View Full Version : Before you sign up or download manuals - read this - important!

25th November 2011, 08:32 AM
The manuals on here are provided by the members and are free to download.

You need to make 1 post to get the manual.

We used to have the manuals available for anyone with no restrictions but the cost's involved were extremely high and for a free forum that doesn't make enough money to support itself we had to put a restriction on to reduce costs for this FREE service to you.

If you are after the manuals then simply put up an introduction about yourself in the introductions section (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/forumdisplay.php?2-Introductions).

It should only take you 2 seconds.
We are a friendly community here willing to help our members and we hope that you stick around after you get the manuals and get involved with this great forum.

You might make some life long friendships and be a part of one of the most helpful communities in the world.


25th November 2011, 09:30 AM
Am I eligible yet?? lmao

Pete's GU3
25th November 2011, 02:45 PM
any chance of chucking a zero on the end of my post total AB ............c'mon .....must have read 1000s of post by now ....lol

25th November 2011, 02:59 PM
Am I eligible yet?? lmao

Nope,,,, We permanently banned you from downloading anything just on your nonsense contributions alone.............hahahahahaha

25th November 2011, 03:00 PM
any chance of chucking a zero on the end of my post total AB ............c'mon .....must have read 1000s of post by now ....lol

Yet only replied to 163 of them????........ I'd say you have some typing to do mate.......hahahahahaha

25th November 2011, 03:28 PM
Nope,,,, We permanently banned you from downloading anything just on your nonsense contributions alone.............hahahahahaha

Probably for the best come to think of it!!!! lmao

8th July 2012, 07:02 PM
I am a relatively new member of the forum, at first i was drawn to it by the free download of the manual. But after reading the conditions ie; min. 25 posts i thought bummer, but after thinking about it i decided to join. I am glad i did so, as i have already benefited from it by way of good advice from other members. And all the other posts make interesting reading and you can also gain a lot of info from them too. I have not reached 25 posts yet, but am working on it. Patrols rule!

8th July 2012, 07:17 PM
Good to hear mate, cheers for the positive feedback!

12th August 2012, 05:26 PM
im trying to download a nissan patrol 1998 repair manual any help would be appreciated

Read the first post mate. You need 25 posts before you can download the manuals. Firstly though post an intro something we ask all members to do cheers

Edit from Nissangq4.2: I have deleted your post LukeandTania, we don't need the same question in every manual thread.

10th January 2013, 06:36 PM
Bump to the top of the stickies

4th February 2013, 04:15 PM
Fair enough. I've signed up for the manwells but not JUST for the manwells

15th February 2013, 12:26 AM
Good to make people post a few times. I have been leeching off free websites for years and never thought to give much back to those who were helping me out by hosting the stuff. Now have joined and looking forward to helping out a few others


30th March 2013, 01:35 PM
Thanks. It's little to ask for such a good return. I am a self confessed member for life as I'll have a patrol for life. I'm hoping the rumours of the V6 being available soon are true. PJM

9th April 2013, 10:21 PM
i,m here to learn
being a first time 4x4 er ,

9th April 2013, 10:22 PM
i,m here to learn
being a first time 4x4 er ,

Ask any questions in the appropriate section mate and learn....

2nd June 2013, 11:03 AM
Thank you I was wondering why I could not download the manual

14th July 2013, 06:22 PM
well here goes the first of many posts or at least 25 . Im just browsing the site at the moment so didn't even know about free manuals so bonus

14th July 2013, 06:38 PM
well here goes the first of many posts or at least 25 . Im just browsing the site at the moment so didn't even know about free manuals so bonus

just remeber to go to the intros section first and tell us a little about yourself and rig

29th July 2013, 10:14 AM
ok here is my first reply i really need to download a manual to fix something on my rig lol

29th July 2013, 10:56 AM
ok here is my first reply i really need to download a manual to fix something on my rig lol

If jump over and post your problem in an appropriate thread you may get the advice/info that you need. Plenty if smart cookies on this site:-)

12th August 2013, 09:37 AM
Hi Guys,
I have downloaded the manual and can open them all but i can't use the main page that you click and go through to the correct section - can anyone help with what i am doing wrong?
Sorry if i am doing something wrong - I have enough posts so it's not that, i don't think.

And thanks very much for these manuals.

12th August 2013, 09:42 AM
Hi Guys,
I have downloaded the manual and can open them all but i can't use the main page that you click and go through to the correct section - can anyone help with what i am doing wrong?
Sorry if i am doing something wrong - I have enough posts so it's not that, i don't think.

And thanks very much for these manuals.

Hey greg are you using a PC, Mac or iPad mate?

There is a couple of versions of the GQ manual, some are catalog used and some are not. Yes it is a pain in the backside using the uncatalogued one.

12th August 2013, 09:46 AM
Thanks Muddrunner - i am on a PC - it's the full y61 with all supplements manual that i have downloaded. Cool i will see if i can find one that is cataloged - otherwise i will make do :)

12th August 2013, 07:53 PM
Thanks Muddrunner - i am on a PC - it's the full y61 with all supplements manual that i have downloaded. Cool i will see if i can find one that is cataloged - otherwise i will make do :)

Hey mate, yeah there might be the odd one or two manuals that are not linked indexed.

I actually did all that myself on most of the manuals to help users as It's a PITA to try and find each section manually.

If you let us know which manual it is I'll try and find time to index it properly.

24th August 2013, 11:31 PM
I think this is a great Idea, I look forward to jumping into the conversations

22nd September 2013, 09:58 PM
Hi ,, this is ALAJRASS for NISSAN autos ECU repair , .. thanks for this information ...

22nd September 2013, 10:10 PM
Hi ,, this is ALAJRASS for NISSAN autos ECU repair , .. thanks for this information ...

Not quick enough loser, goodbye...

22nd September 2013, 11:18 PM
Go Doggie, loving your work

23rd September 2013, 08:50 AM
Not quick enough loser, goodbye...

Nasty....Nasty dog...lol

23rd September 2013, 10:27 AM
AB , just read this thread (yeh late i know,lol) Interesting the manuals are supplied by members, (i have not downloaded them to see what they look like), but did these people/members make/design the manuals themselves ?, and assume they have given the forum permission to distribute the manuals online etc.

So, if thats the case, i just wonder why you can't just sell the manuals to those people that don't want to make 25 posts , this would help the forum more , rather than all the dribble from those people posting to get to 25, then we never see them again ?

23rd September 2013, 07:34 PM
AB , just read this thread.........................

No steve the manuals are not manuals that have been designed by members, 99.9% are manuals made by nissan that have been sourced off the net from various members and various places.

So he cannot sell the manuals

23rd September 2013, 07:41 PM
AB , just read this thread (yeh late i know,lol) Interesting the manuals are supplied by members, (i have not downloaded them to see what they look like), but did these people/members make/design the manuals themselves ?, and assume they have given the forum permission to distribute the manuals online etc.

So, if thats the case, i just wonder why you can't just sell the manuals to those people that don't want to make 25 posts , this would help the forum more , rather than all the dribble from those people posting to get to 25, then we never see them again ?

Yeah I know mate this is a growing concern and Ive thought about this a lot!

Legally (and morally) I am concerned about the money factor for copyright information but....I am thinking of developing a software where you can only download it once and do not get to know the exact URL of the manuals so people can't paste the link all over other websites which kills us. A possible code the user will have to enter in to gain access and that one off code is only given when asked in a thread or something like that.

I've been trying to find software that can possibly do this, if anyone knows of any software out there then please let me know as I am so sick of coding lately and there must be someone who has done something like this.

23rd September 2013, 09:12 PM
Legally (and morally) I am concerned about the money factor for copyright information

Don't know why, moving the manuals into a forum sponsors only section of the forum is not obtaining money for the manual.

If Nissan want to get you for copyright they will do so regardless if you're making money of it

23rd September 2013, 09:20 PM
No steve the manuals are not manuals that have been designed by members, .
So he cannot sell the manuals

Legally (and morally) I am concerned about the money factor for copyright information but....

So how does that work, if you can't sell em, but you can still distribute them no problem ?, as Todd said, i doub't you would have to recieve "money" to breach copyright laws, when i used to show outdoor movies, even if i didn't charge a fee for people to see the movie, id still have to get written permisson and pay royalties to the copyright owners of the film.

Sorry don't know of any programs that will do what you need without a human having to do heaps of work all the time, im sure Todd said he still had some free time each week :fish: (ha-ha)

23rd September 2013, 09:27 PM
So how does that work, if you can't sell em, but you can still distribute them no problem ?,

The forum is not legally meant to distribute them, hence why I don't see a problem moving them 2 a forum sponsors area only.

Sorry Steve gotta go do some work 2 the Patrol, should be back on here in a few years time, willing 2 put my hand up than if it still needs doing

23rd September 2013, 09:28 PM
So how does that work, if you can't sell em, but you can still distribute them no problem ?, as Todd said, i doub't you would have to recieve "money" to breach copyright laws, when i used to show outdoor movies, even if i didn't charge a fee for people to see the movie, id still have to get written permisson and pay royalties to the copyright owners of the film.

Sorry don't know of any programs that will do what you need without a human having to do heaps of work all the time, im sure Todd said he still had some free time each week :fish: (ha-ha)

Its like music or video copywright i suppose. A musician can sample anothers track and/or do a cover of anothers song and even record and distribute it BUT they cant charge for it. It must be free

23rd September 2013, 09:58 PM
Its like music or video copywright i suppose. A musician can sample anothers track and/or do a cover of anothers song and even record and distribute it BUT they cant charge for it. It must be free

I know there has been a few changes to copyright laws not that long ago, but are you sure thats actual law, or just something people get away with on a regular basis ?

The Viking
24th September 2013, 08:02 AM
It would be nice if it was possible to give a contribution (money) and get to download manuals ;)

24th September 2013, 08:12 AM
It would be nice if it was possible to give a contribution (money) and get to download manuals ;)

Join in some conversations, ask a few questions and have a chat with our friendly members and you'll have 25 posts in no time and be able to download the manuals. In that time you may find an even bigger wealth of knowledge in all threads new and old. There is also a volounteered sponsorship that you can pay to help support this awesome place if you like:)

24th September 2013, 08:50 AM
It would be nice if it was possible to give a contribution (money) and get to download manuals ;)

Hey mate, there is a forum sponsorship located here which gains access straight away if you like = http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/sponsorship.html

24th September 2013, 01:58 PM
Hey mate, there is a forum sponsorship located here which gains access straight away if you like = http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/sponsorship.html

When did this happen?
Good option imo. Saves spamming..

24th September 2013, 07:15 PM
When did this happen?
Good option imo. Saves spamming..

Nah nothing changed mate, if you do become a sponsor though you get automatic access as standard....Same category as 25 posters.

2nd February 2014, 08:50 AM
so i guess i should start on that 25 posts. lol

2nd February 2014, 08:54 AM
so i guess i should start on that 25 posts. lol

More to this place then just the manuals though mate...

3rd February 2014, 02:18 AM
I think I'm going to find it difficult to reach 25 post any time soon, if I need something I always search the forums first. The amount of info on here is priceless.

3rd February 2014, 05:21 AM
I think I'm going to find it difficult to reach 25 post any time soon, if I need something I always search the forums first. The amount of info on here is priceless.

A couple of ways you can do it, we have a small yearly subscription, sub $20 I think, which gives you full Access straight away, or just introduce 23 New members.

13th February 2014, 06:07 PM
I need the manuals bcos my turbo kicked the bucket but I just can't stop reading all the other threads, this forum is amazing, so much information. 25 posts is fair enough I reckon

13th February 2014, 07:10 PM
I need the manuals bcos my turbo kicked the bucket but I just can't stop reading all the other threads, this forum is amazing, so much information. 25 posts is fair enough I reckon

Hope you hang around afterwards mate.

Why not post up a question about what happened with the turbo.

You might get a personalised response directly to your question and extra advice you never thought of from fellow members.

15th February 2014, 11:37 AM
I'd be shooting myself in the foot not to hang about afterwards, the manuals are helpful, but theres so much info being discussed thats way more valuable than just the manuals. FYI the turbo over spooled and snapped the impeller shaft, sucked a gut full of oil into the exhaust. The intake is in bits in the old mans shed, getting the nads kit done as we speak, new after market billet turbo, pressure testing the intercooler to make sure that didn't get taken out too. Took the intake manifold off to check for gunk but it looked unusually clean. I'm going to put up a new thread and see what genius ideas/pointers people have. Cheers fellas.

21st August 2014, 01:24 AM
The manuals on here are provided by the members and are free to download.

Unfortunately you need to have 25 posts to get access to the manuals.

We used to have the manuals available for anyone with no restrictions but the cost's involved were extremely high and for a free forum that doesn't make enough money to support itself we had to put a restriction on to reduce costs for this FREE service to you.

If you are after the manuals then simply put up an introduction about yourself in the introductions section (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/forumdisplay.php?2-Introductions), welcome some other new members and join in some conversations.

It should only take you 10 minutes to do rack up 25 posts. Please do not post rubbish all over the forum otherwise you will be banned. Unfortunately we have to do this to keep the forum going otherwise it would have to shut down so we hope you understand.

We are a friendly community here willing to help our members and we hope that you stick around after you get the manuals and get involved with this great forum.

You might make some life long friendships and be a part of one of the most helpful communities in the world.


It's rigth 100%

17th November 2014, 05:52 AM
Thanks for this post AB...

31st December 2014, 10:50 AM
Thanks for the advice. I'm reading this chapter about manuals for warming the engine, thanks.

3rd May 2015, 09:47 PM
Thank you mate

Clearly you didn't read it hey...

3rd May 2015, 09:49 PM
Clearly you didn't read it hey...
That's for sure!

3rd May 2015, 10:33 PM
Wow, got to 25 posts without an intro, and assume he has the manuals.
Obviously read this thread. M........n.

3rd May 2015, 10:38 PM
should sack all the mods and employ Clunk for sure...first post was reported...Clunk for PM

3rd May 2015, 10:45 PM
Wow, got to 25 posts without an intro, and assume he has the manuals. Obviously read this thread. M........n.

Yea bugger.

3rd May 2015, 11:05 PM
Still online and probably still downloading

18th June 2015, 08:24 AM
Another one slips through,

29th July 2015, 02:51 PM
Thanks for the service, it would be better to have this requirement of 25 posts before you can download manuals more prominent other than that it is a great community.

29th July 2015, 04:59 PM
Thanks for the service, it would be better to have this requirement of 25 posts before you can download manuals more prominent other than that it is a great community.

Did you not read the first post in this thread??? Can't get more prominent than that

31st July 2015, 06:28 PM
Could I add a suggestion, that it be a minimum of 25 posts and 3 months?
I prefer to read and learn myself so don't comment bugger all, but just thought the time to wait might be a good idea. [emoji106]

31st July 2015, 06:30 PM
Could I add a suggestion, that it be a minimum of 25 posts and 3 months? I prefer to read and learn myself so don't comment bugger all, but just thought the time to wait might be a good idea. [emoji106] thanks mate but I didn't really want to restrict people who desperately needed a manual to fix something and could follow simple rules.

31st July 2015, 06:31 PM
Could I add a suggestion, that it be a minimum of 25 posts and 3 months?
I prefer to read and learn myself so don't comment bugger all, but just thought the time to wait might be a good idea. [emoji106]

I have this vision of cats and pigeons.

31st July 2015, 06:44 PM
thanks mate but I didn't really want to restrict people who desperately needed a manual to fix something and could follow simple rules.

No AB i think his point is that he might be here for 4 months and have only 10 posts and would qualify as he has been here long enough and has not posted rubbish just for the manuals and gained info from the members as a quiet reader rather than poster. It has merit.

31st July 2015, 06:45 PM
No AB i think his point is that he might be here for 4 months and have only 10 posts and would qualify as he has been here long enough and has not posted rubbish just for the manuals and gained info from the members as a quiet reader rather than poster. It has merit. Yep that's a good idea. I can create something for that. Good idea.

Even 1 month would be fine.

the evil twin
31st July 2015, 07:56 PM
Yep that's a good idea. I can create something for that. Good idea.

Even 1 month would be fine.

Original post was 25 posts AND 3 months but I agree Mr AB Sir your Emminence, suck grovel crawl... 25 posts OR 3 months (or 1 month or whatever) does have merit.

31st July 2015, 09:05 PM
Yep that's a good idea. I can create something for that. Good idea.

Even 1 month would be fine.

For sure, 1 month would at least stop people posting 25 welcome posts in a day then downloading.

4th July 2016, 09:12 PM
Hi folks,

This has been a long time coming! I'm sure we are all sick of seeing 25 posts of crap on the forum and to be honest, we don't need that rule anymore.

I have removed that rule but I don't want non members taking the manuals as that opens up a can of worms for data so moving forward it is only 1 post and then you can download the manuals.

I hope this makes everyone's time here more pleasant as it honestly frustrated the hell out of me waking up to see spammy posts.


4th July 2016, 09:13 PM
Also Mods, I have just changed the start of this main thread to reflect the above and will go through other threads to change our discussions on the 25 posts so feel free to change to suit.

I'm sure it is plastered everywhere on the forum!

9th July 2016, 11:41 AM
hi i have made the required 25 posts and sponsered the forum but still get.... Magician, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons: not sure why

9th July 2016, 11:52 AM
Hi mate, I have just read that AB has changed the 25 post rule so only 1 post is needed now. Hopefully a moderator will see this soon and help you out.

>>>tappin from tassie

9th July 2016, 03:53 PM
hi i have made the required 25 posts and sponsered the forum but still get.... Magician, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons: not sure why

Had a look and cannot see any reason mate, could be an AB thing......

9th July 2016, 04:12 PM
hi i have made the required 25 posts and sponsered the forum but still get.... Magician, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons: not sure why

Magician, its because when you joined you should of received a confirmation link via email which you would of had 2 of clicked on a link to verify yourself. Which has not been done.... and only verified members can download the manuals after the 25 ( Now 1 ) post rule.

AB could you sort this out please

9th July 2016, 04:15 PM
Hi folks,

This has been a long time coming! I'm sure we are all sick of seeing 25 posts of crap on the forum and to be honest, we don't need that rule anymore.

I have removed that rule but I don't want non members taking the manuals as that opens up a can of worms for data so moving forward it is only 1 post and then you can download the manuals.

I hope this makes everyone's time here more pleasant as it honestly frustrated the hell out of me waking up to see spammy posts.


Does this mean I can retire now as I'm no longer needed?

9th July 2016, 11:22 PM
Does this mean I can retire now as I'm no longer needed? With the ship that will follow old mate you are very much needed as i can lead the horse to water ;)

the evil twin
10th July 2016, 02:29 PM
Uuummm... is there a hassle with Manual Hosting/Downloads.

A couple of dudes have mentioned they can't download them of the "manuals" link and I just checked and I couldn't either.
There is no 'hot spot'or 'active button' on the Manuals page to go to the Forum manuals and Software Boards...or... activate a download only piccy's and description of the Manuls/Refernce Documents

10th July 2016, 02:41 PM
AB has obviously broken something on the forum again when he should have been watching his sweet little kiddywinks

the evil twin
10th July 2016, 02:45 PM
AB has obviously broken something on the forum again when he should have been watching his sweet little kiddywinks

That AB is a deadset trouble maker... Forum Mods got caught out sleeping on the job again eh

10th July 2016, 03:24 PM
I just downloaded the GQ manual half an hour ago. I hope I didn't break something:(

the evil twin
10th July 2016, 03:29 PM
I just downloaded the GQ manual half an hour ago. I hope I didn't break something:(

Direct off the 'Manuals' web page on the link from the navigation bar on the top of the Forum?
Off the actual threads on the 'Manuals and Software' boards?

10th July 2016, 04:05 PM
Snip..................Uuummm... is there a hassle with Manual Hosting/Downloads.

Them dudes, I don't think had confirmed the email addy when they signed up, I know 100% at least one hadn't as I had checked it out myself.

I don't think anyone could ever download from the red bar manuals tab only from the threads themselves

And I'm always asleep on the job :)

10th July 2016, 04:10 PM
From the link on the download, I think.

the evil twin
10th July 2016, 04:18 PM
Them dudes, I don't think had confirmed the email addy when they signed up, I know 100% at least one hadn't as I had checked it out myself.

I don't think anyone could ever dowload from the red bar manuals tab only from the treads themselves

And I'm always asleep on the job :)

Yeah, that makes sense, hard to afford the No Doze on the money AB pays.

I think the confusion is that to actually download the Manuals and Ref Doc on display one needs to go to the Forum Manuals Board.
The link across from the "Manuals" page back to the Forum "Manuals and Software" Boards isn't all that obvious in the text down the bottom.

Anyway, no biggee, they get there in the end

10th July 2016, 04:26 PM
hi i have made the required 25 posts and sponsered the forum but still get.... Magician, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons: not sure why Hey mate, you didn't confirm your email address.

All sorted now.

10th July 2016, 04:28 PM
Yeah, that makes sense, hard to afford the No Doze on the money AB pays. I think the confusion is that to actually download the Manuals and Ref Doc on display one needs to go to the Forum Manuals Board. The link across from the "Manuals" page back to the Forum "Manuals and Software" Boards isn't all that obvious in the text down the bottom. Anyway, no biggee, they get there in the end It makes perfect sense old mate as people click on the Google Adsense adds ;)

10th July 2016, 04:39 PM
It makes perfect sense old mate as people click on the Google Adsense adds ;)

hahaha yeh never thought about the fortune you make from people clicking on crappy ads

14th July 2017, 06:12 PM
Hi guys, is it one Post or 25 posts to download?
I didn't get a confirmation email to click on, so wondering if that is what is preventing me from accessing documents or for that matter not being allowed to edit my own post (after posting).

14th July 2017, 06:20 PM
Hi guys, is it one Post or 25 posts to download?
I didn't get a confirmation email to click on, so wondering if that is what is preventing me from accessing documents or for that matter not being allowed to edit my own post (after posting).
Quoting myself... I fixed the editing part by changing my email address and then confirming by responding to the email sent there.

14th July 2017, 06:31 PM
Hi guys, is it one Post or 25 posts to download?
I didn't get a confirmation email to click on, so wondering if that is what is preventing me from accessing documents or for that matter not being allowed to edit my own post (after posting).

No, you profile is ready to download the manuals.

What issues are you experiencing?

14th July 2017, 06:41 PM
Quoting myself... I fixed the editing part by changing my email address and then confirming by responding to the email sent there.

can download ..no need for 25 posts,we do hope most people hang around as you will find more info here than in a document....once you have confirmed your email address you should be able to access manuals..

15th July 2017, 02:17 PM
No, you profile is ready to download the manuals.

What issues are you experiencing?

All good now, thanks.

28th November 2020, 07:58 PM
thank you for the info

29th November 2020, 12:00 AM
thank you for the infoYou're a fuckin idiot.....thank me.later

Sent from my SM-A205YN using Tapatalk

4th December 2020, 05:59 AM
Gq td42 3inch lift 33inch muddies in nee of a manual got no gears cheers

13th October 2023, 10:03 AM
Thanks mate