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I am a past member of NissPatrol forum but I cannot remember my previous u/name and password so I thought I would re-register.
In 2004 I purchased a 4.8L petrol patrol and then joined the Adventurers 4wd Club in Adelaide. We did many enjoyable 'adventures' with the club in the 4+ years we were with them. The most notable was the Cape York Trip. On that trip I drowned my wagon, but it was still driveable after that rogue creek crossing, the last one on the Old Telegraph Track, Brooks ??? something. And I had forever limp mode problems after that dunking. Lets just zoom ahead and say, "we're all good for the experience" and I wouldn't change anything. But now I'm a lot more the wiser.
Nowadays, we have dropped all the 'adventure' trips and we're into the grey nomad, happy hour type trips etc with the caravan
I've finished working and life is good. I tell you, I couldn't see this retirement thingy while I was working, NO WAY. But now, do I love it, youbetcha I do.
So caravanning is our go now and we like to go to places that we have never been to before. This means we look at our truck atlas with all the high-lighted roads we have travelled and we'll say "we haven't been on that road, so lets go there and head for ????.
When I said to the boss I'm finishing up he asked me, 'what are you going to do now?. I said, I'm going to buy a vehicle and do "wide load escorting around Aust' and I'd still like to work for you in the company but as my own sub-contractor and on an adhoc basis that suits me. He said, "done, you're on"
So I bought my 2nd 2009 Nissan Patrol DX with the Telstra canopy on the back, set it up for on-road living and travelling and escorting wide loads all over Aust. As you may gather I was one of the wide load drivers for that company. So for the next 4 years I was tripping around Aust as an escort pilot doing what I loved doing. The best part of that job was when you pulled up at the end of the day, we would have a few beers, light a fire, cook some tucker, have a few more beers then hop into bed in my cabin, then wake up and do it all again the next day. Loved that life. So that's me in a nutshell guy's. G'day my name is Wattie, (Paul). Pleased to meet you all when that happens.
Carvanning, golf, watching the rugby between NZ All Blacks and whoever