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19th March 2012, 04:11 PM
Hey guys, been a while!

when uni finished in november last year, the wife and i up and left home for a few months. We went out to her parents farm out near Texas to live for a while. Very interesting experience. No town water, no town power, no net and a good hour to the corner store.

I thought id share some photos from the experience.










http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff40/parra3/316686_2484112061581_1216001569_33173773_4700510_n .jpg

http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff40/parra3/301048_2484114421640_1216001569_33173783_5673929_n .jpg

http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff40/parra3/300592_2484113221610_1216001569_33173777_6892818_n .jpg

19th March 2012, 04:16 PM
all was good until we came home on australia day.

there were some pretty serious floods out that way which affected our property pretty badly.

just for interests sake, there is (i think) 8 creek crossings on the way out - and only one way out..

well, we had to make it - we had run out of food and more importantly, booze!!

heres the event in a few pics (not many sorry, was kinda busy!)





needless to say, it was an interesting trip to get out, but the good old girl did it!

hope you enjoy the shots.

Sir Roofy
19th March 2012, 05:01 PM
thanks for sharing your expiences of the swollen streams

19th March 2012, 05:06 PM
Outstanding Parra!!! Glad you made it through old mate!!
Thanks for the snaps!!

19th March 2012, 06:24 PM
Nearly need an 'orse with the crossings that high!

Funny, I'd always thought that Texas would be flat, like Inglewood.

Nice place and thanks for sharing.

19th March 2012, 06:41 PM
Mighty fine lookin countryside mate and a hell of a bough wave ;-)

19th March 2012, 07:03 PM
Thanks for the pics mate, glad you got through

19th March 2012, 08:19 PM
Good shots Parra, looks deep too!

19th March 2012, 11:05 PM
Thanks for the pics mate looks like fantastic country how big are those crossings normally glad you are out safely

20th March 2012, 01:10 AM
Always thought that there was only Texas in USA, just googled it and found one here in Australia...hahaha
Great photos Parra, looks and sounds like it was an interesting trip mate.

20th March 2012, 07:32 AM
yeah, thanks guys.

it was a bloody good trip. though, admittedly its scared me off creek crossings for a while... they were really flowing!

umm, normally they are nothing to worry about. regularly cross them in forester (though, that can be a bit tense too sometimes!)

these two photos show two different creek crossings - neither are the 'wide creek crossing' as its known. its usually up to the top of the tyres, but is about 100m + across in the dry with very loose stones under it. so gotta keep moving or else you can run into a bit of trouble (i drowned the missus' subaru in there once :oops:)

20th March 2012, 08:02 AM
Glad you got out safe mate. Nice photos too.
Have a look in the videos section (up top of screen in red), I posted a creek crossing. It's called: creek crossing sandycape. Same story, fine on the way in and then rained non stop to make the return trip very interesting!!

tappa slappn about

20th March 2012, 08:24 AM
Thanks for that lucas, ill be sure to check it out when i get a chance (damn you work internet with streaming media blocked :( )

20th March 2012, 09:39 PM
nice pics man looks like you had some hairy moments and some good ones