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View Full Version : Off-Road Drive (game)

11th September 2010, 09:04 AM
Hi all,
Your computer game expert is here! (haha I wish)

I found a new 4x4 game in my ever-long quest for crawl!

This will surely come close.
LINK TO THE WEBSITES TRAILER (http://offroad-game.com/trailers.php)

LINK TO GAME PLAY AT E3 2010 (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-2010-off-road/101065) (the developer demonstrating the game is a really crap player!)

LINK TO SHORT VID OF GAMEPLAY (http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showthread.php?t=15013)

Needless to say, the game looks amazing! It uses the Unreal 3 engine which runs the latest Unreal Game.. a fast action paced First Person Shooting game. (think Halo style since everyone knows Halo)

Probably the most standout features here for me are;
PC and Xbox support
Working winch
Glorious graphics
Multiplayer (8 players at a time)
Real working diffs and low-range
Real physics
Manual shift and clutch support (grab a steering wheel and away you go)
Lots of car and chassis tuning (just think of using an air compressor to inflate/deflate tyres..yep!)

I could go on about this a bit more.. I suggest going to the 2 links and checking it out.

If this game is actually as good as it's saying it is, I would love to see Nissan Patrol members buying this so we can have online crawls together!

11th September 2010, 09:44 AM
That looks & sounds like a ship load of fun & not a bad idea either G.


11th September 2010, 09:36 PM
thanks for the link G, whats crawl bth???? I'm assuming its a 4x4 game??

12th September 2010, 08:48 PM
Geez, sorry for the bad spelling. Should fix that up.. I was in a bit of a rush at the time.

Todd, crawl just refers to 'rock crawling'.. bit of a slang term used nowadays which is just another way of saying, lets go and drive on some rocks really slowly. :D :D

12th September 2010, 08:57 PM
I found a new 4x4 game in my ever-long quest for crawl!

Hi G-Unit,

I know what rock crawling is all about, I just though by ur above quote there was another game out there you have been unable to get ur hands on. My mistake. Had a look at the demo looks like i might just have to get it for the xbox 360 :)

12th September 2010, 10:32 PM
Hi G-Unit,

I know what rock crawling is all about, I just though by ur above quote there was another game out there you have been unable to get ur hands on. My mistake. Had a look at the demo looks like i might just have to get it for the xbox 360 :)

ah haha ok, sorry mate, didn't mean to assume you didn't know what it was. Sorry about that.

Yeah it looks really good. I'm def going to be keeping my eye on this one. I wanna buy one of those steering wheels with the clutch and the H patter manual shifter.. I reckon that'd be awesome.

12th September 2010, 10:54 PM
ah haha ok, sorry mate, didn't mean to assume you didn't know what it was. Sorry about that.
thats cool, I'm sure there is still a fair few people out there that doesn't know about rock crawling. Yeh i might have to buy one of those steering wheels with the clutch and the H patter manual shifter 2.... think 4x4in on the xbox 360 is all thats going to be left to do in Sydney! :(

13th September 2010, 11:45 AM
This is the ultimate in driving wheels for the PC/PS3. Not sure if it works on Xbox.. can't see why not if it works on PC.

Pretty pricey here in Aus.. Might be able to save some dollars on Ebay or maybe if your local JB-Hi FI has a sale etc.

I have about $135 in JB Hi Fi gift cards so I might put them towards this. Would be cool for Grand Turismo 5 when it's released and also Test Drive Unlimited 2.

13th September 2010, 10:42 PM
that looks nicer than the set up in my patrol!!! *lmao*

13th September 2010, 10:56 PM
This is the ultimate in driving wheels for the PC/PS3. Not sure if it works on Xbox.. can't see why not if it works on PC.

Pretty pricey here in Aus.. Might be able to save some dollars on Ebay or maybe if your local JB-Hi FI has a sale etc.

I have about $135 in JB Hi Fi gift cards so I might put them towards this..

f-me......just looked up the price new and had a heart attack!!!!!!

7th January 2011, 09:25 PM
Console looks great! Two questions-
1. How much to buy?
2.How much to convert to RHD?

Forced Offroad
6th April 2011, 10:11 AM
been watching this gave for some time now....they reckon the second 1/4 of 2011...dont know what that means for Australia..... looks so much....

6th April 2011, 01:04 PM
Yep - that will get me back on the xbox for sure!!!

8th April 2011, 01:06 AM
awesome game

30th September 2011, 03:16 PM
Okay guys, update time!

Many of you blokes wont really be interested, but, for those of you who like playing video games, behold..

Off Road Drive has been released today in digital format through Steam, for PC.
Here's the link to Steam store (http://store.steampowered.com/app/200230/)

Good you tube clip of the game (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bs9uIL5DDuQ&feature=related) It's only 2mins long, watch it!

It's also coming out on xbox360 soon, although no date has been confirmed. Word is, it won't be too long after the release on PC (which was today).

The basic premise of the game is you race through checkpoints, win races, modify your 4wd with your earnings, win a championship. It's kinda like tough truck challenge where it's raced through stages. As far as I know, there is no "free roam" driving, meaning, you cannot just drive anywhere you want too. This is a real shame as I think it would broaden its appeal to a bigger audience.
BUT, I'm hopeful that some smart person will modify the game in the future to create this free wheeling mode (or the game developers themselves) and then all will be right with the world.

I'll probably buy this and check it out. Adding to my growing library of games, lol.

Oh yeah.. the game is developed by a Russian team. They are mad on their 4WD comps over there. A lot of you tube clips of the game are in Russian, but don't worry, because the game is also in English.

For those who don't know about Steam, it's a piece of software than you run on your PC and it allows you to purchase games and download them. You can also talk to friends, organise to play games together, share videos and pictures (that you have taken inside games) etc. It's a social gaming platform basically.

7th December 2011, 07:36 PM
Just thought i would give some update on this one. I bought the game off steam for PC bout 40$. Good fun game. Great graphics and pretty sweet trucks. It has lots of little realistic features like being able to lock diffs, lower tyre pressures, select from different types and size tyres, hi/low range ect. Definitely recommend giving it a look.

7th December 2011, 08:05 PM
Just thought i would give some update on this one. I bought the game off steam for PC bout 40$. Good fun game. Great graphics and pretty sweet trucks. It has lots of little realistic features like being able to lock diffs, lower tyre pressures, select from different types and size tyres, hi/low range ect. Definitely recommend giving it a look.

Thanks for letting us know, never actually got to play this game but it does look like a lot of thought has gone into the realism of it.