View Full Version : The Invisible Children - Please Watch and Decide for Yourself

9th March 2012, 09:32 PM
First things first, this video is thirty minutes long ... please allow the time to watch it.

My wife, my 16 year old son, and myself have just signed up for a $20 commitment per month for the remainder of 2012. I had never heard of this, and the fact we spend billions of dollars catching Osama makes this cause seem a no brainer. I have 4 kids, and to think someone could come into my house and take them from me (an atrocity in itself) to commit these atrocities (killing their own parents to show allegence), is beyond a disgrace. This broke my heart and made me feel immeasurable guilt that we happily truck along with our lives whilst this crap happens. I'm usually very reluctant to get behind some causes, but when it comes to kids, and especially this circumstance, we felt compelled to do at least the little we could do.

Make up your own mind - don't be swayed by my opinion, and decide for yourself, but I felt this imperative to post up here to spread the word.


Here's hoping this pr1ck gets his just deserves. This is when I know I'm NOT a racist - black, white, yellow or purple, no child should be subjected to this and/or the will of what can only be described as a man of pure evil.

Finly Owner
9th March 2012, 10:05 PM
Scott you caught my attention but the link only seems to take me to an index page?


9th March 2012, 10:08 PM
Link down. Do you have the name of the video

9th March 2012, 10:15 PM
Amazing how 30 minutes of well crafted media can change mass opinion overnight. Think about it and do some proper research.

9th March 2012, 10:16 PM
Mine works fine using that link, but just type "Kony2012" into YouTube ...

Sorry lads, not sure what the story is there ...

Tragic, tragic, tragic, tragic is all I can say ... heart wrenching stuff ...

9th March 2012, 10:21 PM
Amazing how 30 minutes of well crafted media can change mass opinion overnight. Think about it and do some proper research.

Not with you mate - what are you meaning?? This has been all over the radio and news over the last few days. Not meaning to offend, but are you suggesting this is not real?? You might be suggesting the complete opposite, but as always, the beauty of written online media doesn't help the interpretation.

9th March 2012, 10:49 PM
Not with you mate - what are you meaning?? This has been all over the radio and news over the last few days. Not meaning to offend, but are you suggesting this is not real?? You might be suggesting the complete opposite, but as always, the beauty of written online media doesn't help the interpretation.

Have a watch of this mate, right to the end, give him a chance at the start, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZtwwB396W0

im all for supporting Kony being brought to justice but i WILL NOT support Kony 2012. i think people also need to realise there are a lot worse people than this guy in the world right now. Also Kony is a warlord, remove him and someone else will take his position. Do any of you remember when the movie, "blood diamond" came out? there was massive media about the child soldiers with that movie when it first came out. two weeks later it was all forgotten about, i expect the same will happen here.

9th March 2012, 11:20 PM
Have a watch of this mate, right to the end, give him a chance at the start, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZtwwB396W0

im all for supporting Kony being brought to justice but i WILL NOT support Kony 2012. i think people also need to realise there are a lot worse people than this guy in the world right now. Also Kony is a warlord, remove him and someone else will take his position. Do any of you remember when the movie, "blood diamond" came out? there was massive media about the child soldiers with that movie when it first came out. two weeks later it was all forgotten about, i expect the same will happen here.

Yep, heard and noted ... propaganda on both sides no doubt, however never expected my money was going to saving the children per say, but to promoting the cause and capturing (or quite frankly) or killing this bloke ...

32% of a big number is still a big number - that being, if 32 cents in the dollar goes to the "system" after funding the effort, still better than 'no cents' at all ..

Duly noted though and as per my original post, make up your own mind - my question to you mate - do you have kids??? If someone didn't donate to your cause if the roles were reversed as opposed to saying, "to hell with it, 32 cents in the dollar is better than nothing" wouldn't you be pretty p1ssed off?? I have 4 kids, and obviously I'm a sucker when it comes to children - a position I'm happy to adopt and stick with ... 32 cents goes a long way in Africa for every dollar spent on supporting it - I have family there, so I know it's true ...

9th March 2012, 11:48 PM
This is interesting.

There was an interview on ABC radio this afternoon with a bloke who had something to do with the film - an Aussie by the sound of him. I came to the interview late.

The point was made that currently there are 'only' a couple of hundred children in this situation with this warlord, often a lot less. 32,000 affected over time. Currently, as stated by the interviewer, there are more pressing problems in the country that need attention. What a place.........

I say, its your money, or mine, and we can send it where you/I like. If you have the time and inclination to research the actual need, competing priorities and the extent to which the $$ get somewhere useful, so much the better. But if something really pushes a button, why not go for it.

13th March 2012, 05:51 AM
Honestly... i just woke up and read the title as
" The invisible chicken " LOL's hard

Anyhow, i know about Koni, he invented shock absorbers bahahahha

ok, serious now...... can someone explain how what this guy does in his backyard affects Australians, infact the rest of the world?

13th March 2012, 05:08 PM
G'day LittleJohn,

LittleJohn I don't know if there is any connection between the two crowds you mention above.

I guess the last line of your post above is an attempt to camoflage the content for this family friendly forum. Or maybe not. It's not language I would use, but then I'm not a moderator on here either. Perhaps you could choose to tone it down a bit?

I think the appeal of child/teen soldiers for this kind of bloke is:
they are available in the kind of country this bloke works in.
they are easily manipulated
they lack empathy of older people and will kill more easily.

13th March 2012, 05:21 PM
Edited - missed this one, thanks.

Nuff said I'm sure, so thanks all for your understanding.

13th March 2012, 06:44 PM
According to Wikipedia, the price for an AK in Africa is $30 -$125, and has dropped from 15 cows to 4..........

13th March 2012, 06:48 PM
You read it wrong Big Rig. i have two gurls myself too mate.

Silver, that bloke is a disturbing human being, who is absolutely every known low life's type...description-
all rolled into one... he is all of them, including the ones i selected from the vast group.
Which i must add, provoke me the most.

13th March 2012, 07:15 PM
You read it wrong Big Rig. i have two gurls myself too mate.

Silver, that bloke is a disturbing human being, who is absolutely every known low life's type...description-
all rolled into one... he is all of them, including the ones i selected from the vast group.
Which i must add, provoke me the most.

Thanks fella!!! Figured you were simply having a laugh, as I stated, just was open to interpretation I suppose (bloody written media!!).

All good from my end mate, and fully appreciate the response!!! Have you caught up with any of the Vic members as yet? You'll fit right in over a few beers!!! lmao

13th March 2012, 09:47 PM
You read it wrong Big Rig. i have two gurls myself too mate.

Silver, that bloke is a disturbing human being, who is absolutely every known low life's type...description-
all rolled into one... he is all of them, including the ones i selected from the vast group.
Which i must add, provoke me the most.

Yep, LittleJohn, I hear you.

Life is so cheap in far too much of the world, but even by the lowest standards this one seems to stand out. I can't understand either group - they are just too different.

14th March 2012, 12:32 AM
Just removed some of your post, LittleJohn

14th March 2012, 06:03 AM
Offtopic ( thanks Dogman, and BigRig), I dont expect everyone to understand me, my language,..
the forums i have come from really have been " way out there" extremely loose.
a terrible learning platform to have come from for a respectul one as this.
Im trying, and i really want to be here guys. I appologise for any slip up. im not a bad egg, just a half boiled one at the moment !
i appreciate you guys being good about it.

What gets me Silver, it really upsets me, is a Gov Member here in Melb goes missing
overnight While trecking through the mountains.
they send out a special op helicopter and find him litterally straight away.
If the powerhouses of this world we live in, want him, it would be all over within 12 hours i recon.
It just turns my stomach. he really needs to be stopped.
And from that video, that country need a hell of alot more aid and assistance, thats for sure.

14th March 2012, 09:01 AM
Offtopic ( thanks Dogman, and BigRig), I dont expect everyone to understand me, my language,..
the forums i have come from really have been " way out there" extremely loose.
a terrible learning platform to have come from for a respectul one as this.
Im trying, and i really want to be here guys. I appologise for any slip up. im not a bad egg, just a half boiled one at the moment !
i appreciate you guys being good about it.

What gets me Silver, it really upsets me, is a Gov Member here in Melb goes missing
overnight While trecking through the mountains.
they send out a special op helicopter and find him litterally straight away.
If the powerhouses of this world we live in, want him, it would be all over within 12 hours i recon.
It just turns my stomach. he really needs to be stopped.
And from that video, that country need a hell of alot more aid and assistance, thats for sure.

As per my PM mate, you're a dead set champion and everyone deserves to know I said it. It's one of those topics that invokes passion in some, scepticism in others, and unfortunately complacency from a minority (governments) who are the ones who can really make an impact.

Irrespective of who is doing it around the world, I'm one of the passionate ones, and for you to respond the way you have shows your true colours mate ... nothing to do with the topic as such, but recognition of the importance of the topic to some and subsequent acknowledgement the way you have (not succumbing to popular opinion, but showing genuine understanding) is testament to your character - just the sort of bloke we all want around here!!!

Enough serious stuff, time to get back to taking the p!ss where it's deserved (told you I'm the worst for it!! You have a challenge on your hands!!! lmao) and continuing on in the spirit of this forum!!!

Thanks again mate!!!