View Full Version : A Very Merry Christmas to you all.

24th December 2011, 06:24 PM
I'd like to wish you all a very merry Christmas.

Please stay safe out there over the hoilday period & I hope to see you all back here real soon.

Best wishes to you all


P.s. I expect some ripper trip reports from those of you who are going away with plenty of pics....lol

24th December 2011, 06:50 PM
Merry christmas to you and the family Paul,enjoy the day and may it be filled with nothing but happiness.

Cheers mate,

Chester and family.

24th December 2011, 07:04 PM
Merry Christmas Boss Paul and family

Thanks for all you assistance throughout the year.

I'm not going anywhere, so expect 2 see me back here 2morrow night, just like any other day *L*

Have a good but safe 1 mate


Todd, Erin and the ferals

24th December 2011, 07:20 PM
Like wise to you big fella.
Hope things slow down a bit for you and you get a break in.
All the best to you and the family mate, and best wishes for your mate in 2012.

Stay safe and talk soon buddy.
Best wishes Pete and B

24th December 2011, 07:36 PM
Thanks Paul, and a very Happy Christmas and New Year to you too......................

Well Master Mod, I would just like to add that is been a pleasure mate.................. the pleasure has been all yours!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahaha

Jokin aside, I've been on this forum just over a year now and have to say I've enjoyed every moment of it, getting to know everyone (as well as you can do on a keyboard anyway) and all the banter in N/S..............you're a top bunch of people, which I hope to meet more of you sooner rather than later.

Patch mate, you're an absolute star and top bloke........................ now I'm gonna shut up before I make you cry!!!!!!! hahahahahahaha

24th December 2011, 07:54 PM
Thanks Paul, and a very Happy Christmas and New Year to you too......................

Well Master Mod, I would just like to add that is been a pleasure mate.................. the pleasure has been all yours!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahaha

Jokin aside, I've been on this forum just over a year now and have to say I've enjoyed every moment of it, getting to know everyone (as well as you can do on a keyboard anyway) and all the banter in N/S..............you're a top bunch of people, which I hope to meet more of you sooner rather than later.

Patch mate, you're an absolute star and top bloke........................ now I'm gonna shut up before I make you cry!!!!!!! hahahahahahaha

Had a few and that says it all right now any way.
Have a good one mates and enjoy the season of friendship and fellowship

24th December 2011, 08:10 PM
Seasons greetings to you and yours Pauly take it easy fella catch ya soon

24th December 2011, 08:35 PM
Same to you champion!! Have a cracker Xmas and catch up with you (finally) in 10 or so days time!!

25th December 2011, 07:16 AM
Good work Pauly, merry Christmas to you too mate and thanks for all your efforts this year!

25th December 2011, 07:28 AM
Hope you have a great Christmas mate and an even better New Year Paul.
Hoping we can have a beer together in 2012...Cheers