View Full Version : Best method to cut corrugated iron

11th January 2012, 03:44 PM
Bit of an out there question but I want to cut shapes out of corrugated iron for some other projects not related to Patrols obviously...lol

To date I have been using the nibbler which works great but after a few hours on the nibbler it gets painful after a while.

I know nothing about plasma cutters but I know they work great on steel and flat surfaces but does anyone know how they perform on corrugated iron?

Or....What do you think would be the easiest way to cut shapes out of corrugated iron. This will be a small production run possibly 5-10 hours a week cutting shapes (not straight lines so I can not use the old tear method or shears, etc).

Or is the nibbler the only way to go?

11th January 2012, 03:45 PM
Also, some Vic members may know what I'm planning on doing so please don't mention it on the forum in case someone steals my idea...lol

11th January 2012, 03:55 PM
As soon as I have some bucks up im getting me one of these & I think it would be ideal for whay your talking about old mate....


Sir Roofy
11th January 2012, 03:59 PM
for your shaping i would have thought the nibbler would be ok unless theres some sort of laser cutter
you could invest in

11th January 2012, 03:59 PM
That's what Iv'e got mate....A nibbler.

They are are great, work a treat but after a few hours your arms just about drop off. I was thinking of going one step up with a plasma cutter but not sure how they would perform on corrugations though.

11th January 2012, 04:04 PM
Plasma will cut corrugated iron no probs but be mindful of the fact on top of buying one they ain't the cheapest thing to run & maintain.

11th January 2012, 04:07 PM
How neat do the shapes need to be? What about an oxy/acetaline torch? Would cut it like butter ...

11th January 2012, 04:25 PM
How neat do the shapes need to be? What about an oxy/acetaline torch? Would cut it like butter ...

Even more expensive to run then a Plasma Bigus, by a sizable margin. (they chomp through the Gas & with over the top bottle rental prices here in Vic, there a costly toy to maintain)

I know theirs no mention of costing in AB's top thread but its something that needs to be factored in none the less.

11th January 2012, 04:34 PM
Money is no issue, I'm loaded, I'm just about to go buy another house on the way home to my mansion this afternoon...LMAO....Yep, running costs is a big thing and I did not even consider that at all.

Back to the nibbler for me with my candle light shed....LMAO

11th January 2012, 04:37 PM
Money is no issue, I'm loaded, I'm just about to go buy another house on the way home to my mansion this afternoon...LMAO....Yep, running costs is a big thing and I did not even consider that at all.

Back to the nibbler for me with my candle light shed....LMAO

Your welcome Mr money bags.........lol

11th January 2012, 04:58 PM
plasma would be the go Andy, when adjusted right will cut from .35mm to 15mm (my experiences) will prob do thicker, nibbler would give you the best finish though, depending on what nibbler you have, I have an air nibbler here, if your interested you can have it mate, never been used, just need air line, comp' and fittings. Let me know! Gas axe would be ok but costly as Pauly said. tin snips hahahaha RSI claim.

11th January 2012, 05:24 PM
I reckon that Nibbler that Patch listed is a winner mate, Looks neat and tidy and efficient.

Not sure what your plan is AB but if your going into Production of something that you will make many of then the plasma will likely be the winner. Easily!

Stack you corrugated Iron in stacks of 10 or 15 sheets and mark out the top sheet and your plasma should be able to cut through the lot i would have thought?? I might be wrong and over estimating the power of the plasma but if it can do that and the finish is ok then that wins hands down.

Yes it costs for the consumables but spread out over 10 items per cut instead of 1 it will be a winner.

I used to own a production line manufacturing business many years ago and there is nothing good about cutting stuff piece by piece when you can cut 10 at a time with a better machine.


Hope that helps and good luck mate

11th January 2012, 07:19 PM
Thanks guys, I'll look into a plasma cutter when money comes around and persist with the Nibbler until then.

I'll most likely put up another question about the types of Plasmas that will do the job.

11th January 2012, 10:18 PM
ab plasma is a very exp way to go and as said before the finish product will not be as good as a nibbler would definitely look into the air nibbler patch has got mate time saved using a plasma then to have to clean up after the plasma cut to me doesn't seem worth it bloke. air nibbler takes the arm crank away.

11th January 2012, 11:19 PM
Even more expensive to run then a Plasma Bigus, by a sizable margin. (they chomp through the Gas & with over the top bottle rental prices here in Vic, there a costly toy to maintain)

I know theirs no mention of costing in AB's top thread but its something that needs to be factored in none the less.

Stop yourselves!!! Where are you getting your bottles refilled??? I'm not talking hiring - I mean owning it and refilling - its not expensive at all compared to the cost of a plasma I would have thought?? If I can run/own a plasma for the same price as oxy, then time to go get one ...

Warranted, I haven't filled a bottle for a while (couple of years at worst) as the gear is at the old boys, but last time I did it for the duration it lasts wasn't too bad at all ..

Gunna go call the old man now and wake him up just to confirm ... lol