View Full Version : Brain dead little @&#%$

29th January 2012, 12:14 PM
My son,father-in-law and his mate went on a water skiing trip for a few days,on the way home going along city link some little brain dead c!@*#$^% threw a rock from an overpass smashing the windscreen.
Luckly it hit the top of it and not the middle,it may have been a different story then!!!!!!
By time they had a spot to pull over it was to far from the overpass,they went the police but they said there's not much they do which is understandable,they would be long gone by time they got there,they just took some photo's and did a report for insurance.
It scared the hell out all in the car.
What on earth makes a person think this is funny?
Just glad noone was hurt it could have been a lot a worse.

29th January 2012, 12:20 PM
That's seriously fucced up.

Glad your family is ok

f'ing morons could kill people pretty easily ....

29th January 2012, 12:37 PM
We had a serial rock chucker here in SA he hit a kid in the head and nearly killed him he was in a coma and got pretty effed up. They caught the C#$% and i think from memory he pulled the mental incompetent at the time an got off light. shoulda necked the prik. this w@nk3r was doin it from another car as ya came toward him hed chuck half bricks i think it was, now thats premeditated in every way

29th January 2012, 12:59 PM
bloody to**ers............... I really don't understand the mentality of people who do things like this, they need efn stringing up!!!!!!!!!

29th January 2012, 01:19 PM
Bout 2yrs ago in Auckland some w@nker threw a chunk of concrete from an overpass. Went right through the windscreen on an innocent motorist and killed him......... When throwing such objects from a height at a car moving at 100k what the hell do you thinks going to happen. Should be classified as murder if you ask me..

29th January 2012, 01:41 PM
Yep that is VERY EFFED UP

29th January 2012, 08:27 PM
chester i know how your family and ffriends feel i have ahd this happen a few times over years as trucker having bricks and stones dropped on me from over passes most were on the pacific hway between syd and gosford or on the hume near campbelltown comes down to to days youth having no respect and no understanding of taking personnel responsability for their actions and it is getting worse until someone some where says enough is enough and starts holding these little fuckers to task.

my daughter got bashed on her way home from school late last year we know who they are and where they live but the police would do nothing because 2 of them were under 11 the other only 12 the school and eduction departtment would nothing either because they feared back lash from the kids parents so now those 3 little shits believe they can do what they want and not have to answer for it!!!!

makes you wonder what our lives will be like when these kids are running the show and our welfare depends on them

Pete's GU3
30th January 2012, 07:33 PM
yeah im hearing you , just last week a mate at work was going home and had a rock thrown through the drivers window , he just wound it up..

if you ever catch one of these pricks just give em a vicious hiding ....f**k calling the cops...........

this is the peoples justice in my view!!!