View Full Version : Local CFA deep crossing

31st December 2011, 08:01 AM
After the floods and hail in Melbourne on Xmas day our local fire truck got into a lot of trouble for driving through very deep flood water. Not a bad effort though...lol


31st December 2011, 08:25 AM
Wow!!!!! Now that's a water crossing!!!

I'm sure they weren't doing it for sh!ts and giggles, so if they were on their way to attempt a rescue etc then good on them for having a go!! Hopefully someone on the receiving end of their attention will see this and get them the recognition they deserve for putting themselves in harms way to help people ...

That said, if it wasn't as detailed above, it could have been disastrous.

31st December 2011, 08:26 AM
That is brilliant! love how there so casual about it lol a good she'll be right attitude right there. When you say trouble Andy, did the truck suffer or did the driver get a bollocking?

DX grunt
31st December 2011, 08:27 AM
What a fantastic add for ISUZU. Had to laugh when the driver put the wipers on half way through. lol.

On the serious side.... I'm not surprised they got into big trouble. Not recommended at all and I wouldn't be doing it.

I'm sure there's probably SOP's now circulating about this incident.

Edit: Who was going to rescue the rescuers had it gone pear shaped?

31st December 2011, 08:41 AM
Saw this on the news up here (sunny coast) a few nights ago.

We get a lot of adds about not attempting to cross flood waters here, then to see this on the news, it's a wonder why they don't have a go at them!

In the end it was just mis judgement of how deep it was. They should of drilled that message on tv and moved on. Not make a whole scene of it.

Sure hope old dazza doesn't take his Isuzu out and try this because "if they made it, I can too"

31st December 2011, 08:45 AM
What an idiot driver!.

31st December 2011, 08:49 AM
they need to relocate the siren loudspeaker to the roof and do something with various locker seals and cab seals.

Bet the driver's lowest two seals were pretty tight :-)

31st December 2011, 09:26 AM
That is brilliant! love how there so casual about it lol a good she'll be right attitude right there. When you say trouble Andy, did the truck suffer or did the driver get a bollocking?

The CFA stood down the driver as the ses had blocked the road and they drove through it. They just misjudged the depth by the road signs used as a guide.

Their investigating it all now. I can't see a snorkel but guessing it's behind the cab somewhere.

31st December 2011, 09:41 AM
Magic footage, driver/crew are probably on the mat but good to watch. Lucky they made it. Reached the point of no return pretty quick though.

31st December 2011, 09:54 AM
The CFA can't afford not to stand down the driver as there already under the microscope & coming into bushfire season as well but tell me this all would have been such a big deal if it wasn't captured on home video & turned over to the press.

Pore judgement or not I take my hat off to the driver cos im guessing the only thing he had on he's mind at the time was rescuing some pore stranded bugger & not, "owe I have to be sure I do nothing wrong just in case someones videoing me".

These ppl risk there lives to save others all the time & im sure not every single judgement call is or has been the right one every single time, but given the pressure there under I take my hat off for all the ones they do get right. The sad part now is how can they continue to perform to the best of there abilities under all the pressure knowing someone could be videoing there every move so now they have to make sure they don't put one toe out of place either.

Congratulation to the person responsible for videoing that & passing it onto the press. You've done your friends, your family & your community a great civil service.........

Sir Roofy
31st December 2011, 10:18 AM
Well said patch i agree with you on this

31st December 2011, 10:48 AM
What an idiot driver!.

X2 Kris, even though we are wowed by it and can see the humorous side to it, concequences could of been much more severe, never the less it was great footage for viewers.

31st December 2011, 12:49 PM
:icon_bonk:the guys on the back were looking a little worried too:icon_bonk:

31st December 2011, 10:32 PM
Great video, hope the driver and crew won´t get yelled at for it. This shows how a true rescue crew is willing to put it self on the line for the fellow man, assuming it was a rescue mission.
The water looks quite still so I´m guessing the only trouble he could have gotten into is the road being washed out or the water going over the cab and the crew would have to swim to dry land.

Dirty Driver
5th January 2012, 08:40 PM
I agree with your comments. These folks do an extraordinary job under some the most intense scrutiny from their peers and the public. Yes risk aversion is an absolute must for all emergency service personnel. But as has been said above, sometimes these folks are no more human that you, I and the rest of society and they do make errors in judgement.
Not knowing all of the facts surrounding the incident I cannot and will not comment on whether it was the right or wrong thing to do. Obviously the driver thought it was safe to cross at the time. Credit to them and the training that has been bestowed upon them to enable him/ her to safely negotiate the crossing.
It never ceases to amaze me that in this day and age we are quicker to grab our mobile phones and that a photo or video of something instead of providing genuine assistance like ringing triple 0 or rendering first aid to someone. I just don't get it...


7th January 2012, 01:21 AM
This is a new method of fast refilling water tanks for fire fighting job!

It was really not bad show!