View Full Version : DIY GQ rear draws on a budget

6th March 2012, 07:26 PM
So i made a rear draw unit on a budget for my GQ. 18mm marine ply cost me $352 laser cut all to my mesurements, $150 for carpet, glue, screws, handles etc etc. i would have cut the ply myself but i needed it cut to the mm as my measurements where extremely tight. i only allowed 2mm either side of each draw and nothing for the sides that are on the wheel well. i made it the perfect height so that they close down just under the window sill and rest on that. Also my esky fits perfectly on top (i will never buy a fridge). the sub is mounted on industrial velcro, so here it is

Ply all cut and ready

checking the measurements

draws and main box complete

checking it fits before hinges, carpet and handles are added

all done and bolted in

a view with the draws out and wheel well sides on hinges

for those that are interested here are the measurements i used

base and top :1080mm x 1000mm 2 of these
back : 1080mm x 324mm
sides : 982mm x 324mm 3 of these
draw base : 508mm x 970mm 2 of these
draw sides : 302mm x 952mm 4 of these
draw back : 508mm x 302mm 2 of these
draw front 1 : 549mm x 342mm
draw front 2 : 531mm x 342mm
sides well : 170mm x 985mm 2 of these
fronts : 160mm x 342mm 2 of these

6th March 2012, 07:36 PM
Awesome job mate well done

6th March 2012, 07:50 PM
Great post mate and top job.

You could easily sell them no problems at all....Very neat!!!

6th March 2012, 08:09 PM
Well done mate, I wish I could come up with a plan like that and have it all fit together, I have to make it up as I go and then I change my mind 10 times and its still not finished after 4 long months.

6th March 2012, 09:17 PM
Cheers for the comments, i just sat down one night and decided to start drawing plans, ordered the ply the next day and did them up on the weekend and final touches today. What i was most stoked about was that all my measurements where absolutely perfect. you know how on every job something happens and it doesn't go as planned, with this nothing went wrong.

7th March 2012, 06:58 AM
Looks good when you do mine can you make them a bit lower and make them so that i can easily remove one draw and fit a fridge slider in its place lol.

7th March 2012, 08:25 AM
Nice job simy,

How do find them to open when they are loaded up, I notice you didn't put any slides or runners in them. I wondered if they mightn't be a bit of a pain to open with a bit of weight in them.

But overall they certainly look the goods, once again nice work.

7th March 2012, 05:20 PM
Nice job simy,

How do find them to open when they are loaded up, I notice you didn't put any slides or runners in them. I wondered if they mightn't be a bit of a pain to open with a bit of weight in them.

But overall they certainly look the goods, once again nice work.

cheers mate, fully loaded they come out fine, i lined the bottom on both the draws and the main unit with candle wax, slides perfect. i wasn't willing to pay $100 for sliders and the space i would lose from them. that is why i didn't use locking handles as well, i was on a tight budget. they do fit tight though, i only allowed 4mm leeway for each draw. i bought latches for the inside to hold them in but they don't need it as they close nice and tight.

8th March 2012, 10:22 AM
I have made a very similar set, I just need to carpet mine.

Do you find that the sub is in the way when you wanna load it up??? I put mine behind the rear seats. I just made a custom sized box to fit. Works a treat.

8th March 2012, 10:00 PM
I have made a very similar set, I just need to carpet mine.

Do you find that the sub is in the way when you wanna load it up??? I put mine behind the rear seats. I just made a custom sized box to fit. Works a treat.

I usually take the sub out when i go wheeling, i haven't been wheeling with it up there though. i may get a slimline sub at some point but i want to keep this sub, it absolutely pumps. its too long to fit behind the seat even in a new box.

i havnt loaded her up yet but only the esky goes on top, the rest goes in draws and my swag sits on the back seat.

9th March 2012, 09:36 AM
Nice sounds like you have it all sorted. I usually go out with 3 or 4 people in my car, cos they don't have rigs of there own yet so the back seat is taken up by bums (double meaning).

12th April 2012, 08:13 PM
Looks great mate! Awesome for the money

24th April 2012, 12:39 PM
looks great thanks for the tips

30th April 2012, 09:13 PM
awesome job, well done mate, it has inspired me to make a start on mine

6th May 2012, 10:11 PM
cheers for the kind words fellas

13th May 2012, 09:58 PM
Great work mate, how did you attach them to the floor of the car?

14th May 2012, 10:35 PM
Great work mate, how did you attach them to the floor of the car?

i used the third row seat, seat belt bolt holes, worked a treat

26th June 2015, 03:12 PM
Hi simy, where did you get the plywood from, also how many panels of plywood, and of what sizes did you get to cut out all the pieces?

Looks good

26th June 2015, 03:35 PM
Hi simy, where did you get the plywood from, also how many panels of plywood, and of what sizes did you get to cut out all the pieces?

Looks good
Doubt you'd get an answer mate, Simy hasnt been back on for a couple of years...... also pop over to the intros and intoduce yourself please, something the forum likes new membersto do before asking for assistance, cheers

4th September 2015, 11:05 PM
well done, great job mate. thanks for sharing