View Full Version : Ring road recovery

30th March 2012, 02:42 PM
Well today it was hell on our glorious ring rd.
I only had a short errand to run to a gun shop in Keilor and back again and was met with accidents and brake downs and with no emergency lanes it can really stuff things.

On the way back just after the bypass traffic came to a crawl with people doing there best to get one up on the next, when I finally got to a car stuck smack bang in the middle of the road with people hurling abuse.

I quickly pulled in front as 2 blokes were about to push him to the side but with no emergency lane that would not help much.
I told the blokes I would tow him off the road and while I was setting up people were abusing me????

As I started off I noticed another car broken down only another 150m further up.

I towed him down to the service station on Dalton rd and got back on the uhf to see if the bloke was still stuck but it seems some one else had pulled up and towed him off the road...

I was amazed at how people would hurl abuse at some one helping a motorist stuck, if that was there wife or teenage kid stuck or there mother would they not want some one to help???

I have towed that many people off the road and changed tyres for ladies in distress . and just think it is the right thing to do and there is no second thinking it , you see and you help.

Sorry just needed to vent!!!!

30th March 2012, 03:30 PM
well done Bloodyaussie,, should be more blokes like you out there,, i think people are forgetting how to be human and help each other out,, as for the abuse you got,, just take it like water of a ducks back and remember Karma.... well done.

30th March 2012, 03:50 PM
I helped a woman change a tyre once, felt good. Only had that one opportunity to do something like that but I'd do it again.

30th March 2012, 06:46 PM
Bloody aussie, i was in it today,
i know exactly what the ringadingaling road was like FFS.

I saw it bankin up on the inbound just after the accident infront of the CAT factory in Tullamarine,
as i was headding to Campbellfield.

i knew it was gonna be bedlum for the trip back to base in Springy,
So i went the backway towards Greensborough,
Got on from Sydney rd,
and thankfully was able to only just get off at Edgars Rd and went back, the back street boys way !!! LOL's

..... Another accident or whatever, at the greensboriugh bypass somewhere...

Dude those roads of ours are the worst in the world i recon.

1st, theyre way too small,
secondly,........ we just dont live in a society where everyone minds their own buisness,
so we are succemmed to f'n RUBBER NECKS, who jam up both sides of any freeway or road, even
if , all thats happenned is someone takin a leak, or changing a damn tyre.

30th March 2012, 06:49 PM
ps. your a champ for helpin out dude,
something thats lost these days..
thats the aussie way dude ! 10/10

the way i grew up, the OZ way i was lucky to experience etc growin up,

not the way majority are trying to damn change.

30th March 2012, 08:17 PM
Good stuff mate, It's carnage on the Ring Road at the best of times and people who commute on that road are full on...lol....Nice effort though!

30th March 2012, 09:17 PM
You guy`s should try driving in quiet old Adelaide what a shambles.
a break down on any major road creates kaos ,road rage. and general stupidity. heaven help us if there`s an accident and the cops turn up, even a minor bingal the cops will block every thing of they can think of instead of trying to get things moving. I think it`s a game to see who can create the biggest road block

Finly Owner
30th March 2012, 09:18 PM
Not enough of us around these days. Soakup that feeling,and forget the tossers.


30th March 2012, 09:23 PM
i have the benefit of driving in most major cities (melb, bris, syd, adl) everyone week being an interstate truckie. Id have to say the ring rd is the worst i have travelled on. There is at least one incident in and outbound everyday. Being in a truck unlike most ppl on here its a bit hard for me to tow someone of the rd as some have done.

31st March 2012, 08:43 AM
Yeah I was heading west when the accident happened at CAT and there was not much to it but for rubber neckers.
I once had an old lady with her 2 gran kids just sitting in there car in the middle of a very busy road. I had to tell her that it was too dangerous to sit in the car and in future she should wait on the side of the road.
I pushed her off the road with no help from any one, bloody made me sick that people would just drive past an old lady like that with cars bearing down on her and not offer help.

Bloody aussie, i was in it today,
i know exactly what the ringadingaling road was like FFS.

I saw it bankin up on the inbound just after the accident infront of the CAT factory in Tullamarine,
as i was headding to Campbellfield.

i knew it was gonna be bedlum for the trip back to base in Springy,
So i went the backway towards Greensborough,
Got on from Sydney rd,
and thankfully was able to only just get off at Edgars Rd and went back, the back street boys way !!! LOL's

..... Another accident or whatever, at the greensboriugh bypass somewhere...

Dude those roads of ours are the worst in the world i recon.

1st, theyre way too small,
secondly,........ we just dont live in a society where everyone minds their own buisness,
so we are succemmed to f'n RUBBER NECKS, who jam up both sides of any freeway or road, even
if , all thats happenned is someone takin a leak, or changing a damn tyre.

31st March 2012, 09:44 AM
Nice work ya bloody Aussie, quite ashamed of white mans greed and stupidity, road rage arrogance and abuse come to mind. After recently going to Bali where traffic is total madness with billions of scooters and vehicles flying around every where with what seemed to be no road rules and honestly there is absolutely no road rage at all, if someone breaks down everyone runs to help, if your trying to cross the road just keep walking and traffic just stops again with no agro, just a smile. Yes as said I am quite dissapointed with the western societies arrogance on the road. I think a few people need to visit abroad just to see how others live and maybe adopt some of their simplicities. Good work buddy should be more of ya , good man

31st March 2012, 10:00 AM
Bit of an hijack but on same topic.
In Sydney they have motorcycle paramedics, the idea is they can bypass traffic bottlenecks by heading down pedestrian malls etc.
Had a paramedic on tv one night saying how pedestrians will not get out of the way even if the lights and sirens are on. They know they are there but arrogantly continue with their own agenda. He said he has had food and drinks thrown at him by these people.
Wonder how they would feel if the medic was on a call for them or someone close.
These braindeads cannot think of that possibility.
me me me.
Good on you mate you are true blue.

31st March 2012, 09:10 PM
Same here in Melbourne with some pedestrians in the city, god forbid you got held up for a moment in an intersection and you have not made it over that line they spit on your car or hit it as you come past.
There is so much road works on that it makes for frustration, we pay so much money to use these roads and I feel we do not get our moneys worth???

1st April 2012, 12:26 AM
Good on ya mate.

Hey everyone! Don't let the haters and negative types get you down. Do what comes naturally....... help out when you can. Someones got to provide the ying to offset the yang!