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View Full Version : Rear Rattle & Squeak 2004 Wagon

20th December 2011, 07:26 PM
Hmm, Sounds like a rock song/group:wink:
Has anyone experienced an annoying squeak plus a rattle at the rear of the wagon. Location appears to be at the passenger side, below, under the vehicle, at the rear barn door.
I have adjusted the barn doors, so counted them out. Strange thing is, is that it is intermittant, and weather depending..Dry seems to do it, Wet/damp seems to silence it somewhat.
Any ideas ????


20th December 2011, 08:18 PM
give the exhaust a kick

20th December 2011, 08:22 PM
My GU IV has a shocking squeak at the back, drives me nuts. Need to get someone to travel int eh back while i drive around and see if they can pin point it. GGGRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

20th December 2011, 08:31 PM
Are you sure it is coming from the back?

Check the bonnet stops. Screw them up and hopefully that squeak will go away.

If it is definitely coming from the back check your shocky bushes.

20th December 2011, 08:56 PM
All of the above and possibly fuel tank cover/ bash plate thingy

23rd December 2011, 07:17 PM
Stuck the Son, in the back today to toss him around a bit to see if he can pinpoint the blasted squeak and rattle.
Guess What?????

Never heard it soooooo quiet... bugger.
Must have had something to do with the heat.
Noticed a bit of a rattle coming from the Barn Door Stop Lamp cover, A little rattle from the Dust reflector on the roof, above the rear doors..
Exhaust is good
Fuel tank cover is good.
Shockies good, but may still have another look at them as the shocks are reasonably new.
Bonnet is good.
I am thinking that maybe some of the squeaks are coming from the rear door rubbers as I have noticed some noticable rubbing against the frame, by the door seals. I'll whack a bit of Lanolin on the rubbers and see what happens.
The mystery still continues..........

24th December 2011, 02:56 PM
Not sure if you still have them fitted or not but my third row seats would rattle when down and squeak when tied up to the side.

Silicone spray also works well on the door seal rubbers.

Also, hows your rear number plate? tight?

27th December 2011, 02:43 PM
Hey Yendor,
Have removed the rear seats as they were just in the way, so not that...
Number plate is tight, so good there.
We seems to have lost a lot of the rattle at the moment so maybe that might have been the things I mentioned earlier.
As for the squeak, that is still a mystery as it has disappeared for the moment with out me doing anything, so expecting it to come back. I think the heat of the last few days have silenced it, Hmmm.

27th December 2011, 03:40 PM
It was worth a try.

There was another thread I was reading about a rattle, that may help you.
