View Full Version : Vinyl Spray

18th February 2012, 09:05 PM
so i bought myself some vinyl spray to spray the dashboard of my car, and i was reading the the directions on the back and it says you can spray carpet...

has anyone tried this and if so have you had success with doing so? seems too good to be true, but hey, i like the sound of just being able to spray my upholstery(such as the seats, carpet and door trim) instead of replaceing the whole lot... and it would work out ALOT cheaper

any thoughts or advice would be great

18th February 2012, 10:35 PM
As with most painting, preperation is "everything", and if you prep the things you intend to paint "really well", ive seen the VHT vinyl paint last 10 years plus, id have not belived it if i had not seen it myself.

Ive also more commonly seen it last less than 12 months on most half assesd jobs.

It will work on carpet, but will dry a bit hard and britttle, the carpet will look ok, but will be a lttle stiff, if you brush and recote a few times you may get a reasonable effect, but i suspect carpet dye may be a better option ?

Remember if you want it to last, prep, then prep again ,and some more.........then spray

18th February 2012, 10:52 PM
As with most painting, preperation is "everything", and if you prep the things you intend to paint "really well", ive seen the VHT vinyl paint last 10 years plus, id have not belived it if i had not seen it myself.

Ive also more commonly seen it last less than 12 months on most half assesd jobs.

It will work on carpet, but will dry a bit hard and britttle, the carpet will look ok, but will be a lttle stiff, if you brush and recote a few times you may get a reasonable effect, but i suspect carpet dye may be a better option ?

Remember if you want it to last, prep, then prep again ,and some more.........then spray

thanks for the detailed response mate. ive been following the directions to the tee, light coats, and prep with wax and grease remover. its coming up a treat, and i rekon the end result is gonna look amazing. cant wait to get some juicy pics up for everyones viewing pleasure in my other thread!

oh and good luck with your resto of your car mate, mate a sad bit of news and i felt for you.



19th February 2012, 04:13 PM
Cool, my mate did everything plastic inside his VK commodore, it was his weekend toy, i laughed when he did the manual window winder handles, i said, "no way thats gonna last a week, let alone a year !" , it was the first part to flake off, but after 10 years later.

To give you a idea of how good it looked, the car was featured in a mag many years after he did the inside.


Sorry dont have a inside pic just this video, cant see much, but his whole dash was green from factory


I think now you can get vinyl clear coats available for harder wearing areas

19th February 2012, 04:27 PM
timbo, sprayed all his vinyl when he rolled his GU and it came up a treat, looked brand new again!

Pretty sure he didn't do the carpet though.