View Full Version : Please help on fraser oil probs

23rd March 2012, 11:33 AM
hey guys gq 42td oil light is stayin on have got plenty oil in car oil pressure gauge still reads normal, just wound down boost on turbo checkin sensor atm...any ideas or help would be awesome cheers guys muddonk

the ferret
23rd March 2012, 11:43 AM
If you still have normal oil pressure and plenty of oil, I think it's safe, I would say the sensor is US or there is another electrical problem.
Check the terminal connections at the sensor, borrow another sensor and try it.
Cheers, the ferret.

23rd March 2012, 11:47 AM
all good guys just fixed the sensor :D

23rd March 2012, 06:41 PM
What a relief Muddonk, nothing like the major downer of a niggling doubt on Fraser, where the engine can be working hard, even though the other evidence points to an instrument fault.

Ferret - well done! Now, get back to your view (imagine green smiley here) :-)

the ferret
23rd March 2012, 08:17 PM
What a relief Muddonk, nothing like the major downer of a niggling doubt on Fraser, where the engine can be working hard, even though the other evidence points to an instrument fault.

Ferret - well done! Now, get back to your view (imagine green smiley here) :-)

Ha ha, been past the view about 20 times t'day, no time ta look, boat's going rusty, flat out mak'n GQ back savers and it's Fridy.
Just opened a bottle of Margaret River Cab Sav mmmmmmm

23rd March 2012, 09:55 PM
Juat curious..what are "GQ back savers " (no knoweledge of GQs!)...
they sound interesting:redface:

the ferret
23rd March 2012, 10:00 PM
Juat curious..what are "GQ back savers " (no knoweledge of GQs!)...
they sound interesting:redface:
Here ya go, you will wonder why you've done without it all this time.
Cheers, the ferret

23rd March 2012, 10:11 PM
haha...thats awesome.
Such a simple, yet functional idea...learnt something once again.:thumbup: