View Full Version : V8 gu

18th December 2011, 11:46 AM
Hi has anyone done a v8 conversion to a gu from a 4500 , has it been cheaper to run than the big six

Sir Roofy
18th December 2011, 02:43 PM
Havnt done any converstion but i think it would be cheaper than a 4.5 they are very thirsty

-ET 4wd-
26th December 2011, 04:43 PM
I havent done one in a GU but have in a GQ.
My Ls-1 is slightly off tap with a bigger cam and headwork but still returns me 20l per 100 no matter what im doing!
It has done better than that on the open road using 43l to do 378km's, but ball park on and off road it averages out to about 20l per 100.
wasnt real easy to do ( i used a dellow kit) but if ya got all the 'bolt-in' stuff from Marks it would be pretty simple me thinks.
If yours is chewing have ya tried changing the O2 sensors??? i hear that can make a big difference!

Hope this helped,


29th December 2011, 04:55 PM
Thanks for the info I think it's doing approx 18l/100k but I do high mileage so I'd like to get it cheaper to run

30th December 2011, 09:29 PM
Hi Mate, keep it. give it a really good turn best guy you can find. They are making big hp modifided. I know thats not what your after but you will find on open driving trips with no load with sports exhaust cold air intake and MAF less turning. If your doing most km's off road in dirt not a good idea. It will make 3 to 4 l/h.



25th April 2012, 04:56 PM
Trust me it will work out cheap to buy one that is already done