sometimes it sounded like it was even under the dash somewhere ...But it happened only in certain rev ranges and under load.
Drove me around the twist !
I checked and re-checked every bolt and any thing I could get my hands onto.
I nailed the f#*ker before !!
It ended up being the intercooler outlet hose rubbing/squeaking against another bit of rubber sitting on the intercooler bracket ! From inside the car I could've sworn on my life it was just a loose bolt as thats exactly what it sounded like!! Must've created a dry spot when I washed around there.
Bit of Inox and she's all good now.
Ahhh what a relief that was. Made my week!! That's how bad it was !!
Happy thread. Weekend is here. Stubby 'o clock !
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2005 TD42TI
Cremulator (25th June 2021), jay see (25th June 2021), MB (25th June 2021), mudnut (25th June 2021), Rossco (25th June 2021)