View Full Version : Any photography guru's out there??

the ferret
1st December 2011, 01:19 AM
Hi Folks, I have a 6ft x 4ft painting of a ship that I would like photographed and printed at 3ft x 2ft approx
The painting is in Cockburn, I have permission from the owner to do this.
Happy to pay for a top job.
If you feel confident in the job, I can tell you where the painting is and you can price it for me.
Cheers, the ferret.

1st December 2011, 12:44 PM
While id expect, not quite as straight forward as it first may sound, i would have totally given this a shot, if only you weren't so far away ferret :(

(BTW, thats a interesting name for a suburb, im guessing, maybe a tall blacksmith came up with that name many years ago ?)

the ferret
1st December 2011, 01:08 PM
Cheers Mate, yeah it's a painting of the ship that brought our family out in 1830, been looking every where for years.
Walked into a joint yesterday and there it was.
It was to be her final voyage as she was wrecked a soon as she got here. just gotta have it mate.
Cheers, the ferret.

EDIT: Ha ha, true, over here un the upper class of society we leave out the "ck" in the pronounciation, "Coburn"
Tall Blacksmith indeed lol.

1st December 2011, 02:33 PM
I totally understand why you would be interested in the ship then.

Ive never photographed a painting before, but I think reproducing the colours accuratly will be a fun job for someone, (not only from a photographic point of view but also print), and depending on the overall gloss of the paint, i can foresee unwanted reflections will be very annoying also, especially with the pic's large size, then you must ensure you capture ALL the detail !

I can think of a way to do it, but may be restricted by room configuration.

At least you are reproducing a "smaller" copy, so that should assist in getting a quality end result on your wall.

Anyway, id like to see what you end up with when you get one please.

the ferret
1st December 2011, 03:06 PM
Thanks for your input mate, I'll be sure to post it up.
This is where she lies atm, in 18m since May 14, 1830," The Rockingham", about 500 ton timber 3 master. No 16 on map.

"A wooden sailing vessel of 500 tons used as a merchant vessel. She arrived in the Swan River Colony during May of 1830 badly damaged. Despite this it was decided to sail her to Batavia (Jakarta), but after a majority of the crew jumped ship in Cockburn Sound the journey was aborted. The ship was sailed into Careening Bay where it sank giving name to the City of Rockingham. It is not known whether the Rockingham remains in Careening Bay or if it's timbers were used to construct houses and boats in the local settlement. The 200 migrants aboard all survived."


the ferret
12th December 2011, 11:28 PM
Well, here she is, built in 1818, a three masted Tea clipper, 2nd class ship.
This is a painting from a sketch of her being loaded in 1830 for her one and only trip to OZ, carrying my family.
She got here and was hit by a huge storm. 3 ships were grounded, she now lies on the bottom, her name was "Rockingham" we even have a steet named after us!!
The first pic is of an oil painting done 30 years ago, it's 3metres long and 1.5 meters high.

13th December 2011, 06:03 AM
Well, here she is, built in 1818, a three masted Tea clipper, 2nd class ship.
This is a painting from a sketch of her being loaded in 1830 for her one and only trip to OZ, carrying my family.
She got here and was hit by a huge storm. 3 ships were grounded, she now lies on the bottom, her name was "Rockingham" we even have a steet named after us!!
The first pic is of an oil painting done 30 years ago, it's 3metres long and 1.5 meters high.

Crikey mate! Imagine going across an ocean on one of those! Scary stuff ...

I remember seeing the tall ships in England (Portsmouth) and they are an awesome sight ...

13th December 2011, 06:37 AM
That's incredible - amazing history there, would be wonderful to acquire a piece of artwork like that