View Full Version : Damn Cyclists!!!

7th January 2012, 04:41 PM
The Patrol and I were involved in a small accident today, caused by 3 cyclists. I was following my father on our way to the Hazelwood Pondage to have a day out on the boat, which he was towing, my uncle was driving behind me. We were driving along the Morwell-Thorpdale Road going well under the speed limit, as he was towing. There was quite reasonable spacing between my father's vehicle and my own, and my uncle was trailing behind by quite a lot, he was out of our sights most of the time.
There is one bend that you cannot see around after crossing a small bridge, and by the time I got around it I could just see brake lights and a boat almost stopped in front of me. I tried my hardest to stop the Patrol in time but it just cannot stop as fast as an FPV ute, even while it's towing a boat. I had about 1 second to make a decision, I had three choices.
1. Ram the back of my dad's boat, damaging the front end of my car and also his boat.
2. Swerve onto the wrong side of the road and risk a head on collision, possibly killing people.
3. Drive up the bank.

Option 3 seemed the safest, so I slowed down as much as I could and turned up the bank. I would say I was going about 40 by the time I hit the bank. We weren't going fast but we hit the bank pretty hard. The front end of the car was airborne and things were flying around the cabin.
We did a quick inspection of the car but we were blocking the road, so we drove a little further and pulled over to have a look. Oil was leaking out of the power steering box pretty quickly. Something else under there must be bent too, because the steering wheel has turned 90 degrees clockwise. Dad told me that he had to slam on his brakes because there were cyclists riding 3 abreast right in front of him, and he didn't see them around that bend. It was then that my uncle caught up to us, he said from where he was, him and his wife could see the whole thing. He said I made the right decision and said most people would have plowed the boat. Dad went ahead to pull over the cyclists to get their details, I was going to go to the police. I turned around and drove home.
My uncle came back with me to pick me up from home and take me to the pondage with him. We met Dad there and he said he didn't see the cyclists. The cowards must have hidden in the bush somewhere, there weren't any other roads to go down. They saw the incident happen, and did not stop, they kept on riding and had now hidden from us.

This is not the first incident I have had with a cyclist on that road. The first time I was driving along in my old Falcon, I came over a crest and there was a cyclist in the middle of my lane. I panicked and locked up, I was lucky I didn't have a head on collision because there was a car coming the other way.

Anybody who has driven on this road will agree with me that it is FAR too dangerous for cyclists to be using it, especially riding 3 abreast (which is illegal as far as I know). It's a narrow, windy road and there is not enough room for motor vehicles and cyclists.

I will be writing to the local newspaper, doubt anything will come of it, but if it can stop cyclists using that road, it could stop a serious accident. It is only a matter of time before a cyclist causes a SERIOUS accident on this road.

7th January 2012, 04:49 PM
Don't even get me started with roads and cyclists.

1, they shouldn't be on it 2 start with
2, If they want 2 be on the road they should pay Rego and insurance like any other road user.

Enough said on this matter before I start swearing

Good choice on bank mate, hope you were insured

7th January 2012, 04:53 PM
Yeah I'm insured, but to make my insurance anywhere near affordable, I have a $1500 excess (I'm a red P Plater), so it will not be worth going through insurance.
If they paid rego and had state issued number plates, we would have easily been able to identify them and have the police sort it out. But there is absolutely no chance of finding out who they were, which really peeves me off!

The bank didn't look that steep as I was coming up to it, but going back there it's pretty damn steep. I probably could have turned a bit less and missed the boat and maybe only slightly touched the bank, but when you've got half a second to react what can you do!

7th January 2012, 05:06 PM
Yeah I'm insured, but to make my insurance anywhere near affordable, I have a $1500 excess (I'm a red P Plater), so it will not be worth going through insurance.
If they paid rego and had state issued number plates, we would have easily been able to identify them and have the police sort it out. But there is absolutely no chance of finding out who they were, which really peeves me off!

Ouch on the excess :(

And exactly the reason I believe they should be registered and insured, I know a lot of bike riders disagree with me on the matter but hey if they want 2 ride on a public rd they should foot the bill when they cause an accident

Sir Roofy
7th January 2012, 05:18 PM
Bit of bad luck there mate even tho you made the right choice

have to agree with todd they are a pain and where you were mate its not even wide enough
for two abreast
its the same down here on waterloo road not enough room for them
or any of the roads around here

7th January 2012, 05:30 PM
It amazes me that cyclists on 100 kph roads are willing to bet their lives that I am an excellent driver and will not run them over, they have no idea how bad a driver I really am!

There is a Parkway in Canberra that has a 100 kph speed limit. There used to be a lot of Tour De France clobbered, brain dead, I have a right to be where ever I want to be wankers, use it until a couple of them ended up dead, about 20 years ago now. Didn't see too many use that road after that.

7th January 2012, 05:32 PM
I understand cyclists have there place on the road, however.... They prefer to yack in groups which peeves me off, forcing car drivers to cross the center line to over take, unsafe much? Like anything there is give and take to make the balance, unfortunately in our day there doesn't seem to be an existence of that. I could start a similar argument with dirt bikes on 4x4 tracks, had too many heart stopping moments where I've plowed my own track through bushes to avoid them flying around corners. again, give and take to make the balance, that is all.

7th January 2012, 06:09 PM
I could start a similar argument with dirt bikes on 4x4 tracks, Or is it the case of 4wd on bike tracks????? *LMAO* Is the dirt bike registered???? yes.....well he has the same right as a 4wd on the track, Is the dirt bike not registered????? Well here its illegal to ride on a public rd / firetrail don't know the regs in NZ, same as unregistered pushbike on a road......should be illegal.........there is no give and take. And cyclists don't have a place on the road, they are forced there because they have nowhere else 2 ride.

I don't think any motorist / insurance company should be footing the bill if they were 2 have an accident with a cyclist.

7th January 2012, 06:35 PM
remove the word "cyclist" and replace it with "anyone in a very slow vehicle". Ive had similar encounters with tractors and harvestors and they are registered.
But.... generally if you run up the back of a car (even a real slow one) the law is not in your favour and there is a whole can of worms to proove who was the dangerous driver.
When it comes to driving too slow (or too fast) at the end of the day its all about awareness of how you impact your surroundings. Some people dont realise how they are affecting others.
Goodluck with it mate, hope your not too much out of pocket....

7th January 2012, 08:15 PM
Mate, I feel for you!

Our main road out of town got voted the best road to cycle on in Victoria and we have hundreds of shaved leg hams riding everywhere.

I don't care if It's even legal to ride 2 abreast....Ride in a bloody single line hard on the side white line.

What pees me off is that our local councils have spent millions on beautiful bike trails along the river all the way to the city....Huge expense with over 50km's of bike paths in awesome scenary but they just want to keep on the dangerous truck logging roots of Yarra Glen so they can "be seen" with their shaved hams....ARRRRR!!!

Rant done!

7th January 2012, 08:28 PM
I have bike rider rage also hahahahhhahahaa

7th January 2012, 08:29 PM
Keep your sluggos to urselves bike peeps hahahahhhahahaa

7th January 2012, 08:33 PM
Got to love this vid


7th January 2012, 08:39 PM
Got to love this vid


Ive just laughed me guts out for 2 an a half minutes funniest freekin thing hahahahahahhahahahahahahahhaha

7th January 2012, 08:41 PM
Got to love this vid

That was so funny TimE, thanks for sharing, think I should trade me 4.2EFI for one of those Diesel smoke machines :)

7th January 2012, 09:09 PM
What a nice refreshing ride those guys had!!! Geez its good to get out in the fresh air for a nice healthy ride!!! hahahahaha

7th January 2012, 10:00 PM
That was pretty damn funny...So wrong but so funny!!!

8th January 2012, 12:58 AM
I've had a really bad day, but that video cheered me up more than it should have!