View Full Version : No respect on Ebay...

25th March 2012, 07:01 PM
Well I was absolutely guttered today...

Been discussing with someone on Ebay about buying his 5 x 35" Simex Extreme Treker, Centipedes (80% tread) with brand new sunny rims.

We agreed on a price of $700. Spoke to him this morning around 11am and agreed it was sold to me and I would pick them up at 1:30pm.

My GQ is pulled apart so went and borrowed a trailer off Rossco, grabbed the misses VT wagon, filled it up with fuel and set off.

Got half way over there and got a bloody SMS from the guy....Sorry mate, someone just rung and offered $800 and I sold it to them....Sorry mate!

$^&*(* me I got so mad, rung the bloke ready to abuse him, we had a verbal agreement...SOLD!

Never answered his phone....lol

I tell ya, people's word and general agreements even handshake agreements don't mean ZIP these days!!!

I was tempted to drive over there and blast that muppet!!!!

25th March 2012, 07:05 PM
Fire bomb his house, that will teach him!

25th March 2012, 07:08 PM
Wouldn't be this guy would it: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/SIMEX-CENTIPEDE-TYRES-35X10-5X15-5-TOTAL-RANGE-ROVER-RIMS-/270939482562?pt=AU_Car_Parts_Accessories&hash=item3f154069c2#ht_500wt_1416

I might make a false bid if it is

25th March 2012, 07:10 PM
Nah wasn't him...They were 80% tread, brand new sunnnies x 5 and would of been a great deal!!!

25th March 2012, 07:12 PM
I was tempted to drive over there and blast that muppet!!!!

C'mon mate, tell us what you'd have really done...LOLOLOLOLO

25th March 2012, 07:13 PM
What a $&@?wit!! Like you say SOLD is SOLD absolutely sh1ts me blokes like that

Tappin N Crappin

25th March 2012, 07:14 PM
C'mon mate, tell us what you'd have really done...LOLOLOLOLO

Family forum family forum...lol

25th March 2012, 07:15 PM
Nah wasn't him...They were 80% tread, brand new sunnnies x 5 and would of been a great deal!!!

Hence why you missed out, at least he sent you an sms, most people wouldn't even do that these days

25th March 2012, 07:19 PM
only one thing to do,,, sorry 2 things report him on ebay and made a negative message about the sale and then name and shame the ass wipe on here by the by a verbal agreement is the same as a written agreement in the laws eyes if you really wanted to make a point.

25th March 2012, 07:20 PM
I am sure we can pull together a large number of "friendly" people and go around to his place for a chat!!

the ferret
25th March 2012, 07:24 PM
I have friends who ride Harleys lol.
Neg feedback Andy, big time.

25th March 2012, 07:31 PM
Thats absolutely cr@p!

the ferret
25th March 2012, 07:45 PM
You should only deal with the ferret on Ebay Andy, LOL, did you BIN or win the auction or have a second chance offer, or make a private agreement after the item had ended??
Cheers, Rod.

25th March 2012, 08:04 PM
Yeah the item ended, no one bidded so it was an after agreement unfortunately. Still had a verbal agreement though but what can you do hey....Eat some concrete...lol

25th March 2012, 08:10 PM
Nah go the cement powder mate is friendlier on your teeth! Then it'll set and harden ya up from the inside hahahahhahhanaha

Tappin N Crappin

25th March 2012, 08:12 PM
since you have his address go there at night put 2 or 3 zip ties around his drive shaft and wrap a tea towel with left over prawn scraps and fish heads and tie it to the gear box member or stuff it in the gap above the muffler

25th March 2012, 08:20 PM
since you have his address go there at night put 2 or 3 zip ties around his drive shaft and wrap a tea towel with left over prawn scraps and fish heads and tie it to the gear box member or stuff it in the gap above the muffler

Jeez Macca, sounds like you've done this one before...LMAO

25th March 2012, 08:32 PM
The quality of people on eBay has definitely dropped, been burnt a couple of times myself.

25th March 2012, 08:34 PM
Jeez Macca, sounds like you've done this one before...LMAO

Just pranks on mates and work vehicles the zip ties works a treat with the big thick ones sounds like something is really wrong and if they don't know anything about cars you make a mechanics day when they look at it up on the hoist haha

25th March 2012, 08:36 PM
AB ya obviously not Greek !! Lmao LOL"s

25th March 2012, 08:37 PM
We did the zip tie one to a teacher on year 12 muck up day. He ended up taking his car to the local mechanic, he loved it.

Finly Owner
26th March 2012, 11:00 PM
fortunately, you were both breaking EBAY rules. I know we all do it, BUT, you can be banned for trading outside of the actual auction, using EBAY to contact each other. No neg feedback can be left as you didn't officially win the item.

But I do agree he made an agreement of sale, he should be compensating you for phone calls and full costs wasted on him!

I was tempted in Feb @ Toowoomba Swap to resell a Motorbike I had sold and was holding for the bloke. As someone as saw it and offered me twice what I had sold it for. But, my integrity up there means more than a quick buck, it brings customers back to my site every year!

As do my above board and honest descriptions on ebay when selling.


xtreme patrol
27th March 2012, 12:21 AM
Hey at least your misses got a free tank of fuel :p LOL

27th March 2012, 12:59 PM
You know his address AB, Just contact a few of the boy's from the HUNTING TRIPS TREKS AND TIPS thread, and get them to arrange a posse and sort this son bich out.:210:

27th March 2012, 07:41 PM
Ahh!! I remember my first time I got my drive shaft zip tide..... took me about 5 min on the side of the road to figure out, then it was all out war!!!!

Post his phone number for all, share your pain and his number, he he he !!!!

No really it does suck and I am getting tired of the the way people think to treat others.

May be it was not as good a deal as it seemed and you will find something better????

Barney Rubble
27th March 2012, 07:52 PM
its a damn shame... people everywhere seem to be getting less reliable and trustworthy.

27th March 2012, 07:59 PM
Ahh!! I remember my first time I got my drive shaft zip tide..... took me about 5 min on the side of the road to figure out, then it was all out war!!!!

Post his phone number for all, share your pain and his number, he he he !!!!

No really it does suck and I am getting tired of the the way people think to treat others.

May be it was not as good a deal as it seemed and you will find something better????

Hey mate, he was in Thomastown too....haha.....Could get you to drop in there after work one day for a "visit"...lol

27th March 2012, 08:08 PM
Hey mate, he was in Thomastown too....haha.....Could get you to drop in there after work one day for a "visit"...lol

Hahaha, could have been bloodyaussie mate..lol

27th March 2012, 08:18 PM
Hahaha, could have been bloodyaussie mate..lol

Nah it was off an FJ.

28th March 2012, 12:39 AM
He only sent a sms so u didnt bother going around cos hes chicken $#!7 trying to dodge confrontation.

x2 on posting his ph#

he sounds like a tight @$$ so no point fire bombing as hes prob renting!:blowup:
unfortunetly wankers are becoming more frequent these days sorry to say

28th March 2012, 12:48 AM
blow the begger up:sterb003::blowup:

28th March 2012, 07:03 AM
Hey mate, he was in Thomastown too....haha.....Could get you to drop in there after work one day for a "visit"...lol

I know the type that live round here... give me an address and I will do a drive by and see what the lay out is like, he he !!!!

I had the opposite recently after buying a sub on ebay it was a couple of weeks before I fitted it and found it did not work?? the young bloke ended up giving me a brand new one in exchange.
I was ready for a battle and he ended up being a top bloke!!!

28th March 2012, 08:38 AM
I know the type that live round here... give me an address and I will do a drive by and see what the lay out is like, he he !!!!

LOL, AB, sounds like you have yourself a hitman! haha.. love it.

28th March 2012, 11:05 AM
If this poor bathplug is reading any of this he will be chiting his tweeds.:jawdrop:

28th March 2012, 07:42 PM
we're here with flying help AB,
even in muddy sittuations dude...

28th March 2012, 07:51 PM
we're here with flying help AB,
even in muddy sittuations dude...

I'm all for two grown men to short their sh!t out man to man but the flying kick to the back of the head does look cool although dirty and cheap in my eyes.
I'm of the younger generation but probably the last before the gangfights (been in my share though) always better one on one but I'm standing by my zip tie and fish head surprise idea

28th March 2012, 08:13 PM
can we at the absolute very least,
at least araldyte his slippers to the floor???



28th March 2012, 08:26 PM
can we at the absolute very least,
at least araldyte his slippers to the floor???



I'll remember this one...lol

Where on earth did that guy come from in the first video...LMAO...What the!!!

29th March 2012, 01:39 AM
I know how you feel Andy but that I am afraid is the way of the new world mate, gone are the days when some ones word was their bond...........that is why I hate the NEW so called civilised world.
5 years and 3 weeks and I am out of this, if not before..going bush where no one will annoy me.

29th March 2012, 02:04 AM
I know how you feel Andy but that I am afraid is the way of the new world mate, gone are the days when some ones word was their bond...........that is why I hate the NEW so called civilised world.
5 years and 3 weeks and I am out of this, if not before..going bush where no one will annoy me.

I'll always find a way to annoy you mate lmao

29th March 2012, 02:12 AM
I'll always find a way to annoy you mate lmao

Make to most of it mate, when I leave no one will find me...LOL

29th March 2012, 02:35 AM
Make to most of it mate, when I leave no one will find me...LOL

We shall see mate..... We shall see hahahaha

29th March 2012, 05:52 AM
In the country the Dogman becomes................................

DOGNORRIS !!!.....

You will only find him, when he finds YOU !!!!


29th March 2012, 07:29 AM
I think their is a major problem with a lot of people today out for all they can get and their word means nothing.
I have had my fair share of dealings with liars on ebay but these days it is fairly simple pay with paypal if not picking the item up.
Recently had a regulator short to ground over night and was lucky that it didn't catch fire so i rang the seller who told me that they don't fail and i had done something wrong.
I then went on to explain to him i had performed all tests before fitting it and it was working fine at first.
And that the reg was at fault internally shorted on it's own and their is no way possible for anything else to be at fault and he sent one out express post to replace it.
So far so good.

29th March 2012, 08:31 AM
I don't think the problem is with commercial sellers, rather scumbags looking to make a few extra bob or regreting purchasing something. I have recently 2 incidents with Ebay.
The first I had a person buy an item of me and be all keen finding out how to pay and how much and then not pay, not even a reply to my messages.
The second was buying a ski bag to take on my America trip off an Ebay business. The ski bag had a rip in it and I explained it to the bloke and he sent another one straight out. I just had to send the other one back so he could get a credit for it. So I was happy I got a new one.
Dealing with people over the internet in general is risky though. That is why i like doing thinks over a forum, especially this one where everyone knows everyone, much safer.

29th March 2012, 09:38 AM
I've had only one bad experience, other than that they've all been good. Couple of times I've needed replacements and they've either just sent one out straight away or paid for my postage back to them. Bought an exhaust that was advertised incorrectly so they picked it up and refunded my money in full. One time though I bought a game and it was in Jap but said it was English. Sent it back to them and they didn't refund me for 2 months and only after I opened a dispute on Paypal.

29th March 2012, 10:31 AM
In the country the Dogman becomes................................

DOGNORRIS !!!.....

You will only find him, when he finds YOU !!!!


Bahahaha.. Littlejohn, I haven't LOL in real life from this forum for a while but those last few GIF's you posted.. made my morning!

29th March 2012, 12:51 PM
Hence why you missed out, at least he sent you an sms, most people wouldn't even do that these days

Probably only got the sms as he didn't want you turning up and have to deal with you face to face.
Hope he was given a cheque and it bounces.