View Full Version : Tell us about your 'good deed' for the day

DX grunt
27th February 2012, 07:42 AM
I thought I'd start a thread about a good deed that we've all done - something that has helped someone in their time of need.

I'll start by describing my obvious experience. A troll helping a tojo. lol.

I was :icon_driving: on a country WA road, in the middle of nowhere, with a high rise Tojo rental about a km infront of me. Neither of us were in a hurry,
so we were cruising on about 90k's.

I came over the crest of a hill and there it was - parked up with a flat tyre.
:jawdrop: :jawdrop::jawdrop::jawdrop:

I said: "Do you know how to change a tyre?"
They replied: "Nuh" :icon_bonk:

So there we were, just over the crest of a hill, in a 110kmh speed zone, on double white lines, changing a tyre.
Lucky for me, I was carrying my hi-vis vest! Damn. Left my flexing spandys at home and had to improvise with regular shorts. lol

After it was over, they did offer me a bottle of red. I respectfully declined and they weren't offended when I told them I don't drink.

So, after rechecking the wheel nuts to make sure they were tight, 5k's down the road, for the next 85k's, I followed them to the next town
and they told me they would stay there overnight until the tyre place opened up the next day, so they could get it fixed and carry on.

That's my story. :icon_victory: How about yours??????

Take care out there.


27th February 2012, 08:19 AM
Not sure it's officially a good deed anymore if you talk about it!!! lmao

Short and sweet and already on here moons ago (posted by the guy I helped).

Young fella out on some tracks a long way from fuel. Flexed too much and tore the petrol tank open and was dead set p!ssing fuel out, so I rushed up to assist - he didn't have tools on him, and not enough LPG to make the trip back, so I jumped under the truck and after a bit of hunting, my missus found an old rubber thong. Cut a wedge out of one side and used it as a plug in the tank, cut a strip from the other side to use as a sort of bandage to hold the plug in place, and then tie wired the whole thing in place around the tank. Stopped the flow to a dribble. But not before I was doused in petrol ...

He left, he got home, and he then joined the forum - Blazza. Has one of the nicest lifted and modded GU wagons I've seen ...

Where are you Blair?? Been a while!!

27th February 2012, 09:21 AM
My good deed for the day was to help a friend take their grenade to get a service. Turned up at sparrows to pick it up, started driving and noticed the fuel guage is sitting on empty....lol

Can't believe this person didnt even put fuel in it for me.....GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

27th February 2012, 11:18 AM
turned upto work, that was my good deed :)

27th February 2012, 11:28 AM
im not sure but does this post still count ????? http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?5273-Trip-to-Newman-what-a-load-of-....LUCK&highlight=newman

Probably a bit old but still a good deed !!!!!

27th February 2012, 07:34 PM
Shared a family block of chocolate with the family for dessert. they all got one piece each and I polished off the rest .

27th February 2012, 08:12 PM
Shared a family block of chocolate with the family for dessert. they all got one piece each and I polished off the rest .

Talk about generosity old mate!!!!!!!! LMAO

27th February 2012, 08:19 PM
my good deed to day i turned up to work oon time!!!!

the ferret
27th February 2012, 09:05 PM
My good deed for the day.....................Taking my blood pressure pills,.................puts off the funeral lol

27th February 2012, 09:50 PM
Wasnt me, but was very touching.
supermarket Sat, an old lady at the checkout counting out her change to pay for her things as they do. The woman in front who had just gone through the checkout handed the operator $20 and said thats to pay for the old ladys groceries and give the change to her as well.
The old lady didnt hear what had just happened and continued counting her change out, the checkout operator told her, no that lady just paid for your things, the old lady was quite confused and overwhelmed by her generosity, Then the operator handed her the change and the old lady said no thats not mine i didnt pay for the items, the operator said the lady told me to give you the change as well. Confused and overwhelmed the old lady said are you sure, no-one has ever done anything like that for me before.
Poor old dear didnt know which way to turn, but was a very touching moment knowing there are still descent people in our dog eat dog society.

27th February 2012, 09:54 PM
Just sold the side steps on Ebay and the guy turned up to pick them up.

They sold for $123, I said just give me $120...LMAO.

27th February 2012, 11:29 PM
HAHAHAHAHHAHA your all heart andy hahahhahahaha

27th February 2012, 11:55 PM
I left the room to drop me guts....... I had curry for lunch

28th February 2012, 12:50 AM
Did not fine tune any of the machinery at work today, my crew was very happy that I didn't, it mean't that they did not have to pick up 2 ton of rolled oats of the floor.....LOL

28th February 2012, 12:58 AM
Did not fine tune any of the machinery at work today, my crew was very happy that I didn't, it mean't that they did not have to pick up 2 ton of rolled oats of the floor.....LOL

Or crushed nuts for that matter lmao