View Full Version : DIY spray on ute liner in the cab????

11th February 2012, 10:27 PM
has anyone done one? what, how much and where did you get it from, lastly is it any good ( would you do it again?)

I have gutted the inside of my troll, (filled it up with muddy water and crap :( was fun at the time :) ), any way I found some surface rust and a few pin holes and a bloody big hole needs a plate about 65mm across, so while it's empty....... I was thinking after I do the repairs, that I might look into a spray on type ute liner under the carpet and get rid of the felt, and put some rubber matting in under the carpet also.

any thoughts and info is welcomed



12th February 2012, 06:57 AM
Sounds like a great idea, interested to see how you go with it

my third 256
12th February 2012, 08:07 AM
was in this store yesterday and they had what you are looking for
brush on rubber or sound deadener http://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=opposite%20lock&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CDAQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.oppositelock.com.au%2F&ei=4t42T6m2Gum0iQey1ZG-Cg&usg=AFQjCNF6Slivr1CHwpPmODxCXtmxjZxKIA
also could use water proofing paint on stuf tthey use rur fish ponds and pots

20th February 2012, 05:35 PM
The spray on ute liner had some troubles with it trapping water between it and any panels it's sprayed on to.

Once a crack forms and water gets in, it is going to stay there for a while, Especially if it has a wet carpet to keep feeding it.

I think a few guys had success with under floor insulation?(The household stuff), same as dynamat but much cheaper, if all you want is sound deadening.

Might want to research it further before going ahead with it though.

20th February 2012, 05:37 PM
I also remember reading that most sound comes from the doors and transmission tunnel, or was it the firewall?

Some spots you may wan't to consider extra deadening.

21st February 2012, 09:17 PM
I ended up going with stone guard anti chip, only got one coat on it so far, still have to put the second coat on yet, but I'm happy with it, I'm going up the fire wall and all over the tunnel as well as up the back wall for good measure I'll get some enamel and paint it to seal it up for good.


23rd February 2012, 06:46 PM
Looks good. will it keep smelling or is it pretty good once dry?

24th February 2012, 08:32 PM
it's a water base product hardly had a smell, I drove it for and hour & half later that day just had the windows open about half way for the trip, was all good a slight odour but nothing over powering.


27th February 2012, 08:54 AM
Does anybody have an experience withe paint spray called BODY? it is something like rubber and i am thinking of use it for chassis

27th February 2012, 09:30 PM
nope never heard of it


21st March 2012, 11:45 PM
stone guard i think is the best for what you are doing. also to prevend any more rust you can use fishoil but it smels a bit.

24th March 2012, 09:16 AM
yer that's what I'm using, I've found a 3M product that's latex based stone guard so I'm going to over it to seal it .


26th March 2012, 10:45 PM
Troy, Troy, Troy... Am i glad i stumbled upon thins thread :) I am also looking at doing this but leaving my carpets out for an easy clean up the next time I fill her up with water. Was there many wires running around the place under the carpet? Did it seem like it would be a hard wearing compound? Did it give the car a cheap and nasty feel without carpets in?

28th March 2012, 09:16 PM
haven't finished her yet only drove it once (from townville to ayr and back) with only 1 coat on it and only the 2 front seats in, bit was a bit nasty, but I'm going to put an other coat of water base stuff down then a coat of 3M latex solvent base stuff over the top, with some of this stuff http://www.envirorubber.com.au/comfort-plus under the carpet for sound and heat protection.


29th March 2012, 05:07 PM
In a old hilux i owned a few years ago i sprayed the tray inner with crc under body spray the stuff you put under the guards and it worked quite well. my new truck has a rubber under seal all through the cab and its tough as anything will be far easier for cleaning. not sure of what its called tho sorry