It happened. Bitcoin broke thru $US100K.
Type: Posts; User: Coldcomfort
It happened. Bitcoin broke thru $US100K.
I have a Ultra Gauge on my dash that, among other things, monitors my coolant temp. Lately it seems to be running a little warmer across the spectrum. Instead of ranging fro 86c to 89c depending on...
Its started......
About April 19th I think.... Yep, about six months ago.
It sure is.
Have a look here. Its true that the tech changes quickly. I keep my FLR on a bifrost wallet hosted on my phone. My XRP are on a Nano wallet. The Nano is a...
Does anyone have any experience with these. It can re-trim injectors apparently.....
Live coin watch.
Once Gensler is officially sacked from the US SEC we will see some serious gains.
Bitcoin has hit another all time high and climbing. The amount of $ pouring into the BTC ETF's is eye watering. $115409 a few minutes ago. The rest of the market should follow in a few days or weeks.
Grab one of these. You can monitor frame rail pressure in real time as you are driving.
Definitely not CAN bus then. I don't think that there is any CAN bus on ZD30's either.
What year is your car? I suspect the last couple of years Patrols have used the CAN bus system. That may have some kind of affect.
Has anyone found more info on this. I'll be getting my mechanic to instal new glow plugs, rocker cover and a few other bits. I'm also very tempted to have new injectors installed while its in bits. I...