View Full Version : ROLLED GU !, the full story with pics & video

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27th January 2012, 06:08 PM
Ok so most of you will already know i rolled my GU wagon over on Moreton last weekend, ive been waiting to get all the insurance/legal stuff out of the way, and that is pretty much all organised now.

So last week we spent on Moreton Island , we had opted to travel over catching a car ferry to straddie, and then another smally ferry to Moreton, so this is the way we would also return.

As i have travelled most of the QLD sand islands before, i am quite anal when it comes to matching travel times with tide times, for this reason, i booked our ferry departing moreton for dead on "low tide".

2 days before our departure i was told that our ferry crossing had been cancelled and could we arrive 2 hours earlier, not a big deal as 2 day notice was OK, we had planned our last day to travel the western side of the island for our return trip.

Knowing the western side is normally only passable a few hours outside low tide, we did a trial run the day before we had to catch the ferry, to check the tide hights etc, it soon became very clear that only 1 hour each side of low tide was going to be safe, and as we now had to catch the ferry 2 hours earlier, we would be forced to travel the eastern side or the island (the way we had arrived a week before)

We left the unit we were staying in, and was told new people are moving in the same day, we headed down the island with time to spare, we got close to the ferry pick up point and had heaps of time, so we found a spot for the kids to play, then about 30 min from pick up time we headed off again (it was about a 15min trip from where we were)

On the track we met a car coming the other way, he stopped me and said the track further down is very thin and to be carefull, he just drove through OK, but was near the edge, i said well i would turn around now, but this is the only ferry for the day, and its not like i have and accomadation or camping gear to spend a night, we already new the other side of the island was not passable, and would be a good 1 1/2 hours travel time anyway so not many options.

So we get to the thin bit of track, (and ive driven thinner), had a look and decided it was qutie driveable, as we all got out to have a look, i told everyone to just walk over anyway, and ill drive the car across, half way over the left front wheel started to drop and pull the car left, the added pressure on the rear wheel then made it start to crumble, next thing the whole side of the bank gave away !


27th January 2012, 06:08 PM
The roll was pretty slow really, the seatbelt kept me from getting thrown around with all our stuff, it kept me hanging upside down in my seat position, but not even a bruise, i jumped out quickly just incase the car was on fire.

No one came down the track for ages, the mrs headed off on foot toward the township to find help, i decided i didn't want to let the ocean take all our stuff, and started thinking of a recovery plan.

Some more pics......




I was lucky my shovel was on the side of the roof basket that was not under the car, so we were of to a good start, id also just fitted a cheapo ebay winch the week before, it was about to get the test of a lifetime.

I keep all my recovery gear under the front seats, so no matter what you can always get to it, id just bought a snatch block, and in what id learned in my research for its purchase, i new just how i could use it to get the car back onto its wheels.

Now to find a tree !

27th January 2012, 06:09 PM
I found a large tree in a perfect spot, winch, snatch block, and used a snatch strap (yes i know your not sposed to winch wiv em) around a slider, i dug a trench in the sand as a fall/pivot point, and thought , well lets see what this china winch can do.....


The winch/rope and car batteries worked beyond my expectations, after getting the car on the bank back on its wheels, i hoped it would start, it turned over, but would not fire, perhaps due to the 4L of oil that found its way into the snorkel ?

Even more winching was required to pull the car off the bank and onto the flat (beach), at this point i should thank Steve , a local guy who came along the track and helped me dig, he dug about as much sand as i did, (and i will be getting a carton to him when im back on my feet)




Once on the flat , the car fired up , of course blowing clouds of smoke, the Rural Fire Brigade had arrived, and offered to chainsaw some of the dead trees on the beach so i could escape the now incoming tide.

27th January 2012, 06:17 PM
Spewing!!! Are you ok?


27th January 2012, 06:52 PM
Bugga, the ol Trol looks helpless sittin there Steve, Good move making the family walk over mate.
So how did the ins' deal with it mate, No dramas ??? Who you insured with too.

27th January 2012, 07:19 PM
the important thing is that you and the family are all ok!!!!! as for the trol well she can be repaired or worst case replaced,,,,,, just go's to show how easy it can all go wrong no matter how much planning and care is taken.

heres hoping the insurance comes through for and ges you back on the sand quick smart and in a hurry.

definatly not the right side of trol to photograph.

27th January 2012, 07:29 PM
as wild and hek says above me. good, smart move with the family.
Bit of spit and polish, she'll come up like new :). back on the road in no time

A lot of people don't wear their seatbelts on the beach. This is a good reason why you should.


27th January 2012, 08:13 PM
Mate I'm just glad that no one was hurt, Patrols can be fixed..

27th January 2012, 08:13 PM
Once back on the track, we loaded what we could back into the car, a small chat with the Police who had no issues but closed the track to any further traffic, i then found out the ferry would not come back for us until the next day :(

Tony, another local from the rural fire brigade, who is just one of those all round top blokes, realising we had no place to stay, and no camping gear, managed to organise for us to stay in a local residence, it had no fridge, cooking or hot water available, but compared to sleeping outside (or in a car full of glass) it was a palace.

In the morning i had a flat tyre to change, Phone service was limited, and it was not until i was on the second ferry aproaching the mainland could i post my "tow truck" request thread, Bigrig & Dhuck (Scotty & Dave) from this forum came to my aid, and organised a tow truck to meet me in a few hours after i get to land.

Unfortunately, the tow truck crashed on its way to me, and so after a few ph calls , we decided to drive it a bit further to Bigrigs house for the night, where Bigrig organised a tow to my place in the morning.

These guys (and Dhucks wife Bec) went out of their way to come to my aid, and i thank you guys very much for all your help ! :bowdown:

27th January 2012, 08:25 PM
WoW ended up being quite the adventure for you all a trip that you wont be forgeting to soon jst glad it ended well for you all in the end.

by the by you vidio has been bloked by EMI dont know why that would be

27th January 2012, 08:37 PM
Bugga, the ol Trol looks helpless sittin there Steve, Good move making the family walk over mate.
So how did the ins' deal with it mate, No dramas ??? Who you insured with too.

Im with AAMI, and they have been truly nothing short of brilliant !, the car was deemed a total loss, i bought the wreck back, not sure if i fix or strip yet ?

the important thing is that you and the family are all ok!!!!! as for the trol well she can be repaired or worst case replaced,,,,,, just go's to show how easy it can all go wrong no matter how much planning and care is taken.

heres hoping the insurance comes through for and ges you back on the sand quick smart and in a hurry.

Yes mate, its just metal after all, whatever happens its going to cost me time and money (already has) but if nobody got hurt, i can recover from it all no problem really, many people have much bigger problems every day (and they cant be fixed so easy)

definatly not the right side of trol to photograph.

True, ive posted photos of someone elses stricken car/s, so only fair mine gets the same treatment :smile:

as wild and hek says above me. good, smart move with the family.
Bit of spit and polish, she'll come up like new :). back on the road in no time

A lot of people don't wear their seatbelts on the beach. This is a good reason why you should.


Yeh i tried to buff it out but i must be using the wrong polish ?,(ha-ha)

Yes agree about seat belts, even tho it was slow speed, i would have been hurt for sure

Mate I'm just glad that no one was hurt, Patrols can be fixed..

Me too, and if anyone can fix it, i can !:thumbup:

27th January 2012, 09:01 PM
Thanks for sharing your story.......now its time to move on......so what are you buying next????? another GU or are you getting a real 4b this time around and going for a GQ instead?????? *L*

27th January 2012, 09:11 PM
good to hear your insurance has come through, onto a bigger and better project hey! make the next one un-rollable!!!

27th January 2012, 09:47 PM
I'd be wreckin the old one mate ... you know, safety first and all that ...

Oh ...

And I wouldn't mind taking your axles and CV's etc!!!!!!


27th January 2012, 10:06 PM
bloomin heck mate, glad everyone's ok and the "boys" were able to come to your aid................ love the music to the vid by the way, very apt!!!!! lol

27th January 2012, 10:31 PM
Steve they would have to be the worst photos you have posted (subject matter, not photo quality).

I am so glad that no one was hurt and that both you and your family are OK.

27th January 2012, 10:53 PM
Top write up mate, and :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown: to all involved, especially Scotty and Dhucky, Well done guys.
By the way Steve, top pics mate, Hope all works out well for ya mate..

28th January 2012, 06:26 PM
After watching the video and seeing how high the edge was, it now makes sense. it didnt look that high on the pics. as previously said, glad everyone is ok, and glad the insurance is playing ball. you can look forward to the new car now mate.

Finly Owner
28th January 2012, 11:00 PM
WOW Steve! What a blow! Glad you are all physically OK. Hope the family is ok inside as well. Shock is a hell of thing. Well at least you have the parts to ut into the replacement. I'm sure you'll find the time.

What a lesson you have tught us all.


29th January 2012, 10:11 AM
Thanks for posting your story 04off,everyone can learn from it.glad no one was hurt.

29th January 2012, 10:39 AM
It just goes to show that the skills required to tackle offroading are wide and varied. The resources and articles on here are one thing but the personal stories give us all food for thought. Many thanks for sharing and the best of luck with all recoveries.

29th January 2012, 12:26 PM
Thanks everyone,

Im not sure if there is much of a lesson to learn, i guess if there is 1% doubt get the family out, and wear a seatbelt, would be perhaps the only things to remeber.(oh and "^this way up^", lol)

Im not sure i could have realisticly done things any different, (obviously NOW i know i could have) initialy ,i was a little frustrated in the fact that dispite my best intentions, the situation was even available to present itself in the first place, and as with many disasters (not that this as a disaster) a series of small events all lead to one big event.

Ultimately im the one who made the choice to cross, so ive neglected to add all the details of how other peoples actions (and or lack of) may have contributed or could have prevented this from happening, and it makes very little difference to me now anyway, no point crying over spilt milk when ive still got beer in the fridge :smile:

As with lots of 4wding, there was a risk invoved, but under circustances it appeared much safer than heaps of things ive done at scenic rim or LCMP etc, and out of the many thousands of Ks ive done travelling QLDs sand islands ,this is the only damage ive ever done !

Anyway, i spent most of yesterday hand beating the dents out of the LH side (will need new gaurd), it was peeing down with rain most of the day, and i only had a small tarp for cover so progress was slow, theres still a few lumps and bumps, but the dent man should get them out now, and if not it means less bog is needed come time to paint.




29th January 2012, 01:25 PM
Bad luck Steve. Could have been a lot worse. Have you thought about a Patrol convertable? Or maybe a Patrol high roof camper?

29th January 2012, 03:14 PM
unlucky mate hope you get a new rig from it and stick to the gu tough as these gq boys go on about gq's being tough then why do they all want gu running gear

29th January 2012, 06:07 PM
Horrible mate, sorry to read this!!!!!

Can't believe the tow truck crashed on the way to get you too...lol...You must have been screaming by then!

Im not sure if there is much of a lesson to learn, i guess if there is 1% doubt get the family out, and wear a seatbelt, would be perhaps the only things to remeber.(oh and "^this way up^", lol)

This is a good bit mate and be glad you did do the right thing in that regard mate.

30th January 2012, 09:07 PM
Mate. Thanks for sharing. Dunno what to say.... Bugger..

Glad you're all OK. Positively though, you were really well prepared and set yourself up with the right gear which meant you were able to recover yourself. Top effort.

Nice panelbeating!

30th January 2012, 09:21 PM
so unluckily but great to see there are awesome people who will go above and beyond to help a fellow patrol owner in need.

Dark 1
30th January 2012, 11:20 PM
Glad no one was injured & as said the metal can be straightened/replaced, good luck with the rebuild.

31st January 2012, 06:48 AM
Hey Mate glad you're ok, and you've done an incredible job with the panel work, I saw the after pic before I saw the "before" pic, & hadnt even realized the door was a repair!!

Two things though, I've been trying to find the video, the link earlier doesn't seem to work for me, & I haven't found it directly on YouTube either, would you mind putting a link up again?
Also, you comment that others actions or lack of could have contributed or perhaps prevented this. Would you mind elaborating on what you mean or how you think they could have helped?

31st January 2012, 03:07 PM
Hey Mate glad you're ok, and you've done an incredible job with the panel work, I saw the after pic before I saw the "before" pic, & hadnt even realized the door was a repair!!

Thanks Tim , not the first time ive had to caress panels on that car :smile:

Two things though, I've been trying to find the video, the link earlier doesn't seem to work for me, & I haven't found it directly on YouTube either, would you mind putting a link up again?

I viewed the video from someone elses house/internet without logging in and it worked perfect, i wonder if it may be a issue at your end ?

I have not made the Video "public" on the tube, and ive only posted it in this thread, so you wont be able to find it anywhere esle for a while.

Also, you comment that others actions or lack of could have contributed or perhaps prevented this. Would you mind elaborating on what you mean or how you think they could have helped?

Its all to do with timing as well as things that happend and then didn't, with the track as well as people.

The information i recieved from the locals (some people that live and or own houses on the island) expressed anger the incident happened, they suggested they had already forecast problems of this nature, and were frustrated that (in their minds) correct steps to ensure their (and everone elses) saftey had not been addressed correctly.

I also heard some interseting stories about the fires as well.

At the end of the day they are all just stories, i have no proof of anything sinister,nor want to chase any, everyone on the island was very helpfull, and ill be back to visit, as its still a great place in my mind, and ill probly still drive the "new" track they were talking about putting in around that area.:)

Im not really into pointing fingers , but i guess factual or not, its still a bit annoying to hear people say they knew a accident was going to occour in that exact spot, and apparently "everyone", who could do anything about it, already knew about the problem for a while :(

31st January 2012, 11:22 PM
Ahhh, I'm with you, I thought you were meaning friends or family had watched but not warned or something.
Yeah, I know what you mean, a "preventable" accident is exactly that.... Something which should never have been allowed to happen.

Good luck with it all, keep us updated on your progress etc getting it back on the road or replaced!

14th February 2012, 12:48 AM
Holy crap mate that's not good agree with others at least u and family r ok.
Had any new thoughts on what's next for u yet

14th February 2012, 11:31 AM
Having been through somewhat of a similar experience, I really feel for ya. Thank god the family was away from the vehicle.

I repaired mine with the help of a panel beater. I wasn't insured. It still needs a driver door & electric mirror but I haven't wanted to spend the $500 on it. That's about 2 years after the fact.

I totally freaked out when my roll happened. I was pretty devastated actually & took a solid year, almost every night after work and every weekend to fix it. Slowly but surely.

In restrospect, i should have parted it out. I probably would have got upwards of 7k for diffs, axles, engine, box, interior etc. If I was to sell the car now, I'd probably only get 10-12k for it and for the amount of money in time and labour it cost, probably wasn't worth fixing. Having said that, I've been 4WD'ing in it since and hasn't missed a beat at all. Strong as an Ox.

Good luck with it all mate.

And great to hear forum members lending a hand when needed. Group hug! Haha.

14th February 2012, 09:56 PM
Holy crap mate that's not good agree with others at least u and family r ok.
Had any new thoughts on what's next for u yet

Think im gonna fix it Russell, i cant find anything i can afford thats going to be as good ,or what i like, as what i had, i can get a pretty good deal on a brand new roof panel and reo going genuine Nissan, and my panel beater does things like fit 3rd door conversions to brand new cars, so my car is quite a simple repair for him, he even has his own spot welder to attach the roof exactly like from the factory.

Having been through somewhat of a similar experience, I really feel for ya. Thank god the family was away from the vehicle.

I repaired mine with the help of a panel beater. I wasn't insured. It still needs a driver door & electric mirror but I haven't wanted to spend the $500 on it. That's about 2 years after the fact.

I totally freaked out when my roll happened. I was pretty devastated actually & took a solid year, almost every night after work and every weekend to fix it. Slowly but surely.

In restrospect, i should have parted it out. I probably would have got upwards of 7k for diffs, axles, engine, box, interior etc. If I was to sell the car now, I'd probably only get 10-12k for it and for the amount of money in time and labour it cost, probably wasn't worth fixing. Having said that, I've been 4WD'ing in it since and hasn't missed a beat at all. Strong as an Ox.

Good luck with it all mate.

And great to hear forum members lending a hand when needed. Group hug! Haha.

Thanks Timbo, you are 100% right, and i thought about the same things.

I already have the wreck of my turbo torana and my other stuff in my garage as a long term project, and a 6.5M long sprinter Van i want to sell parked up the side of the house, so having the wreck of a patrol in the back yard as well, does not sound like the best way to stay friends with the mrs.:smile:

Do you have any pics of your damage Timbo ?

15th February 2012, 09:03 AM
There's a full write up and pics of it in the forum somewhere...lol...I'll try and find it. One of the original posts when the forum first started.

15th February 2012, 09:43 AM
Do you have any pics of your damage Timbo ?

Here's my original thread. (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?50-Don-t-roll-your-4WD!-%28long-post-with-pics%29)

I have many more pics that I didn't upload, but you get the idea. If I find any more of the damage, I'll upload them here for you.

15th February 2012, 09:56 AM
Here's some extra I found. Gives you an idea of the damage before I started to fix.
My Dad helped me so much. Was pissed off the night I rolled it, was it there the day after fixing it. Wouldn't be on the road without him. :bowdown:

18th February 2012, 10:09 PM
Thanks Timbo, great job you have done so far, tell you dad he is a champ ! :049:

I spent the day stripping mine (with my son funny enough)


I got the roof straight enough to fit a screen and drive it, but i think i will still replace the roof and the front reinforcement bracing with brand new Nissan panels ,so it will be 100% just as strong as when the car was new.


18th February 2012, 10:19 PM
Good 2 see your getting stuck into it Steve, Doesn't look like fun, Are you going 2 have it back on the road for the QLD meetup? Are you going to the Meetup?

Any pics of the Torana?????



19th February 2012, 05:15 AM
Good 2 see your getting stuck into it Steve, Doesn't look like fun, Are you going 2 have it back on the road for the QLD meetup?

Will depend on parts as to how long it all takes, i hope its all back together long before then ?

Are you going to the Meetup?

Not sure yet, have not been making too many plans without a car, ill see how everything is going a bit closer to the date, worst case i can catch up with everyone on one of the weekends, or do a day trip or something.

Any pics of the Torana?????






19th February 2012, 06:23 AM
Morning Steve,

Quick question, why are all the cars in your backyard damaged??????? do you guys get bored and play smash up derby *LMAO*

The good old drags, what were you running lap time, looks pretty stock, was it stock under the bonnet as well???

Looking forward 2 seeing you at the QLD meetup :)

Isn't it time for a QLD maintenance day, I'm sure the boyz up there would enjoy getting together for a day working on your rig.

19th February 2012, 10:38 AM
Morning Steve,

Quick question, why are all the cars in your backyard damaged??????? do you guys get bored and play smash up derby *LMAO*.

I know, ill be able to start my own wrecking yard if i keep this up !:)

The good old drags, what were you running lap time, looks pretty stock, was it stock under the bonnet as well???

He-he, yeh it only "looked" stock, it actually had a 500HP (flywheel hp) engine ! :thumbup:


The night that pic was took at the drags, it ran a standing 1/4 mile (0-400M) in 11.4 @128mph, it would have run faster with slicks, but i wanted to run it just as i drove it around, (on 185/60/13 tyres)

This is the timeslip from the night....


I was looking for "any" 4x4 before i wrecked the torrie, then i thought, GQ Patrols came with RB30s, maybe i should put the engine into a GQ, and this is what got me looking around for my first patrol, only, a GU came up at the right price and the rest is history.....

Looking forward 2 seeing you at the QLD meetup :)


Yeh me too, be great to catch up.

19th February 2012, 10:50 AM
Howdy Steve, what dramas if any did ya have fitting the rb30 to the torrie mate?

19th February 2012, 11:29 AM
The biggest pain i remember was retaining a cabin heater actually, ill tell you i needed to have a heater for roadworthy purpose (as a demister) but really truth is i dont like being cold :redface:

The copper heater in/outlet pipes passed through the firewall exactly where the aftermarket fuel rail sat, it looked and sounded easy to overcome, but i recon i spent longer solving that issue than any other single problem during the whole conversion.

I also had a limited single car space in my garage to do the conversion, the only way i could get the car in far enough to close the garage door at the end of each night, was to sit the engine back in the car, and fold up the engine crane and stand, i think i must have had the engine in and out about 30+ times, amazing how good you can get at doing it by yourself.

I had been running a 186 Turbo engine in it for about 10 years before, going to the RB30 was by far the best thing i ever did.

I can probly try and dig up a link to my build thread on it if you like ?

19th February 2012, 11:32 AM
Bad news mate sorry to hear, looks like your getting stuck into the rebuild though. It,s cirtainly a touch of reality for myself been new to 4wding seeing how quickly things can go pear shaped. Thanks and good luck for the rest of the build.

19th February 2012, 11:34 AM
that looked nasty, congrats on doing the hard yards with the rebuild :)

19th February 2012, 04:05 PM
I can probly try and dig up a link to my build thread on it if you like ?

Pretty please Steve, and I love the stock look with a kick ass motor :)

19th February 2012, 04:58 PM
Pretty please Steve, and I love the stock look with a kick ass motor :)

I love the Lh Lx torana's My mechanic in brisbane is doing one stock on the outside besides huge rear wheels and an ls2 turbo motor looks tough.
Check him out at http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/JW-Racing/203367933025277

19th February 2012, 08:53 PM
bad luck on the roll mate :( as many have said u and the family are ok when all said and done thats all that matters :) if ya need a hand with anything 04 would be happy to help out am sure could get a few lads as well if we set up a weekend try knock it on the head for ya would be great to get her all ready to go b4 the forum meet up.

20th February 2012, 10:08 AM
Thanks MudDonk, very generous of you to offer, ill se how it all pans out and let you know.

20th February 2012, 07:32 PM
yeh it only "looked" stock, it actually had a 500HP (flywheel hp) engine ! :thumbup:


The night that pic was took at the drags, it ran a standing 1/4 mile (0-400M) in 11.4 @128mph, it would have run faster with slicks, but i wanted to run it just as i drove it around, (on 185/60/13 tyres)

This is the timeslip from the night....


I was looking for "any" 4x4 before i wrecked the torrie, then i thought, GQ Patrols came with RB30s, maybe i should put the engine into a GQ, and this is what got me looking around for my first patrol, only, a GU came up at the right price and the rest is history.....

Yeh me too, be great to catch up.

You sneeky devil Steve, Awsome buddy, that is the shiz hahaha and you kicked all their butts Top stuff mate

22nd February 2012, 12:47 PM
Some new Patrol Panels turned up yesterday...... (genuine Nissan)

Roof Skin...


I bit the bullet and got a new genuine gaurd as well....


Then i proceeded to attack the new gaurd with a air saw and drill, making holes in it for the snorkel ! :)

I panel beated the wiper cowl straight, then test fitted the gaurd, this gave me new perfect lines to make sure the bonnet, wiper cowl, and LHF door frame are all sitting correctly


The new roof reinforcement and door skin should arrive from Nissan soon.

22nd February 2012, 12:59 PM
further evidence that you're a handy chap, Steve!

How many horsepower do you attribute to the little figure against the firewall in the Torana? Did he perform like Santa did at Bribie?

22nd February 2012, 01:20 PM
You're really lucky it was a soft roll mate. Damage looks reasonably easy to repair.

22nd February 2012, 01:52 PM
Ha-ha, zero HP from Cartman, the car would go slower cos he's a such a fat ass (he-he)

I "temporarily", stuck cartman on the firewall more than 10 years ago, the old 186 Turbo engine needed to be lined up dead centre first time, if not perfect, the carby would hit the bonnet, once the Turbo was fitted up, it was very hard to get to the ENG mount bolts, of course, the Turbo had to go on before the carby, so i used Cartman as a centre marker. :smile:

You're really lucky it was a soft roll mate. Damage looks reasonably easy to repair.

Yeh, its still a fair bit of work, but as rollovers go, not that bad !

22nd February 2012, 01:59 PM
Double post, so i may as well add another crappy PH pic .....


22nd February 2012, 02:26 PM
Good job Steve just needs a 500hp rb30 hahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahaha

22nd February 2012, 02:49 PM
Good job Steve just needs a 500hp rb30 hahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahaha

I've heard that the rb30 bolts up to the 2.8 diesel box. Anyone know if this is true?


22nd February 2012, 08:48 PM
I've heard that the rb30 bolts up to the 2.8 diesel box. Anyone know if this is true?


Not really sure Lucas, but i was told going back a couple years that the RD28Ti only suits its own running gear, was going to upgrade when blew a motor and was told had to change the gearbox as that box is only suited to the 2.8

22nd February 2012, 08:49 PM
I've heard that the rb30 bolts up to the 2.8 diesel box. Anyone know if this is true?


Not really sure Lucas, but i was told going back a couple years that the RD28Ti only suits its own running gear, was looking at upgrading when blew a motor and had to do all the running gear for it to work

22nd February 2012, 08:56 PM
Good work Steve, looks like its coming along nicely mate. Be interested in the $$ value of them panels (PM) if you can.

22nd February 2012, 09:20 PM
PM sent ! :wink:

22nd February 2012, 09:38 PM
Double post, so i may as well add another crappy PH pic .....


they look a bit Cruiserish when the plastic trim is removed. (says he ducking from stones etc :-) )

22nd February 2012, 10:16 PM
PM sent ! :wink:

Cheers Steve, much appreciated mate

22nd February 2012, 11:53 PM
I cleaned and test fitted my Safari Snorkel on the gaurd tonight, and to my surprise, the main body of the snorkel is actually undamaged, it has not deformed at all, it has a small compression type groove where the sharp edge of the inner gaurd sqeezed it from behind (where you cant see), and the snorkel head has deformed slightly off square by about 4mm.

I filled the snorkel up with water to check for hidden leaks, and its 100% water tight, remember the weight of the car has been on this snokel twice, and even though every panel next to it on the car has been crumpled in the roll/s, the snorkel is still totally fine, and would still have protected the engine should i have needed to drive through some deep water to get home.

mmmm, wonder if Safari could make me some gaurds and a roof out of snorkel plastic :hpfredgeorge1:

12th March 2012, 02:41 PM
I got the old roof off on saturday, unpicking all the factory seams/welds took me hours, but it all came off nice and clean, certainly looks different with a "moon roof" :biggrin:


Yesterday i fitted the new front reinforcement beam, this allowed me to confirm the side beams/pillars are in the right spot.

Hope to test fit the new roof skin by this weekend.


12th March 2012, 03:34 PM
Absolutely comedable brudda!
Like ive said to ya before, thank christ no one was hurt.
I woulda done the same thing with the chinee winch too.
( they're bloody good hey? mines ripped out bout 2 dozen tree stumps thus far !! LOL's)

Still cant get over how your into the thick of it , hardcore, many would just get a payday from insurance.
Stand proud dude.10/10++

thanks for the pics, can always count on you for those......

12th March 2012, 05:20 PM
only just read this thread then... woooooo. as everyone else has said glad everyone was ok and that everyone helped where they could. congrats on getting it back together so quickly.

12th March 2012, 05:34 PM
Thanks Steve!

That roof shot is presumably a similar structure to the GQ, and is food for thought when thinking about rust prevention, and rust repairs etc.

Outstanding work on your part, as usual!

12th March 2012, 08:02 PM
Fit a soft top!!!

Nah the rollover seriously sucks man. Have been in a rollover before. However in Vanuatu seatbeats are not required, so I had dad fall on top of me. It hurt.

Good luck with the rebuild, seems to be coming along nicely.


12th March 2012, 08:55 PM
Absolutely comedable brudda!
Like ive said to ya before, thank christ no one was hurt.
I woulda done the same thing with the chinee winch too.
( they're bloody good hey? mines ripped out bout 2 dozen tree stumps thus far !! LOL's)

Still cant get over how your into the thick of it , hardcore, many would just get a payday from insurance.
Stand proud dude.10/10++

thanks for the pics, can always count on you for those......

Thanks LJ, and BTW, really nice to have you over here finally

only just read this thread then... woooooo. as everyone else has said glad everyone was ok and that everyone helped where they could. congrats on getting it back together so quickly.

Cheers mate, and you know what it feels like to have the sun shining on the underside of you car too ! (and no i wont be painting it purple, lol)

Thanks Steve!

That roof shot is presumably a similar structure to the GQ, and is food for thought when thinking about rust prevention, and rust repairs etc.

Outstanding work on your part, as usual!

Not that i ever want to do it again, but It was interesting to see how they are all joined together from factory Rick.

Fit a soft top!!!

Nah the rollover seriously sucks man. Have been in a rollover before. However in Vanuatu seatbeats are not required, so I had dad fall on top of me. It hurt.

Good luck with the rebuild, seems to be coming along nicely.


Sorry man, i have to admit i had a small chuckle reading about ya dad, very kind of you to cushion his fall to save him from injury :redface:

14th March 2012, 08:48 AM
Dude.. Thats heartbreaking man. Good luck with the rebuild

14th March 2012, 11:38 AM
Hey mate how are things going you have done some good work so far from the pics above

30th March 2012, 05:13 PM
holey moley....

what an adventure...i am so glad nobody was hurt and i love that you got your family to walk across...

i too have a wife and 19 month old boy, and whenever we are out and im not 100% sure about something i always get them out of the car untill all is completely safe...as people have said... a 4B (any car) can be either fixed or replaced but there is absolutely no way to replace friends and family...

30th March 2012, 06:36 PM
Just read this, just dont know where to start.
Basically as all the supporters have said before.
Wow what a story

31st March 2012, 01:14 AM
Thanks everyone !

The roof is all spot welded on now, i think i must have done about 500,000 spot welds (well it felt like it, lol) anyway, lets just say i used a lot more welds than factory :clapping:

31st March 2012, 02:00 AM
Yer a bloody legend Steve when are ya comin down to Adelaide to do my torrie ;-)

Tappin N Crappin

31st March 2012, 03:25 PM
Coming along nicely Stevo!

10th April 2012, 07:09 PM
I always been a little nervous about rollovers, So easy to happen. Ive been in a couple of car rollovers

16th April 2012, 11:50 PM
Glad no one was hurt..Thanks for the great pics and vid.Nice recovery too.
Bad luck bloke.....Poor Trol

26th April 2012, 06:58 PM
Amazing story and pictures, glad everyone was ok! Buckle up is the new trend! :)

28th April 2012, 02:25 PM
what a great reminder to always have a seat belt on. so glad your all ok and great to hear how the members on this forum gladly helped you out

4th May 2012, 10:21 PM
Bit of a update, how it looks with a roof now (dusty)


Starting to hook into the other panel repairs now, spent the last couple of nights sanding off the old paint, had to refit the LHF door in preperation to attach the skin, this will make sure the skin lines up perfect with the rest of the car.


We have decided to go the whole hog and paint the entire outside of the car, so this means i will have also have to strip the other side of the car as well now, but will mean a much better finish in the end.

Tomorrow i plan to strip the rest of the painted areas that need repairs, then its really up to the pro's to get the panels perfectly straight ready for primer.

So apart from removing the side cargo area window, the finish welding of the A and D pillars, and applicating the bog, ive actually done everything else myself up to this stage.

Once the car is in primer, ill bring it home for a few weeks, i also need to remove the whole dash out of the car now, so will strip that at home as the car wont have to be moved at my place, i can then work at putting all the inside back together before going back for the top coat of colour.


4th May 2012, 10:29 PM
Coming along nicely mate..... Are you gonna stick to white or go with something else?

Taps a lot!!!!!!

4th May 2012, 10:33 PM
You have gone the hole hog mate, can't wait for this to be finished and be brand new again!!!

You'll get there mate, well done so far!

4th May 2012, 10:36 PM
Why dor you have to take out the dash? Are you going to put a later model dash in it?

4th May 2012, 10:57 PM
Are you gonna stick to white or go with something else?

I know its totally boring, but white is my absolute favorite colour on a Patrol, easy to keep looking clean, looks good in pics (important to me)

The boys (@ the panel shop) suggested to put a clear coat over the standard GU white (unlike from factory) this will improve shine, resistace to scratching and fading etc so sound good to me !

They also suggested to put about 10% mettalic in the clear to give it a very subtle bit of bling (they described the effect a bit like the new Mazda's White ??), i said OK, i can't really remember what that looks like on a Mazda, but just as long as it wont make it a pain to match the colour when i dent it again (being realistic, lol)

4th May 2012, 11:09 PM
Why dor you have to take out the dash? Are you going to put a later model dash in it?

With all the sandblasting i did, some sand got into the heater controls (the main heater core box section, attached to the cabin side of the firewall) only way to get it apart is to remove the whole box, the dash has to be removed to get it out.

Id have done it at the panel shop, but i will most likley need to remove the Airbag and unplug ECU etc, not being able to "drive" or move the car while i fix it, would not be practical (or fair) with the limited space at the shop.

4th May 2012, 11:10 PM
I know its totally boring, but white is my absolute favorite colour on a Patrol, easy to keep looking clean, looks good in pics (important to me)

The boys (@ the panel shop) suggested to put a clear coat over the standard GU white (unlike from factory) this will improve shine, resistace to scratching and fading etc so sound good to me !

They also suggested to put about 10% mettalic in the clear to give it a very subtle bit of bling (they described the effect a bit like the new Mazda's White ??), i said OK, i can't really remember what that looks like on a Mazda, but just as long as it wont make it a pain to match the colour when i dent it again (being realistic, lol)

Sounds good mate, I love the whiteys too........ I think know the mazda white they're talking about, kind of like a pearlescent sparkly white.......... that'll set you rig a cut above the rest for sure. Tis gonna look spangly ......... very jealous

4th May 2012, 11:21 PM
Sounds good mate, I love the whiteys too........ I think know the mazda white they're talking about, kind of like a pearlescent sparkly white.......... that'll set you rig a cut above the rest for sure. Tis gonna look spangly ......... very jealous

He-he, thanks mate, they said you only see the effect at certain angles/light, most of the time it will just look same as Nissan white, ill go check out some Mazda dealers before i commit, make sure im not going to be driving around in some christmas tree ornament !;)

4th May 2012, 11:27 PM
He-he, thanks mate, they said you only see the effect at certain angles/light, most of the time it will just look same as Nissan white, ill go check out some Mazda dealers before i commit, make sure im not going to be driving around in some christmas tree ornament !;)

Nah mate, it will look bloody good.... do it

5th May 2012, 12:10 AM
they'll have thought about whether the metallic addition to the clear will make future repairs to parts only of panels more difficult? It does sound nice.

5th May 2012, 09:26 AM
What are you trying to say Silver ? ;) (hahaha-ha)

Yes, that was my very first question immediately after they suggested it all Rick, they said it would be no problem at all, plus i guess they would not suggest something to make things harder, when they will know "they" will have the job to match it up in the future ?

Thanks for bringing it up tho mate, that sort of thing is easy to overlook at this stage and could end up creating much hassle for the future.

5th May 2012, 12:09 PM
well, Steve, I know you to be a very practical bloke, so was pretty sure you'd have thought of spot repairs, but couldn't help myself, and had to ask :-)

5th May 2012, 07:21 PM
me wifes maz 3 is that white, its brilliant.
crystal white Mazda, tis the name.

5th May 2012, 09:51 PM
me wifes maz 3 is that white, its brilliant.
crystal white Mazda, tis the name.

I don't think it will look "exactly" the same as the Mazda colour, as it will still be Nissan GU white underneath, just the metallic clear effect will be similar.

Maybe you could post a pic of the Mazda colour/effect for everyone LJ ?

5th May 2012, 09:55 PM
make sure you get a close of of the sparkle Littlejohn

19th May 2012, 10:04 PM
Got all the Chassis Rails proffesionally sandblasted back to bare metal today, to get rid of the surface rust that had developed, i also got the diff housings blasted a bit as well, it all came up a treat.



The Chassis Rails and Diff Housings will be getting coated in POR15, rather than explain it ill just post a link......


After the POR15, the whole underneath will get hit with body deadener.

19th May 2012, 10:31 PM
Good job strewth ya goin the full Monty ay

Tapp tillya Crap

19th May 2012, 10:52 PM
I just get mine sandblasted @ the beach.............................chassis Rails and Diff Housings get professionally coated in MUD afterwards *L*

20th May 2012, 08:28 AM
Good job strewth ya goin the full Monty ay

Tapp tillya Crap

Yeh its a hell of a lot of work ill tell ya, i think its a "keeper" now mate :tongue:

I just get mine sandblasted @ the beach.............................chassis Rails and Diff Housings get professionally coated in MUD afterwards *L*

Ha-ha, "that" was the cause of the problem for me Todd, after spending a week on the beach, then not getting washed and repainted (as i normally would do) , heaps of stuff developed surface rust.

Apart from getting the professional guy out to do the chassis rails, i must have personally spent hours with the panel shops portable sandblaster, removing every little bit surface rust i could find inside and out of the body panels/floor, this is how ive clogged up my A/C vent controls with sand (so now have to remove the dash) :1087:

The job of Sandblasting sucks, but compared to cutting, grinding and sanding rust away, its bloody fantastic, and a much better way to go !

I also got my Sliders and Bullbar brackets, tow hooks etc all Powdercoated , as they had all developed surface rust from going to the beach.

Now they look like "brand spankers" again :animierte-smilies-t

(PH pic)

21st May 2012, 04:29 PM
Ill now be doing the chassis rails and diff in this stuff instead......


The guy who worked at the paint supply store, was actually a car painter i used to know about 15 years ago, he suggested i use the above product, and said its exactly the same as the POR15 but made in Aus (and cheaper), he has owned the same Patrol for as long as ive known him, and he said this is what he will be doing to his chassis soon.

Hope he's right, guess ill find out soon :tongue:

21st May 2012, 05:38 PM
that kbs stuff looks prity good and tough i might look at coating my rig with it .. it will be a pain in the:eck05: though well worth it i think.

8th June 2012, 01:40 PM
Got the rest of the glass removed this week, passenger front door is on, bought new hinges for both front doors to remove any play.....




Ive got a few more repairs to do this weekend, plus some more sandblasting, getting a bit closer :smile:

9th June 2012, 03:10 PM
Hey mate

Have just read this glad everyone is all good and that you will be going back to moreton it certainly is one of best spots on this side of the country I love it myself it could live there quite easily.

The work you have done has been inspirational mate and looks bloody tops i know who to call now for panel work :p. I agree with you on the safari snorkels tuffness, I rolled my GQ onto its side, the snorkel was fine but it had pushed all my guard in.

If you get stuck for a vehicle steve for the meetup, having own 3 patrols, Im sure you could possibly borrow one. (With a disclaimer signed first :p)

Top read mate hope it all comes together for you and looks better than new

9th June 2012, 03:21 PM
Got the rest of the glass removed this week, passenger front door is on, bought new hinges for both front doors to remove any play.....

Ive got a few more repairs to do this weekend, plus some more sandblasting, getting a bit closer :smile:

Goes without saying Steve that it was great no one was injured, but this may be a small blessing in disguise by the looks of it - let alone the awesome experience of going right through a build (I understand it may be causing hardship), you'll have a fully rebuilt rig that you've put all the effort into that should be both a bottler truck, and last for an eon!!!

Proud of you mate - your approach and resolve in dealing with what was in front of you is beyond commendable!!

Top effort and look forward to hitting the tracks with you again (shiny side up preferably!!! lol).

22nd June 2012, 01:02 AM
Thanks guys ^

Found some rust in the back of both sills, got a bit crazy with the grinder, but wanted to be sure i cut it all out, Drivers side was worst.....


It took me 3 nights to fabricate the replacement metal panels to put back in, but all turned out great, i neglected to rebuild the factory "sand trap" cup design, that lives where the sill meets the rear gaurd, instead opting for a more open self cleaning shape.

The "Boss" welding in the new panels..


Fitted a new (second hand) rear barn door to replace my dented one, all the main repairs are done and primed, and so now the car is pretty much almost ready for paint :bananarock:


Ive still yet to body deaden all underneath, tweak the final alignment of replaced panels, then its one last rub down, and on goes some colour i think ! :icon_victory:

3rd July 2012, 01:00 PM
I know the feeling ... I started fixing mine with the intention of just getting it drivable again. I'm now finding myself restoring all the damaged panels.

I like the metal plates mounted under your rock sliders ... I will need to do the same -- I have had sticks push up through the sliders and damage panels.

3rd July 2012, 01:07 PM
Far out Steveo she's gun a be better n new
Wonder what ya can do to Agatha

I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?jdzif5
Tap, Tap.......Who's there?

3rd July 2012, 03:29 PM
I know the feeling ... I started fixing mine with the intention of just getting it drivable again. I'm now finding myself restoring all the damaged panels.

Yes, its kinda like that, you say to yourself, well if ive fixed that panel, i may as well fix the bit next to it, then you just keep finding more stuff, but this is long after you are already in too deep to stop, next thing its a full re-paint !

I like the metal plates mounted under your rock sliders ... I will need to do the same -- I have had sticks push up through the sliders and damage panels.

While the plate does make them really great for sliding on rocks, beware, the 5mm steel plates add a bit of weight to the car, in this "wide" position, this weight changed the cars handeling more than i expected, it also doesn't stop sticks getting caught in the slider mounting bars that connect to the chassis.

The plate has a drain slot along the lower length, but can still get full of dirt/sand, and the drain slit can allow dirt to flick up upon the sills.

So steel plates are brilliant if you do heaps of hard rock stuff, and the car really does slide over rocks very well on the flat plate, but if most of your stuff is beach or forest/mud, id suggest a different design could be much better suited, i wanted a custom design made but it was too expensive, in the time i waited looking/saving, id damaged the car (sills, gaurds,door etc) twice on rocks, so i cracked the sh8ts, and bought these sliders as they are affordable and "dam tuff".

Far out Steveo she's gun a be better n new
Wonder what ya can do to Agatha

Don't know about better than new, but should be better than it was before the rollover anyway :wink:

What happen to Agatha ?

3rd July 2012, 05:31 PM
I'll have a think about it ..

I used to have 3mm aluminum plate on top of the sliders, but on 2 occasions the stick jammed between the plate, slider-bar, and the ground -- and speared through the plate.

10th July 2012, 11:51 PM
I now have some WHITEY goodness ! :bananarock:

Bodys all done, Bonnet and Gaurds to be painted soon.



Only a subtle effect, but the shots below (ph pics) kinda show how the Ice Pearl looks different depending on light/angle, be intresting to see it out it in bright daylight/sunshine.




11th July 2012, 12:05 AM
Nice one ... Makes my GQ look so old!

11th July 2012, 12:32 AM
Looks good, Steve!!

11th July 2012, 10:46 AM
So when are we getting it muddy :p

11th July 2012, 01:09 PM
Cant wait to see it finished

11th July 2012, 02:17 PM
So when are we getting it muddy :p

It will still be months yet im afraid, ive still got lots to do, plus i wont have a undercover area at home to do all the re-assembly, this means ill have to do everything on weekends (if its not raining) so progress will be limited.

But don't worry, i have not forgotten just what a bought a 4wd for in the first place !

11th July 2012, 03:25 PM
Good stuff. That colour looks schmick mate. I reckon it will look good at night under the right street light

11th July 2012, 05:59 PM

But don't worry, i have not forgotten just what a bought a 4wd for in the first place !

yes, of course, 'cause you are still doing it :-)

Fixing fixing fixing is what we all do with our toys- just that some have more practice than others :-)

19th July 2012, 11:49 AM
True Rick, and if you use em, now and then you have to fix em !, half a year of fixing is not what i had in mind, i must admit (lol)

Bonnet and Gaurds are painted now, had a couple of issues with stonegaurd application on the sills, so will be more painting before it comes home yet.

I decided to fix up my front tube bar as well, as unfortunatly, thanks to poor powdercoating coverage, my bar went rusty on the inside after my one visit to Moreton, i know the beach is harsh , but the bar was only about 2 weeks old :frown:

When i first fitted the bar i noticed the left side was not quite correct, it didnt stick out far enough to protect the front of the car like the right hand side, and also the lower spotlight hit on the bar work a little, i did go back to the place i purchased the bar (the very next day, they agreed a problem), but after many months of "stories" and not recieving even one of the promised callbacks, i realised, if i want it fixed, id have to do it myself !

The first 2 pics are of the centre section



This is behind one of the wings


I had to open a 7mm gap on the mounting side of the left wing , this fixed the 30mm setback at the bar corner (front and side)


All welded, now both sides are even, ill send all 3 bits off to the sandblasters next, then to get a "decent" Powdercoat job !


19th July 2012, 12:11 PM

I'd send em the bill mate.

It amazes me how some businesses can stay in business when they ignore their customers when they have a problem with a product. Its the perfect opportunity for them to not only fix the problem but if they do it right then they will retain that customer as well as generate interest in their products because that customer will give advice to other users that if they do have a problem then that particular company will look after you. Its a no brainer for me but some people just dont get it.



20th July 2012, 09:26 AM
Could not agree more Rob.

And as most of us know, what goes around, comes around :smile:

20th July 2012, 09:38 AM
beautiful work, Steve!

As ever with your work, better than new!!!

20th July 2012, 10:45 AM
cant wait until you get back out on the tracks mate

20th July 2012, 10:45 AM
Hey steve

If you havent already maybe weld some caps on the ends of those bars before sending them off to the powdercoaters.

20th July 2012, 12:25 PM
beautiful work, Steve!

As ever with your work, better than new!!!

Thanks Rick

cant wait until you get back out on the tracks mate

Me too !, be so nice to able to again join in, instead of missing out on all the trips.

Hey steve

If you havent already maybe weld some caps on the ends of those bars before sending them off to the powdercoaters.

Good idea Mat, the guy that did the welding suggested the same, i looked at em, thought about it, and decided to retain the plastic dome end plugs that came with it tho.

20th July 2012, 01:20 PM
Yeah I have found with those plastic caps (similar to the ones in chassis) that the dirt and water still manages to find its way in also if you rub past something it could pop them out

22nd July 2012, 03:26 PM
Steve, you are an absolute trooper mate...
...And that white is absolutely stunning bro. !

23rd July 2012, 11:36 AM
Yeah I have found with those plastic caps (similar to the ones in chassis) that the dirt and water still manages to find its way in also if you rub past something it could pop them out

I still want to have access to inside the tubes for now, that way i can inspect/treat the rust the sand blasters can't get to, the caps actually fit quite well and i don't think they will become a issue, but if they do, ill just use Sikaflex to stick them in :smiley_thumbs_up:

Besides that Mat, ive just ordered a set of new flares (aftermarket) , so if im going to be doing any "rubbing" against anything, ill be crying about much more than the "little caps" (lol)

Steve, you are an absolute trooper mate...
...And that white is absolutely stunning bro. !

Thanks LJ,
However, you will only really notice the pearl in certain light, so pretty most of the time it will just look like boring Nissan patrol white, but still, the factory white is quite a nice colour when fresh.

Having the coats of clear over the white, make it much more glossy than it ever did from factory, this should also make it easy to wash and should not have to polish it very often, if at all (i hope) ;)

23rd July 2012, 11:41 AM
Can't wait to hear the screams (of pure excitement no doubt) the fist time you get some bush pin-striping happening on the new paint job mate!!! lmao

Sterling job fella - you should be proud of yourself!!

23rd July 2012, 12:06 PM
brave choice of colour due to your love of 4wding.... Each to their own I suppose. Good Luck can't wait to see it out there again. You must be getting excited.

23rd July 2012, 01:47 PM
For sure Scotty (83) looking forward to it, lots of work to go yet tho, and its still the same white, just with the xirallic on top, so only one extra coat/proccess to how it was from factory, then add clear, really it is no harder to replicate than any new car with metallic paint made these days.

In fact some of the panels (bonnet and gaurds) on my car have been painted weeks apart from the body and everything matches perfect.

Everyone involved is clear about the fact that i "use" my 4wd a lot, so we all know future paint repair is inevitable, i do want a rest from fixing it, so i plan to take it easy for a while..............well for at least a day or so :clapping:

Can't wait to hear the screams (of pure excitement no doubt) the fist time you get some bush pin-striping happening on the new paint job mate!!! lmao

Sterling job fella - you should be proud of yourself!!

Yes, yes, and im sure you will be there, and as per normal, you will be first to offer comforting words and great sympathy (when you get back up off the groung, in between the rolling fits of pointing and girly laughter) hahaha !

23rd July 2012, 02:01 PM
That doesn't sound too bad then. Always imagined it to be much more involved than that. Imagine how it will glisten in the photos once you are done. Will have to turn off the flash. lol. You wont know yourself.

23rd July 2012, 02:17 PM
Yes i think it will be OK, the painter chose/suggested the colour and how to apply it, knowing i will most likley be back at some stage for repairs , and that HE will have to match the colour, i doubt he will have suggested to make his future job that much more difficult ?

In reality, i think ill have to try very hard to get the car to look anything but plain white, but im damb sure gonna try get some "sparkly" pics , thats for sure ! (ha-ha)

Look forward to hitting the tracks with you sometime again mate (hope you dont go swimming like last time)

23rd July 2012, 07:41 PM
The bluey has had a few upgrades since then. Steel bullbar and some muddies for track days. Some tyres with tread have really helped. Was probably pushing the limits last time. lol Really looking forward to getting out with the crew again.

23rd July 2012, 08:57 PM
Cool, what brand and size muddies you get ?

4th August 2012, 10:16 AM
Flares turned up this week, they look like very good copies of nissan ones, and come with new rubbers as well, i have not test fitted them yet, but if they fit as well as they look , i will be very happy.....

One side shown (i did get a full set tho)

I will be painting these with the same black i had the factory ones done in, this ensures no fading in the sun, and makes touching up marks easy.

After my attempts to "beach proof" the rest of the car, i thought i would take a look at my Tigerz winch, i deliberatly left the winch out in the back yard fully exposed to the elements for the last 7+ months, i pulled it apart to check for corrosion and water ingress, and was very pleased to find evidence of little to nothing.

It had the usual minor rust starting on the bolt heads, and also the clutch handle, it looks like a well made winch inside, the only one design issue i can see, was the female bolt thread that secures the rope to the drum, leads straight "inside" the bearing cavity protected by water seal, nothing a bit of thread sealer wont fix, but would surley lead to problems down the track if not attended to, other than that it looks like it would go the distance untouched.


I decided, while i had the thing apart, id go to town with the Por 15, first i did the drum, taking care to leave the texture on the drum for rope friction....


Then i moved to the area behind the drum....



And i thought i may as well do the rest of the winch with Por 15, id previously sealed all the electrical connectors and magnet screws with Sikaflex (as these seem to rust on every winch ive seen), i also painted over select parts again in white ,then a few coats of clear (white so they can be seen easy for operating at night)


I greased everything i could get to before re-assembly.:p


4th August 2012, 07:44 PM
Where do you get the time? :(

4th August 2012, 09:15 PM
You can fit quite a bit into a day when you start at 7am and finish at 11pm, stupid cars ! (lol)

All the white panels are finished now, ive yet to bolt the guards on, i decided to get 316 stainless steel Allen head bolts/washers for the gaurd bolts , mostly because all 3 times i had to remove them in the past, the very bottom bolts broke off flush due to corrosion.

I still need to put some black 2 pac over the Por 15 on the sides of the chassis rails and also the suspension arms and parts exposed to sunlight etc, then the car will get every cavity i can find pumped with rustproofing.

I didnt like the body deadeners i found on the market, they all seemed to stay just tacky enough to attract sand, I ended up using Stonegaurd to coat the whole underside of the car, it sets firm and dry, but has enough bounce to not chip easy (i guess it is stonegaurd after all,lol), so far ive used nearly 7 Litres of it under the car, and ive another 3L to put under it to thicken all the high impact areas such as behind the tyres etc.

26th September 2012, 08:57 AM
Well after months of getting stuffed around and stuffed around and still not getting my paint job "fixed" how i want it, ive finally realised im getting nowwhere fast at my current panel shop, so i reluctantly paid my bill to release my car back into my possesion, and on 24/9/12 my car finally arrived home on a tow truck.

Things have certainly gone very backwards, id hoped the panel shop would have taken it upon them selves to fix the errors and make me happy, ive asked and asked and got little satisfaction, it became quite clear ,i was to just leave the car there "forever" and cut my losses, or pay my bill, get the car and cut my losses.

I negotiated a reduction on the bill, not enough to fix all the problems (im still finding), but better than nothing, ill get up more details when ive got time, and list the issues, but the bottom line is, now it will need to go to another panel shop :frown:

26th September 2012, 09:18 AM
Pricks!!! Pity we cant name n shame ay. Oh well hopefully any Qlndrs will PM you before they go to a panel shop up your way and you can ward them off

26th September 2012, 05:31 PM
im yet to find a good panel shop got my car back once and the battery wasnt even strapped in! and 2 weeks later a pully wheel rubbed a hole in the presurized radiator overflow bottle (in a hilux) just hope i dont need to look for another one any time soon!!

hope you dont have any issues with the next one! and if you find a good one let us know

27th September 2012, 09:23 AM
Hi Steve

Sorry to hear things went sour with the panel shop, you haven't mentioned what you're not happy with?

Great work with the winch, I will follow your example with mine.

Hope you get it all happening soon mate - would be great to get out with you and yours again.


27th September 2012, 06:33 PM
hey mate, we have had a few cars fixed or painted over the years and not one shop has got it right first go. I just don't know were peoples pride in their work has gone and quality control certainly left along time ago! hope you get it sorted.

28th September 2012, 10:15 AM
Yeh thanks guys, im hearing ya !

Hi Steve

Sorry to hear things went sour with the panel shop, you haven't mentioned what you're not happy with?

Great work with the winch, I will follow your example with mine.

Hope you get it all happening soon mate - would be great to get out with you and yours again.


Yes Murray x100 on the trips, and im not even close to finished exploiting your knowledge of the Glass House Mountains :biggrin:

I have not listed the problems yet because there are so many, and im still finding them ,ive stopped looking for a while to ease the dissapontment, this "waiting" also will allow me to look at things clearer after the emotion has subsided a little, that way when i post the problems, you guys get a better description of what i see and how ill fix it, instead of me just saying everythings f**#ed ! (ha-ha)

Ill need to wash all the crud/dirt that is all over the top of the car , so i can even inspect the paint, then i will take pics and list all the issues, they are not all to do with the paint, other problems have come about from its little "holiday" at the panel shop ! :1087:

A long road ahead before im out wheeling again im afraid :frown:

28th September 2012, 12:02 PM
OK mate well mine isn't going anywhere, so it'll be ready to roll with yours when the day comes. Good luck with getting it all sorted, if there's anything I can help you with just let me know.

28th September 2012, 10:33 PM
Ill need to wash all the crud/dirt that is all over the top of the car , so i can even inspect the paint, then i will take pics and list all the issues, they are not all to do with the paint, other problems have come about from its little "holiday" at the panel shop ! :1087:

Can't you take legal action against them Steve?

1st October 2012, 01:44 PM
Can't you take legal action against them Steve?

Todd, as im sure you can understand, what usually happens in these situations, there was no "written" agreement describing the expected job quality, how long it would take, and its exact costings, while the problems may be enough to seek some sort of legal advice, in reality, ive been around long enough to realise, it would just waste more of my time and money to chase such matters, not to mention, this path would inevitably halt any progress with the car while legal proceedings continue.

I don't hate the guys at the shop, (well actually im told some don't work there now as of last week), they had all come across as nice people, and i don't soon forget they have helped me a lot, as always there is two sides to every story, the guys probly think nothing is wrong with the workmanship on my car and im just too difficult or too fussy or i don't know what im talking about etc, im not really sure.

I guess from my point of view, i expect any proffessional to have more pride, better methods, work ethics, and a superior eye for paint quality than a non tradesman like myself, i was never after a show car, its a 13yr old 4x4 that will get used as such, but some of the mistakes made, defy common sence ,and are worse than id expect from a first year apprentice !

There is a almost unbelievable other story/s about whats happend at the shop in the ongoing last few months, (not relating directly to my car) its not something for me to go into here, but "this" information, lead me to believe i would be wise to get my car back into my possesion as fast as i could, just incase the pending situation escalated into a unpleasent out come for all.

1st October 2012, 03:50 PM
Understand mate, I would probable take a loss 2 and get the car back

1st October 2012, 04:19 PM
Yeah ya wouldn't want yours in there when some other pee'D of customer fire bombs the joint hahahajjahahahahaha

Double Tap

1st October 2012, 09:36 PM
Ha-ha, yeh i actually know one peed off customer quite well, and while they'll be no fire bombs, or anything like that, im damb sure id be pretty upset, if "my" car was returned with a "extra" one thousand Ks on the clock, and then you recieve speed camera fines and unpaid toll notices the week after getting it back !

1st October 2012, 09:46 PM
Ha-ha, yeh i actually know one peed off customer quite well, and while they'll be no fire bombs, or anything like that, im damb sure id be pretty upset, if "my" car was returned with a "extra" one thousand Ks on the clock, and then you recieve speed camera fines and unpaid toll notices the week after getting it back !
What the f$%k?????

I could hardly control myself if that happened to me................... there is no way I would wear that.
You did not have the car in you possession??

1st October 2012, 09:50 PM
What the f$%k?????

I could hardly control myself if that happened to me................... there is no way I would wear that.


Double Tap

1st October 2012, 10:08 PM
Hey mate. I know the feeling. Unfortunately there are very few people in business that will apply the same level of care and time compared to doing the job yourself. I have come across many 'good' people, but they all seem to suffer from human error combined with rushing the job to get to their next job. Just sucks when you fork out the big dollars and get shafted.

1st October 2012, 10:25 PM
Yes Spektrum very true, although it can be hard for panel shops these days, they all seem to get shafted by insurance companies, none seem to get paid what they are worth, and most are forced to cut corners to stay afloat, so quality suffers, plus its not easy work, and one simple mistake can result in zero profit, i know i certainly don't wanna work in one.

What the f$%k?????

I know, and thats pretty much all i could say as well.

Basically, when someone else has your car, you really have little control over what actually happens to it.

1st October 2012, 11:01 PM
damn i would be interested to hear what the outcome is in that scenario!

7th October 2012, 07:31 PM
Ok so i got time and weather today to get the troll out and take some pics.....

A lot of the things are hard to show with the camera just how bad they look in real life, i don't know where to start so ill just start in order of pics.

It had no fuel so went to put some in and found this.......


no big deal but just slack, when masking tape gets wet its very hard to remove.

After removing the tape i find the grey primer overspray has not been coverd with white, again just slack and looks dodge.


They had done the same thing (get grey primer overspray) inside the LHR door jam, i dont know any other painter that would paint the outside of a car first, then the door jams, they still didn't paint white over the grey line, instead opting to "brush" paint some cream colour over the grey line.....


Behind the wiper cowl never got painted (i asked for this to be done about 3 times) as you can see, its pretty hard to miss that its not been painted white :1087:


Where they finished roof to pillar (mig weld) they burn away the sealer id put in, they were supposed to replace the sealer before painting, but as you can see.....


Why the hell would you paint over ^that^ ???

Some nice air bubbles in the paint under the roof gutter.....


Gaurd holes bogged over then painted, i asked to have the holes made clear from the first bog that went on


WHY !....... would you not poke the holes through before painting, drilling the hole now, risks damage to the paint, plus will expose bare metal that will then need to be painted.

More holes such as this door mould got bogged over as well....


7th October 2012, 08:01 PM
Ha-ha, yeh i actually know one peed off customer quite well, and while they'll be no fire bombs, or anything like that, im damb sure id be pretty upset, if "my" car was returned with a "extra" one thousand Ks on the clock, and then you recieve speed camera fines and unpaid toll notices the week after getting it back !

Is this peed off customer from the panel shop ur 4b was at or a different company all together???

7th October 2012, 08:02 PM
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.........deeeeeeeeererrrrrr..... ..sorry.

Sent from the secret chambers of our secret society, on a secret iPhone, with a secret pin code and eye retina scanning from a secret peep hole, just don't tell anyone OK, cos it's secret........

7th October 2012, 08:07 PM
Ok so i got time and weather today to get the troll out and take some pics.....

A lot of the things are hard to show with the camera just how bad they look in real life, i don't know where to start so ill just start in order of pics.

Did you take your 4b to a panel shop or some bloke working form his backyard????

That's crap workmanship, no I wouldn't even call that workmanship. Iv'e seen better work come out of backyard spray painters

7th October 2012, 08:39 PM
Now the first time around, the panel shop took it upon themselves to apply stone gaurd spray to the sills (as you normally would) except, they got a bit carried away and put the stone gaurd all the way up onto the "doors".

In the pic below, the BLUE arrow shows the height they sprayed stonegaurd to up the side of the car, they then painted the white over it before i saw it, not only that, the mask line for the stonegaurd was not straight, and in some places went higher up the door.


On seeing this, i expressed my absolute disgust, i said why on earth would they put the stonegaurd higher than factory/standard (how it was before), and if you thought it should be better half way up the door, you could have just "asked" me first before doing it !

As it turned out, about a "week later", they decided to paint the front gaurds and bonnet, now the stonegaurd also gets sprayed on the bottom of the gaurds from factory, but they somehow decided to paint the stonegaurd line "higher" , yes even higher than what was on the doors already, and to top it off, the line was not straight nor met the line on the doors !

At this point i suggested the stonegard needs to be removed as it looks ......errr....very bad ! (i used slightly different words)

Now to fix the stonegaurd, they sanded it all off the doors, i said i wanted it re-applied to the sills as they had not covered the sills properly (where i actually wanted it to go)

When respraying the doors white , they only sprayed half way up each door (instead of spraying the whole door/s) so i now have a paint/blend line about where the body mould goes, you can also see where they did not feather out the sanding line after removing the stonegaurd, and to top it off got paint runs along the bottom of the doors (as shown in the reflection pointed out by the RED arrow below)


7th October 2012, 09:08 PM
Now, as you may have read, i spent a lot of time painting POR15 on my chassis rail and diffs etc, to my astonishment, when my sills got painted for the second time, they "forgot" to mask below the sills, so now white paint also got all over my nice new hand painted chassis and suspension arms etc, and being 2pak white paint, it wont just rub off with thinners.

They said oh we can paint black, i explained that it needed to be painted with 2pak black or something tuff that wont ever scratch/rub off exposing the crappy "white" colour underneath.

So what did they do........ spray underbody sealer over it, its a tar based product, weak as tomato sauce, and id already expressed i did NOT ,want any of it anywhere on my car as it remains tacky, so sand sticks to it, and it offers little protection, hence why i paid extra and painted POR15 and Stonegaurd everywhere (took me 3 days)

I got a bit off the chassis with solvent, you can see the mess im left with to clean and fix.....


.................................................. .................................................. .....^^^^^^^...................

See the white lines (above) to the far right of the big white patch, i rubbed each one "once" lightly with my fingernail to expose the white underneath.


They also got some black tar sealer on the sill, just incase i needed some more of it to clean off :frown:

7th October 2012, 09:18 PM
Hi Steve, not sure if I remember this right and can't be f'd going through the post.....

You were insured, the insurance company wrote it off and paid you out, you bought it back off them and you are / where paying for this so called work out of your own pocket???

7th October 2012, 09:38 PM
Due to the stuff ups with everything else, id never seen the gaurds "on" the car, now id checked the pearl and metallic finish, and they matched perfect, but it was not untill the gaurds got bolted on the car (right near the end) did i see they are a slightly different shade of white to the rest of the car ! (can't see in the photos)

I pointed this out within seconds of first seeing the gaurds on the car, basically after a 2 hour "discussion" it became clear they did not see a problem, and were not going to do anything about it.

Now the guy who painted my car no longer works there, he didn't write down or tell anyone how he mixed the paint,(i was supposed to get given the formula), so now nobody knows (yay !)

Since the car was painted white, i had to get a dent removed from the roof (that magically appeared) my dent guy did a brilliant job, and he also fixed stuff that was supposed to be filled/fixed, so i guess he saved me some bog.

When i picked up the car the engine check light was flashing, ive reset the ECU and seemed to be ok today, its also apparent the car has been getting rained on, as the dash has had water "pooled" on it from the looks of the marks...


The A/C dash vents have faded from over exposure to UV, and most of the dash switches dont seem to work now.

Under the rear bar doors is a bit of the body id asked to get painted, they actually masked it off so NO white paint got on it, when driving behind the car ,you can see this strip between the barn doors and the bumper/step, so it needs to be painted as good as the other panels (well i guess it almost is really, lol)


7th October 2012, 10:00 PM
Is this peed off customer from the panel shop ur 4b was at or a different company all together???

Same shop.

Did you take your 4b to a panel shop or some bloke working form his backyard????

Proper Panel Shop.

Hi Steve, not sure if I remember this right and can't be f'd going through the post.....

You were insured, the insurance company wrote it off and paid you out, you bought it back off them and you are / where paying for this so called work out of your own pocket???

Yes pretty much correct ^, im long past spending what $$ i got back, of course i have obviously spent extra $$ on some improvements, beyond just the "minimum" required things to repair the damage from the rollover, but this also does not consider the hours ive put in (and there has been a lot), and id be lying if a said it has not taken its toll the people side of things too.

7th October 2012, 10:05 PM
You should name and shame the Panel shop for others in the Brisbane area to avoid.... Sorry to hear about all the fuss and mess to come of it.

7th October 2012, 10:09 PM
This is the front of my chassis rail where the bull bar bolts on, you can see its been nudged into something, i know it was not like that when i painted it (with a brush) , not hard to fix, but i shouldn't have to..


So this is what i know of ATM, who know what else i find ?

After washing the dirt off the car, i also found they have "blended" the front of one gaurd after it obviously sustained some minor damage, so along with the blending on the botom of both gaurds (to repair where the stonegaurd was) plus the dodgy-ness on the doors, plus the colours, and the roof gutter etc etc, i have come to the conclusion, for me to be 100% happy, the car really needs a full respray !

8th October 2012, 09:10 PM
I started to pull the dash apart tonight, ive got the fascia removed.....



Ill need to strip the rest down more for cleaning/fixing, plus remove the steel frame so i can get rid of the rust and paint it, as well as clean the switches etc.

9th October 2012, 07:04 AM
Shit ..... sometime ya wonder why you put yourself through it hey mate!!!!!

I guess you just have to stay focused and keep on course to see it done.

I feel for you.

9th October 2012, 09:26 AM
This pic shows the colour difference between the front gaurds and the doors, its hard to show in the pics, but you can still see, (in particular the lower areas) ,the different shades of white, with the door more "yellow" when compared to the gaurd.


There are 2 shades/mixes (depending on exact year of release) to my cars white paint code, one year has more Ocher (yellow/brown) tinter than the other, so basically, the same paint code (QM1), has 2 variations, i really suspect they may have got these confused ?

Shit ..... sometime ya wonder why you put yourself through it hey mate!!!!!

I guess you just have to stay focused and keep on course to see it done.

I feel for you.

Yes thanks mate, its now a case of, the hole is too deep to climb out of, so now i have no choice but to just keep digging untill i get to the end, i can think of better things id rather be doing thats for sure.

At least i have it all back in my hands so have full control over what happens to it now, this should at least speed up the process, and limit the f@*k-ups !

I do have a bit of a plan, and i have arranged to have a new painter come and sight the car sometime over the next few weeks, we have discused colours over the phone, and if all goes to plan, ill have a potential paint date around a month from now. :tongue:

9th October 2012, 10:28 AM
This is unbelievable aye. What are these people doing for the money they get paid let alone pride in their work. Does your insurance cover workmanship of repairs? You can earn big dollars being a good painter so I dont understand why you wouldnt put your best effort into this sort of stuff. Good luck with it all steve hopefully we can go a trip before the end of the year. If ya need a hand with reassembly just shout out

9th October 2012, 05:15 PM
wow! what a mission, a least your in control now as you said. Hope she goes back together ok and is better than before!

9th October 2012, 05:41 PM
This is unbelievable aye. What are these people doing for the money they get paid let alone pride in their work. Does your insurance cover workmanship of repairs? You can earn big dollars being a good painter so I dont understand why you wouldnt put your best effort into this sort of stuff. Good luck with it all steve hopefully we can go a trip before the end of the year. If ya need a hand with reassembly just shout out

They could not see "anything" wrong with it Mat, despite all my explaining/complaining, im still left wondering how they can charge for a full respray, then let me leave, knowing im unhappy enough to want to get the car painted again !

No Insurance co is involved, its me paying the panel shop direct, I perhaps could have got them to re-paint the gaurds, but to be honest, looking at what they have already done to fix previous stuff ups, and the fact they can't actually see what they are supposed to fix, its pretty much guaranteed im still not going to get the job i want.

As for the trips, ive given up guessing when its going to be ready, im hanging to do a trip away with all everyone again thats for sure, thanks for the offer on putting her back together, ill let you know should the time come, as you can see im still pulling it "apart" at the moment :tongue:

wow! what a mission, a least your in control now as you said. Hope she goes back together ok and is better than before!

Thanks mate, it is a bit of a mission ,im a little spurred on again now, with thoughts of what i have in mind for the new paint job, if it all goes to plan, it should look pretty trick when its all done, im gonna take the "bling" factor up a notch this time i think ! :wink:

10th October 2012, 09:29 PM
sounds great, keep us posted with pics and posts etc, love to see the final result.

13th October 2012, 10:03 PM
So i had a look at my grille today, the panel shop painted this as well, it looks like it was masked up by a child.....


And overspray everywhere that looks like it was sprayed from the rear, pretty much making it quite a mess....


Not nearly as much as a mess as the half job they did of rustproofing the car, what idiot rustproofs one side of a car (not the side that was rolled on) , look at this mess on my door hinges.....


No rustproofing on the passenger side.....


Perhaps they did not want to cover up the rubber they sprayed white ???


Again, drivers side rear gaurd (rustproofed) .....


Passenger side (that got repaired) nothing....


Roof cavity , no rustproofing.....



13th October 2012, 10:40 PM
I cleaned up my dash, and got some re-conditioner off my vinyl guy that brought it back to life quite nice....


I also got him to re-colour the leather on my steering wheel, it got really trashed at the paint shop, looks good again now....


The rusted metal dash support got acid washed, rust converted, primed, then painted white, came up nice....


I proceeded to clean all my heater fan controls, the parts behind the dash, then the conrols themselves, everything was clogged with sand......


Top view of controls before cleaning....


This was inside the fan speed switch....


I then spent hours painstakingly dismantalling "every" single switch on the dash, cleaning, lubing and re assemble..



This included the lights/indicater stalk...



Cruise control buttons...


13th October 2012, 10:44 PM
Wiper combination stalk was a little tricky to get apart, but got there in the end....




I then had to remove sand from the gauge cluster, i had to strip it all apart as sand had got inside, all over the actual gauges themselves.

After cleaning...


Still much to do....



13th October 2012, 11:51 PM
Mate i don’t know how you do it ! i would have given up long ago and bought another one even if i had to settle on a GQ if funds were limited, i admire your persistence

14th October 2012, 10:12 AM
i admire your persistence

exactly, same here.

14th October 2012, 10:25 AM
i admire your persistence

exactly, same here.

Sure you don't mean, "pity my stupidity" ? (lol) ;)

Seriously tho, thanks guys, i can make things happen a lot faster now im back in charge of everything, one day this will all be a bad memory !

14th October 2012, 05:19 PM
It looks like scotty was around practicing on your car before he did the young fellas :p lol. I have said it before steve I dont know where you find the time and what you do with that time is nothing short of amazing. Keep at it mate looking forward to the final product which should be better than new.


14th October 2012, 05:25 PM
Jesus mate you are seriously going the whole hog, not gonna be a single screw or bolt that you haven't undone! As been said, admire your persistence!

14th October 2012, 05:46 PM
Onya Steveo!! Just read the post re rustproofing and the attempt at painting the grille. WHAT A MOB OF @#$%S

15th October 2012, 02:15 PM
Stripped out the pedals for treatment, as they also had surface rust...


Serviced the brake pedal swith and cruise pedal switch.

Also went to town on the A/C fan, came up like new..


Most parts behind the dash reconditioned and back where they should be, plus all the wire loom/s back in place...



Should be able to get the dash back on soon ;)

Its nice to be putting stuff back together for a change.

15th October 2012, 02:25 PM
Good place to hide the amp! Damn this thing is gonna be 10 times better than brand new!

15th October 2012, 02:33 PM
How did you go so much sand and rust inside? Was that from the trip home without a windscreen?

When I rolled, I should have taped a plastic over my windscreen for the trip home (~4hours). It must have rained the whole way, and made a mess inside.

15th October 2012, 10:40 PM
Good place to hide the amp!

Yeh, it keeps protected up out of the way from any sand dirt or water etc, well ,it did untill the car was upside down (lol)

How did you go so much sand and rust inside? Was that from the trip home without a windscreen?

When I rolled, I should have taped a plastic over my windscreen for the trip home (~4hours). It must have rained the whole way, and made a mess inside.

Not from the trip home.

99% of the sand in all the switches etc was all my fault, sandblasting the floor (inside the car), then air blowing, sand just goes "everywhere", i repeated this many times to get every last bit of surface rust gone, not understanding the extra work i was creating for myself.

As for the rust on the dash support etc, this is surley caused by the car getting left outside by the panel shop, and everything exposed to the elements for so long with no windows.

Many of those internal metal parts are bare metal from factory, (look up under your dash and you will see on your own car) a very small amount of surface rust on these parts on a 10+ year old car, would be 100% normal, mine was a bit more rusty than id ever be happy with, now its got 4 coats of paint on it, so i don't expect it to rust again. :smile:

16th October 2012, 01:49 PM
i tell ya what mate, your persistence is inspirational. i hope that once its all done you can really get out and enjoy what should be like a brand new car!!! thumbs up for ya pal!

16th October 2012, 10:56 PM
The clock spring (behind the steering wheel) sounded a bit crusty, so i pulled it apart for cleaning (nothing escapes ,lol) if you have never seen inside one, the white ribbon wire is how the airbag and cruise control signals get passed, yet still allow the wheel to turn.


I also pulled the IGN switch apart, not really any sand inside, but needed cleaning from the years of use anyway.


I got some new foam to seal around the top of the A/C vent box where it meets the dash, once this was on i could fit the dash.

As it looks tonight...


16th October 2012, 11:56 PM
:pLooks like you missed a spot mate!

17th October 2012, 11:12 AM
:pLooks like you missed a spot mate!

Where, where ! ........ :eek: (ha-ha)

18th October 2012, 01:44 AM
It's parked in my shed :p

17th November 2012, 07:49 PM
I cant believe you have handled this so well mate. I worked in the smash repair industry for 15 years as a spray painter. I've never seen such dodgy work in my life. Even an apprentice knows when your painting a metallic or pearl you have to have paint all panels fitted to the car. Now with 3 layer pearls and special effects such as cyrillic, Harlequins etc when touching up it usually requires respraying the whole side not trying to blend it half way up the side of the car. This is borderline on total stupidity and total laziness.

As for the sealer not being put in prior to painting that should have been done the very next day after priming and I didn't know doing a straight line and coping the factory stone guard was that hard. As for putting pearl in the clear coat that is something you would hear a backyarder do. There is no car on the market today or ever that has the pearl in the clear. They are all done as 3 layer pearls where a base is put down followed by the pearl in a binder followed by the clear coat. Over a period of time when polishing the car the pearl can tear out leaving tiny pinholes. It's not a pretty look and I hope these idiots atleast put one cost of clear over i without pearl in it.

I really have my doubts whether there was even a tradesman painter working in that shop. I sorry to hear you had to go though this crap and fortunately you would be lucky to find another shop that bad.

There are still heaps of dodgy shops out there but there couldn't be to many that bad surly.

Good luck with it all mate and I hope it all works out for you.

Cheers Mick.

17th November 2012, 11:28 PM
Thanks Mick, very much appreciate your comments !

Yeh look, i can tell you its not all how i planned it to go, and id be lying if i said it has not caused me some stress, but, i realise life could be so much worse, and for some people it really is, so onward with happy face i shall go ! :biggrin:

It was hard for me to see what was happenig to the car, im not a painter/panel beater, but i found myself getting confused at the backward way things got done, as they are the "pro's" i felt i could not tell them how to do stuff (i tryed by asking questions about methods), at the end of the day, im just glad i did the major repair work myself, so at least i know thats right.

I recently found they had also bogged over one of the holes for the roof/barn door seal, id missed this in my check, and i was lucky to find it at this stage.

My bro in law is going to do a full respray for me (colour and effect), he is a ex pro painter and painted my torrie for me about 10 years ago, and has much pride in his work, he knows im quite fussy and will do things exactly as i want without talking me out of harder stuff.

We are pretty much going "all out" with the paint this time, im having "what i want", not what i can afford, not whats easy, nor probly whats practical, but i figure the friggin paint will owe me so much $$, i now want it to look obvious, and like its been worth it !


BTW, the dash is all back in and looks great, i started the car, and to my relief, no fault lights, and ALL the switches and everything i had apart, now work perfect (some smoother than when i bought the car)

18th November 2012, 12:02 AM
Wow mate great write up and its great that no one was hurt.
Plus it looks like you really know your car inside and out now :)

18th November 2012, 06:13 AM
A simply amazing effort mate. You're going to end up with an incredible new truck and a wealth of knowledge gained from the experience.

18th November 2012, 08:53 AM
Thanks Mick, very much appreciate your comments !

Yeh look, i can tell you its not all how i planned it to go, and id be lying if i said it has not caused me some stress, but, i realise life could be so much worse, and for some people it really is, so onward with happy face i shall go ! :biggrin:

It was hard for me to see what was happenig to the car, im not a painter/panel beater, but i found myself getting confused at the backward way things got done, as they are the "pro's" i felt i could not tell them how to do stuff (i tryed by asking questions about methods), at the end of the day, im just glad i did the major repair work myself, so at least i know thats right.

I recently found they had also bogged over one of the holes for the roof/barn door seal, id missed this in my check, and i was lucky to find it at this stage.

My bro in law is going to do a full respray for me (colour and effect), he is a ex pro painter and painted my torrie for me about 10 years ago, and has much pride in his work, he knows im quite fussy and will do things exactly as i want without talking me out of harder stuff.

We are pretty much going "all out" with the paint this time, im having "what i want", not what i can afford, not whats easy, nor probly whats practical, but i figure the friggin paint will owe me so much $$, i now want it to look obvious, and like its been worth it !


BTW, the dash is all back in and looks great, i started the car, and to my relief, no fault lights, and ALL the switches and everything i had apart, now work perfect (some smoother than when i bought the car)I think thaats the best way to go. Just rub it all down and start again. At least it should only need a good wet rub and paint but I think it will look heaps better when it's all one colour again. I'd also ask your brother in-law to spray it in a ceramic based clear. They are heaps harder to scratch and doesn't pin stripe like normal paints. I resprayed my patrol in it at the beginning of the year and after a good wash it still looks like new.

I worked for a Lexus repairer for about 15 years so we never cut corners on anything but it wasn't unusual for insurance companies to send us rectification jobs from other panel shops. We had one which was a Lexus that had been resprayed by another shop 3 times because the woman wasn't happy with it. She wanted a new car and the insurance company wouldn't do it. In all honesty she was going over board with what she was picking. She was using a magnifying glass to pick defects in the paint. The insurance assessor who had been dealing with her quit his job, PPG told her she was an idiot and wiped there hands of it. The panel shop even offered to buy her a new Lexus but at this stage she said no thats what I wanted and you wouldn't give me one so now you can get this car like new.

So the insurance company approached us and asked us would we fix it. My boss said yes but only on the terms that it's a do and charge and no agruments or cutting corners. This car needed a full paint strip inside and out of all door opening. Even the sealers around the bonnet and boot had to be removed and the enginebay had to be resprayed. I was close to telling my boss to stick his job and do it himself as this woman was just a trouble making bitch.

Once I had finished the paint job which took me close to 10 weeks as no one else was allowed to touch it. She had an inspector from the insurance company and PPG come and check over all the paint work. They passed it and said it looks good. Then she flew a paint inspector in from Melbourne to mark each panel out of 100 and I had to get 95 or higher for each panel for her to accept the car.

Luckily I passed all the stupid tests. When she eventually come in to pick up the car she didn't even look at it she gave my boss a cuddle and a kiss and thanked him for all his help and told him no one else will ever touch her car again or her other Lexus and BMW.lol

So if you think your fussy your got nothing on this woman.:biggrin:

Cheers Mick.

18th November 2012, 10:17 AM
Wow, that lady sounds like a bit of a cow, offered a "new" car and thats not good enough :jawdrop:

All im really after is a job as good as the paint finish from factory, and as you will know thats no show car paint job, all the same colour will be a start, plus im very happy with a bit of orange peel ,after all, if its a super flat finish ,i know ill have to spend another 100 hours on the panels !

I was/am interested in the ceramic clear (ill bring this up with my bro-in-law), i would be interested in any info you had about brands and methods please Mick.

We plan on painting the car base white (ive owned a car in this colour before and love how super bright it is), then over the top HOK white ice pearl (glass flake), then clear, obvoiusly a process like this ,requires sanding back multiple coats/layers of clear to hide the peaks of the flake.

And hope should look something along the lines of below....... this is GM base white, then 4 oz = 2 mist coats of white ice, clear, this car has a vinyl roof, so im working on getting 6 oz for the troll and hope to have a bit left over ?



Im guessing you can just add the ceramic clear over the top of "normal" clear, so you are not trying to sand the ceramic stuff ?

18th November 2012, 10:28 AM
wow im speachless

18th November 2012, 12:08 PM
With paint brands you would be best off with sticking with something your brother in law feels comfortable with as every brand is so different to use especially when doing custom stuff. Personally I've always liked Sikins even when I was a technical paint rep for a company selling Glasurit. lol

As you said above you would clear it with a standard clear first and rub that down and use the Ceramic clear last when you do your flow coat. Ceramic clear has very low film build so it will have minimum orange peel too.

Your using a spray booth to do this to aren't you? If not I wouldn't be real contfortable doing a 3 layer let alone using ceramic clear as you only have 12 to 24 hours to denib the job and after that you cant buff the scratches out. Without a spray booth and a large 4wd there would be to many bit of crap in the paint to remove in the small time frame.

Cheers Mick.

18th November 2012, 01:42 PM
Thanks Mick, no booth, just a new big metal shed, i realise the precence of the crap factor, but as you know, ive had it painted by "professionals" with a booth, and we know the outcome of that, im over the panel shops, and so many times i hear the so called pro's have buggerd stuff up, and creating much bigger problems than a bit of fluff the paint.

Regardless of anything else, im confident it will turn out pretty shmick, perhaps from what you said now "ceramic" may not be the go ?

18th November 2012, 03:24 PM
I wouldn't be doing a 3 layer or special effects colour outside a spray booth let alone using ceramic clear. It needs to be a very clean environment because you put down a white base, allow that to dry and then put down your special effects which is totally transparent so if you get a black bit of crap in the special effects which you will get plenty in a shed then you have to basically start again. It's common knowledge in the industry that if your paint white you get black crap and if your painting black you get white crap.lol

I was also thinking of another problem which is film build up. If you do a special effects over the top of all that paint that's already on there it may cause all sorts of problems later on. That's why most cars that get special effects are done as a bare metal respray because with all the extra base an extra clear to fill the effects your at your maximum film build already.

I would be thinking very hard about this before you spend a heap of money on a paint job which may crack, craze and the possibility of gloss drop because of excessive film build.

If your fussy then doing this type of job outside a spray booth may not come out as nice as you think. The time to respray a 4wd in solid white is about 1 hour max in a controlled environment. A respray in a controlled environment for a special effects and take 4 to 8 hours. So you can imagine how much crap can get in the paint in that time. That's just something to think about.

Cheers Mick.

18th November 2012, 06:05 PM
yeh , thanks for the advice Mick, and while i know you have much experience in painting so i dont take your comments lightly, to be honest, im really now at the point where i must place my trust in my new painter, there is lots of things that could make doing the job easier or better,and as always heaps that can go wrong, but im not going to stress, and do the best with what ive got, and im 100% more confident we will end up with better results than it looks now (even though they had the booth), now at least, i can be there every step of the way.

We will just have to cross the crap bridge when we get that far (lol), and as i found out, a booth is no guarantee of a perfect job.

I planned on the car getting rubbed back pretty hard to get the runs and steps out of it, perhaps i can make sure its rubbed back to primer all over to reduce the build up (ill bring this point up)

If it doesn't work or im not happy, we will do something else, after all what ive gone through, im still happy to try, but like i said, im going for what i want first, not what is easy, im pretty good at doing stuff my own way, without all the right tools ,and still coming up sweet (lets hope this job is the same) :biggrin:

18th November 2012, 07:12 PM
Your right a booth is no guarantee of a perfect job but you can have the best painter in the world paint a job in a shed and it can end up looking like crap though no fault of his own. If your spending this much money on a paint job you would have to be mad not to hire a booth for a day which will save you a lot of time and money in the long run. If you have a good painter and a clean spraybooth then there is no reason why you cant have a nice paint job. there are plently of shops that will hire out there booths on a weekend.

You cant really just rub the car back to the primer unless you plan on fully priming it all again. It would look like corrugated iron. You have 3 choices there, one is to chemically strip the whole car, 2 is to mechanically rub as much paint of as possible and reprime it or 3 give it a really good wet rub and paint straight over whats already there.

Good luck with it mate and I hope it all works out.

Cheers Mick.

18th November 2012, 10:16 PM
Unfortunatly ,I doubt there is any booths or panel shops out in the sticks near where my brother in law lives Mick, and if i can get the flake sent from my cousin in the USA as planned, the cost won't actually be "that" bad, plus im obviously saving a fortune on labour.

If i had to Chemical strip the car, id most likley want to re-do any bog, as i think the stripper will soak into it and cause more problems later, so not really keen on that idea, if i "had" to strip the whole car, i think id get it Soda Blasted , but anyway, id be more than happy to and would rather, re-prime the whole car if that is needed.

Thanks again Mick, ill bring up all the points you mentioned, Ill keep this thread up to date on progress and what happens anyway, and if you think of anything else i should be aware of, please let me know.

8th December 2012, 10:17 PM
OK , so the car went out to my new painters today :p

It was supposed to go last weekend, but the tow truck that was organised to pick it up, had a engine failure the day before.

I cleaned all the door jambs and hinges so they can be painted, and then i cleaned off all the black tar sealer crap the panel shop clowns used to cover the white overspray they got on my chassis rails.

Once i can get the flake, the paint job should happen pretty quick by the sound of things ;)

29th December 2012, 08:29 PM
OK, bit of progress, door jams have been painted in base white ....

Looks so much better all clean and the same colour.


After sanding all the panels on the outside as well, it seems there is not much paint on the car at all, which is bad , but at this stage is actually a really good thing, apperently at a educated guess, there is only one coat of clear and one of white on the car, some places has hit bare metal very easy after a quick rub.

After a light sand, all the "effect" has gone, and this was supposed to be behind the clear, so something is not right, especially when some spots are now hitting bare metal.

My 6oz of House of Kolour Ice Pearl White turned up this week....;)


Man this stuff is sparkly :thumbup:

Photos don't do it justice, you can see how little light is available by how dark my hand is , yet look how this stuff still shines !


Phark yeh ! :clapping:

29th December 2012, 08:32 PM
Mate those c$&@s need to be sorted man. Even if it is through consumer affairs or similar or a current affair
Name n shame mate

HaveA tapped out new year

29th December 2012, 08:33 PM
Haven't you finished this project yet Steve???? *L*

Nice work, looking forward to seeing the end result

Hope your new painter knows who he is dealing with and what you have been through with your last one

30th December 2012, 10:11 AM
Mate those c$&@s need to be sorted man. Even if it is through consumer affairs or similar or a current affair
Name n shame mate

I do share your enthusiasm mate, but personally im going to try and forget and leave this one alone, (karma will sort em im sure) i just want my car back, its in good hands now.

Haven't you finished this project yet Steve???? *L*

Ha-hahaha ,I know Todd, its been almost 12 months since crash, and 1 year on, id really like to have driven it back to Moreton and go thank the guys on the island who helped us that day.

Hope your new painter knows who he is dealing with and what you have been through with your last one

Yeh Todd, he is my brother in law, we have always been good mates before he was even my bro in law, he knows me pretty well, he painted my Torana (the one in this thread) years ago so he is familier with my expectations.

He knows the full story, and genuinely wants me to be happy, he is the sort of guy who will go out of his way to make it happen for me regardless of what i want ,its so nice to have someone who listens to what i want, then, actually "doing" what i asked for, instead of something else !

21st January 2013, 06:03 PM

25th January 2013, 03:29 PM
My pound of white flake turned up this week, Customs had opened the package, i can't imagine why they think a box with "this" bag inside looks suspicious ? .................


(ha-ha) :wink:

Its not as sparkly as the HOK ice pearl, but its a pretty big flake (although you can get much bigger), its raining here, so i can't do a real test out it in sun, just under house light.


I will take it up to my painter soon, then he can play around with the effects and quantity of flake.

25th January 2013, 03:49 PM
Bling bling bling mate :)

25th January 2013, 06:26 PM
Good to see this is still underway. Thought you may have bought a toyota.....LOL

23rd February 2013, 10:32 PM
Its Painted ! :clapping::bananadancing::cool::eek::bananarock::h pfredgeorge1::049::first::cheers::smile::bigthumbu p:

My car got painted today, I have not seen it with my own eyes, but aperently it has turned out very well !

These are only phone pics ive been sent, and all i have to share right now, ill get more when i can.




Phuck yeh !

24th February 2013, 12:33 AM
One great read......one great ending!

24th February 2013, 04:37 AM
wow mate, at last!!!!!

That pearl effect looks brilliant!

24th February 2013, 05:54 AM
Excellent the phone pics look fancy as its gunna be awesome in the flesh mate

Sent from the crapper while on tappa

24th February 2013, 06:48 AM
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news Steve but it looks like its got some white specs in the paintwork *LMAO*

So the 4b will be back on the road next week????????

24th February 2013, 06:52 AM
Getting there mate, looks good!

24th February 2013, 07:53 AM
One great read......one great ending!

Thanks mate, story has not quite ended yet, but this is a big mile stone, and feels like im finaly at the top of the hill :tongue:

wow mate, at last!!!!!

That pearl effect looks brilliant!

Thank you, yes its been a bloody long time coming, good things do come to those who wait !

Excellent the phone pics look fancy as its gunna be awesome in the flesh mate

Thanks growler, yeh i just cant wait to see it, and going from the test spay outs we did, the pearl effect is "times 10" out in the sun.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news Steve but it looks like its got some white specs in the paintwork *LMAO*

So the 4b will be back on the road next week????????

What specs ?.......... must be dirt on your PC screen Todd ! (ha-ha):clapping:

Still gonna be quite a long haul before im driving it around im afraid, but ill keep you updated

Getting there mate, looks good!

Thanks AB, ill take some more pics myself when i can get up there

24th February 2013, 08:23 AM
What specs ?.......... must be dirt on your PC screen Todd ! (ha-ha):clapping:

Still gonna be quite a long haul before im driving it around im afraid, but ill keep you updated

That's better just cleaned the screen, thanks for the tip Steve *L*

I'm sure you will have it back on the road by next weekend, 24hr days working none stop, plenty of time to get it back together :)

24th February 2013, 01:25 PM
If you ever need a spare set of hands to help out just yell out....

24th February 2013, 01:49 PM
If you ever need a spare set of hands to help out just yell out....
Bit late to start work now :) plus... its almost finished hahahaha

24th February 2013, 01:53 PM
Bit late to start work now :) plus... its almost finished hahahaha

Still a damn lot of work putting the interior all back in

I would say its no where near finished

24th February 2013, 07:14 PM
The finish looks a lot nicer then the last job mate.

Does he have to flow coat it or did the flakes end up sitting under the clear without protruding? Sometimes you don't no whether you need to for a couple of days though when the solvents start to evaporate.

Some of the special effects I've resprayed over the years I've had to flow coat a couple of times to fill the flakes and get them to lay down nice. Although that looks like it's only a fine flake similar to a standard 3 layer pearl.

Cheers Mick.

24th February 2013, 09:16 PM
The finish looks a lot nicer then the last job mate.

Thanks Mick, yes just "all one colour" is a great start let me tell you, as you suggested in you previous post, there was a bit of well , s#!t , for wan't of a better word, in the paint, my bro in law is still very happy and is very confident it will all buff up mint in a week or so.

Does he have to flow coat it or did the flakes end up sitting under the clear without protruding? Sometimes you don't no whether you need to for a couple of days though when the solvents start to evaporate.

Some of the special effects I've resprayed over the years I've had to flow coat a couple of times to fill the flakes and get them to lay down nice. Although that looks like it's only a fine flake similar to a standard 3 layer pearl.

Cheers Mick.

The flake we used is small, i think looking at it, its a fair bit bigger (or at least the effect looks bigger) than a standard 3 layer ,i/we opted not to use the bigger flake i bought, simply because it only added 5% more bling (only out of sunlight) for 100% more hassle (hard to cover), the flake we used lays quite flat, so covers very easy.

It had been painted for over 30 hrs when i saw it ,and as expected, it had lost some gloss from when it was first finished, but its still got a shine im happy with (and will get even better after a buff), bro in law recons it will be pretty easy to match/touch up for future repairs as well.

Here is a lil vid i took with my ph......


24th February 2013, 11:27 PM
Mate that looks sick! Your not going to want to take that off road lol. Coming along nicely

25th February 2013, 09:00 AM
Mate that looks sick! Your not going to want to take that off road lol. Coming along nicely

Thanks mate, yeh i cant wait to see it in the sun, thats when it really goes off !

No point having it if its not going off road, and everyone is very clear on the fact that it wont be the last paint this car see's, im hoping with the front Lokka, winch, bar work and some decent muddies ,i can repel the damage for a little while tho ? :tongue:

25th February 2013, 09:59 AM
Lmao good luck with that one you can only try:icon_driving:

25th February 2013, 10:29 AM
Yeh i know, it sounds good in theory tho ?


25th February 2013, 10:36 AM
Looks mint Stevo! Should pop in the sunlight.

Just tap it in ... taaapp it in ....

25th February 2013, 10:38 AM
I though you might have piped in that its gotta go on the track scotty lol.

25th February 2013, 10:42 AM
Glad no one was injured in that, you can always fix the Patrol
You seem to take it really well. I'd still be spewing.
Good luck!!!

25th February 2013, 11:52 AM
I though you might have piped in that its gotta go on the track scotty lol.

Yep and we will have to have to put an in car cam on Steve's face for that first bend ,the look will be priceless lol
Pin stripes might not show up as much with that paint effect?

25th February 2013, 04:05 PM
great read ty

2nd March 2013, 01:24 AM
Bit late to start work now :) plus... its almost finished hahahaha

You can bring the beers from the fridge while I help! :)

2nd March 2013, 10:44 AM
If you ever need a spare set of hands to help out just yell out....

Sorry mate, i missed this comment somehow, i must have been too excited about the paint.

Anyway, very kind of you to offer, ive got no real plan of attack at the moment, ill just wait till the car comes home, then just start with one thing at a time i guess :smile:

2nd March 2013, 03:05 PM
When are we starting the rear bar? And maybe having a drink ... while we ponder the rear bar??? lol

Just tap it in ... taaapp it in ....

2nd March 2013, 03:22 PM
Yep and we will have to have to put an in car cam on Steve's face for that first bend ,the look will be priceless lol
Pin stripes might not show up as much with that paint effect?

yep. steve has a go pro i'll bring mine. The look of sheer horror from multiple angles lmao

2nd March 2013, 03:26 PM
yep. steve has a go pro i'll bring mine. The look of sheer horror from multiple angles lmao

Something about this long, arduous process Stevo has gone through tells me that I don't think we'll see the "driving Steve" of old!! lmao

Just tap it in ... taaapp it in ....

2nd March 2013, 03:33 PM
Something about this long, arduous process Stevo has gone through tells me that I don't think we'll see the "driving Steve" of old!! lmao

Just tap it in ... taaapp it in ....

I don't think he will enjoy himself as much, he might need to buy an old sh!ter.

What would you know about stripping and repainting a vehicle anyway......lmao

2nd March 2013, 03:53 PM
What would you know about stripping and repainting a vehicle anyway......lmao

Hahaha ... nowhere near as much as Stevo - I can guarantee that!! He's officially the "strip and rebuild" king!! lol

Just tap it in ... taaapp it in ....

2nd March 2013, 04:09 PM
Looks fantastic Steve. Well done mate.

Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2

2nd March 2013, 10:33 PM
When are we starting the rear bar? And maybe having a drink ... while we ponder the rear bar??? lol

Oh you are such a good chap, id so hoped you had not forgotten, mate as soon as the thing is registered, im heading over to your place, as i will need to get my "rear end" sorted before doing any sort of off-roading other than the beach, maybe some other forum members with the right "skills" may come along to assist ?

Ill bring the car, some ideas, and the beers :trink13:

Something about this long, arduous process Stevo has gone through tells me that I don't think we'll see the "driving Steve" of old!! lmao

Yes mate, its one thing to spend 95% of the time driving for 5% fixing, but when its all 100% work and no play for so long, its easy to get sick of working on it, so the risk of creating more work soon, is not very appealing.

Im pretty sure everyone will understand me taking it easy for a little while, i think i will enjoy just driving it, and being able to go on forum trips etc again, plus im a bit out of off rd practiice now as well.

Its been a painfull journey so far, and this thing will owe me far more than its worth, and im not just talking about $$, i bought it to "use", so i guarentee i wont just be just taking "all" the chicken tracks as it won't be fun, and its just not me.

I just may not be so keen to be attepting to follow where you and the duck go !

3rd March 2013, 05:11 PM
Oh you are such a good chap, id so hoped you had not forgotten, mate as soon as the thing is registered, im heading over to your place, as i will need to get my "rear end" sorted before doing any sort of off-roading other than the beach, maybe some other forum members with the right "skills" may come along to assist ?

Ill bring the car, some ideas, and the beers :trink13:

I have skills, if by skills you mean beers. I have also been looking at a rear bar for mine and have found 1 i really like so it might be what your looking for. I just cant justify the price the bloke wants, it would be a custom jobbie

3rd March 2013, 08:00 PM
He-he, thanks mate, Mal (hardcase harris) and myself came up with a rear end "slider" set up for the back of GU wagons a while ago, its a 100% bolt on design, and you retain all your factory rear bar and lights, but are protected just as your sills are protected when you have sliders.

Its a great design, and i recon would have sold like hot cakes ,but unfortunatly Mal had to move away before prototype construction began. :frown:

Scotty (bigrig) kindly offered to assist in construction of some sort of rear protection (his home made bar is pretty sweet), id buy a full on rear bar, but im in the same boat, i just can't justify the coin they ask for them at this stage.

4th March 2013, 12:33 PM
He-he, thanks mate, Mal (hardcase harris) and myself came up with a rear end "slider" set up for the back of GU wagons a while ago, its a 100% bolt on design, and you retain all your factory rear bar and lights, but are protected just as your sills are protected when you have sliders.

Its a great design, and i recon would have sold like hot cakes ,but unfortunatly Mal had to move away before prototype construction began. :frown:

Scotty (bigrig) kindly offered to assist in construction of some sort of rear protection (his home made bar is pretty sweet), id buy a full on rear bar, but im in the same boat, i just can't justify the coin they ask for them at this stage.

That would be really good. would sell a tonne if it got off the ground.

Either way this is what i had really liked. Its not my design nor am i claiming it to be, just a bar i saw and liked.

It does have a swing away tyre but if it was me i would leave it fixed to the door. Not having a dig at your idea, just a different perspective.


4th March 2013, 01:07 PM
That would be really good. would sell a tonne if it got off the ground.

Either way this is what i had really liked. Its not my design nor am i claiming it to be, just a bar i saw and liked.

It does have a swing away tyre but if it was me i would leave it fixed to the door. Not having a dig at your idea, just a different perspective.


Id much prefer something like that Lachlan, i have a black tube front bar, black tube sliders , so a tube rear bar would look sweet, plus give better clearance than what i had in mind.

The only thing i really don't like about that bar, is the round hole mesh in the sides, but that would be a easy fix, i too would leave the spare on the back door.

Scotty is a top bloke, but I think id be pushing the friendship a bit far asking him to do something like that, looks like a fair bit of work, so how much did the guy want to make you one of those mate ?

And do you know if it is bolt on ,or weld on to the chassis (cos id never be happy with weld on chassis brackets) ?

4th March 2013, 03:28 PM
Id much prefer something like that Lachlan, i have a black tube front bar, black tube sliders , so a tube rear bar would look sweet, plus give better clearance than what i had in mind.

The only thing i really don't like about that bar, is the round hole mesh in the sides, but that would be a easy fix, i too would leave the spare on the back door.

Scotty is a top bloke, but I think id be pushing the friendship a bit far asking him to do something like that, looks like a fair bit of work, so how much did the guy want to make you one of those mate ?

And do you know if it is bolt on ,or weld on to the chassis (cos id never be happy with weld on chassis brackets) ?

The mesh would be an easy fix, im not overly keen on it either. The bloke want something like $2000.

It would look sweet with the full bar work all round. Im pretty sure it was a bolt on, im the same, not keen on welding my chassis.

I have been thinking about it for a while and it shouldnt be to hard, if you dont do the mesh side but paint behind it black. After all its really only 2 steel tubes with a metal plate spacer in between. i dont see why you couldnt make use of the holes in the end of the chassis rails, similar to the way bigrigs bar is mounted (ive read his build thread and seen it in person)