View Full Version : Snorkel Choice and Under Bonnet Pictures

7th January 2012, 07:30 AM
Hi All,

After some pictures of peoples snorkel's under bonnet, Im looking at getting a snorkel, and all the outside pictures of the GU RD28 1998 vehicles with fitted snorkels in Ad's, have them what seems to be entering the engine bay where you would normally fit the 2nd battery on this model patrol.

Also as an opinion, what models have you got, and are they pretty much all the same? If you look at prices between Safari, ironman, etc. all their prices vary greatly..


7th January 2012, 08:43 AM
Hi Shaun,

Have you thought about making your own one?

Have a look below...


24th January 2012, 08:35 PM
Shuanous, I just put a snorkel in my 98 RD28 on the weekend I'll post some photos tomorrow for you asvthey on my phone....

Simply mine runs from the passenger door into the wheel arch then runs along the wheel arch on inside to where the air box is... I had to drill the outside panel and also from the engine bay thru the arch to access into the inner wheel arch...then I sealed it all up with rtv gasket maker oxygen sensor safe silicone from super cheap auto.....

So in conclusion that bbattery space remains un touched...

24th January 2012, 08:41 PM
Hi Shaun,

Have you thought about making your own one?

Have a look below...


Having seen AB's in the flesh I know what I'd be doing next time around - it looks trick!!

24th January 2012, 09:28 PM
does anyone have pics of under body for GQ? i cant figure out how im going to make space for that spare battery!

25th January 2012, 12:11 PM
does anyone have pics of under body for GQ? i cant figure out how im going to make space for that spare battery!

I don't have pics as yet but, looking at putting the second battery right up against the fire wall on the passenger side. Hopefully only have to shuffle the coil and gas lines around a bit

25th January 2012, 11:41 PM
Shaun, here are the photos of the install.