View Full Version : hekarewe got semi pro active

20th November 2011, 07:29 PM
After months of bitching after each trip about the bugger air fitting on my compressor hose i decided to finally do some thing about it.:bananarock:

the problem tyre fitting on air hose Kaput!!!!

so down to masters i go forgot the air line so nothing to confirm sizes etc found a very helpful staff memeber there and after some dicussion we found what i needed a coiled version of the right sized hose about the right leinght,,, and then the right fittings and couplings yee haw what i thought was going to be a night mare turn easy peasy by very helpful staff of masters

got home and smile all roiund as the hose and fitttings fitted the compressor peeeeeerfectly :animierte-smilies-t:bananadancing::animierte-smilies-t

20th November 2011, 07:44 PM
Nothing like being prepared!!! lmao

And I bet you would have whined like a stuck pig if they'd been difficult to deal with, even though YOU forgot to take the hose with you!!!

Glad someone more 'capable' than yourself sorted it out for you!!! lol

20th November 2011, 09:26 PM
Nothing like being prepared!!! lmao

And I bet you would have whined like a stuck pig if they'd been difficult to deal with, even though YOU forgot to take the hose with you!!!

Glad someone more 'capable' than yourself sorted it out for you!!! lol

you n me both i would have f&%$ked by myself LOL and i aint afraid to admit it LMAO

add to that usy to deel with and dam cheep got away with everything under $40.00 yee har

20th November 2011, 09:27 PM
you n me both i would have f&%$ked by myself LOL and i aint afraid to admit it LMAO

You've officially reached the acceptance stage ... congratulations!!! lmao

20th November 2011, 09:29 PM
You've officially reached the acceptance stage ... congratulations!!! lmao

thank you only 11 more steps and i am cured :)

the ferret
20th November 2011, 09:35 PM
Great when things go well for a change, eh?
cheers, the ferret.