View Full Version : Fuel consumption

16th March 2012, 10:05 PM
Hi just wondering if anyone knows the best way to get the best fuel consumtion out of my rb 30 motor. Its also on gas.

Thanking you all in advance

16th March 2012, 10:13 PM
Ditch one fuel or the other mate and tune it for one only!! lol ...

Hard to tune dual fuel and you always end up compensating one for the other and never get the best from both. Dual map ECU's can apply a separate map for each fuel type (as well as changing timing advance/retard for either etc), but to be honest, even going second hand spending decent $$$ to get a couple of litres per hundred better economy is not economical in itself (unless you do a shedload of miles every day).

No doubt others will offer up advice/opinion also mate ...

4th April 2013, 03:30 PM
best you can do is make sure it can breath with extractors and free flowing exhaust!

6th June 2013, 11:35 AM
A good tune, clean air cleaner, free flowing exhaust, correct tyre pressure, clean after cooler core.
All this will give your car the best chance to perform.

19th July 2013, 09:34 AM
Never had an RB 30 on gas but TB42 responded well to having the timing set up for Gas (fairly advanced compared to petrol) and running only premium fuel in the tank. It will not ping so much as unleaded with the advanced timing.
Other than that just read the previous advice, its all good stuff.