If you find an issue with the forum, such as an error message, or something that's not right, post a message in here, that way other members can check if they are having the same problem, then someone can do something about looking into it.
If you find an issue with the forum, such as an error message, or something that's not right, post a message in here, that way other members can check if they are having the same problem, then someone can do something about looking into it.
1984 MK Anniversary Model, LWB,SD33,Air-Con,P/S,Straight Body,Minimal Rust.........Not Bad For Free
How many pages does this thread have, oh were to begin....... hahaha only joking Andy just couldn't resist *L*
Nice work chops on these threads
AB whats the difference between Whats new and new posts???? they both do the same thing don't they??? The links look the same to me anyway, I'm confused.....
Nice work Chops!
Yeah Todd, I think they are the same thing...haha
I thought one was new posts that you havent read and "Whats new" was just the latest posts but it seems to do the same thing.
Might be best to Sticky this?
1984 MK Anniversary Model, LWB,SD33,Air-Con,P/S,Straight Body,Minimal Rust.........Not Bad For Free
Hey AB, where would be the best place to Sticky This
If any members require assistance in anything regarding this forum, just let me know via a PM and I will help you in any way that I can.
Anyone experienced been logged out automatically and you need 2 log back in 2 the forum??? Its annoying the hell out of me!!!!!!
Last edited by NissanGQ4.2; 1st December 2010 at 05:38 PM.
think this needs a bump