View Full Version : Roof racks and GQ gutters - what is the best combo?

14th February 2012, 03:24 AM

Following on from Robo's great thread on maintaining gutters, I seek your views on the roof rack system that is kindest to GQ gutters.

I perhaps have the worst system currently. A second hand semi pro steel rack that has steel rails that run the length of the gutter. When the clamps are done up, the roof rack pulls up the gutter, admittedly only mm rather than cm, to suit the profile of that rail. This has to be cracking the 20 year old sealant in the gutter and will end in tears.

I also have own an alloy rack, same rail system, but no real way of applying upward tension to the clamps.

I'm wondering whether a roof bar system, with shorter runs of stuff 'in the gutter' might be better, with the rack clamped to the roof bars.

I only use the GQ for local stuff - if I was doing serious touring I'd start from scratch with a name brand rack to avoid failures due to ks and ks of corrugations etc.

The load consists of MSA bag, a couple of roll up mattresses, sleeping bags, folding chairs and a 6 x 3 m alloy framed ga2ebo, which would be the heaviest component.

At least with the alloy rack, I can take it off easily, unlike the steel, but the movement related to clamping and unclamping could be just as damaging

The message is clear, take less crud and forget the rack! probably not going to happen :-)

30th March 2012, 03:30 PM
i am also keen to hear if anyone has some good ideas for gutter mounts as i want to make my own rack but need to buy some mounts if you can get them on their own? Has anyone made their own mounts that don't do nasty things to old patrol gutters?

14th April 2012, 10:11 PM
The best alternative is to buy 3 rhino racks and make your own rack and bolt it to the racks.
Cheers John.

14th April 2012, 10:29 PM
Been thinking about this for sometime and recon/compromise is.
to half fill gutter with fresh layer of sealant and hope for the best with racks installed.
I went to a great deal of trouble with other thread as my sad old Mk died the gutter rust death.
And just cringe when I see racks on cars, and sooner or later will have to bite the bullet, family like camping.